{- |
Module : ./OWL2/Medusa.hs
Description : Convert OWL2 ontology to Medusa data structure
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Magdeburg 2016
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : till@iws.cs.ovgu.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Convert an OWL2 ontology to Medusa data structure,
see https://github.com/ConceptualBlending/monster_render_system
module OWL2.Medusa where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.MS
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.IRI as IRI
import Common.Id (stringToId)
import Common.Result
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Medusa = Medusa {
indivs :: Set.Set (IRI, IRI),
relations :: Set.Set (IRI, IRI, IRI, IRI)}
-- | given an OWL ontology (iri and theory), compute the medusa data
medusa :: IRI.IRI -> (Sign, [Named Axiom])
-> Result Medusa
medusa _ (sig, nsens) = do
let inds = individuals sig
getC = getClass (map sentence nsens)
getR tInds = getMeetsFacts (map sentence nsens) tInds
allInds = Set.map (\ i -> (i,getC i)) inds
relTuples = foldl Set.union Set.empty $
map (getR allInds) $ Set.toList inds
images = Set.foldl Set.union Set.empty $
Set.map (\(i1, _, i2, _) -> Set.fromList [i1, i2]) relTuples
return $ Medusa {
indivs = Set.filter (\(i,_) -> Set.member i images) allInds ,
relations = relTuples
checkMapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
checkMapMaybe f x =
case mapMaybe f x of
(c:_) -> Just c
[] -> Nothing
-- | get the class of an individual
getClass :: [Axiom] -> IRI -> IRI
getClass axs n = case checkMapMaybe (getClassAux n) axs of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> nullIRI { iriPath = stringToId "unknown", isAbbrev = True }
getClassAux :: IRI -> Axiom -> Maybe IRI
getClassAux ind ax =
case axiomTopic ax of
SimpleEntity e | cutIRI e == ind ->
case axiomBit ax of
ListFrameBit (Just Types) (ExpressionBit classes) -> firstClass classes
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- for each individual "p1" that has a fact "meets p2"
-- look for individuals "i1" and "i2" such that
-- i1 has_fiat_boundary p1 and i2 has_fiat_boundary p2
-- and return i1 type(p1) i2 type(p2)
getMeetsFacts :: [Axiom] -> Set.Set (IRI, IRI) -> IRI ->
Set.Set (IRI, IRI, IRI, IRI)
getMeetsFacts axs tInds n =
Set.fromList $ mapMaybe (getMeetsFactsAux axs tInds n) axs
getMeetsFactsAux :: [Axiom] -> Set.Set (IRI, IRI) -> IRI -> Axiom ->
Maybe (IRI, IRI, IRI, IRI)
getMeetsFactsAux axs tInds point1 ax =
case axiomTopic ax of
SimpleEntity e | cutIRI e == point1 ->
case axiomBit ax of
ListFrameBit Nothing (IndividualFacts [([],
(ObjectPropertyFact Positive
(ObjectProp ope) point2))
]) ->
if show (iriPath ope) == "meets" then
getFiatBoundaryFacts axs tInds point1 point2
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
getFiatBoundaryFacts :: [Axiom] -> Set.Set (IRI, IRI) -> IRI -> IRI ->
Maybe (IRI, IRI, IRI, IRI)
getFiatBoundaryFacts axs tInds point1 point2 =
let i1 = checkMapMaybe (getFiatBoundaryFactsAux point1) axs
i2 = checkMapMaybe (getFiatBoundaryFactsAux point2) axs
typeOf ind =
case Set.toList $ Set.filter (\(x, _) -> x == ind) tInds of
[(_, t)] -> t
_ -> error $ "could not determine the type of " ++ show ind
in case (i1, i2) of
(Just ind1, Just ind2) ->
Just (ind1, typeOf point1, ind2, typeOf point2)
_ -> Nothing
getFiatBoundaryFactsAux :: IRI -> Axiom -> Maybe IRI
getFiatBoundaryFactsAux point ax =
case axiomTopic ax of
SimpleEntity e ->
case axiomBit ax of
ListFrameBit Nothing (IndividualFacts facts) ->
loopFacts facts e point
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
loopFacts :: AnnotatedList Fact -> Entity -> IRI -> Maybe IRI
loopFacts [] _ _ = Nothing
loopFacts (afact:facts') e point =
case afact of
([], (ObjectPropertyFact Positive (ObjectProp ope) point')) ->
if (show (iriPath ope) == "has_fiat_boundary") &&
(iriPath point == iriPath point') then Just $ cutIRI e
else loopFacts facts' e point
_ -> loopFacts facts' e point
-- | retrieve the first class of list, somewhat arbitrary
firstClass :: AnnotatedList ClassExpression -> Maybe IRI
firstClass ((_,Expression c):_) = Just c
firstClass _ = Nothing