export_helper.ml revision 8c38757c50d7e8f76897f7e88097a2d3acc118a0
signature ExportHelper =
type const_info = (string * (typ * term option)) list
type term_info = (string * term) list
type datatype_info = (string * Datatype.info) list
type class_info = (string * (string list) * term_info *
((string * typ) list)) list
(* name * parents * assumes * fixes *)
type locale_info = (string * ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
(* name * fixes *)
* (string * term) list * (string * term) list
(* in-locale axioms * ex-locale axioms *)
* string list) list
(* parents *)
type theory_info =
string (* theory name *)
* string list (* imports *)
* const_info (* constants *)
* term_info (* axioms *)
* term_info (* theorems *)
* datatype_info (* data types *)
* class_info (* class info *)
* locale_info (* locale info *)
val theory_info : theory -> theory_info
val tinfo2xml : theory -> string -> theory_info -> XML.tree
structure ExportHelper : ExportHelper =
(* Types *)
type const_info = (string * (typ * term option)) list
type term_info = (string * term) list
type datatype_info = (string * Datatype.info) list
type class_info = (string * (string list) * term_info *
((string * typ) list)) list
(* name * parents * assumes * fixes *)
type locale_info = (string * ((string * typ) * mixfix) list
(* name * fixes *)
* (string * term) list * (string * term) list
(* in-locale axioms * ex-locale axioms *)
* string list) list
(* parents *)
type theory_info =
string (* theory name *)
* string list (* imports *)
* const_info (* constants *)
* term_info (* axioms *)
* term_info (* theorems *)
* datatype_info (* data types *)
* class_info (* class info *)
* locale_info (* locale info *)
(* General helper functions *)
fun id x = x
fun mergesort _ [] = []
| mergesort _ [x] = [x]
| mergesort cmp_data xs =
let val (ys,zs) =
List.foldl (fn(i, (ys,zs)) => (zs, i::ys)) ([],[]) xs
fun merge (xs,[]) = xs
| merge ([],xs) = xs
| merge (x::xr,y::yr) = if (cmp_data x) <= (cmp_data y)
then x::merge(xr,y::yr)
else y::merge(x::xr,yr)
in merge(mergesort cmp_data ys, mergesort cmp_data zs) end
(* remove duplicate entries from a sorted list *)
fun unique [] = []
| unique [x] = [x]
| unique (x1::x2::xr) = if x1 = x2
then unique (x2::xr)
else x1::(unique (x2::xr))
(* remove xs from ys - both lists need to be sorted asc *)
fun remove' _ _ ([],ys) = ys
| remove' _ _ (_,[]) = []
| remove' cd1 cd2 (x::xr,y::yr) =
if (cd1 x) < (cd2 y)
then remove' cd1 cd2 (xr,y::yr)
else if (cd2 y) < (cd1 x)
then y::(remove' cd1 cd2 (x::xr,yr))
else remove' cd1 cd2 (xr,yr)
fun remove cmp_data = remove' cmp_data cmp_data
fun remove_parent_data df cmp_data T =
let val d = df T
val pd = (List.foldl op@ [] (map df (Context.parents_of T)))
in remove cmp_data (mergesort cmp_data pd,mergesort cmp_data d) end
fun filter rem (d : (string * 'a) list) =
remove' id #1 ((mergesort id rem),(mergesort #1 d))
(* Theory-specific helpers *)
(* full name of a name used in theory T *)
fun full_name T name = Name_Space.full_name (Sign.naming_of T) (Binding.name name)
(* remove unnecessary information from (recursive) datatypes *)
fun is_mutually_rec_type T (n,i) = length (#descr i) > 1
fun check_rec T (n,v) = if is_mutually_rec_type T (n,v)
then (#index v) < 1
else true
fun restructure_rec_types T ts = List.foldl (fn (d,l) => case d of
(n,SOME(v)) => if check_rec T (n,v) then (n,v)::l
else l
| (_,NONE) => l) [] ts
fun unfold_conjunction tm =
case tm of
(Const ("Pure.conjunction",_)) $ t => unfold_conjunction t
| t $ (Const ("Pure.conjunction",_)) => unfold_conjunction t
| t1 $ t2 =>
(unfold_conjunction t1)
@(unfold_conjunction t2)
| _ => [tm]
fun unfold_hol_conjunction tm = case tm of
