StaticAnalysis.hs revision a604cbad8e2202147b5c6bb9f2e06ae61162d654
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : static analysis for OWL 2
module OWL2.StaticAnalysis where
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Theorem
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Lib.State
import Control.Monad
-- | Error messages for static analysis
failMsg :: Maybe Entity -> String -> String
failMsg ent s = case ent of
Just (Entity ty e) -> "Static analysis cannot find " ++ showEntityType ty
++ " " ++ showQN e ++ s
Nothing -> s
getObjRoleFromExpression :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IndividualRoleIRI
getObjRoleFromExpression opExp =
case opExp of
ObjectProp u -> u
ObjectInverseOf objProp -> getObjRoleFromExpression objProp
getObjRoleFromSubExpression :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> [IndividualRoleIRI]
getObjRoleFromSubExpression sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> [getObjRoleFromExpression opExp]
SubObjectPropertyChain expList ->
map getObjRoleFromExpression expList
sortObjData :: Sign -> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> Maybe ObjectPropertyExpression
sortObjData s op =
let p = getObjRoleFromExpression op in
if Set.member p (objectProperties s) then Just op
else Nothing
sortObjDataList :: Sign -> [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-> [ObjectPropertyExpression]
sortObjDataList s = mapMaybe $ sortObjData s
modEntity :: (IRI -> Set.Set IRI -> Set.Set IRI) -> Entity -> State Sign ()
modEntity f (Entity ty u) = do
s <- get
let chg = f u
put $ case ty of
Datatype -> s { datatypes = chg $ datatypes s }
Class -> s { concepts = chg $ concepts s }
ObjectProperty -> s { objectProperties = chg $ objectProperties s }
DataProperty -> s { dataProperties = chg $ dataProperties s }
NamedIndividual -> s { individuals = chg $ individuals s }
AnnotationProperty -> s {annotationRoles = chg $ annotationRoles s}
-- | adding entities to the signature
addEntity :: Entity -> State Sign ()
addEntity = modEntity Set.insert
-- | adding annotations for theorems
anaAxiom :: Axiom -> Named Axiom
anaAxiom x = findImplied x $ makeNamed "" x
-- | checks if an entity is in the signature
checkEntity :: Sign -> a -> Entity -> Result a
checkEntity s a ent = let Entity ty e = ent in case ty of
Datatype -> if Set.member e (datatypes s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
Class -> if Set.member e (concepts s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
ObjectProperty -> if Set.member e (objectProperties s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
DataProperty -> if Set.member e (dataProperties s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
NamedIndividual -> if Set.member e (individuals s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
AnnotationProperty -> if Set.member e (annotationRoles s) then return a
else fail $ failMsg (Just ent) ""
-- | checks if a DataRange is valid
checkDataRange :: Sign -> DataRange -> Result DataRange
checkDataRange s dr =
case dr of
DataType dt _ -> do
checkEntity s dr (Entity Datatype dt)
return dr
DataJunction _ drl -> do
mapM_ (checkDataRange s) drl
return dr
DataComplementOf r -> checkDataRange s r
_ -> return dr
{- | converts ClassExpression to DataRanges because some
DataProperties may be parsed as ObjectProperties -}
classExpressionToDataRange :: Sign -> ClassExpression -> Result DataRange
classExpressionToDataRange s ce = case ce of
Expression u -> do
checkEntity s ce (Entity Datatype u)
return $ DataType u []
ObjectJunction jt cel -> do
nrl <- mapM (classExpressionToDataRange s) cel
return $ DataJunction jt nrl
ObjectComplementOf c -> do
nr <- classExpressionToDataRange s c
return $ DataComplementOf nr
_ -> fail $ failMsg Nothing
"Static analysis cannot correct so parsed ClassExpression\n\n"
++ show ce ++ "\n\nto a DataRange"
{- | checks a ClassExpression and recursively converts the
(maybe inappropriately) parsed syntax to a one satisfying the signature -}
checkClassExpression :: Sign -> ClassExpression -> Result ClassExpression
checkClassExpression s desc = case desc of
Expression u -> case u of
QN _ "Thing" _ _ -> return $ Expression $ QN "owl" "Thing" False ""
QN _ "Nothing" _ _ -> return $ Expression $ QN "owl" "Nothing" False ""
_ -> checkEntity s desc (Entity Class u)
ObjectJunction a ds -> do
nl <- mapM (checkClassExpression s) ds
return $ ObjectJunction a nl
ObjectComplementOf d -> do
n <- checkClassExpression s d
