{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Persistence.Reasoning ( setupReasoning
, preprocessReasoning
, postprocessReasoning
) where
import Persistence.Database
import Persistence.LogicGraph
import Persistence.Schema as DatabaseSchema
import qualified Persistence.Schema.Enums as Enums
import qualified Persistence.Schema.ConsistencyStatusType as ConsistencyStatusType
import qualified Persistence.Schema.EvaluationStateType as EvaluationStateType
import Persistence.Utils
import Persistence.Reasoning.PremiseSelectionSInE as SInE
import PGIP.ReasoningParameters as ReasoningParameters
import PGIP.Shared
import Driver.Options
import qualified Logic.Prover as LP
import Proofs.AbstractState (G_proof_tree)
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Exception.Base (SomeException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Maybe as Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.List (elemIndex, isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, maximumBy)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Database.Persist hiding ((==.))
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding ((==.))
import Database.Esqueleto hiding ((=.), update)
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E ((=.), update)
setupReasoning :: HetcatsOpts
-> ReasoningCacheGoal
-> IO (Maybe ReasonerConfigurationId)
setupReasoning opts reasoningCacheGoal
| rceUseDatabase reasoningCacheGoal = onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $
fmap Just $ createReasonerConfiguration reasoningCacheGoal
| otherwise = return Nothing
createReasonerConfiguration :: MonadIO m
=> ReasoningCacheGoal
-> DBMonad m ReasonerConfigurationId
createReasonerConfiguration reasoningCacheGoal = do
reasonerEntityM <-
case reasoner $ reasonerConfiguration $ rceGoalConfig reasoningCacheGoal of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just reasonerName -> findReasoner reasonerName Enums.Prover
let reasonerKeyM = fmap (\ (Entity key _) -> key) reasonerEntityM
insert DatabaseSchema.ReasonerConfiguration
{ reasonerConfigurationConfiguredReasonerId = reasonerKeyM
, reasonerConfigurationTimeLimit = Just $
timeLimit $ reasonerConfiguration $ rceGoalConfig reasoningCacheGoal
preprocessReasoning :: HetcatsOpts
-> String
-> ReasoningCacheGoal
-> IO (Maybe [String], ReasoningCacheGoal)
preprocessReasoning opts location reasoningCacheGoal = do
premiseSelectionResultData@(premisesM, _, _) <-
case rceProverMode reasoningCacheGoal of
GlConsistency -> return (Nothing, 0, NoResult)
GlProofs ->
case premiseSelection $ rceGoalConfig reasoningCacheGoal of
Nothing -> return (Nothing, 0, NoResult)
Just premiseSelectionParameters -> do
let premiseSelectionKindV =
getPremiseSelectionKind premiseSelectionParameters
let gTheory = rceGTheory reasoningCacheGoal
let goalName = fromJust $ rceGoalNameM reasoningCacheGoal
performPremiseSelection opts gTheory goalName
premiseSelectionParameters premiseSelectionKindV
reasoningCacheGoal' <- case rceReasonerConfigurationKeyM reasoningCacheGoal of
Nothing -> return reasoningCacheGoal
Just _ -> do
Entity reasoningAttemptKey _ <-
onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $ do
(reasoningAttemptEntity, omsEntity) <-
createReasoningAttempt opts location reasoningCacheGoal
case rceProverMode reasoningCacheGoal of
GlConsistency -> return ()
GlProofs -> case premiseSelection $ rceGoalConfig reasoningCacheGoal of
Nothing -> return ()
Just premiseSelectionParameters -> do
let premiseSelectionKindV =
getPremiseSelectionKind premiseSelectionParameters
createPremiseSelection opts
reasoningAttemptEntity premiseSelectionParameters
premiseSelectionKindV premiseSelectionResultData omsEntity
return reasoningAttemptEntity
return reasoningCacheGoal { rceReasoningAttemptKeyM = Just reasoningAttemptKey }
return (premisesM, reasoningCacheGoal')
getPremiseSelectionKind :: ReasoningParameters.PremiseSelection
-> Enums.PremiseSelectionKindType
