{- |
Module : ./Static/XSimplePath.hs
Description : Simplification of XPath-Structure
Copyright : (c) Simon Ulbricht, DFKI GmbH 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : tekknix@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (DevGraph)
break down Common.XPath.Expr into a simpler path description and transfer
into cursor movement.
module Static.XSimplePath where
import Common.ToXml (mkText)
import Common.XPath hiding (Text)
import Common.XUpdate
import Common.Utils
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.XGraph
import Text.XML.Light hiding (findChild)
import Text.XML.Light.Cursor
data SimplePath = SimplePath { steps :: [Finder]
, changeData :: ChangeData }
{- | Finder stores predicate list to locate the element and an index, in case
multiple elements comply with the predicate -}
data Finder = FindBy QName [Attr] Int
-- change to be applied at the end of a path plus (maybe) attr-selection
data ChangeData = ChangeData ChangeSel (Maybe String)
-- | convert PathExpr into more simple Finder stucture
exprToSimplePath :: Monad m => Change -> m SimplePath
exprToSimplePath (Change csel e) = case e of
PathExpr Nothing (Path True stps) -> do
(fs, atS) <- foldM (\ (fs', atS') stp -> case stp of
Step Child (NameTest n) exps -> do
finder <- mkFinder (FindBy (unqual n) [] 1) exps
return (finder : fs', atS')
-- should be last step only. return path so-far plus attribute selector
Step Attribute (NameTest n) [] -> return (fs', Just n)
_ -> fail $ "unexpected step: " ++ show stp) ([], Nothing) stps
return $ SimplePath (reverse fs) $ ChangeData csel atS
_ -> fail $ "not a valid path description: " ++ show e
{- | built Finder by recursively following Expr-structure and adding data to
an initially empty Finder along the way -}
mkFinder :: Monad m => Finder -> [Expr] -> m Finder
mkFinder = foldM mkFinderAux
mkFinderAux :: Monad m => Finder -> Expr -> m Finder
mkFinderAux f@(FindBy qn attrs i) e = case e of
GenExpr True "and" es -> mkFinder f es
GenExpr True "=" es -> do
att <- mkAttr es
return $ FindBy qn (att : attrs) i
PrimExpr Number i' -> do
v <- maybeF ("illegal number: " ++ i') $ readMaybe i'
when (i /= 1) $ fail "XPATH number already set differently"
return $ FindBy qn attrs v
_ -> fail "unexpected (2)"
{- | create attribute to locate the element with from expr-data. Note: this
method will fail for many illegal expr-types! -}
mkAttr :: Monad m => [Expr] -> m Attr
mkAttr l = case l of
[ PathExpr Nothing (Path False [Step Attribute (NameTest nm) []])
, PrimExpr Literal val] -> return $ Attr (unqual nm) val
_ -> fail $ "XPATH unexpected attr: " ++ show l
-- | Describes the minimal change-effect of a .diff upon a DGraph.
