{- |
Module : ./Logic/PrintLogics.hs
Description : Print list of all logics
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, and OvGU Magdeburg 2017
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : till@iks.cs.ovgu.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions)
Print list of all logics with some useful information.
module Logic.PrintLogics where
import Comorphisms.LogicList
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Logic
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
printLogics :: IO ()
printLogics = do
putStrLn "*** List of logics in Hets ***"
mapM_ printLogicsWithStability [Stable, Testing, Experimental, Unstable]
hasStability :: Stability -> AnyLogic -> Bool
hasStability s (Logic l) = stability l == s
printLogicsWithStability :: Stability -> IO ()
printLogicsWithStability s = do
putStrLn $ "Stability: "++show s
mapM_ printLogic $ filter (hasStability s) logicList
printLogic :: AnyLogic -> IO ()
printLogic (Logic l) = do
putStrLn $ " "++show l++": "++short_description l
let ps = provers l
unless (null ps) $ do
putStr " provers: "
putStrLn $ intercalate ", " $ map proverName ps