signature ParserHelper =
type ('a,'b) p;
datatype ('a,'b) r = Result of 'b
| More of 'a -> ('a,'b) r
| End of 'b
| Fail of string;
val result : 'a list -> ('a -> ('a,'b) r) -> 'a list * ('a,'b) r;
val p : ('a -> ('a, 'b) r) -> ('a, 'c) p -> ('a, 'c * 'b) p;
val liftP : (('a,'b) p -> ('a,'c) p) -> ('a list,'b) p
-> ('a list,'c) p;
val >> : ('a -> ('b, 'c) p) * ('c -> 'd) -> 'a -> ('b, 'd) p;
val >>> : ('a -> ('b,'c*'d) p) * ('d -> 'e) -> 'a -> ('b,'c*'e) p;
val >>= : ('a, 'b) p * ('b -> 'c) -> 'c option;
val getError : ('a, 'b) p -> string;
val return : 'a -> ('b, 'c) p -> ('b, 'c * 'a) p;
val initialState : 'a list -> ('a,string) p;
val pack : ('a, ('b * 'c) * 'd) p -> ('a, 'b * ('c * 'd)) p;
val expect_end : ('a, 'b) p -> ('c, 'b) p;
val e : ('a -> ('a, 'b) r) -> ('a, 'c) p -> ('a, 'c) p;
val succeed : ('a -> ('a, 'b) r) -> ('a, 'c) p -> ('a, 'c) p;
val succeedP : (('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) ->
('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b) p;
val fail : ('a, 'b) p -> ('c, 'd) p;
val many : (('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) ->
('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c list) p;
val sepBy : (('a, 'b * 'c) p -> ('a, 'd * 'c) p) ->
(('a, 'd) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) ->
('a, 'd) p -> ('a, 'd * 'c list) p;
val optional : (('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) ->
('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c option) p;
val oneOf : (('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) list ->
('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p;
infix 1 >> >>> >>=;
structure ParserHelper : ParserHelper =
(* Parser state consisting either of
* a valid state containing a list of tokens and a parser result
* or an error message *)
datatype ('a,'b) p = State of ('a list) * 'b
| Failed of string;
(* Parse result:
* Result (parsing finished)
* More (needs to consume more token using returned function)
* End (parsing ended before the current token - do not consume it)
* Fail (parsing failed with error message) *)
datatype ('a,'b) r = Result of 'b
| More of 'a -> ('a,'b) r
| End of 'b
| Fail of string;
(* Obtain a parser result sensibly handling More and End *)
fun result [] _ = ([],Fail "No more data!")
| result (d::ds) f = case f d of
More f => result ds f
|End v => (d::ds,Result v)
|r => (ds,r);
(* Interpret a parsing result as an action on a parser state.
Old and new result value are combined as a tuple.
"parsers" can be combined using #> and applied in
sequence using |> *)
fun p _ (Failed s) = Failed s
| p f (State (ds,v)) = case result ds f of
(ds',Result v1) => State (ds',(v,v1))
|(_,Fail s) => Failed s
|_ => Failed "Unexpected!";
fun liftP _ (Failed s) = Failed s
|liftP _ (State ([],_)) = Failed "Expected command"
|liftP p (State (d::ds,v)) = case p (State (d,v)) of
State (_,v') => State (ds,v')
|Failed s => Failed s;
(* apply g to the result produced by f *)
fun (f >> g) x = case f x of
Failed s => Failed s
|State (ds,v) => State (ds,g v);
fun (f >>> g) = (f >> (fn (v,v1) => (v,g v1)))
(* extract result and apply f *)
fun (State (_,v)) >>= f = SOME (f v)
|(Failed _) >>= _ = NONE
fun getError (Failed s) = s
|getError _ ="";
(* add result v1 to the state *)
fun return v1 (State (d,v)) = State (d,(v,v1))
|return _ (Failed s) = Failed s;
fun initialState d = State (d,"");
(* reorder result tuple *)
fun pack (State (d,((v,v1),v2))) = State (d,(v,(v1,v2)))
|pack (Failed s) = Failed s;
(* expect the end of the token stream
(useful to check if all tokens were consumed) *)
fun expect_end (Failed s) = Failed s
| expect_end (State ([],v)) = State ([],v)
| expect_end (State (_,_)) = Failed "Expected end!";
(* create a parser discarding the result of f *)
fun e f = p f >> #1;
(* always succeeds, but only consumes input if the
parsing is successful *)
fun succeed f s = case p f s of