Const ("HOL.conj",_) $ t $ t1 => (unfold_hol_conjunction t)@(unfold_hol_conjunction t1)
| Const ("HOL.conj",_) $ t => [t]
| _ => [tm]
fun strip_hol_all l b tm = case (b,tm) of
(true,Const ("HOL.All",_) $ Abs (s,t,tm)) =>
strip_hol_all ((s,t)::l) true tm
| (_,Bound i) => if List.length l > i
then let val (s,t) = List.nth(l,i)
in Var ((s,0),t) end
else tm
| (_,Abs (s,t,tm)) => Abs (s,t,strip_hol_all l false tm)
| (_,t1 $ t2) => (strip_hol_all l false t1) $
(strip_hol_all l false t2)
| _ => tm
(* get raw theory information *)
fun get_consts T =
let val consts_of = (Name_Space.dest_table (Syntax.init_pretty_global T)) o
#constants o Consts.dest o Sign.consts_of
in remove_parent_data consts_of #1 T end
val get_axioms = remove_parent_data Theory.axioms_of #1
val get_theorems =
let fun theorems_of T = map (fn (a,b) => (a, prop_of b))
(Global_Theory.all_thms_of T)
in remove_parent_data theorems_of #1 end
fun get_datatypes T =
let val tname = Context.theory_name T
val tl = String.size tname
val ts = (#log_types o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of) T
val ts' = map (fn s => (String.extract (s,tl+1,NONE),Datatype.get_info T s))
(List.filter (String.isPrefix tname) ts)
in restructure_rec_types T ts' end
fun get_classes T thms =
let val cls_suffix = "_class_def"
val cls_names = List.map (fn n => String.substring
(n,0,String.size n-String.size cls_suffix))
(List.filter (fn n =>
if String.isSuffix cls_suffix n
then true else false) (List.map #1 thms))
in List.map (fn name =>
let val name' = String.substring (name,String.size "Class.",
String.size name - String.size "Class.")
val i = AxClass.get_info T name
val parents = let fun split tms = case tms of
(Const ("HOL.Trueprop",_))::tms' => []
| (Const ("TYPE",_))::tms' => (split tms')
| (Const (s,_))::tms' => let val s' =
if String.isPrefix "Class." s
then String.substring (s,String.size "Class.",
String.size s - String.size "Class."
- String.size "_class")
else s
in s'::(split tms') end
| _::tms' => (split tms')
| [] => []
in case (Thm.prop_of o #def) i of
_ $ t => (split o unfold_conjunction) t
| _ => [] end
val axioms' = List.filter
(fn (n,_) => String.isPrefix (name^".") n) thms
val axioms = List.map (fn (n,t) => case t of
_ $ (_ $ t') => (n,t')
| _ => (n,t)) axioms'
val params = #params i
in (name',parents,axioms,params) end) cls_names end
fun get_locales T =
let val names = List.filter (String.isPrefix (Context.theory_name T))
(Locale.all_locales T)
val (_,tb) = Locale.locale_deps T
val tb_list = List.map (fn (k,t) =>
(k,Symtab.dest t)) (Symtab.dest tb)
val parents = List.foldl (fn ((s,l),t') =>
List.foldl (fn ((s1,l1),t) => Symtab.map_default (s1,([],[]))
(fn (parents,pfixes) => (s::parents,(
((List.map (fn Free (s,_) => s))
o List.concat) l1)@pfixes)) t
) t' l) Symtab.empty tb_list;
val filter = ["_axioms.intro","_axioms_def",
in List.map (fn name =>
let val params' = Locale.params_of T name
val parent_params =
case Symtab.lookup parents name of
SOME (_,v) => v
| _ => []
val params = List.filter (fn ((s,_),_) =>
not (List.exists (fn p => p = s) parent_params)) params'
val axs = List.filter (fn t => String.isPrefix name (#1 t))
(Global_Theory.all_thms_of T)
val axioms' = List.filter
(fn t => (not (List.exists
(fn s => #1 t = name ^ s) filter))) axs
val axioms = List.map (fn (s,t) =>
(s,((fn Const ("==>",_) $ _ $ t => t) o Thm.prop_of) t))
val in_locale_axioms =
case (List.find (fn x => (#1 x) = (name^"_axioms_def")) axs) of
SOME v => List.map (strip_hol_all [] true)
((unfold_hol_conjunction o
(fn _ $ _ $ tm => tm) o Thm.prop_of o #2) v)
| _ => []
val in_loc = List.filter (fn (s,t) =>
List.exists (fn t' => t = t') in_locale_axioms) axioms
