HasSorts.hs revision 93da827a79b9d7122ed9bb5636a62bae43565b21
module Maude.Meta.HasSorts (
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Meta.HasName
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.Rel (Rel)
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
-- TODO: Maybe this class should be named `HasTypes` instead?
class HasSorts a where
getSorts :: a -> Set Qid
mapSorts :: Map Qid Qid -> a -> a
instance (HasSorts a) => HasSorts [a] where
getSorts = Set.unions . map getSorts
mapSorts = map . mapSorts
instance (HasSorts a, HasSorts b) => HasSorts (a, b) where
getSorts (a, b) = Set.union (getSorts a) (getSorts b)
mapSorts mp (a, b) = (mapSorts mp a, mapSorts mp b)
instance (HasSorts a, HasSorts b, HasSorts c) => HasSorts (a, b, c) where
getSorts (a, b, c) = Set.union (getSorts a) (getSorts (b, c))
mapSorts mp (a, b, c) = (mapSorts mp a, mapSorts mp b, mapSorts mp c)
instance (Ord a, HasSorts a) => HasSorts (Set a) where
getSorts = Set.fold (Set.union . getSorts) Set.empty
mapSorts = Set.map . mapSorts
instance (Ord a, HasSorts a) => HasSorts (Rel a) where
getSorts = getSorts . Rel.nodes
mapSorts = Rel.map . mapSorts
instance HasSorts Qid where
getSorts = Set.singleton . getName
mapSorts = mapName
instance HasSorts Sort where
getSorts = Set.singleton . getName
mapSorts = mapName
instance HasSorts Kind where
getSorts = Set.singleton . getName
mapSorts = mapName
instance HasSorts Type where
getSorts typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> getSorts sort
TypeKind kind -> getSorts kind
mapSorts mp typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> TypeSort $ mapSorts mp sort
TypeKind kind -> TypeKind $ mapSorts mp kind
instance HasSorts Operator where
getSorts (Op _ dom cod _) = getSorts (dom, cod)
mapSorts mp (Op op dom cod as) = Op op (mapSorts mp dom) (mapSorts mp cod) as
instance HasSorts Term where
getSorts term = case term of
Const _ t -> getSorts t
Var _ t -> getSorts t
Apply _ ts _ -> getSorts ts
mapSorts mp term = case term of
Const c t -> Const c (mapSorts mp t)
Var v t -> Var v (mapSorts mp t)
Apply t ts ty -> Apply t (mapSorts mp ts) ty
instance HasSorts Condition where
getSorts cond = case cond of
EqCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
MbCond t s -> getSorts (t, s)
MatchCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
RwCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
mapSorts mp cond = case cond of
EqCond t1 t2 -> EqCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
MbCond t s -> MbCond (mapSorts mp t) (mapSorts mp s)
MatchCond t1 t2 -> MatchCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
RwCond t1 t2 -> RwCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
instance HasSorts Equation where
getSorts (Eq t1 t2 cs _) = getSorts (t1, t2, cs)
mapSorts mp (Eq t1 t2 cs as) = Eq (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2) (mapSorts mp cs) as
instance HasSorts Membership where
getSorts (Mb ts ss cs _) = getSorts (ts, ss, cs)
mapSorts mp (Mb ts ss cs as) = Mb (mapSorts mp ts) (mapSorts mp ss) (mapSorts mp cs) as
instance HasSorts Rule where
getSorts (Rl t1 t2 cs _) = getSorts (t1, t2, cs)
mapSorts mp (Rl t1 t2 cs as) = Rl (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2) (mapSorts mp cs) as