{- |
Module : ./OWL2/StaticAnalysis.hs
Copyright : Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.mance@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Static analysis for OWL 2
module OWL2.StaticAnalysis where
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.Morphism
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Print ()
import OWL2.Theorem
import OWL2.Function
import OWL2.Symbols
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (Annotation)
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations hiding (PrefixMap)
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.IRI --(iriToStringUnsecure, setAngles)
import Common.SetColimit
import Control.Monad
import Logic.Logic
-- | Error messages for static analysis
failMsg :: Entity -> ClassExpression -> Result a
failMsg (Entity _ ty e) desc =
("undeclared `" ++ showEntityType ty
++ " " ++ showIRI e ++ "` in the following ClassExpression:\n"
++ showDoc desc "") $ iriPos e
-- | checks if an entity is in the signature
checkEntity :: Sign -> Entity -> Result ()
checkEntity s t@(Entity _ ty e) =
let errMsg = mkError ("unknown " ++ showEntityType ty) e
in case ty of
Datatype -> unless (Set.member e (datatypes s) || isDatatypeKey e) errMsg
Class -> unless (Set.member e (concepts s) || isThing e) errMsg
ObjectProperty -> unless (isDeclObjProp s $ ObjectProp e) errMsg
DataProperty -> unless (isDeclDataProp s e) errMsg
AnnotationProperty -> unless (Set.member e (annotationRoles s)
|| isPredefAnnoProp e) $ justWarn () $ showDoc t " unknown"
_ -> return ()
-- | takes an iri and finds out what entities it belongs to
correctEntity :: Sign -> IRI -> [Entity]
correctEntity s iri =
[mkEntity AnnotationProperty iri | Set.member iri (annotationRoles s)] ++
[mkEntity Class iri | Set.member iri (concepts s)] ++
[mkEntity ObjectProperty iri | Set.member iri (objectProperties s)] ++
[mkEntity DataProperty iri | Set.member iri (dataProperties s)] ++
[mkEntity Datatype iri | Set.member iri (datatypes s)] ++
[mkEntity NamedIndividual iri | Set.member iri (individuals s)]
checkLiteral :: Sign -> Literal -> Result ()
checkLiteral s l = case l of
Literal _ (Typed dt) -> checkEntity s $ mkEntity Datatype dt
_ -> return ()
isDeclInd :: Sign -> Individual -> Bool
isDeclInd s ind = Set.member ind $ individuals s
isDeclObjProp :: Sign -> ObjectPropertyExpression -> Bool
isDeclObjProp s ope = let op = objPropToIRI ope in
Set.member op (objectProperties s) || isPredefObjProp op
isDeclDataProp :: Sign -> DataPropertyExpression -> Bool
isDeclDataProp s dp = Set.member dp (dataProperties s) || isPredefDataProp dp
{- | takes a list of object properties and discards the ones
which are not in the signature -}
filterObjProp :: Sign -> [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-> [ObjectPropertyExpression]
filterObjProp = filter . isDeclObjProp
checkObjPropList :: Sign -> [ObjectPropertyExpression] -> Result ()
checkObjPropList s ol = do
let ls = map (isDeclObjProp s) ol
unless (and ls) $ fail $ "undeclared object properties:\n" ++
showDoc (map (\o -> case o of
ObjectProp _ -> o
ObjectInverseOf x -> x) ol) ""
checkDataPropList :: Sign -> [DataPropertyExpression] -> Result ()
checkDataPropList s dl = do
let ls = map (isDeclDataProp s) dl
unless (and ls) $ fail $ "undeclared data properties:\n" ++ showDoc dl ""
-- | checks if a DataRange is valid
checkDataRange :: Sign -> DataRange -> Result ()
checkDataRange s dr = case dr of
DataType dt rl -> do
checkEntity s $ mkEntity Datatype dt
mapM_ (checkLiteral s . snd) rl
DataJunction _ drl -> mapM_ (checkDataRange s) drl
DataComplementOf r -> checkDataRange s r
DataOneOf ll -> mapM_ (checkLiteral s) ll
{- | converts ClassExpression to DataRanges because some
DataProperties may be parsed as ObjectProperties -}
classExpressionToDataRange :: Sign -> ClassExpression -> Result DataRange
classExpressionToDataRange s ce = case ce of
Expression u -> checkEntity s (mkEntity Datatype u)
>> return (DataType u [])
ObjectJunction jt cel -> fmap (DataJunction jt)