val ex_loc = List.filter (fn (s,t) =>
not (List.exists (fn t' => t = t') in_locale_axioms)) axioms
val ps = case Symtab.lookup parents name of
SOME(v,_) => v
| _ => []
in (name,params,in_loc,ex_loc,ps) end
) names end
(* Guess the names of generated axioms, consts and theorem *)
fun prefix p s = List.map (fn x => p^s^x)
fun postfix s p = List.map (fn x => x^s^p)
fun l_to_intl l = List.map Int.toString
(List.tl (List.rev (List.foldl (fn (_,x::xs) => (x+1)::x::xs) [0] l)))
fun get_type_names T ts =
val rec_types = List.filter (check_rec T) ts
val grouped_rec_names = List.map (fn x =>
List.map (Long_Name.base_name o #1 o #2) ((#descr o #2) x)) rec_types
val def_names = (List.map (Long_Name.base_name o #1 o #2)
(List.concat (List.map (#descr o #2) rec_types)))
val all_rec_names = (List.concat grouped_rec_names)@def_names
val constructors = List.map #1 (List.concat (List.map (#3 o #2)
(List.concat (List.map (#descr o #2) ts))))
in (grouped_rec_names,all_rec_names,constructors,def_names) end
fun get_gen_consts T name ts consts =
let val (grouped_rec_names,all_rec_names,constructors,_) = get_type_names T ts
val rec_names = List.concat grouped_rec_names
val mutually_rec_names =
List.filter (fn x => List.length x > 1) grouped_rec_names
val simple_names = List.map List.hd
(List.filter (fn x => List.length x = 1) grouped_rec_names)
val locale_names = List.filter
(String.isPrefix (Context.theory_name T))
(Locale.all_locales T)
in constructors@(prefix name "." (List.concat
[prefix "Abs" "_" rec_names,
prefix "Rep" "_" rec_names,
List.map (fn x => "equal_"^x^"_inst.equal_"^x) all_rec_names,
List.concat (List.map (fn x => let val comb = space_implode "_" x
in (List.map (fn y => comb^"."^y^"_case") x) end) grouped_rec_names),
List.concat (List.map (fn x => [x^"."^x^"_rec",
x^"."^x^"_rep_set"]) simple_names),
List.concat (List.map
(fn x => let val comb = space_implode "_" x
in (comb^"."^comb^"_rec_set")::
(fn y => [comb^"."^comb^"_rec_"^y,
(l_to_intl x))) end) mutually_rec_names)]))
@(List.filter (String.isPrefix "Class.") consts)
@(List.filter (fn s => List.exists
(fn l => String.isPrefix l s) locale_names) consts) end
fun get_gen_axioms T name ts =
let val (grouped_rec_names,all_rec_names,constructors,def_names) =
get_type_names T ts
val rec_names = List.concat grouped_rec_names
val mutually_rec_names = List.filter (fn x => List.length x > 1)
val simple_names = List.map List.hd
(List.filter (fn x => List.length x = 1) grouped_rec_names)
in (postfix "_" "def" constructors)@(prefix name "." (List.concat
[prefix "arity_type" "_" def_names,
prefix "equal" "_" (postfix "_" "def_raw" def_names),
prefix "type_definition" "_" rec_names,
List.map (fn x => "equal_"^x^"_inst.equal_"^x^"_def") def_names,
(postfix "_" "def"
(List.concat [(List.concat (List.map
(fn x => let val comb = space_implode "_" x
in (comb^"."^comb^"_rec_set")::
(fn y => [comb^"."^comb^"_rec_"^y,
comb^"."^comb^"_rep_set_"^y]) (l_to_intl x))) end)
List.concat (List.map (fn x => let val comb = space_implode "_" x
in (List.map (fn y => comb^"."^y^"_case") x) end) grouped_rec_names),
List.concat (List.map (fn x => [x^"."^x^"_rec",
x^"."^x^"_rep_set"]) simple_names)]))])) end
fun get_gen_theorems T name ts ths =
let val (grouped_rec_names,all_rec_names,constructors,def_names) =
get_type_names T ts
val rec_names = List.concat grouped_rec_names
val mutually_rec_names = List.filter (fn x => List.length x > 1)
val simple_names = List.map List.hd
(List.filter (fn x => List.length x = 1) grouped_rec_names)
val locale_names = List.filter
(String.isPrefix (Context.theory_name T))
(Locale.all_locales T)
val locale_filter = ["_axioms.intro","_axioms_def","_def","."]