getPremiseSelectionKind premiseSelectionParameters =
case map toLower $ kind premiseSelectionParameters of
"sine" -> Enums.SinePremiseSelection
_ -> Enums.ManualPremiseSelection
data PremiseSelectionResultForDatabase = NoResult
| SineResult SInE.G_SInEResult
performPremiseSelection :: HetcatsOpts
-> G_theory
-> String
-> ReasoningParameters.PremiseSelection
-> Enums.PremiseSelectionKindType
-> IO (Maybe [String], Int, PremiseSelectionResultForDatabase)
performPremiseSelection opts gTheory
goalName premiseSelectionParameters premiseSelectionKindV =
case premiseSelectionKindV of
Enums.ManualPremiseSelection ->
return (manualPremises premiseSelectionParameters, 0, NoResult)
Enums.SinePremiseSelection -> do
(premisesM, timeTaken, sineResult) <-
SInE.perform opts gTheory premiseSelectionParameters goalName
return (premisesM, timeTaken, SineResult sineResult)
createReasoningAttempt :: forall m . MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts
-> String
-> ReasoningCacheGoal
-> DBMonad m (Entity ReasoningAttempt, Entity LocIdBase)
createReasoningAttempt opts location reasoningCacheGoal = do
let nodeLabel = snd $ rceNode reasoningCacheGoal
let reasoner_ = rceReasoner reasoningCacheGoal
let comorphism = rceComorphism reasoningCacheGoal
documentEntity <- findDocument opts location
omsEntity <- findOMS documentEntity nodeLabel
Entity reasonerKey _ <- findReasonerByProverOrConsChecker reasoner_
logicTranslationEntityM <- findOrCreateLogicTranslation opts comorphism
reasoningAttemptEntity <- case rceProverMode reasoningCacheGoal of
GlConsistency ->
advisoryLocked opts (omsLockKey $ entityKey omsEntity) $ do
setOmsEvaluationState omsEntity EvaluationStateType.Processing
reasoningAttemptEntity@(Entity reasoningAttemptKey _) <- insertReasoningAttempt
(Just reasonerKey)
(fmap entityKey logicTranslationEntityM)
let consistencyCheckAttemptKey = toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey
let consistencyCheckAttemptValue = DatabaseSchema.ConsistencyCheckAttempt
{ consistencyCheckAttemptOmsId = Just $ entityKey omsEntity
, consistencyCheckAttemptConsistencyStatus =
[Entity consistencyCheckAttemptKey consistencyCheckAttemptValue]
return reasoningAttemptEntity
GlProofs -> do
let goalName = fromJust $ rceGoalNameM reasoningCacheGoal
conjectureKeyOrError <- liftIO $ Control.Exception.catch
Entity conjectureKey _ <- onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $
findConjecture omsEntity goalName
return $ Right conjectureKey
(\ exception ->
return $ Left ("Persistence.Reasoning.createReasoningAttempt: "
++ "Could not find conjecture \"" ++ goalName
++ "\" - " ++ show (exception :: SomeException))
(reasoningAttemptEntity@(Entity reasoningAttemptKey _), conjectureKeyM, status) <-
case conjectureKeyOrError of
Right conjectureKey -> do
Just conjectureValue <- get conjectureKey
let conjectureEntity = Entity conjectureKey conjectureValue
advisoryLocked opts (conjectureLockKey conjectureKey) $ do
conjectureEntity EvaluationStateType.Processing
reasoningAttemptEntity <- insertReasoningAttempt
(Just reasonerKey)
(fmap entityKey logicTranslationEntityM)
return (reasoningAttemptEntity, Just conjectureKey, Enums.OPN)
Left message -> do
reasoningAttemptEntity <- insertReasoningAttempt
(Just message)
(Just reasonerKey)
(fmap entityKey logicTranslationEntityM)
return (reasoningAttemptEntity, Nothing, Enums.ERR)
let proofAttemptKey = toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey
let proofAttemptValue = DatabaseSchema.ProofAttempt
{ proofAttemptConjectureId = conjectureKeyM
, proofAttemptProofStatus = status
insertEntityMany [Entity proofAttemptKey proofAttemptValue]
return reasoningAttemptEntity
return (reasoningAttemptEntity, omsEntity)
insertReasoningAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> Enums.ReasoningAttemptKindType
-> EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe DatabaseSchema.ReasonerId
-> Maybe DatabaseSchema.LogicTranslationId