$ mapM (classExpressionToDataRange s) cel
ObjectComplementOf c -> fmap DataComplementOf
$ classExpressionToDataRange s c
_ -> fail $ "cannot convert ClassExpression to DataRange\n"
++ showDoc ce ""
{- | checks a ClassExpression and recursively converts the
(maybe inappropriately) parsed syntax to a one satisfying the signature -}
checkClassExpression :: Sign -> ClassExpression -> Result ClassExpression
checkClassExpression s desc =
let errMsg i = failMsg i desc
objErr i = errMsg $ mkEntity ObjectProperty i
datErr i = errMsg $ mkEntity DataProperty i
in case desc of
Expression u -> if isThing u
then return $ Expression $ setReservedPrefix u
else checkEntity s (mkEntity Class u) >> return desc
ObjectJunction ty ds -> fmap (ObjectJunction ty)
$ mapM (checkClassExpression s) ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> fmap ObjectComplementOf $ checkClassExpression s d
ObjectOneOf _ -> return desc
ObjectValuesFrom q opExpr d -> if isDeclObjProp s opExpr
then fmap (ObjectValuesFrom q opExpr) $ checkClassExpression s d
else let iri = objPropToIRI opExpr
in if isDeclDataProp s iri then
fmap (DataValuesFrom q iri)
$ classExpressionToDataRange s d
else objErr iri
ObjectHasSelf opExpr -> if isDeclObjProp s opExpr then return desc
else objErr $ objPropToIRI opExpr
ObjectHasValue opExpr _ -> if isDeclObjProp s opExpr then return desc
else objErr $ objPropToIRI opExpr
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality a b opExpr md) -> do
let iri = objPropToIRI opExpr
mbrOP = Set.member iri $ objectProperties s
case md of
| mbrOP -> return desc
| isDeclDataProp s iri ->
return $ DataCardinality $ Cardinality a b iri Nothing
| otherwise -> objErr iri
Just d ->
if mbrOP then fmap (ObjectCardinality . Cardinality a b opExpr
. Just) $ checkClassExpression s d
else do
dr <- classExpressionToDataRange s d
if isDeclDataProp s iri then
return $ DataCardinality
$ Cardinality a b iri $ Just dr
else datErr iri
DataValuesFrom _ dExp r -> checkDataRange s r
>> if isDeclDataProp s dExp then return desc else datErr dExp
DataHasValue dExp l -> do
checkLiteral s l
if isDeclDataProp s dExp then return desc
else datErr dExp
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> if isDeclDataProp s dExp
then case mr of
Nothing -> return desc
Just d -> checkDataRange s d >> return desc
else datErr dExp
checkFact :: Sign -> Fact -> Result ()
checkFact s f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact _ op ind ->
if not $ isDeclObjProp s op then
fail $ "unknown object property:" ++ showDoc op ""
else if not $ isDeclInd s ind then
fail $ "unknown individual: " ++ showDoc ind ""
else return ()
DataPropertyFact _ dp l -> do
checkLiteral s l
unless (isDeclDataProp s dp)
$ fail $ "Static analysis. DataProperty fact failed " ++ show f
checkFactList :: Sign -> [Fact] -> Result ()
checkFactList = mapM_ . checkFact
-- | sorts the data and object properties
checkHasKey :: Sign -> [ObjectPropertyExpression] -> [DataPropertyExpression]
-> Result AnnFrameBit
checkHasKey s ol dl = do
let nol = filterObjProp s ol
ndl = map objPropToIRI (ol \\ nol) ++ dl
key = ClassHasKey nol ndl
decl = map (isDeclDataProp s) ndl
if and decl then return key
else fail $ "Keys failed " ++ showDoc ol "" ++ showDoc dl "\n"
checkAnnotation :: Sign -> Annotation -> Result ()
checkAnnotation s (Annotation ans apr av) = do
checkAnnos s [ans]
checkEntity s (mkEntity AnnotationProperty apr)
case av of
AnnValLit lit -> checkLiteral s lit
_ -> return ()
checkAnnos :: Sign -> [Annotations] -> Result ()
checkAnnos = mapM_ . mapM . checkAnnotation
checkAnnoList :: Sign -> ([t] -> Result ()) -> [(Annotations, t)] -> Result ()
checkAnnoList s f anl = do
checkAnnos s $ map fst anl
f $ map snd anl
checkListBit :: Sign -> Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> Result ListFrameBit
checkListBit s r fb = case fb of
AnnotationBit anl -> case r of
Just (DRRelation _) -> checkAnnos s (map fst anl) >> return fb
_ -> checkAnnoList s (mapM_ $ checkEntity s .
