{- |
Module : ./SoftFOL/ProverState.hs
Description : Help functions for all automatic theorem provers.
Copyright : (c) Rainer Grabbe
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : needs POSIX
Data structures and initialising functions for Prover state and configurations.
module SoftFOL.ProverState where
import Logic.Prover
import SoftFOL.Sign
import SoftFOL.Conversions
import SoftFOL.Translate
import SoftFOL.PrintTPTP
import SoftFOL.Print ()
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.Utils (splitOn)
import Common.DocUtils
-- * Data structures
data SoftFOLProverState = SoftFOLProverState
{ initialLogicalPart :: SPLogicalPart}
-- * SoftFOL specific functions for prover GUI
{- |
Creates an initial SoftFOL prover state with logical part.
:: Sign -- ^ SoftFOL signature
-> [AS_Anno.Named SPTerm]
-- ^ list of named SoftFOL terms containing axioms
-> [FreeDefMorphism SPTerm SoftFOLMorphism] -- ^ freeness constraints
-> SoftFOLProverState
spassProverState sign oSens' _ = SoftFOLProverState {
initialLogicalPart = foldl insertSentence
(signToSPLogicalPart sign)
(reverse axiomList)}
where nSens = prepareSenNames transSenName oSens'
axiomList = filter AS_Anno.isAxiom nSens
{- |
Inserts a named SoftFOL term into SoftFOL prover state.
:: SoftFOLProverState
-- ^ prover state containing initial logical part
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to add
-> SoftFOLProverState
insertSentenceGen pst s = pst {initialLogicalPart =
insertSentence (initialLogicalPart pst) s}
{- |
Pretty printing SoftFOL goal in DFG format.
:: String -- ^ theory name
-> SoftFOLProverState
-- ^ prover state containing initial logical part
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to print
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showDFGProblem thName pst nGoal opts = do
prob <- genSoftFOLProblem thName (initialLogicalPart pst) $ Just nGoal
-- add SPASS command line settings and extra options
let prob' = prob { settings = settings prob ++ parseSPASSCommands opts }
return $ showDoc prob' ""
{- |
Pretty printing SoftFOL-model-finding-problem in TPTP format.
:: String -- ^ theory name
-> SoftFOLProverState -- ^ prover state containing initial logical part
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showTPTPProblemM thName pst = showTPTPProblemAux thName pst Nothing
{- |
Pretty printing SoftFOL goal in TPTP format.
:: String -- ^ theory name
-> SoftFOLProverState -- ^ prover state containing initial logical part
-> AS_Anno.Named SPTerm -- ^ goal to print
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showTPTPProblem thName pst = showTPTPProblemAux thName pst . Just
:: String -- ^ theory name
-> SoftFOLProverState -- ^ prover state containing initial logical part
-> Maybe (AS_Anno.Named SPTerm) -- ^ possible goal to print
-> [String] -- ^ extra options
-> IO String -- ^ formatted output of the goal
showTPTPProblemAux thName pst mGoal opts = do
prob <- genSoftFOLProblem thName (initialLogicalPart pst) mGoal
-- add extra options as SPSettings with only one field filled
let prob' = prob { settings = settings prob
++ [SPSettings SPASS
$ map (\ opt ->
SPFlag "set_flag" [opt]) opts] }
return $ show $ printTPTP prob'
-- | Translates SPASS command line into [SPSetting]
parseSPASSCommands :: [String] -- ^ SPASS command line options
-> [SPSetting] -- ^ parsed parameters and options
parseSPASSCommands comLine =
[SPSettings SPASS $
map (\ opt -> case splitOn '=' $ dropWhile (== '-') opt of
[] -> error "parseSPASSCommands"
[h] -> SPFlag "set_flag" [h, "1"]
-- if multiple '=', texts are concatenated
h : r -> SPFlag "set_flag" [h, concat r]
) comLine ]
-- | get all axioms possibly used in a proof
getAxioms :: SoftFOLProverState -> [String]
getAxioms = map AS_Anno.senAttr . concatMap formulae . filter isAxiomFormula
. formulaLists . initialLogicalPart