-> DBMonad m (Entity ReasoningAttempt)
insertReasoningAttempt kind_ evaluationState messageM reasonerKey
logicTranslationKey = do
actionKey <- insert DatabaseSchema.Action
{ actionEvaluationState = evaluationState
, actionMessage = fmap Text.pack messageM
let reasoningAttemptValue = DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttempt
{ reasoningAttemptKind = kind_
, reasoningAttemptActionId = actionKey
, reasoningAttemptReasonerConfigurationId =
fromJust $ rceReasonerConfigurationKeyM reasoningCacheGoal
, reasoningAttemptUsedReasonerId = reasonerKey
, reasoningAttemptUsedLogicTranslationId = logicTranslationKey
, reasoningAttemptTimeTaken = Nothing
reasoningAttemptKey <- insert reasoningAttemptValue
return (Entity reasoningAttemptKey reasoningAttemptValue)
createPremiseSelection :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts
-> Entity ReasoningAttempt
-> ReasoningParameters.PremiseSelection
-> Enums.PremiseSelectionKindType
-> (Maybe [String], Int, PremiseSelectionResultForDatabase)
-> Entity LocIdBase
-> DBMonad m ()
createPremiseSelection opts
(Entity reasoningAttemptKey reasoningAttemptValue)
premiseSelectionParameters premiseSelectionKindV
(premisesM, timeTaken, premiseSelectionResult) omsEntity = do
let premises = fromMaybe [] premisesM
let proofAttemptKey = toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey
let premiseSelectionValue = DatabaseSchema.PremiseSelection
{ premiseSelectionReasonerConfigurationId =
reasoningAttemptReasonerConfigurationId reasoningAttemptValue
, premiseSelectionProofAttemptId = proofAttemptKey
, premiseSelectionKind = premiseSelectionKindV
, premiseSelectionTimeTaken = Just timeTaken
premiseSelectionKey <- insert premiseSelectionValue
createSpecificPremiseSelection premiseSelectionKey
mapM_ (\ premiseName -> do
premiseKeyM <- liftIO $ Control.Exception.catch
premiseKey <- onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $
findPremise omsEntity premiseName
return $ Just premiseKey
(\ exception -> do
return (exception :: SomeException) -- GHC needs this line
return Nothing
case premiseKeyM of
Just (Entity premiseKey _) -> do
insert DatabaseSchema.PremiseSelectedSentence
{ premiseSelectedSentencePremiseId = premiseKey
, premiseSelectedSentencePremiseSelectionId = premiseSelectionKey
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
) premises
createSpecificPremiseSelection premiseSelectionKey = case premiseSelectionKindV of
Enums.ManualPremiseSelection ->
insertEntityMany [Entity (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey premiseSelectionKey)
Enums.SinePremiseSelection -> do
let sinePremiseSelectionKey = toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey premiseSelectionKey
[Entity sinePremiseSelectionKey
{ sinePremiseSelectionDepthLimit =
sineDepthLimit premiseSelectionParameters
, sinePremiseSelectionTolerance =
sineTolerance premiseSelectionParameters
, sinePremiseSelectionAxiomNumberLimit =
sinePremiseNumberLimit premiseSelectionParameters
case premiseSelectionResult of
SineResult sineResult ->
SInE.saveToDatabase opts sineResult omsEntity sinePremiseSelectionKey
_ -> return ()
postprocessReasoning :: HetcatsOpts
-> ReasoningCacheGoal
-> Maybe [String]
-> ProofResult
-> IO ()
postprocessReasoning opts reasoningCacheGoal premisesM
(_, goalResult, _, _, _, proofStatusM, consCheckerOutputM) =
case rceReasoningAttemptKeyM reasoningCacheGoal of
Nothing -> return ()
Just reasoningAttemptKey -> onDatabase (databaseConfig opts) $ do
Just reasoningAttemptValue <- get reasoningAttemptKey
let reasoningAttemptEntity = Entity reasoningAttemptKey reasoningAttemptValue
let reasonerKey = fromJust $ reasoningAttemptUsedReasonerId reasoningAttemptValue
case rceProverMode reasoningCacheGoal of
GlConsistency -> do
let consistencyStatus_ = convertGoalResultConsistencyStatus goalResult
omsEntity <- getOmsFromConsistencyCheckAttempt reasoningAttemptKey
createReasonerOutput reasoningAttemptKey reasonerKey $