mkEntity AnnotationProperty) anl >> return fb
ExpressionBit anl -> do
let annos = map fst anl
checkAnnos s annos
n <- mapM (checkClassExpression s . snd) anl
return $ ExpressionBit $ zip annos n
ObjectBit anl -> do
let annos = map fst anl
ol = map snd anl
sorted = filterObjProp s ol
if null sorted then do
checkAnnos s annos
checkObjPropList s ol
return $ ObjectBit anl
else if length sorted == length ol then return fb
else fail $ "Static analysis found that there are" ++
" multiple types of properties in\n\n" ++
show sorted ++ show (map objPropToIRI $ ol \\ sorted)
ObjectCharacteristics anl -> checkAnnos s (map fst anl) >> return fb
DataBit anl -> checkAnnoList s (checkDataPropList s) anl >> return fb
DataPropRange anl -> checkAnnoList s (mapM_ $ checkDataRange s) anl
>> return fb
IndividualFacts anl -> checkAnnoList s (checkFactList s) anl >> return fb
IndividualSameOrDifferent anl -> checkAnnos s (map fst anl) >> return fb
checkAnnBit :: Sign -> AnnFrameBit -> Result AnnFrameBit
checkAnnBit s fb = case fb of
DatatypeBit dr -> checkDataRange s dr >> return fb
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> fmap ClassDisjointUnion
$ mapM (checkClassExpression s) cel
ClassHasKey ol dl -> checkHasKey s ol dl
ObjectSubPropertyChain ol -> checkObjPropList s ol >> return fb
_ -> return fb
checkAssertion :: Sign -> IRI -> Annotations -> Result [Axiom]
checkAssertion s iri ans = do
let entList = correctEntity s iri
ab = AnnFrameBit ans $ AnnotationFrameBit Assertion
if null entList
then let misc = Misc [Annotation [] iri $ AnnValue iri]
in return [PlainAxiom misc ab] -- only for anonymous individuals
else return $ map (\ x -> PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity x) ab) entList
checkExtended :: Sign -> Extended -> Result Extended
checkExtended s e = case e of
ClassEntity ce -> fmap ClassEntity $ checkClassExpression s ce
ObjectEntity oe -> case oe of
ObjectInverseOf op -> let i = objPropToIRI op in
if Set.member i (objectProperties s)
then return e else mkError "unknown object property" i
_ -> return e
Misc ans -> checkAnnos s [ans] >> return e
_ -> return e
-- | corrects the axiom according to the signature
checkAxiom :: Sign -> Axiom -> Result [Axiom]
checkAxiom s ax@(PlainAxiom ext fb) = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> do
next <- checkExtended s ext
nfb <- fmap (ListFrameBit mr) $ checkListBit s mr lfb
return [PlainAxiom next nfb]
ab@(AnnFrameBit ans afb) -> do
checkAnnos s [ans]
case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit ty -> case ty of
Assertion -> case ext of
-- this can only come from XML
Misc [Annotation _ iri _] -> checkAssertion s iri ans
-- these can only come from Manchester Syntax
SimpleEntity (Entity _ _ iri) -> checkAssertion s iri ans
ClassEntity (Expression iri) -> checkAssertion s iri ans
ObjectEntity (ObjectProp iri) -> checkAssertion s iri ans
_ -> do
next <- checkExtended s ext
-- could rarely happen, and only in our extended syntax
return [PlainAxiom next ab]
Declaration -> return [ax]
_ -> return []
_ -> do
next <- checkExtended s ext
nfb <- fmap (AnnFrameBit ans) $ checkAnnBit s afb
return [PlainAxiom next nfb]
-- | checks a frame and applies desired changes
checkFrame :: Sign -> Frame -> Result [Frame]
checkFrame s (Frame eith fbl) = if null fbl then do
ext <- checkExtended s eith
return [Frame ext []]
else fmap (map axToFrame . concat) $ mapM (checkAxiom s . PlainAxiom eith) fbl
correctFrames :: Sign -> [Frame] -> Result [Frame]
correctFrames s = fmap concat . mapM (checkFrame s)
collectEntities :: Frame -> State Sign ()
collectEntities f = case f of
Frame (SimpleEntity e) _ -> addEntity e
Frame (ClassEntity (Expression e)) _ -> addEntity $ mkEntity Class e
Frame (ObjectEntity (ObjectProp e)) _ ->
addEntity $ mkEntity ObjectProperty e
_ -> return ()
-- | collects all entites from the frames
createSign :: [Frame] -> State Sign ()
createSign f = do
pm <- gets prefixMap
mapM_ (collectEntities . function Expand (StringMap pm)) f
noDecl :: Axiom -> Bool
noDecl ax = case ax of
PlainAxiom _ (AnnFrameBit _ (AnnotationFrameBit Declaration)) -> False
_ -> True
-- | corrects the axioms according to the signature
createAxioms :: Sign -> [Frame] -> Result ([Named Axiom], [Frame])
