{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Persistence.DatabaseConnection (getConnection) where
import Persistence.DBConfig
import qualified Persistence.SQLite as SQLite
#ifdef MYSQL
-- NOTE: MySQL support requires users to install MySQL even if they want to use
-- SQLite or PostgreSQL.
import qualified Persistence.MySQL as MySQL
import qualified Persistence.PostgreSQL as PSQL
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Pool (Pool)
import Database.Persist.Sql
defaultPoolSize :: Int
defaultPoolSize = 4
getConnection :: ( BaseBackend backend ~ SqlBackend
, IsPersistBackend backend
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, MonadLogger m
=> DBConfig -> IO ((Pool backend -> m a) -> m a)
getConnection dbConfig = case adapter dbConfig of
#ifdef MYSQL
Just "mysql" -> fail mySQLErrorMessage
Just "mysql2" -> fail mySQLErrorMessage
Just "mysql" -> return $ MySQL.connection dbConfig $
fromMaybe defaultPoolSize $ pool dbConfig
Just "mysql" -> return $ MySQL.connection dbConfig $
fromMaybe defaultPoolSize $ pool dbConfig
Just "postgresql" -> fail postgreSQLErrorMessage
Just "postgresql" -> return $ PSQL.connection dbConfig $
fromMaybe defaultPoolSize $ pool dbConfig
Just "sqlite" -> return $ SQLite.connection dbConfig $
fromMaybe defaultPoolSize $ pool dbConfig
Just "sqlite3" -> return $ SQLite.connection dbConfig $
fromMaybe defaultPoolSize $ pool dbConfig
_ -> fail ("Persistence.Database: No database adapter specified "
++ "or adapter unsupported.")
#ifdef MYSQL
mySQLErrorMessage = "MySQL support is deactivated. If you need it, please use a hets-server package compiled with the mysql flag instead of hets-desktop."
postgreSQLErrorMessage = "PostgreSQL support is deactivated. If you need it, please use the package hets-server instead of hets-desktop."