Failed _ => s
|State (ds,(v,_)) => State (ds,v);
fun succeedP p s = case p s of
Failed _ => s
|State (ds,(v,_)) => State (ds,v);
fun fail (_ : ('a, 'b) p) = Failed "Always fails!";
(* apply parser p as many times as possible *)
fun many p s =
case (p s,s) of
(State (ds,(v,v1)),_) =>
let val (ds',vs) = case many p (State (ds,v)) of
State (ds',(_,vs)) => (ds',vs)
|Failed _ => (ds,[])
in State (ds',(v,v1::vs)) end
|(Failed _,State (ds,v)) => State (ds,(v,[]))
|(_,Failed s) => Failed s;
(* apply parser p multiple times separated by sep *)
fun sepBy sep p s = case many (p #> sep) s of
State (ds,(v,vs)) =>
let val (ds',vs') =
case p (State (ds,v)) of
State (ds',(_,v')) => (ds',(v'::vs))
|Failed _ => (ds,vs)
in State (ds',(v,vs')) end
|Failed s => Failed s;
(* if p is a parser then optional p either has the result
SOME("result of p") or NONE (if p fails)
if p and p1 are parsers then `optional (p #> p1)`
is the optional version of `p |> p1` *)
fun optional _ (Failed s) = Failed s
|optional p (State (ds,v)) = case p (State (ds,v)) of
Failed _ => State (ds,(v,NONE))
|State (ds',(v',v1)) => State (ds',(v',SOME(v1)));
(* try each of the parsers ps from left to right
until one succeeds or fail if all parsers fail *)
fun oneOf (ps : (('a, 'b) p -> ('a, 'b * 'c) p) list) s =
List.foldl (fn (p,s') => case s' of
Failed _ => p s
|_ => s')
(Failed "No parser supplied") ps;
signature Parser =
type cmd = Token.T list;
val scan : string -> cmd list;
type parsed_theory;
val test : cmd list -> (parsed_theory option * string);
structure Parser : Parser =
open ParserHelper
(* partition (l : a' list) into sublist according predicate
(p : 'a -> bool) which signals the start of a new sublist,
i.e. the start of each sublist will satisfy p and all
other elements of each sublist will not. Only the first
sublist may start with an element that does not satisfy p.
example: partition (curry op= "a") "abababab"
= ["ab","ab","ab","ab"] *)
fun partition p l = #2 (List.foldr
(fn (x,(l1,l2)) => if (p x) then ([],(x::l1)::l2)
else (x::l1,l2)) ([],[]) l);
type cmd = Token.T list;
(* scan isabelle source transforming it into a sequence of commands *)
fun scan str = str |> Source.of_string |> Symbol.source
|> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false}
|> Token.source_proper |> Source.exhaust
|> partition Token.is_command;
datatype local_data = LocalData of
{assumes: {name:string option, term:string} list,
fixes: {names:string list, tp:string} list};
fun mkLocalData a f = LocalData {
assumes = (fn (n,t) => {name=n,term=t}) a,
fixes = (fn (ns,t) => {names=ns,tp=t}) f };
val emptyLocalData = LocalData { assumes = [], fixes = [] };
datatype mixfix_data = Infix of string * int
|InfixL of string * int
|InfixR of string * int
|Binder of {template:string,
prios:int list option,
|Template of {template:string,
prios:int list option,
def_prio:int option};
datatype qualifier = Optional | Mandatory;
datatype hide_what = HideLocal | HideAll;
(* *)
datatype arity = Arity of (string list option) * string;
datatype instance_data = InstanceA of string list * arity
|InstanceR of {name:string,rel:string,
datatype theory_body_elem = Context of string * theory_body_elem list
|DataType of (string list * (string *
(string * string list) list)) list
|Consts of (string * string) list
|Axioms of (string * string) list
|Lemma of {name: string option,
attrs: string list option,
target: string option,
statement: string,
proof: string}
|Theorem of {name: string option,
attrs: string list option,
target: string option,
statement: string,
proof: string}
|Class of {name:string,
parents:string list,
|Locale of {name:string,
parents:string list,
|TypeSynonym of string list *
(string * string)
|Function of {name: string,
tp: string,
def_eqs: string list}
|PrimRec of {
names: (string*(string option)) list,
def_eqs: string list}
|Definition of