data ChangeList = ChangeList
{ deleteNodes :: Set.Set NodeName
, deleteLinks :: Set.Set XLink -- ^ stores additional information
, changeNodes :: Map.Map NodeName ChangeAction
, changeLinks :: Map.Map EdgeId ChangeAction } deriving (Eq, Show)
data ChangeAction = MkUpdate NodeMod | MkInsert deriving (Eq, Show)
updateNodeChange :: ChangeAction -> NodeName -> ChangeList -> ChangeList
updateNodeChange chA nm chL = chL { changeNodes =
Map.insertWith mergeChA nm chA $ changeNodes chL }
retrieveNodeChange :: NodeName -> ChangeList
-> Maybe (ChangeAction, ChangeList)
retrieveNodeChange nm chL = do
nmod <- Map.lookup nm $ changeNodes chL
return (nmod, chL { changeNodes = Map.delete nm $ changeNodes chL })
updateLinkChange :: ChangeAction -> EdgeId -> ChangeList -> ChangeList
updateLinkChange chA ei chL = chL { changeLinks =
Map.insertWith mergeChA ei chA $ changeLinks chL }
retrieveLinkChange :: EdgeId -> ChangeList -> Maybe (ChangeAction, ChangeList)
retrieveLinkChange ei chL = do
nmod <- Map.lookup ei $ changeLinks chL
return (nmod, chL { changeLinks = Map.delete ei $ changeLinks chL })
mergeChA :: ChangeAction -> ChangeAction -> ChangeAction
mergeChA (MkUpdate md1) (MkUpdate md2) = MkUpdate $ mergeNodeMod md1 md2
mergeChA _ _ = MkInsert
emptyChangeList :: ChangeList
emptyChangeList =
ChangeList Set.empty Set.empty Map.empty Map.empty
-- | iterate Xml in multiple directions
data Direction = Vertical
| Horizontal
| TopElem
changeXml :: Monad m => Element -> String -> m (Element, ChangeList)
changeXml el input = case parseXMLDoc input of
Nothing -> fail "changeXml: cannot parse xupdate file"
Just diff -> changeXmlMod (cleanUpElem el) diff
{- | apply a diff to an xml-document. returns the result xml and a list of
changes that affect the original DGraph -}
changeXmlMod :: Monad m => Element -> Element -> m (Element, ChangeList)
changeXmlMod el diff = let cr = fromElement el in do
cs <- anaMods diff
pths <- mapM exprToSimplePath cs
(cr', chL) <- iterateXml TopElem pths cr emptyChangeList
case current cr' of
Elem e -> return (e, chL)
_ -> fail "unexpected content within top element"
{- | follow the Xml-structure and apply Changes. The Change is only applied
after the recursive call to simulate parallel application. Resulting DgChanges
are collected along the way. -}
iterateXml :: Monad m => Direction -> [SimplePath] -> Cursor
-> ChangeList -> m (Cursor, ChangeList)
iterateXml _ [] cr chL = return (cr, chL)
iterateXml dir pths cr0 chL = do
-- initially, the cursor movement has to be applied
cr1 <- moveDown dir cr0
(curChg, toRight, toChildren) <- propagatePaths cr1 pths
(cr2, chL') <- iterateXml Vertical toChildren cr1 chL
(cr3, chL'') <- iterateXml Horizontal toRight cr2 chL'
-- after the call to children and rights, the current cursor is modified
applyChanges curChg cr3 dir chL''
-- Remove-changes must be treated differently
data ChangeRes = ChangeCr Cursor
| RemoveCr
{- | a list of Changes is applied to a current Cursor. The resulting DgUpdates
are added to the ChangeList. -}
applyChanges :: Monad m => [ChangeData] -> Cursor -> Direction -> ChangeList
-> m (Cursor, ChangeList)
applyChanges changes cr dir chL = do
-- to know the resulting DgUpdates, the Changes need not to be applied
chL' <- foldM (updateChangeList cr) chL changes
-- because cursor position will change, certain addChanges are appended
let (chAppend, chNow) = partition (\ cd -> case cd of
ChangeData (Add Before _) _ -> True
_ -> False ) changes
cres1 <- foldM applyChange (ChangeCr cr) chNow
cres2 <- foldM applyChange cres1 chAppend
-- after application of the changes, the Cursor movement takes place
cr' <- case cres2 of
ChangeCr cr' -> moveUp dir cr'
RemoveCr -> case dir of
Vertical -> maybeF "missing parent (Remove)" $ removeGoUp cr
Horizontal -> maybeF "missing left sibling (Remove)"
$ removeFindLeft isElem cr
TopElem -> fail "Top Element cannot be removed!"
