* This transformation is uni-directional in direction "rdbms" and maps classes in packages to tables in schemas.
* It is based upon the example in the official QVT specification at http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/apps/doc?ptc/05-11-01.pdf.
transformation uml2rdbms ( uml : UML , rdbms : RDBMS ) {
key RDBMS::Table {name, schema};
key RDBMS::Column {name, owner};
key RDBMS::Key {name, owner};
-- map each package to a schema
top relation PackageToSchema {
pn : String;
checkonly domain uml p : UML::Package {
name = pn;
enforce domain rdbms s : RDBMS::Schema {
name = pn;
-- map each persistent class to a table
top relation ClassToTable {
cn : String;
prefix : String;
checkonly domain uml c : UML::Class {
namespace = p : UML::Package {
kind = 'Persistent',
name = cn;
enforce domain rdbms t : RDBMS::Table {
schema = s : RDBMS::Schema {
name = cn,
column = cl : RDBMS::Column {
name = cn + '_tid',
typeT = 'NUMBER';
keyK = k : RDBMS::Key {
name = cn + '_pk',
column = cl;
when {
PackageToSchema(p, s);
where {
AttributeToColumn(c, t, prefix);
prefix = '';
relation AttributeToColumn {
primitive domain prefix : String;
checkonly domain uml c : UML::Class {
enforce domain rdbms t : RDBMS::Table {
where {
PrimitiveAttributeToColumn(c, t, prefix);
ComplexAttributeToColumn(c, t, prefix);
SuperAttributeToColumn(c, t, prefix);
relation PrimitiveAttributeToColumn {
an : String;
pn : String;
cn : String;
sqltype : String;
primitive domain prefix : String;
checkonly domain uml c : UML::Class {
attribute = a : UML::Attribute {
name = an,
typeT = p : UML::PrimitiveDataType {
name = pn;
enforce domain rdbms t : RDBMS::Table {
column = cl : RDBMS::Column {
name = cn,
typeT = sqltype;
where {
cn = if prefix = '' then an else prefix + '_' + an endif;
sqltype = if pn = 'INTEGER' then 'NUMBER' else if pn = 'BOOLEAN' then 'BOOLEAN' else 'VARCHAR' endif endif;
relation ComplexAttributeToColumn {
an : String;
newPrefix : String;
primitive domain prefix : String;
checkonly domain uml c : UML::Class {
attribute = a : UML::Attribute {
name = an,
typeT = tc : UML::Class {
enforce domain rdbms t : RDBMS::Table {
where {
newPrefix = prefix + '_' + an;
AttributeToColumn(tc, t, newPrefix);
relation SuperAttributeToColumn {
primitive domain prefix : String;
checkonly domain uml c : UML::Class {
general = sc : UML::Class {
enforce domain rdbms t : RDBMS::Table {
where {
AttributeToColumn(sc, t, prefix);
-- map each association between persistent classes to a foreign key
top relation AssocToFKey {
srcTbl, destTbl: RDBMS::Table;
pKey : RDBMS::Key;
an : String;
scn : String;
dcn : String;
fkn : String;
fcn : String;
checkonly domain uml a : UML::Association {
name = an,
source = sc : UML::Class {
kind = 'Persistent',
name = scn;
destination = dc : UML::Class {
kind = 'Persistent',
name = dcn;
enforce domain rdbms fk : RDBMS::ForeignKey {
name = fkn,
owner = srcTbl,
column = fc : RDBMS::Column {
name = fcn,
typeT = 'NUMBER',
owner = srcTbl;
refersTo = pKey;
when {
ClassToTable(sc, srcTbl);
ClassToTable(dc, destTbl);
pKey = destTbl.keyK;
where {
fkn = scn + '_' + an + '_' + dcn;
fcn = fkn + '_tid';