fromJust consCheckerOutputM
advisoryLocked opts (omsLockKey $ entityKey omsEntity) $ do
finishReasoningAttempt reasoningAttemptEntity Nothing
updateConsistencyCheckAttempt reasoningAttemptKey consistencyStatus_
evaluationStates <- fetchOmsEvaluationStates omsEntity
consistencyStatuses <- fetchConsistencyStatuses omsEntity
setOmsEvaluationState omsEntity $
chooseEvaluationState evaluationStates
setOmsConsistencyCheckStatus omsEntity $
chooseConsistencyStatus consistencyStatuses
GlProofs -> do
let proofStatus = fromJust proofStatusM
let timeTakenM = Just $ convertTime $ LP.usedTime proofStatus
createGeneratedAxioms reasoningAttemptKey proofStatus
createReasonerOutput reasoningAttemptKey reasonerKey $
unlines $ LP.proofLines proofStatus
let proofStatusSZS = convertGoalResultProofStatus goalResult premisesM
omsEntity <- getOmsFromProofAttempt reasoningAttemptKey
usedSentencesIds <- getUsedSentencesIds omsEntity $
fmap LP.usedAxioms proofStatusM
conjectureEntity <- getConjectureFromReasoningAttempt reasoningAttemptKey
advisoryLocked opts (conjectureLockKey $ entityKey conjectureEntity) $ do
finishReasoningAttempt reasoningAttemptEntity timeTakenM
updateProofAttempt reasoningAttemptKey proofStatusSZS usedSentencesIds
evaluationStates <- fetchConjectureEvaluationStates conjectureEntity
proofStatusesSZS <- fetchProofStatuses conjectureEntity
setConjectureEvaluationState conjectureEntity $
chooseEvaluationState evaluationStates
setConjectureProofStatus conjectureEntity $
chooseProofStatus proofStatusesSZS
return ()
getOmsFromConsistencyCheckAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttemptId
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
getOmsFromConsistencyCheckAttempt reasoningAttemptKey = do
omsL <- select $ from $
\ (reasoning_attempts `InnerJoin` consistency_check_attempts
`InnerJoin` loc_id_bases) -> do
on $ just (loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId) ==.
consistency_check_attempts ^. ConsistencyCheckAttemptOmsId
on $ consistency_check_attempts ^. ConsistencyCheckAttemptId ==.
coerceId (reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId)
where_ $ reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId ==.
val reasoningAttemptKey
limit 1
return loc_id_bases
case omsL of
[] -> fail "Persistence.Reasoning.postprocessReasoning: could not find OMS"
omsEntity : _ -> return omsEntity
getOmsFromProofAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttemptId
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
getOmsFromProofAttempt reasoningAttemptKey = do
omsL <- select $ from $
\ (reasoning_attempts `InnerJoin` proof_attempts
`InnerJoin` sentences
`InnerJoin` loc_id_bases_oms) -> do
on $ loc_id_bases_oms ^. LocIdBaseId ==.
(sentences ^. SentenceOmsId)
on $ just (coerceId (sentences ^. SentenceId)) ==.
proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptConjectureId
on $ proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptId ==.
coerceId (reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId)
where_ $ reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId ==.
val reasoningAttemptKey
limit 1
return loc_id_bases_oms
case omsL of
[] -> fail "Persistence.Reasoning.postprocessReasoning: could not find OMS"
omsEntity : _ -> return omsEntity
getConjectureFromReasoningAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttemptId
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
getConjectureFromReasoningAttempt reasoningAttemptKey = do
conjectureL <- select $ from $
\ (reasoning_attempts `InnerJoin` proof_attempts
`InnerJoin` loc_id_bases) -> do
on $ just (loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId) ==.
proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptConjectureId
on $ proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptId ==.
coerceId (reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId)
where_ $ reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId ==.