return (cr', chL')
removeFindLeft :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
removeFindLeft p = maybe Nothing (\ cr ->
if p cr then Just cr else findLeft p cr) . removeGoLeft
moveDown :: Monad m => Direction -> Cursor -> m Cursor
moveDown dir cr = case dir of
Vertical -> maybeF "no more children" $ findChild isElem cr
Horizontal -> maybeF "no more right siblings" $ findRight isElem cr
TopElem -> return cr
moveUp :: Monad m => Direction -> Cursor -> m Cursor
moveUp dir cr = case dir of
Vertical -> maybeF "missing parent" $ parent cr
Horizontal -> maybeF "missing left sibling" $ findLeft isElem cr
TopElem -> return cr
-- help function for movement; filter out (Text CData)-Contents
isElem :: Cursor -> Bool
isElem cr = case current cr of
Elem _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | sequentially built up resulting Cursor one Change at a time
applyChange :: Monad m => ChangeRes -> ChangeData -> m ChangeRes
applyChange (RemoveCr) _ = return RemoveCr
applyChange (ChangeCr cr) (ChangeData csel attrSel) = case (csel, attrSel) of
-- Case#1: full element removal
(Remove, Nothing) -> return RemoveCr
-- Case#2: attribute removal
(Remove, Just atS) -> removeOrChangeAttr Nothing cr atS
-- Case#3: addChanges, either attr-/ or element-insertion
(Add pos addCs, _) -> liftM ChangeCr $ foldM (applyAddOp pos) cr addCs
-- Case#4: set attribute value
(Update s, Just atS) -> removeOrChangeAttr (Just s) cr atS
-- Case#5: update text-content
(Update s, Nothing) -> changeText s cr
_ -> fail $ "no implementation for :" ++ show csel
-- | change the text-content of an element
changeText :: Monad m => String -> Cursor -> m ChangeRes
changeText t cr = case current cr of
Elem e | null $ onlyElems $ elContent e -> return $ ChangeCr cr
{ current = Elem $ e
{ elContent = [mkText t] }}
_ -> fail "current cursor is no element with text only"
-- | change or remove one of the elements attributes
removeOrChangeAttr :: Monad m => Maybe String -- ^ optional update value
-> Cursor -> String -- ^ attribute key
-> m ChangeRes
removeOrChangeAttr csel cr atS =
let failMsg msg = fail $ "removeOrChangeAttr '" ++ atS ++ "': " ++ msg
in case current cr of
Elem e ->
let (match, restAts) =
partition ((== atS) . qName . attrKey) $ elAttribs e
in case match of
[at] -> return $ ChangeCr cr { current = Elem $ e
{ elAttribs = maybe [] (\ s -> [at { attrVal = s }]) csel
++ restAts } }
[] -> failMsg "attribute not found"
_ -> failMsg "ambiguous attribute"
_ -> failMsg "current cursor is no element"
-- | add new elements or attributes
applyAddOp :: Monad m => Insert -> Cursor -> AddChange -> m Cursor
applyAddOp pos cr addCh = case (pos, addCh) of
(Before, AddElem e) -> return $ insertGoLeft (Elem e) cr
(After, AddElem e) -> return $ insertRight (Elem e) cr
(Append, AddElem e) -> case current cr of
Elem e' -> return cr { current = Elem $ e' {
elContent = elContent e' ++ [Elem e] } }
_ -> fail "applyAddOp: unexpected content(1)"
(Append, AddAttr at) -> case current cr of
Elem e -> return cr { current = Elem $ add_attr at e }
_ -> fail "applyAddOp: unexpected content(2)"
_ -> fail "applyAddOp: illegal addChange-data!"
{- | given the remaining PathElements, determine for which Paths the current
Cursor is relevant (else -> toRight) and then gather from those the changes
regarding the current object (PathEnds; else -> toChildren). -}
propagatePaths :: Monad m => Cursor -> [SimplePath]
-> m ([ChangeData], [SimplePath], [SimplePath])
propagatePaths cr pths = case current cr of
Elem e -> let
checkAttr at = maybe False (== attrVal at) $ findAttr (attrKey at) e
maybeDecrease sp = case steps sp of
FindBy nm atL i : r | elName e == nm && all checkAttr atL
-> sp { steps = FindBy nm atL (i - 1) : r }
_ -> sp
(cur, toRight) = partition isAtZero $ map maybeDecrease pths
where isAtZero (SimplePath (FindBy _ _ 0 : _) _) = True
isAtZero _ = False
in do
-- crop current heads and extract immediate changes
(changes, toChildren) <- foldM (\ (r1, r2) sp -> case sp of
SimplePath [_] cd -> return (cd : r1, r2)
SimplePath (_ : r) cd -> return (r1, SimplePath r cd : r2)
_ -> fail "propagatePaths: unexpected PathEnd!") ([], []) cur
return (changes, toRight, toChildren)
c -> fail $ "propagatePaths: unexpected Cursor Content: " ++ show c
{- | determine the required DgUpdates from a Change operation.