{name_tp:(string*string option) option,
eq:string,target:string option,
attrs:string list option}
|Notation of {modes:string list option,
notations:(string*mixfix_data) list}
|NoNotation of {modes:string list option,
notations:(string*mixfix_data) list}
|Interpretation of {name:string,
eqs:(string*string list),
|Instantiation of {names:string list,
arity:arity, body:theory_body_elem list}
|Instance of instance_data option * string
|Abbreviation of string
|Declaration of string
|Axiomatization of {names:string list,
tp: string,mixfix_data:mixfix_data option}
|Hide of {what:string*hide_what,
names:string list}
|MiscCmd of string * string
|CodeCmd of string * string;
datatype parsed_theory = ParsedTheory of {
header: string option,
name: string,
imports: string list,
keywords: (string list*string) option,
body: theory_body_elem list
(* Add token position to error message *)
fun failT s t = Fail (s^" at "^Token.pos_of t);
fun content s t = if Token.content_of t = s then Result s
else failT ("Expected content '"^s^"' but found "^
"content '"^Token.content_of t^"'") t;
fun name t = if Token.is_name t orelse Token.kind_of t =
then Result (Token.content_of t)
else failT "Not a valid name!" t;
fun type_ident t = if Token.kind_of t = Token.TypeIdent
then Result (Token.content_of t)
else failT "Not a TypeIdent!" t;
fun str_ t = if Token.kind_of t = Token.String
then Result (Token.content_of t)
else failT "Not a String!" t;
fun keyword s t = if Token.keyword_with (curry op= s) t
then Result (Token.content_of t)
else failT "Not a valid keyword!" t;
fun unparse_cmd s cmd = case cmd of
t::ts => if Token.content_of t = s
then ts |> Token.unparse
|> space_implode " "
|> Result
else Fail "Unexpected command!"
|_ => Fail "Expected non-empty command!";
fun unparse_code_cmd cmd = case cmd of
t::ts => if String.isPrefix "code_"
(Token.content_of t) then
ts |> Token.unparse
|> space_implode " " |> (fn v =>
Result (Token.content_of t,v))
else Fail "Unexpected command!"
|_ => Fail "Expected non-empty command!";
val parse_theory_head = e (content "theory") #> p name
#> e (keyword "imports") #> many (p name)
#> optional (e (keyword "keywords") #>
many (p str_) #>
e (keyword "::") #>
p name #> pack)
#> e (keyword "begin") #> pack #> expect_end;
val parse_theory_end = e (content "end") #> expect_end;
fun parse_local_data a =
let val assumes = fn k => e k #>
sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(optional (p name #> e (keyword ":"))
#> p str_ #> pack)
val fixes = e (keyword "fixes") #>
sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(many (p name) #> e (keyword "::")
#> oneOf [p name,
p type_ident] #> pack)
in optional (many (assumes a)) #> optional (many fixes)
#> optional (many (assumes a)) (* a = keyword "assumes" *)
>> (fn (((v,a),f),a1) =>
(v,mkLocalData (List.concat (the_default [] a @
the_default [] a1))
(List.concat (the_default [] f)))) end
(* isa-ref.pdf p. 147 *)
val parse_mixfix = fn p_ =>
let val s2i = raw_explode #> read_int #> #1
val prio = fn s2i => p str_ >>> s2i
val prios = optional (many (prio s2i))
in oneOf [p_,p str_ #> prios #> optional (prio s2i) #>
expect_end #> pack #> pack >>>
(fn (t,(ps,p)) => Template
e (content "infix") #> p str_ #> prio s2i
#> pack >>> Infix,
e (content "infixl") #> p str_ #> prio s2i
#> pack >>> InfixL,
e (content "infixr") #> p str_ #> prio s2i
#> pack >>> InfixR,
e (content "binder") #> p str_ #> prios
#> prio s2i #> pack #> pack >>>
(fn (t,(ps,p)) => Binder
{template=t,prios=ps,def_prio=p})] end;
fun parse_body_elem _ =
let val dt_type = e (content "datatype")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(oneOf [e (keyword "(") #>
sepBy (e (keyword ","))
(p type_ident) #>
e (keyword ")"),
many (p type_ident), return []]
#> p name #> e (keyword "=")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "|"))
(p name #> many (p name) #> pack)
#> pack #> pack)