val reasoningAttemptKey
limit 1
return loc_id_bases
case conjectureL of
[] -> fail "Persistence.Reasoning.postprocessReasoning: could not find Conjecture"
conjectureEntity : _ -> return conjectureEntity
getUsedSentencesIds :: MonadIO m
=> Entity LocIdBase
-> Maybe [String]
-> DBMonad m [LocIdBaseId] -- Sentence IDs
getUsedSentencesIds omsEntity sentenceNamesM =
case sentenceNamesM of
Nothing -> return []
Just sentenceNames ->
let sentenceLocIds = map (locIdOfSentence omsEntity) sentenceNames
in do
sentences <- select $ from $ \ loc_id_bases -> do
where_ $ loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseLocId `in_` valList sentenceLocIds
return loc_id_bases
return $ map (\ (Entity sentenceKey _) -> sentenceKey) sentences
finishReasoningAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttempt
-> Maybe Int
-> DBMonad m ()
finishReasoningAttempt (Entity reasoningAttemptKey reasoningAttemptValue) timeTakenM = do
update (reasoningAttemptActionId reasoningAttemptValue)
[ ActionEvaluationState =. EvaluationStateType.FinishedSuccessfully
, ActionMessage =. Nothing
update reasoningAttemptKey [ReasoningAttemptTimeTaken =. timeTakenM]
return ()
updateConsistencyCheckAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttemptId
-> ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType
-> DBMonad m ()
updateConsistencyCheckAttempt reasoningAttemptKey consistencyStatus_ =
update (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey :: DatabaseSchema.ConsistencyCheckAttemptId)
[ ConsistencyCheckAttemptConsistencyStatus =. consistencyStatus_
updateProofAttempt :: MonadIO m
=> DatabaseSchema.ReasoningAttemptId
-> Enums.ProofStatusType
-> [LocIdBaseId]
-> DBMonad m ()
updateProofAttempt reasoningAttemptKey proofStatus usedSentencesIds = do
update (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey)
[ ProofAttemptProofStatus =. proofStatus
mapM_ (\ sentenceKey -> insert ProofAttemptUsedSentence
{ proofAttemptUsedSentenceProofAttemptId =
toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey reasoningAttemptKey
, proofAttemptUsedSentenceSentenceId = sentenceKey
) usedSentencesIds
fetchOmsEvaluationStates :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> DBMonad m [EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType]
fetchOmsEvaluationStates (Entity omsKey _) = do
actions <- select $ from $ \ (actions `InnerJoin` reasoning_attempts
`InnerJoin` consistency_check_attempts
`InnerJoin` loc_id_bases) -> do
on $ coerceId(loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId) ==.
consistency_check_attempts ^. ConsistencyCheckAttemptOmsId
on $ coerceId (consistency_check_attempts ^. ConsistencyCheckAttemptId) ==.
reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId
on $ reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptActionId ==.
actions ^. ActionId
where_ $ loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId ==. val omsKey
return actions
return $ map (\ (Entity _ actionValue) ->
actionEvaluationState actionValue
) actions
fetchConsistencyStatuses :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> DBMonad m [ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType]
fetchConsistencyStatuses (Entity omsKey _) = do
consistencyCheckAttempts <- select $ from $ \ consistency_check_attempts -> do
where_ $ consistency_check_attempts ^. ConsistencyCheckAttemptOmsId ==.
just (val omsKey)
return consistency_check_attempts
return $ map (\ (Entity _ consistencyCheckAttemptValue) ->
consistencyCheckAttemptConsistencyStatus consistencyCheckAttemptValue
) consistencyCheckAttempts
fetchProofStatuses :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> DBMonad m [Enums.ProofStatusType]
fetchProofStatuses (Entity conjectureKey _) = do
proofAttempts <- select $ from $ \ proof_attempts -> do
where_ $ proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptConjectureId ==. just (val conjectureKey)
return proof_attempts
return $ map (\ (Entity _ proofAttemptValue) ->
proofAttemptProofStatus proofAttemptValue
) proofAttempts
fetchConjectureEvaluationStates :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> DBMonad m [EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType]
fetchConjectureEvaluationStates (Entity conjectureKey _) = do
actions <- select $ from $ \ (actions `InnerJoin` reasoning_attempts
`InnerJoin` proof_attempts
`InnerJoin` loc_id_bases) -> do
on $ coerceId(loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId) ==.
proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptConjectureId
on $ coerceId (proof_attempts ^. ProofAttemptId) ==.
reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptId
on $ reasoning_attempts ^. ReasoningAttemptActionId ==.
actions ^. ActionId
where_ $ loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseId ==. val conjectureKey
return actions
return $ map (\ (Entity _ actionValue) ->
actionEvaluationState actionValue
) actions
chooseEvaluationState :: [EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType]
-> EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType
chooseEvaluationState =
let ordering = [ EvaluationStateType.FinishedUnsuccessfully
, EvaluationStateType.FinishedSuccessfully
, EvaluationStateType.NotYetEnqueued
, EvaluationStateType.Enqueued
, EvaluationStateType.Processing
in maximumBy (\ a b -> compare (elemIndex a ordering) (elemIndex b ordering))
chooseConsistencyStatus :: [ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType]
-> ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType
chooseConsistencyStatus statuses =
if ConsistencyStatusType.Consistent `elem` statuses &&
ConsistencyStatusType.Inconsistent `elem` statuses
then ConsistencyStatusType.Contradictory
else let ordering = [ ConsistencyStatusType.Open
, ConsistencyStatusType.Timeout
, ConsistencyStatusType.Error
, ConsistencyStatusType.Inconsistent
, ConsistencyStatusType.Consistent
, ConsistencyStatusType.Contradictory
fixOrdering a b =
compare (elemIndex a ordering) (elemIndex b ordering)
in maximumBy fixOrdering statuses
chooseProofStatus :: [Enums.ProofStatusType] -> Enums.ProofStatusType
chooseProofStatus statuses =
if Enums.THM `elem` statuses && Enums.CSA `elem` statuses
then Enums.CONTR
else let ordering = [ Enums.OPN
, Enums.UNK
, Enums.RSO
, Enums.ERR
, Enums.CSAS
, Enums.CSA
, Enums.THM
, Enums.CONTR
fixOrdering a b =
compare (elemIndex a ordering) (elemIndex b ordering)
in maximumBy fixOrdering statuses
setOmsEvaluationState :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType
-> DBMonad m ()
setOmsEvaluationState (Entity omsKey _) evaluationState = do
actionL <- select $ from $ \ (actions `InnerJoin` oms) -> do
on $ actions ^. ActionId ==. oms ^. OMSActionId
where_ $ oms ^. OMSId ==. val (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey omsKey)
limit 1
return actions
(Entity actionKey _) <- case actionL of
[] -> fail "Persistence.Reasoning.setOmsEvaluationState: Could not find Action"
actionEntity : _ -> return actionEntity
update actionKey [ActionEvaluationState =. evaluationState]
return ()
setConjectureEvaluationState :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> EvaluationStateType.EvaluationStateType
-> DBMonad m ()
setConjectureEvaluationState (Entity conjectureKey _) evaluationState = do
actionL <- select $ from $ \ (actions `InnerJoin` conjectures) -> do
on $ actions ^. ActionId ==. conjectures ^. ConjectureActionId
where_ $ conjectures ^. ConjectureId ==. val (toSqlKey $ fromSqlKey conjectureKey)
limit 1
return actions
(Entity actionKey _) <- case actionL of
[] -> fail "Persistence.Reasoning.setConjectureEvaluationState: Could not find Action"
actionEntity : _ -> return actionEntity
update actionKey [ActionEvaluationState =. evaluationState]
return ()
setOmsConsistencyCheckStatus :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType
-> DBMonad m ()
setOmsConsistencyCheckStatus (Entity omsKey _) consistencyCheckStatus = do
E.update $ \ oms -> do
set oms [OMSConsistencyStatus E.=. val consistencyCheckStatus]
where_ $ coerceId (oms ^. OMSId) ==. val omsKey
return ()
setConjectureProofStatus :: MonadIO m
=> Entity DatabaseSchema.LocIdBase
-> Enums.ProofStatusType
-> DBMonad m ()
setConjectureProofStatus (Entity conjectureKey _) proofStatus = do
E.update $ \ conjectures -> do
set conjectures [ ConjectureProofStatus E.=. val proofStatus]