createAxioms s fl = do
cf <- correctFrames s $ map (function Expand $ StringMap $ prefixMap s) fl
return (map anaAxiom . filter noDecl $ concatMap getAxioms cf, cf)
check1Prefix :: Maybe String -> String -> Bool
check1Prefix ms s =
dropCharPre c str = if isPrefixOf [c] str then drop 1 str else str
dropBracketSuf str = reverse $ dropCharPre '>' $ reverse str
in case ms of
Nothing -> True
Just iri -> let iri' = dropBracketSuf $ dropCharPre '<' iri
s' = dropBracketSuf $ dropCharPre '<' s
in iri' == s'
checkPrefixMap :: PrefixMap -> Bool
checkPrefixMap pm =
let pl = map (`Map.lookup` pm) ["owl", "rdf", "rdfs", "xsd"]
in and $ zipWith check1Prefix pl
(map snd $ tail $ Map.toList predefPrefixes)
newODoc :: OntologyDocument -> [Frame] -> Result OntologyDocument
newODoc OntologyDocument {ontology = mo, prefixDeclaration = pd} fl =
if checkPrefixMap pd
then return OntologyDocument
{ ontology = mo {ontFrames = fl}, prefixDeclaration = pd}
else fail $ "Incorrect predefined prefixes " ++ showDoc pd "\n"
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWL2Analysis :: (OntologyDocument, Sign, GlobalAnnos)
-> Result (OntologyDocument, ExtSign Sign Entity, [Named Axiom])
basicOWL2Analysis (inOnt, inSign, ga) = do
let pm = Map.union (prefixDeclaration inOnt)
. Map.map (iriToStringUnsecure . setAngles False)
. Map.delete "" $ prefix_map ga
odoc = inOnt { prefixDeclaration = pm }
fs = ontFrames $ ontology odoc
accSign = execState (createSign fs) inSign { prefixMap = pm }
syms = Set.difference (symOf accSign) $ symOf inSign
(axl, nfl) <- createAxioms accSign fs
newdoc <- newODoc odoc nfl
return (newdoc
, ExtSign accSign {labelMap = generateLabelMap accSign nfl} syms, axl)
-- | extrace labels from Frame-List (after processing with correctFrames)
generateLabelMap :: Sign -> [Frame] -> Map.Map IRI String
generateLabelMap sig = foldr (\ (Frame ext fbl) -> case ext of
SimpleEntity (Entity _ _ ir) -> case fbl of
[AnnFrameBit [Annotation _ apr (AnnValLit (Literal s' _))] _]
| prefixName apr == "rdfs" && show (iriPath apr) == "label"
-> Map.insert ir s'
_ -> id
_ -> id ) (labelMap sig)
-- | adding annotations for theorems
anaAxiom :: Axiom -> Named Axiom
anaAxiom ax = findImplied ax $ makeNamed name ax
where names = getNames ax
name = concat $ intersperse "_" names
findImplied :: Axiom -> Named Axiom -> Named Axiom
findImplied ax sent =
if prove ax then sent
{ isAxiom = False
, isDef = False
, wasTheorem = False }
else sent { isAxiom = True }
getNames1 :: Annotation -> [String]
getNames1 anno = case anno of
Annotation _ aIRI (AnnValLit (Literal value _)) ->
if show (iriPath aIRI) == "label"
then [value]
else []
_ -> []
getNamesList :: (Annotations, a) -> [String]
getNamesList (ans, _) = concatMap getNames1 ans
getNamesAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> [String]
getNamesAnnList = concatMap getNamesList
getNamesLFB :: ListFrameBit -> [String]
getNamesLFB fb = case fb of
AnnotationBit a -> getNamesAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> getNamesAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> getNamesAnnList a
DataBit a -> getNamesAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> getNamesAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> getNamesAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> getNamesAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> getNamesAnnList a
getNamesFB :: FrameBit -> [String]
getNamesFB fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit _ lfb -> getNamesLFB lfb
AnnFrameBit ans _ -> concatMap getNames1 ans
getNames :: Axiom -> [String]
getNames (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
Misc ans -> concatMap getNames1 ans ++ getNamesFB fb
_ -> getNamesFB fb
addEquiv :: Sign -> Sign -> [SymbItems] -> [SymbItems] ->
Result (Sign, Sign, Sign,
EndoMap Entity, EndoMap Entity)
addEquiv ssig tsig l1 l2 = do
let l1' = statSymbItems ssig l1
l2' = statSymbItems tsig l2
case (l1', l2') of
([rs1], [rs2]) -> do
let match1 = filter (`matchesSym` rs1) $ Set.toList $ symOf ssig
match2 = filter (`matchesSym` rs2) $ Set.toList $ symOf tsig
(match1, match2) of
([e1], [e2]) ->
if entityKind e1 == entityKind e2 then do
