StaticAnalysis.hs revision 18d370f8341357f5d6a4068f4bb6981173ece70f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of basic specifications for OWL 1.1.
module OWL2.StaticAnalysis where
--import OWL.Namespace
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.FS
import OWL.Namespace
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Lib.State
modEntity :: (IRI -> Set.Set IRI -> Set.Set IRI) -> Entity -> State Sign ()
modEntity f (Entity ty u) = do
s <- get
let chg = f u
put $ case ty of
Datatype -> s { datatypes = chg $ datatypes s }
Class -> s { concepts = chg $ concepts s }
ObjectProperty -> s { objectProperties = chg $ objectProperties s }
DataProperty -> s { dataProperties = chg $ dataProperties s }
NamedIndividual -> s { individuals = chg $ individuals s }
AnnotationProperty -> s -- ignore
addEntity :: Entity -> State Sign ()
addEntity = modEntity Set.insert
anaAxiom :: Axiom -> State Sign [Named Axiom]
anaAxiom (PlainAxiom as p) = let x = PlainAxiom as p in do
anaPlainAxiom p
return [findImplied as $ makeNamed "" $ x]
anaObjPropExpr :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
anaObjPropExpr = addEntity . Entity ObjectProperty . getObjRoleFromExpression
anaDataPropExpr :: DataPropertyExpression -> State Sign ()
anaDataPropExpr = addEntity . Entity DataProperty
anaIndividual :: Individual -> State Sign ()
anaIndividual = addEntity . Entity NamedIndividual
anaConstant :: Literal -> State Sign ()
anaConstant (Literal _ ty) = case ty of
Typed u -> addEntity $ Entity Datatype u
_ -> return ()
anaDataRange :: DataRange -> State Sign ()
anaDataRange dr = case dr of
DataType u -> addEntity $ Entity Datatype u
DataComplementOf r -> anaDataRange r
DataOneOf cs -> mapM_ anaConstant cs
DatatypeRestriction dt fcs -> do
addEntity $ Entity Datatype dt
mapM_ (anaConstant . snd) fcs
anaDescription :: ClassExpression -> State Sign ()
anaDescription desc = case desc of
Expression u ->
case u of
QN _ "Thing" _ _ -> addEntity $ Entity Class $
QN "owl" "Thing" False ""
QN _ "Nothing" _ _ -> addEntity $ Entity Class $
QN "owl" "Nothing" False ""
v -> addEntity $ Entity Class v
ObjectJunction _ ds -> mapM_ anaDescription ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> anaDescription d
ObjectOneOf is -> mapM_ anaIndividual is
ObjectValuesFrom _ opExpr d -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
anaDescription d
ObjectHasSelf opExpr -> anaObjPropExpr opExpr
ObjectHasValue opExpr i -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
anaIndividual i
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality _ _ opExpr md) -> do
anaObjPropExpr opExpr
maybe (return ()) anaDescription md
DataValuesFrom _ dExp ds r -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
mapM_ anaDataPropExpr ds
anaDataRange r
DataHasValue dExp c -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
anaConstant c
DataCardinality (Cardinality _ _ dExp mr) -> do
anaDataPropExpr dExp
maybe (return ()) anaDataRange mr
anaPlainAxiom :: PlainAxiom -> State Sign ()
anaPlainAxiom pa = case pa of
SubClassOf s1 s2 -> do
anaDescription s1
anaDescription s2
EquivOrDisjointClasses _ ds ->
mapM_ anaDescription ds
DisjointUnion u ds -> do
addEntity $ Entity Class u
mapM_ anaDescription ds
SubObjectPropertyOf sop op -> do
mapM_ (addEntity . Entity ObjectProperty)
$ getObjRoleFromSubExpression sop
anaObjPropExpr op
EquivOrDisjointObjectProperties _ os ->
mapM_ anaObjPropExpr os
ObjectPropertyDomainOrRange _ op d -> do
anaObjPropExpr op
anaDescription d
InverseObjectProperties o1 o2 -> do
anaObjPropExpr o1
anaObjPropExpr o2
ObjectPropertyCharacter _ op -> anaObjPropExpr op
SubDataPropertyOf d1 d2 -> do
anaDataPropExpr d1
anaDataPropExpr d2
EquivOrDisjointDataProperties _ ds ->
mapM_ anaDataPropExpr ds
DataPropertyDomainOrRange ddr dp -> do
case ddr of
DataDomain d -> anaDescription d
DataRange r -> anaDataRange r
anaDataPropExpr dp
FunctionalDataProperty dp -> anaDataPropExpr dp
SameOrDifferentIndividual _ is ->
mapM_ anaIndividual is
ClassAssertion d i -> do
anaIndividual i
anaDescription d
ObjectPropertyAssertion (Assertion op _ s t) -> do
anaObjPropExpr op
anaIndividual s
anaIndividual t
DataPropertyAssertion (Assertion dp _ s c) -> do
anaDataPropExpr dp
anaIndividual s
anaConstant c
Declaration e -> addEntity e
DatatypeDefinition dt dr -> do
addEntity $ Entity Datatype dt
anaDataRange dr
HasKey ce opl dpl -> do
anaDescription ce
mapM_ anaObjPropExpr opl
mapM_ anaDataPropExpr dpl
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWLAnalysisMS ::
(OntologyDocument, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyDocument, ExtSign Sign Entity, [Named Axiom])
basicOWLAnalysisMS = error "not implemented"
basicOWLAnalysis ::
(OntologyFile, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyFile, ExtSign Sign Entity, [Named Axiom])
basicOWLAnalysis (ofile, inSign, _) =
let ns = prefixName ofile
syms = Set.difference (symOf accSign) $ symOf inSign
(sens, accSign) = runState
(mapM anaAxiom $ axiomsList $ ontology ofile)
noDecl s = case sentence s of
PlainAxiom _ (Declaration _) -> False
_ -> True
in return (ofile, ExtSign accSign syms
, filter noDecl $ concat sens)
oName = uri $ ontology ofile
getObjRoleFromExpression :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IndividualRoleIRI
getObjRoleFromExpression opExp =
case opExp of
ObjectProp u -> u
ObjectInverseOf objProp -> getObjRoleFromExpression objProp
getObjRoleFromSubExpression :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> [IndividualRoleIRI]
getObjRoleFromSubExpression sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> [getObjRoleFromExpression opExp]
SubObjectPropertyChain expList ->
map getObjRoleFromExpression expList
findImplied :: [OWL2.AS.Annotation] -> Named Axiom -> Named Axiom
findImplied anno sent =
if isToProve anno then sent
{ isAxiom = False
, isDef = False
, wasTheorem = False }
else sent { isAxiom = True }
isToProve :: [OWL2.AS.Annotation] -> Bool
isToProve [] = False
isToProve (anno : r) =
case anno of
Annotation _ aIRI (AnnValLit(Literal value (Typed _))) ->
if localPart aIRI == "Implied" then isInfixOf "true" value
else isToProve r
_ -> isToProve r