where_ $ coerceId (conjectures ^. ConjectureId) ==. val conjectureKey
return ()
findDocument :: MonadIO m
=> HetcatsOpts -> String -> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
findDocument opts location = do
let locId = locIdOfDocument opts (Just location) ""
findLocIdBase "Document" [Enums.Library, Enums.NativeDocument] locId
findOMS :: MonadIO m
=> Entity LocIdBase
-> DGNodeLab
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
findOMS documentEntity nodeLabel = do
let locId = locIdOfOMS documentEntity nodeLabel
findLocIdBase "OMS" [Enums.OMS] locId
findConjecture :: MonadIO m
=> Entity LocIdBase
-> String
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
findConjecture omsEntity name = do
let locId = locIdOfSentence omsEntity name
findLocIdBase "Conjecture" [ Enums.OpenConjecture
, Enums.Theorem
, Enums.CounterTheorem
] locId
findPremise :: MonadIO m
=> Entity LocIdBase
-> String
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
findPremise omsEntity name = do
let locId = locIdOfSentence omsEntity name
findLocIdBase "Premise" [ Enums.OpenConjecture
, Enums.Theorem
, Enums.CounterTheorem
, Enums.Axiom
] locId
createGeneratedAxioms :: MonadIO m
=> ReasoningAttemptId
-> LP.ProofStatus G_proof_tree
-> DBMonad m ()
createGeneratedAxioms reasoningAttemptKey proofStatus =
mapM_ (\ axiomText -> insert GeneratedAxiom
{ generatedAxiomReasoningAttemptId = reasoningAttemptKey
, generatedAxiomText = Text.pack axiomText
) $ LP.usedAxioms proofStatus
createReasonerOutput :: MonadIO m
=> ReasoningAttemptId
-> ReasonerId
-> String
-> DBMonad m ReasonerOutputId
createReasonerOutput reasoningAttemptKey reasonerKey text =
insert ReasonerOutput
{ reasonerOutputReasoningAttemptId = reasoningAttemptKey
, reasonerOutputReasonerId = reasonerKey
, reasonerOutputText = Text.pack text
findLocIdBase :: MonadIO m
=> String
-> [Enums.LocIdBaseKindType]
-> String
-> DBMonad m (Entity LocIdBase)
findLocIdBase entityKind kinds locId = do
omsL <-
select $ from $ \ loc_id_bases -> do
where_ (loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseLocId ==. val locId &&. loc_id_bases ^. LocIdBaseKind `in_` valList kinds)
return loc_id_bases
case omsL of
[] -> fail ("Could not save reasoning results to database: " ++ entityKind ++ " not found in database.")
entity : _ -> return entity
convertTime :: TimeOfDay -> Int
convertTime tod =
-- Sometimes, the reasoning system returns -1 seconds
maximum [ floor (read $ init $ show $ timeOfDayToTime tod :: Double)
, 0
convertGoalResultConsistencyStatus :: String
-> ConsistencyStatusType.ConsistencyStatusType
convertGoalResultConsistencyStatus goalResult
| "Timeout" `isPrefixOf` goalResult = ConsistencyStatusType.Timeout
| "Error" `isPrefixOf` goalResult = ConsistencyStatusType.Timeout
| "Consistent" `isPrefixOf` goalResult = ConsistencyStatusType.Consistent
| "Inconsistent" `isPrefixOf` goalResult = ConsistencyStatusType.Inconsistent
| otherwise = ConsistencyStatusType.Open
convertGoalResultProofStatus :: String -> Maybe [String] -> Enums.ProofStatusType
convertGoalResultProofStatus goalResult premisesM
| "Proved" `isPrefixOf` goalResult = Enums.THM
| "Disproved" `isPrefixOf` goalResult && Maybe.isNothing premisesM = Enums.CSA
| "Disproved" `isPrefixOf` goalResult && premisesM == Just [] = Enums.CSA
| "Disproved" `isPrefixOf` goalResult && premisesM /= Just [] = Enums.CSAS
| "Timeout" `isInfixOf` goalResult = Enums.RSO
| otherwise = Enums.UNK
conjectureLockKey :: DatabaseSchema.LocIdBaseId -> String
conjectureLockKey conjectureKey =
"conjecture-reasoning-" ++ show (fromSqlKey conjectureKey)
omsLockKey :: DatabaseSchema.LocIdBaseId -> String
omsLockKey omsKey =
"oms-reasoning-" ++ show (fromSqlKey omsKey)