s <- pairSymbols e1 e2
sig <- addSymbToSign emptySign s
sig1 <- addSymbToSign emptySign e1
sig2 <- addSymbToSign emptySign e2
return (sig, sig1, sig2,
Map.insert e1 s Map.empty,
Map.insert e2 s Map.empty)
fail "only symbols of same kind can be equivalent in an alignment"
_ -> fail $ "non-unique symbol match:" ++ showDoc l1 " "
++ showDoc l2 " "
_ -> fail "terms not yet supported in alignments"
corr2theo :: String -> Bool -> Sign -> Sign -> [SymbItems] -> [SymbItems] ->
EndoMap Entity -> EndoMap Entity -> REL_REF ->
Result (Sign, [Named Axiom], Sign, Sign,
EndoMap Entity, EndoMap Entity)
corr2theo _aname flag ssig tsig l1 l2 eMap1 eMap2 rref = do
let l1' = statSymbItems ssig l1
l2' = statSymbItems tsig l2
case (l1', l2') of
([rs1], [rs2]) -> do
let match1 = filter (`matchesSym` rs1) $ Set.toList $ symOf ssig
match2 = filter (`matchesSym` rs2) $ Set.toList $ symOf tsig
(match1, match2) of
([e1], [e2]) -> do
let e1' = if flag then e1 {cutIRI = addString (cutIRI e1, "_source")} else e1
e2' = if flag then e2 {cutIRI = addString (cutIRI e2, "_target")} else e2
sig = emptySign
eMap1' = Map.union eMap1 $ Map.fromAscList [(e1', e1)]
eMap2' = Map.union eMap2 $ Map.fromAscList [(e2', e2)]
sig1 <- addSymbToSign sig e1'
sig2 <- addSymbToSign sig e2'
sigB <- addSymbToSign sig1 e2'
case rref of
Equiv -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e2'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just $
case (entityKind e1', entityKind e2') of
(Class, Class) -> EDRelation Equivalent
(ObjectProperty, ObjectProperty) ->
EDRelation Equivalent
(NamedIndividual, NamedIndividual) -> SDRelation Same
_ -> error $ "use subsumption only between"
++ "classes or roles:" ++
show l1 ++ " " ++ show l2) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e1')]
return (sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
Subs -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e2'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just $
case (entityKind e1', entityKind e2') of
(Class, Class) -> SubClass
(ObjectProperty, ObjectProperty) ->
_ -> error $ "use subsumption only between"
++ "classes or roles:" ++
show l1 ++ " " ++ show l2) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e1')]
return (sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
Incomp -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e1'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Disjoint) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e2')]
return (sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
IsSubs -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e1'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just SubClass) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e2')]
return (sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
InstOf -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e1'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just Types) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e2')]
(sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
HasInst -> do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e2'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just Types) $
ExpressionBit [([], Expression $ cutIRI e1')]
(sigB, [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2, eMap1', eMap2')
RelName _r -> error "nyi" {- do
let extPart = mkExtendedEntity e1'
rQName = QN "" (iriToStringUnsecure r)
Abbreviated (iriToStringUnsecure r) Id.nullRange
sym = mkEntity ObjectProperty rQName
rSyms = filter (== sym) $
Set.toList $ symOf tsig
case rSyms of
[] -> fail $ "relation " ++ show rQName ++
" not in " ++ show tsig
[rsym] -> do
let sym'@(Entity _ ObjectProperty rQName') =
Map.findWithDefault rsym rsym eMap2'
axiom = PlainAxiom extPart $
ListFrameBit (Just SubClass) $
ExpressionBit [([],
(ObjectProp rQName')
(Expression $ cutIRI e2'))]
sigB' <- addSymbToSign sigB sym'
sig2' <- addSymbToSign sig2 rsym
(sigB', [makeNamed "" axiom], sig1, sig2', eMap1',
Map.union eMap2' $ Map.fromAscList [(rsym, sym')])
_ -> fail $ "too many matches for " ++ show rQName -}
_ -> fail $ "nyi:" ++ show rref
_ -> fail $ "non-unique symbol match:" ++ showDoc l1 " "
++ showDoc l2 " "
_ -> fail "terms not yet supported in alignments"