NOTE: some changes (like most attribute changes) will be ignored! -}
updateChangeList :: Monad m => Cursor -> ChangeList -> ChangeData
-> m ChangeList
updateChangeList cr chL (ChangeData csel atS) = case csel of
Add _ addCs -> foldM (mkAddChange cr) chL addCs
Remove | isNothing atS -> mkRemoveChange chL cr
Update _ | isNothing atS -> case current cr of
Elem e | isSentenceType e -> mkUpdateChange senMod chL cr
Elem e | isSymbolType e -> mkUpdateChange symMod chL cr
{- TODO: cases above have been considered and tested.
Cases below will only receive update-information for reasons of fault-
resistancy. They might be refined or even removed! -}
_ -> mkUpdateChange symMod chL cr
_ -> mkUpdateChange symMod chL cr
{- | split a list of AddChanges and write all Node and Link insertions into the
ChangeList. -}
mkAddChange :: Monad m => Cursor -> ChangeList -> AddChange -> m ChangeList
mkAddChange cr chL addCh = case addCh of
AddElem e | isDgNodeElem e -> do
nm <- extractNodeName e
return $ updateNodeChange MkInsert nm chL
AddElem e | isDgLinkElem e -> do
ei <- extractEdgeId e
return $ updateLinkChange MkInsert ei chL
AddElem e | isSymbolType e -> mkUpdateChange addSymMod chL cr
AddElem e | isSentenceType e -> mkUpdateChange addSenMod chL cr
-- other cases as the above will be ignored
_ -> return chL
-- | go upwards until an updatable element is found
mkUpdateChange :: Monad m => NodeMod -> ChangeList -> Cursor -> m ChangeList
mkUpdateChange nmod chL cr = case current cr of
Elem e | isDgNodeElem e -> do
nm <- extractNodeName e
return $ updateNodeChange (MkUpdate nmod) nm chL
Elem e | isDgLinkElem e -> do
ei <- extractEdgeId e
return $ updateLinkChange (MkUpdate nmod) ei chL
-- if no updateable element is found, the change is ignored
_ -> maybe (return chL) (mkUpdateChange nmod chL) $ parent cr
{- | if node or link is removed, add this to ChangeList. otherwise create
update-change -}
mkRemoveChange :: Monad m => ChangeList -> Cursor -> m ChangeList
mkRemoveChange chL cr = case current cr of
Elem e | isDgNodeElem e -> do
nm <- extractNodeName e
return chL { deleteNodes = Set.insert nm $ deleteNodes chL }
Elem e | isDgLinkElem e -> do
xl <- mkXLink e
return chL { deleteLinks = Set.insert xl $ deleteLinks chL }
Elem e | isSymbolType e -> mkUpdateChange delSymMod chL cr
Elem e | isAxiomType e -> mkUpdateChange delAxMod chL cr
Elem e | isTheoremType e -> mkUpdateChange delThMod chL cr
-- other cases as the above will be ignored
_ -> return chL
nameStringIs :: String -> Element -> Bool
nameStringIs s = (== s) . qName . elName
isSymbolType :: Element -> Bool
isSymbolType e = nameStringIs "Symbol" e || nameStringIs "Declarations" e
|| nameStringIs "Hidden" e
isSentenceType :: Element -> Bool
isSentenceType e = isAxiomType e || isTheoremType e
isAxiomType :: Element -> Bool
isAxiomType e = nameStringIs "Axiom" e || nameStringIs "Axioms" e
isTheoremType :: Element -> Bool
isTheoremType e = nameStringIs "Theorem" e || nameStringIs "Theorems" e
isDgNodeElem :: Element -> Bool
isDgNodeElem = nameStringIs "DGNode"
isDgLinkElem :: Element -> Bool
isDgLinkElem = nameStringIs "DGLink"