return $ ObjectComplementOf n
ObjectOneOf is -> do
mapM_ (checkEntity s desc . Entity NamedIndividual) is
return desc
ObjectValuesFrom a opExpr d -> do
let iri = getObjRoleFromExpression opExpr
x = Set.member iri (objectProperties s)
z = Set.member iri (dataProperties s)
if x then do
n <- checkClassExpression s d
return $ ObjectValuesFrom a opExpr n
else if z then do
ndr <- classExpressionToDataRange s d
checkDataRange s ndr
return $ DataValuesFrom a iri [] ndr
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity ObjectProperty iri)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
ObjectHasSelf opExpr -> do
let iri = getObjRoleFromExpression opExpr
if Set.member iri (objectProperties s) then return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity ObjectProperty iri)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
ObjectHasValue opExpr i -> do
let iri = getObjRoleFromExpression opExpr
x = Set.member iri (objectProperties s)
if x then do
checkEntity s desc (Entity NamedIndividual i)
return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity ObjectProperty iri)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality a b opExpr md) -> do
let iri = getObjRoleFromExpression opExpr
let x = Set.member iri (objectProperties s)
let z = Set.member iri (dataProperties s)
case md of
Nothing ->
if x then return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity ObjectProperty iri)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
Just d ->
if x then do
n <- checkClassExpression s d
return $ ObjectCardinality (Cardinality a b opExpr (Just n))
else do
dr <- classExpressionToDataRange s d
checkDataRange s dr
if z then return $ DataCardinality (Cardinality a b iri (Just dr))
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity DataProperty iri)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
DataValuesFrom _ dExp ds r -> do
checkDataRange s r
let x = Set.isSubsetOf (Set.fromList (dExp : ds)) (dataProperties s)
if x then return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity DataProperty dExp)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
DataHasValue dExp _ -> do
let x = Set.member dExp (dataProperties s)
if x then return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity DataProperty dExp)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> do
let x = Set.member dExp (dataProperties s)
if x then
case mr of
Nothing -> return desc
Just d -> do
checkDataRange s d
return desc
else fail $ failMsg (Just $ Entity DataProperty dExp)
" in the following ClassExpression\n\n" ++ show desc
-- corrects the frame bits according to the signature
checkAnnBit :: Sign -> AnnFrameBit -> Result AnnFrameBit
checkAnnBit s fb = case fb of
DatatypeBit dr -> do
checkDataRange s dr
return fb
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> do
n <- mapM (checkClassExpression s) cel
return $ ClassDisjointUnion n
ClassHasKey _ _ -> checkHasKey s fb
ObjectSubPropertyChain ol -> checkObjPropList s fb ol
_ -> return fb
checkListBit :: Sign -> (Maybe Relation) -> ListFrameBit -> Result ListFrameBit
checkListBit s r fb = case fb of
AnnotationBit anl -> case r of
Just (DRRelation _) -> return fb
_ -> do
let apl = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
mapM_ (checkEntity s fb . Entity AnnotationProperty) apl
return fb
ExpressionBit anl -> do
let ans = map fst $ convertAnnList anl
let ce = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
n <- mapM (checkClassExpression s) ce
return $ ExpressionBit $ AnnotatedList $ zip ans n
ObjectBit anl -> do
let ans = map fst $ convertAnnList anl
let ol = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
--checkObjPropList s fb ol
let x = sortObjDataList s ol
if null x then do
let dpl = map getObjRoleFromExpression ol
let nb = DataBit $ AnnotatedList $ zip ans dpl
checkDataPropList s nb dpl
if length x == length ol then return fb
else fail $ "Static analysis found that there are" ++
" multiple types of properties in\n\n" ++
show x ++ show
(map getObjRoleFromExpression (ol \\ x))
ObjectCharacteristics _ -> return fb
DataBit anl -> do
let dl = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
checkDataPropList s fb dl
DataPropRange anl -> do
let dr = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
mapM_ (checkDataRange s) dr
return fb
IndividualFacts anl -> do
let f = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
checkFactList s fb f
IndividualSameOrDifferent anl -> do