in prefix name "." (List.concat
[prefix "arity_equal" "_" def_names,
prefix "arity_type" "_" def_names,
prefix "type_definition" "_" rec_names,
prefix "equal" "_" (postfix "_" "def" def_names),
prefix "equal" "_" (postfix "_" "def_raw" def_names),
List.map (fn x => "equal_"^x^"_inst.equal_"^x) def_names])
@(List.concat (List.map (fn x =>
List.filter (String.isPrefix (name^"."^x^".")) ths) (unique (rec_names@def_names))))
@(List.concat (List.map (fn x =>
List.filter (String.isPrefix (name^"."^(space_implode "_" x)^".")) ths)
@(List.filter (String.isPrefix "Class.") ths)
@(List.filter (fn s => (List.exists
(fn l => List.exists
(fn f => String.isPrefix (l^f) s) locale_filter) locale_names)) ths) end
(* Represent collected data as XML *)
(* Enrich the (isabelle-builtin) XML representation of terms with infix information *)
fun mixfix_to_args m = case m of
SOME(Mixfix.Infixl (s,j)) =>
("mixfix_i",string_of_int j)]
| SOME(Mixfix.Infixr (s,j)) =>
("mixfix_i",string_of_int j)]
| SOME(Mixfix.Infix (s,j)) =>
("mixifix_i",string_of_int j)]
| NONE => []
fun xml_of_term' T tbl t =
case t of
XML.Elem (("Const",a),t) =>
let val b = case (Syntax.guess_infix (Sign.syn_of T)
(Lexicon.mark_const ((#2 o List.hd) a))) of
SOME(mx) => mixfix_to_args (SOME mx)
|NONE => mixfix_to_args (Symtab.lookup tbl ((#2 o List.hd) a))
in XML.Elem (("Const",a@b),map (xml_of_term' T tbl) t) end
| XML.Elem ((s,a),t) => XML.Elem ((s,a),map (xml_of_term' T tbl) t)
fun xml_of_term T t = xml_of_term' T Symtab.empty
(XML_Syntax.xml_of_term t)
fun remove_hol_true_prop t = case t of
$ (Const ("HOL.Trueprop",_), tm) => tm
| (t $ u) => (remove_hol_true_prop t) $ (remove_hol_true_prop u)
| Abs (s,T,t) => Abs (s,T,remove_hol_true_prop t)
| tm => tm
fun termListToXML T section l = XML.Elem ((section,[]),List.map (
fn (s,t) => XML.Elem (("Term",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[xml_of_term T (remove_hol_true_prop t)])) l)
fun termTypListToXML T section l = XML.Elem ((section,[]),List.map (
fn (s,(t,v)) => let val v' = case v of
SOME(tm) => (("Term",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),[xml_of_term T tm])
| NONE => (("NoTerm",[]),[])
in XML.Elem (("ConstDecl",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type t,XML.Elem v']) end) l)
fun dtypToXML (Datatype.DtTFree (s,_)) = XML.Elem (("DtTFree",[("s",s)]),[])
| dtypToXML (Datatype.DtType (s,dtl)) =
XML.Elem (("DtType",[("s",s)]),List.map dtypToXML dtl)
| dtypToXML (Datatype.DtRec i) =
XML.Elem (("DtRec",[("i",Int.toString i)]),[])
fun constructorToXML (name,dtl) = XML.Elem
(("Constructor",[("val",Long_Name.base_name name)]),List.map dtypToXML dtl)
fun typeToXML d = List.map
(fn (i,(s,vs,dt)) => let val attrs =
[("i",Int.toString i),("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]
in XML.Elem (("RecType",attrs),[
XML.Elem (("Vars",[]),List.map dtypToXML vs),
XML.Elem (("Constructors",[]),List.map constructorToXML dt)
(#descr d)
fun typeListToXML section l = XML.Elem ((section,[]),List.map (
