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sorts Principal
op 1 : Principal
op P : Principal
op Q : Principal
op __&__ : Principal * Principal -> Principal
op __|__ : Principal * Principal -> Principal
pred __==>__ : Principal * Principal
pred p : ()
pred q : ()
term modality Principal
. forall x:Principal; y:Principal; z:Principal
. x & (y & z) = (x & y) & z %(ga_assoc___&__)%
. forall x:Principal; y:Principal
. x & y = y & x %(ga_comm___&__)%
. forall x:Principal . x & x = x %(ga_idem___&__)%
. forall x:Principal; y:Principal; z:Principal
. x | (y | z) = (x | y) | z %(ga_assoc___|__)%
. forall x:Principal . x | 1 = x %(ga_right_unit___|__)%
. forall x:Principal . 1 | x = x %(ga_left_unit___|__)%
. forall A, B, C:Principal . (A | B) & C = (A & C) | (B & C)
. [P]( . p => [Q] . q)
. < P > ( . p => < Q > . q)
. [P | Q]( . p <=> [Q | P] . p)
logic Modal
Analyzing spec Dynamic
*** Error CASL-lib/Modal/Dynamic.het:17.16, unexpected mixfix token: p
Fail: user error (Stopped due to errors)