#> expect_end >>> DataType
val consts = e (content "consts") #> many (
p name #> e (keyword "::") #> p str_ #> pack)
#> expect_end >>> Consts
val axioms = e (content "axioms") #> many ((p name)
#> e (keyword ":") #> (p str_) #> pack)
#> expect_end >>> Axioms
val cls = e (content "class") #> p name
#> succeed (keyword "=")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "+"))
(p name)
#> succeed (keyword "+")
#> parse_local_data (keyword "assumes")
>> (fn (((v,n),ps),l) =>
(v,Class { name = n,parents = ps,
local_data = l}))
val locale = e (content "locale") #> p name
#> succeed (keyword "=")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "+"))
(p name)
#> succeed (keyword "+")
#> parse_local_data (keyword "assumes")
>> (fn (((v,n),ps),l) =>
(v,Locale { name = n,parents = ps,
local_data = l}))
val tp_synonym = e (content "type_synonym")
#> oneOf [p type_ident >>> (fn v => [v]),
e (keyword "(")
#> many (p type_ident)
#> e (keyword ")"), return []]
#> p name #> e (keyword "=")
#> p str_ #> pack #> pack >>> TypeSynonym
val fun_ = e (content "fun") #> p name
#> e (keyword "::") #> p str_
#> e (keyword "where")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "|"))
(p str_)
>> (fn (((v,n),t),def) =>
(v,Function { name = n, tp = t,
def_eqs = def }))
val primrec = e (content "primrec")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(p name #> optional (e (keyword "::") #>
p str_) #> pack)
#> e (keyword "where")
#> sepBy (e (keyword "|")) (p str_)
>> (fn ((v,ns),def) =>
(v,PrimRec { names = ns, def_eqs = def }))
(* see HOL/Quickcheck.thy line 136 for an example with
: instead of where *)
val def = e (content "definition")
#> optional (e (keyword "(") #>
e (keyword "in") #>
p name #>
e (keyword ")"))
#> optional (e (keyword "[") #>
many (p name) #>
e (keyword "]"))
#> optional (p name
#> optional (e (keyword "::")
#> p str_) #> pack)
#> succeed (keyword "where")
#> succeed (keyword ":")
#> p str_ #> pack #> pack #> pack >>>
(fn (t,(a,(n,e))) => Definition {
val notation = (oneOf [p (content "notation"),
p (content "no_notation")])
#> optional (e (keyword "(")
#> many (p name)
#> e (keyword ")"))
#> sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(p name #>
parse_mixfix fail #> pack)
#> pack #> pack >>> (fn (n,(m,ns)) =>
if n = "notation"
then Notation {modes=m,notations=ns}
else NoNotation {modes=m,notations=ns})
in oneOf [dt_type,consts,axioms,cls,
tp_synonym,fun_,primrec,locale,def,notation] end;
fun parse_thm s = e (content s)
#> optional (
e (keyword "(") #> e (keyword "in")
#> p name #> e (keyword ")"))
#> optional (p name)
#> optional (e (keyword "[") #> many (p name)
#> e (keyword "]"))
#> e (keyword ":")
#> optional (parse_local_data (keyword "assumes")
#> e (keyword "shows"))
#> (p str_) #> pack #> pack #> pack #> pack;
fun proof_qed i l cmd = case cmd of
t::_ => let val l' = cmd::l
val i' = case Token.content_of t of
"qed" => i-1
|"oops" => 0
|"proof" => i+1
|_ => i
in if i' = 0 then List.rev l' |> Result
else More (proof_qed i' l') end
|_ => Fail "Expected non-empty command!";
fun proof_prefix l cmd = case cmd of
t::_ => if List.exists (Token.content_of t |>
curry op=)
then cmd::l |> proof_prefix |> More
else cmd::l |> End
|_ => Fail "Expected non-empty command!";
fun cmdList2string cmds = ( Token.unparse) cmds
|> (space_implode " ")
|> cat_lines;
exception Test of string;
fun proof p_ = succeedP p_ #> p (proof_prefix []) #> p (fn cmd =>
case cmd of
t::_ => let val res = case Token.content_of t of
"proof" => More (proof_qed 1 [cmd])
|"oops" => Result [cmd]
|"by" => Result [cmd]
|".." => Result [cmd]
|"." => Result [cmd]
|"done" => Result [cmd]
|_ => raise (Test (Token.unparse t))
in res end
|_ => Fail "Expected non-empty command!") #> pack
>>> (fn (cmds,cmds1) => cmds@cmds1 |>
(* isar-ref.pdf p. 86 *)
fun parse_qualifier default = optional (oneOf [p (keyword "?"),
p (keyword "!")])