let i = map snd $ convertAnnList anl
mapM_ (checkEntity s fb . Entity NamedIndividual) i
return fb
checkBit :: Sign -> FrameBit -> Result FrameBit
checkBit s fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> do
nf <- checkListBit s mr lfb
return $ ListFrameBit mr nf
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> do
nf <- checkAnnBit s afb
return $ AnnFrameBit ans nf
checkFactList :: Sign -> ListFrameBit -> [Fact] -> Result ListFrameBit
checkFactList s fb fl = do
mapM_ (checkFact s fb) fl
return fb
checkFact :: Sign -> ListFrameBit -> Fact -> Result ListFrameBit
checkFact s fb f =
case f of
ObjectPropertyFact _ op _ ->
if Set.member (getObjRoleFromExpression op) (objectProperties s) then
return fb
else fail "Static analysis. ObjectPropertyFact failed"
DataPropertyFact _ dp _ ->
if Set.member dp (dataProperties s) then return fb
else fail "Static analysis. DataProperty fact failed"
checkObjPropList :: Sign -> a -> [ObjectPropertyExpression] -> Result a
checkObjPropList s fb ol = do
let x = map (\ u -> Set.member (getObjRoleFromExpression u)
(objectProperties s) ) ol
if elem False x then
fail $ "Static analysis found that not all properties" ++
" in the following list are ObjectProperties\n\n"
++ show ol
else return fb
checkDataPropList :: Sign -> a -> [DataPropertyExpression] -> Result a
checkDataPropList s fb dl = do
let x = map (\ u -> Set.member u (dataProperties s) ) dl
if elem False x then
fail $ "Static analysis found that not all properties" ++
" in the following list are DataProperties\n\n"
++ show dl
else return fb
checkHasKeyAll :: Sign -> AnnFrameBit -> Result AnnFrameBit
checkHasKeyAll s k = case k of
ClassHasKey ol dl -> do
let x = map (\ u -> Set.member (getObjRoleFromExpression u)
(objectProperties s) ) ol
y = map (\ u -> Set.member u (dataProperties s) ) dl
if elem False (x ++ y) then
fail "Static analysis. Keys failed, undeclared Data or Object Properties"
else return $ ClassHasKey ol dl
_ -> return k
checkHasKey :: Sign -> AnnFrameBit -> Result AnnFrameBit
checkHasKey s k = case k of
ClassHasKey ol _ -> do
let x = sortObjDataList s ol
let k2 = ClassHasKey x (map getObjRoleFromExpression (ol \\ x))
checkHasKeyAll s k2
_ -> return k
-- | checks a frame and applies desired changes
checkFrame :: Sign -> Frame -> Result Frame
checkFrame s (Frame either fbl) = do
nl <- mapM (checkBit s) fbl
return $ Frame either nl
correctFrames :: Sign -> [Frame] -> Result [Frame]
correctFrames s = mapM (checkFrame s)
getEntityFromFrame :: Frame -> State Sign ()
getEntityFromFrame f = case f of
Frame (Right e) _ -> addEntity e
_ -> return ()
createSign :: [Frame] -> State Sign ()
createSign = mapM_ getEntityFromFrame
createAxioms :: Sign -> [Frame] -> Result ([Named Axiom], [Frame])
createAxioms s fl = do
x <- correctFrames s fl
return (map anaAxiom $ concatMap getAxioms x, x)
modifyOntologyDocument :: OntologyDocument -> [Frame] -> OntologyDocument
OntologyDocument {mOntology = mo, prefixDeclaration = pd} fl =
OntologyDocument { mOntology = mo {ontologyFrame = fl},
prefixDeclaration = pd}
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWL2Analysis ::
(OntologyDocument, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyDocument, ExtSign Sign Entity, [Named Axiom])
basicOWL2Analysis (odoc, inSign, _) = do
let ns = prefixDeclaration odoc
fs = ontologyFrame $ mOntology odoc
integNamespace <- integrateNamespaces (prefixMap inSign) ns
let syms = Set.difference (symOf accSign) $ symOf inSign
accSign = execState
(createSign fs)
inSign {prefixMap = integNamespace}
(axl, nfl) <- createAxioms accSign fs
let newdoc = modifyOntologyDocument odoc nfl
return (newdoc , ExtSign accSign syms, axl)
testAndInteg :: PrefixMap -> (String, String) -> Result PrefixMap
testAndInteg old (pre, ouri) =
case Map.lookup pre old of
Just iri -> if ouri == iri then return old else
fail $ "Static analysis found a prefix clash " ++ pre
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert pre ouri old
uniteSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
uniteSign s1 s2 = do
pm <- integrateNamespaces (prefixMap s1) (prefixMap s2)
return $ (addSign s1 s2) {prefixMap = pm}
integrateNamespaces :: PrefixMap -> PrefixMap
-> Result PrefixMap
integrateNamespaces oldNsMap testNsMap =
foldM testAndInteg oldNsMap (Map.toList testNsMap)
findImplied :: Axiom -> Named Axiom -> Named Axiom
findImplied ax sent =
if isToProve ax then sent
{ isAxiom = False
, isDef = False
, wasTheorem = False }
else sent { isAxiom = True }