{- |
Module : ./PGIP/ParseProofScript.hs
Description : parse a heterogeneous proof script and return it as pgip-xml
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Main where
import Interfaces.Command
import CMDL.ParseProofScript
import CMDL.DataTypes
import PGIP.XMLstate
import Common.Utils
import Text.XML.Light as XML
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import System.Environment
parseContent :: FilePath -> String -> Either String [LitCommand]
parseContent fp str = let
l = number $ lines str
(es, rs) = partitionEithers $ map
(\ (s, i) -> parseSingleLine fp i s) l
in if null es then Right rs else
Left $ unlines es
whiteSpaceElems :: String -> [Element]
whiteSpaceElems str = if null str then [] else [unode "whitespace" str]
litString :: LitCommand -> String
litString c = word (commandWW c)
++ maybe "" (\ a -> leading a ++ word a) (argumentWW c)
closeTheory :: Bool -> [Element]
closeTheory isOpen = [unode "closetheory" () | isOpen]
xmlLitCmds :: String -> Bool -> [LitCommand] -> [Element]
xmlLitCmds trailer isOpen ls = case ls of
[] -> closeTheory isOpen ++ whiteSpaceElems trailer
h : r ->
let wsp = trailer ++ leading (commandWW h)
wspes = whiteSpaceElems wsp
in case cmdDescription $ command h of
SelectCmd LibFile _ ->
wspes ++ closeTheory isOpen ++
[unode "opentheory" $ litString h]
++ xmlLitCmds (trailing h ++ "\n") True r
GroupCmd _ -> xmlLitCmds (wsp ++ "\n") isOpen r
CommentCmd _ -> xmlLitCmds (wsp ++ litString h ++ "\n") isOpen r
_ -> wspes ++ [unode "proofstep" $ litString h]
++ xmlLitCmds (trailing h ++ "\n") isOpen r
parseHPF :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
parseHPF normal fp = do
str <- readFile fp
putStrLn $ case parseContent fp str of
Left err -> showElement $ genErrorResponse True err
Right rs -> (if normal then showElement . genNormalResponse "" else
intercalate "\n" . map (showElement . unode "pgip"))
$ xmlLitCmds "" False rs
-- with an argument "-" the output can be standard input for hets -I -x
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (opts, files) = partition (isPrefixOf "-") args
mapM_ (parseHPF $ null opts) files