>>> (fn v1 => case v1 of
SOME "?" => Optional
|SOME "!" => Mandatory
|_ => default);
val parse_arity = fn _ => optional (e (keyword "(") #>
sepBy (e (keyword ","))
(p name) #>
e (keyword ")")) #> (p name) #> pack
>>> Arity;
fun parse_theory_body p1 p2 = [parse_body_elem p1 |> liftP,
(parse_thm "lemma" |> liftP) #> (proof p2)
#> pack >>>
(fn ((t,(n,(a,(l,stmt)))),prf) =>
Lemma {name=n,
emptyLocalData l,
(parse_thm "theorem" |> liftP) #> (proof p2)
#> pack >>>
(fn ((t,(n,(a,(l,stmt)))),prf) =>
Theorem {name=n,
emptyLocalData l,
((e (content "instance")) #> optional (
oneOf [sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(p name) #>
e (keyword "::") #> parse_arity fail
#> pack >>> InstanceA,
p name #>
oneOf [p (keyword "<"),
p (keyword "\<subseteq>")]
#> p name
#> pack #> pack >>>
(fn (n,(r,p)) => InstanceR {
|> liftP) #> proof fail #> pack
>>> Instance,
((e (content "interpretation") #>
p name #> parse_qualifier Mandatory #>
e (keyword ":") #>
p name #> many (p str_)
#> pack #> pack #> pack)
|> liftP) #> proof fail #> pack
>>> (fn ((n,(q,e)),prf) =>
Interpretation {name=n,
((e (content "axiomatization") #>
sepBy (e (keyword "and"))
(many (p name) #> e (keyword "::")
#> p str_ #> optional (parse_mixfix fail)
#> pack #> pack)) |> liftP)
>>> ( (fn (ns,(t,m)) =>
#> Axiomatization),
((p (fn t => if String.isPrefix "hide_"
(Token.content_of t)
then Result (String.extract
(Token.content_of t,
else failT "Unexpected Token!" t)
#> optional (e (keyword "(") #>
p (keyword "open") #>
e (keyword ")")) #>
many (p name) #> pack #> pack) |> liftP)
>>> (fn (s,(opt,ns)) =>
Hide {what=case opt of
SOME _ => (s,HideLocal)
|NONE => (s,HideAll),
p (unparse_cmd "abbreviation") >>>
p (unparse_cmd "declaration") >>>
p (unparse_cmd "text") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("text",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "section") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("section",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "subsection") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("subsection",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "value") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("value",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "unused_thms") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("unused_thms",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "ML_file") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("ML_file",v)),
p (unparse_cmd "setup") >>>
(fn v => MiscCmd ("setup",v)),
p unparse_code_cmd >>> CodeCmd];
val parse_context = ((e (content "context") #> p name #>
e (keyword "begin")) |> liftP)
#> many (oneOf (parse_theory_body fail fail))
#> ((e (content "end") #> expect_end) |> liftP)
#> pack >>> Context;
val parse_instantiation = ((e (content "instantiation") #>
sepBy (e (keyword "and")) (p name) #>
e (keyword "::") #> parse_arity fail #>
e (keyword "begin")) |> liftP)
#> many (oneOf (parse_theory_body fail fail))
#> ((e (content "end") #> expect_end) |> liftP)
#> pack #> pack >>> (fn (ns,(a,b)) =>
Instantiation { names=ns,arity=a,body=b })
val test = initialState #> optional (p (unparse_cmd "header"))
#> (parse_theory_head |> liftP)
#> many (oneOf (parse_context::parse_instantiation::
parse_theory_body fail fail))
#> (parse_theory_end |> liftP)
#> expect_end >> (fn ((((_,h),n),(i,k)),b) =>
ParsedTheory {header = h,
name = n,
imports = i,
keywords = k,
body = b})
#> (fn v => (v >>= I,getError v));
signature ExportHelper =
(* types *)
type named_term = (string * term)
(* general helper functions *)
val unlines : string list -> string
val unqualify : string -> string
(* isabelle specific functions *)
val theory_of_string : string -> theory list -> theory
val theory_by_name : string -> theory
val name_of_theory : theory -> string
val axioms_of : theory -> named_term list
val non_image_theories : theory -> theory list
val thms_of : theory -> named_term list
val consts_of : theory -> (string * typ) list
val datatypes_of : theory -> ((string * typ list *