fn (s,d) => XML.Elem (("TypeDecl",[("name",s)]),typeToXML d)) l)
(* Prepare data *)
(* make sure that type names local to the theory do not
have the theory name as prefix
(because this is not their proper name) *)
fun fixTypeNames moduleName t = case t of
XML.Elem (("Type",a),c) => XML.Elem (("Type",
List.map (fn (n,s) =>
if n = "name" andalso String.isPrefix (moduleName^".") s
then (n,String.extract (s,(String.size moduleName)+1,NONE))
else (n,s)) a),
List.map (fixTypeNames moduleName) c)
| XML.Elem (d,c) =>
XML.Elem (d,List.map (fixTypeNames moduleName) c)
| _ => t
(* Module interface *)
(* collect information necessary to reconstruct the theory *)
fun theory_info T =
let val name = Context.theory_name T
val imports = List.map
Context.theory_name (Theory.parents_of T)
val types = get_datatypes T
val consts = get_consts T
val thms = get_theorems T
val axioms = get_axioms T
val classes = get_classes T thms
val gen_consts = get_gen_consts T name types (List.map #1 consts)
val gen_thms = get_gen_theorems T name types (List.map #1 thms)
val gen_axioms = (get_gen_axioms T name types)@(List.map #1 thms)
val locales = get_locales T
in (name, imports,
(filter gen_consts consts),
(filter gen_axioms axioms),
(filter gen_thms thms),
types,classes,locales) end
(* export theory info as xml *)
fun tinfo2xml T fname (name,imports,consts,axioms,thms,
types,classes,locales) =
let val b = Long_Name.base_name
val xml_imports = XML.Elem
(("Imports",[]), List.map (fn s => XML.Elem (("Import",[("name",s)]),[])) imports)
val xml_consts = termTypListToXML T "Consts" consts
val xml_axioms = termListToXML T "Axioms" axioms
val xml_theorems = termListToXML T "Theorems" thms
val xml_types = typeListToXML "Types" types
val xml_classes = XML.Elem (("Classes",[]),List.map
(fn (name,parents,axioms,params) =>
XML.Elem (("ClassDecl",[("name",name)]),
(List.map (fn (s,t) => XML.Elem
(("Axiom",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[xml_of_term T (remove_hol_true_prop t)])) axioms)
@((List.map (fn (s,t) => XML.Elem
(("Param",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type t])) params))
@(List.map (fn n => XML.Elem
(("Parent",[("name",n)]),[])) parents))) classes)
val xml_locales = XML.Elem (("Locales",[]),List.map
(fn (name,params,in_loc,ex_loc,parents) =>
let val tbl = List.foldl (fn (((s,_),m),t) =>
Symtab.update (s,m) t)
Symtab.empty params in
XML.Elem (("LocaleDecl",[("name",b name)]),
(List.map (fn ((s,t),m) =>
XML.Elem (("LocaleParam",[("name",s)]
@(mixfix_to_args (SOME m))),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type t])) params)
@(List.map (fn (s,t) => XML.Elem
(("IAxiom",[("name",b s)]),
[xml_of_term' T tbl (XML_Syntax.xml_of_term t)]))
@(List.map (fn (s,t) => XML.Elem
(("EAxiom",[("name",b s)]),
[xml_of_term' T tbl (XML_Syntax.xml_of_term t)]))
@(List.map (fn n => XML.Elem
(("Parent",[("name",n)]),[])) parents)
)end) locales)
in fixTypeNames name (XML.Elem (("IsaExport",[("file",fname)]),
[xml_imports,xml_consts,xml_axioms,xml_theorems,xml_types,xml_classes,xml_locales])) end