{- |
Module : ./OWL2/Conservativity.hs
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : luecke@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
This module implements conservativity checks for OWL 2.0 based on the
the syntactic locality checker written in Java from the OWL-Api.
module OWL2.Conservativity
( localityJar
, conserCheck
) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Consistency
import Common.Result
import Common.ProverTools
import Common.Utils
import GUI.Utils ()
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Morphism
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.XMLConversion
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
localityJar :: String
localityJar = "OWLLocality.jar"
-- | Conservativity Check for Propositional Logic
conserCheck :: String -- ^ Conser type
-> (Sign, [Named Axiom]) -- ^ Initial sign and formulas
-> OWLMorphism -- ^ morphism between specs
-> [Named Axiom] -- ^ Formulas of extended spec
-> IO (Result (Conservativity, [Axiom]))
conserCheck ct = uncurry $ doConservCheck localityJar ct
-- | Real conservativity check in IO Monad
doConservCheck :: String -- ^ Jar name
-> String -- ^ Conser Type
-> Sign -- ^ Signature of Onto 1
-> [Named Axiom] -- ^ Formulas of Onto 1
-> OWLMorphism -- ^ Morphism
-> [Named Axiom] -- ^ Formulas of Onto 2
-> IO (Result (Conservativity, [Axiom]))
doConservCheck jar ct sig1 sen1 mor sen2 =
let ontoFile = mkODoc (otarget mor) sen2
sigFile = mkODoc sig1 (filter isAxiom sen1)
in runLocalityChecker jar ct ontoFile sigFile
-- | Invoke the Java checker
runLocalityChecker :: String -- ^ Jar name
-> String -- ^ Conser Type
-> String -- ^ Ontology
-> String -- ^ String
-> IO (Result (Conservativity, [Axiom]))
runLocalityChecker jar ct onto sig = do
(progTh, toolPath) <- check4HetsOWLjar jar
if progTh then withinDirectory toolPath $ do
sigFile <- getTempFile sig "ConservativityCheck.sig.owl"
let tLimit = 800
ontoFile = sigFile ++ ".onto.owl"
jargs = ["-jar", jar, "file://" ++ ontoFile, "file://" ++ sigFile, ct]
writeFile ontoFile onto
mExit <- timeoutCommand tLimit "java" jargs
removeFile ontoFile
removeFile sigFile
return $ case mExit of
Just (cont, out, _) -> parseOutput out cont
Nothing -> fail $ "Timelimit " ++ show tLimit ++ " exceeded"
else return $ fail $ jar ++ " not found"
parseOutput :: String
-> ExitCode
-> Result (Conservativity, [Axiom])
parseOutput ls1 exit = do
let ls = lines ls1
case exit of
ExitFailure 10 -> return (Cons, [])
ExitFailure 20 -> fail $ unlines ls
x -> fail $ "Internal program error: " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ unlines ls