{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : ./Maude/Meta/HasSorts.hs
Description : Accessing the Sorts of Maude data types
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : mkhl@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Accessing the Sorts of Maude data types.
Defines a type class 'HasSorts' that lets us access the 'Sort's of Maude
data types as 'SymbolSet's.
Consider importing "Maude.Meta" instead of this module.
module Maude.Meta.HasSorts (
-- * The HasSorts type class
HasSorts (..)
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Symbol
import Maude.Meta.AsSymbol
import Maude.Meta.HasName
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Lib.Rel (Rel)
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
-- * The HasSorts type class
-- | Represents something that contains a 'Set' of 'Sort's (as 'Symbol's).
class HasSorts a where
-- | Extract the 'Sort's contained in the input.
getSorts :: a -> SymbolSet
-- | Map the 'Sort's contained in the input.
mapSorts :: SymbolMap -> a -> a
-- * Predefined instances
instance HasSorts Symbol where
getSorts sym = case sym of
Sort _ -> Set.singleton sym
Kind _ -> Set.singleton $ asSort sym
Operator _ dom cod -> getSorts (dom, cod)
OpWildcard _ -> Set.empty
Labl _ -> Set.empty
mapSorts mp sym = case sym of
Sort _ -> mapAsSymbol id mp sym
Kind _ -> mapAsSymbol asKind mp $ asSort sym
Operator qid dom cod -> let
dom' = mapSorts mp dom
cod' = mapSorts mp cod
in Operator qid dom' cod'
OpWildcard _ -> sym
Labl _ -> sym
instance (HasSorts a) => HasSorts [a] where
getSorts = Set.unions . map getSorts
mapSorts = map . mapSorts
instance (HasSorts a, HasSorts b) => HasSorts (a, b) where
getSorts (a, b) = Set.union (getSorts a) (getSorts b)
mapSorts mp (a, b) = (mapSorts mp a, mapSorts mp b)
instance (HasSorts a, HasSorts b, HasSorts c) => HasSorts (a, b, c) where
getSorts (a, b, c) = Set.union (getSorts a) (getSorts (b, c))
mapSorts mp (a, b, c) = (mapSorts mp a, mapSorts mp b, mapSorts mp c)
instance (Ord a, HasSorts a) => HasSorts (Set a) where
getSorts = Set.fold (Set.union . getSorts) Set.empty
mapSorts = Set.map . mapSorts
instance (Ord a, HasSorts a) => HasSorts (Map k a) where
getSorts = Map.fold (Set.union . getSorts) Set.empty
mapSorts = Map.map . mapSorts
instance (Ord a, HasSorts a) => HasSorts (Rel a) where
getSorts = getSorts . Rel.nodes
mapSorts = Rel.map . mapSorts
instance HasSorts Sort where
getSorts = asSymbolSet
mapSorts = mapAsSymbol $ SortId . getName
instance HasSorts Kind where
getSorts = asSymbolSet
mapSorts = mapAsSymbol $ KindId . getName
instance HasSorts Type where
getSorts typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> getSorts sort
TypeKind kind -> getSorts kind
mapSorts mp typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> TypeSort $ mapSorts mp sort
TypeKind kind -> TypeKind $ mapSorts mp kind
instance HasSorts Operator where
getSorts (Op _ dom cod _) = getSorts (dom, cod)
mapSorts mp (Op op dom cod as) = let
dom' = mapSorts mp dom
cod' = mapSorts mp cod
in Op op dom' cod' as
instance HasSorts Attr where
getSorts attr = case attr of
Id term -> getSorts term
LeftId term -> getSorts term
RightId term -> getSorts term
_ -> Set.empty
mapSorts mp attr = case attr of
Id term -> Id $ mapSorts mp term
LeftId term -> LeftId $ mapSorts mp term
RightId term -> RightId $ mapSorts mp term
_ -> attr
instance HasSorts Term where
getSorts term = case term of
Const _ tp -> getSorts tp
Var _ tp -> getSorts tp
Apply _ ts tp -> getSorts (ts, tp)
mapSorts mp term = case term of
Const con tp -> Const con (mapSorts mp tp)
Var var tp -> Var var (mapSorts mp tp)
Apply op ts tp -> Apply op (mapSorts mp ts) (mapSorts mp tp)
instance HasSorts Condition where
getSorts cond = case cond of
EqCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
MbCond t s -> getSorts (t, s)
MatchCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
RwCond t1 t2 -> getSorts (t1, t2)
mapSorts mp cond = case cond of
EqCond t1 t2 -> EqCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
MbCond t s -> MbCond (mapSorts mp t) (mapSorts mp s)
MatchCond t1 t2 -> MatchCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
RwCond t1 t2 -> RwCond (mapSorts mp t1) (mapSorts mp t2)
instance HasSorts Membership where
getSorts (Mb t s cs _) = getSorts (t, s, cs)
mapSorts mp (Mb t s cs as) = let
t' = mapSorts mp t
s' = mapSorts mp s
cs' = mapSorts mp cs
in Mb t' s' cs' as
instance HasSorts Equation where
getSorts (Eq t1 t2 cs _) = getSorts (t1, t2, cs)
mapSorts mp (Eq t1 t2 cs as) = let
t1' = mapSorts mp t1
t2' = mapSorts mp t2
cs' = mapSorts mp cs
in Eq t1' t2' cs' as
instance HasSorts Rule where
getSorts (Rl t1 t2 cs _) = getSorts (t1, t2, cs)
mapSorts mp (Rl t1 t2 cs as) = let
t1' = mapSorts mp t1
t2' = mapSorts mp t2
cs' = mapSorts mp cs
in Rl t1' t2' cs' as