(string * typ list) list) list) list
(* mutually_rec_types@(name * type_params *
constructors@(constructor_name * type_args))) *)
val functions_of : theory -> (string * typ *
(term list * term) list) list
(* name * type *
def_eqs@(pats * defterm) *)
val classes_of : theory -> (class * string list *
(string * term) list *
(string * typ) list) list
(* name * parents * assumes * fixes *)
val locales_of : theory -> (string *
((string * typ) * mixfix) list *
named_term list * named_term list *
string list) list
(* name * fixes * in-locale axioms *
ex-locale axioms * parents *)
val pretty_as_str : Pretty.T -> string
val repr_term : theory -> term -> Pretty.T
val repr_typ : theory -> typ -> Pretty.T
val repr_name : string -> Pretty.T
val repr_function : theory -> (string * typ *
(term list * term) list) -> Pretty.T
val repr_class : theory -> (class * string list *
(string * term) list *
(string * typ) list) -> Pretty.T
val repr_locale : theory -> (string *
((string * typ) * mixfix) list *
named_term list * named_term list *
string list) -> Pretty.T
val repr_datatype : theory -> (string * typ list * (string *
typ list) list) list -> Pretty.T
val theory_of_exportable_data : theory -> theory
val get_basic_theory_data : theory -> (named_term list *
named_term list *
(string * typ) list)
(* axioms * theorems * consts *)
type theory_data = (string * named_term list * named_term list *
(string * typ) list * ((string * typ list *
(string * typ list) list) list) list *
(string * typ * (term list * term) list) list *
(class * string list * (string * term) list *
(string * typ) list) list *
(string * ((string * typ) * mixfix) list *
named_term list * named_term list *
string list) list)
(* name * axioms * theorems * consts * datatypes *
functions * classes * locales *)
val get_theories : theory -> theory_data list
val xml_of_theories : theory_data list -> XML.tree
exception ExportError of string
structure ExportHelper : ExportHelper =
exception ExportError of string
type named_term = string * term
type theory_data = (string * named_term list * named_term list *
(string * typ) list * ((string * typ list *
(string * typ list) list) list) list *
(string * typ * (term list * term) list) list *
(class * string list * (string * term) list *
(string * typ) list) list *
(string * ((string * typ) * mixfix) list *
named_term list * named_term list *
string list) list)
(* name * axioms * theorems * consts * datatypes *
functions * classes * locales *)
(* ------------------------------ General helper functions *)
val unlines = String.concatWith (String.str (Char.chr 10))
fun lift f sel = fn (t1,t2) => f (sel t1,sel t2)
fun unqualify n = if Long_Name.is_qualified n
then (Long_Name.implode ( (Long_Name.explode n)))
else n
(* ------------------------------ Isabelle specific functions *)
(* Keep track of the number of theories created from a string *)
val thmNum = Unsynchronized.ref 0
(* create a theory from a string of its body *)
fun theory_of_string body parents =
let val name = "TempTheory"^Int.toString ( thmNum)
val header = Thy_Header.make ("TempTheory",Position.none) [] [] []
val text = unlines ["theory "^name,"begin",body,"end"]
in #1 (Thy_Load.load_thy 0 (Thy_Load.get_master_path ()) header
Position.start text parents) end
fun remove_hol_true_prop t = case t of
op$ (Const ("HOL.Trueprop",_), tm) => tm
| (t $ u) => (remove_hol_true_prop t) $ (remove_hol_true_prop u)
| Abs (s,T,t) => Abs (s,T,remove_hol_true_prop t)
| tm => tm
val prettify_term = Logic.strip_imp_concl o remove_hol_true_prop
(* remove data that is already present in a parent theory *)
fun remove_parent_data df cmp T =
let val d = df T
val pd = (List.foldl op@ [] ( df (Context.parents_of T)))
in Ord_List.subtract cmp (Ord_List.make cmp pd) (Ord_List.make cmp d) end
(* a couple of aliases *)
val theory_by_name = Thy_Info.get_theory
val name_of_theory = Context.theory_name
val axioms_of = Theory.axioms_of
(* check if the theory is not part of the logic image *)
fun is_non_image_theory T = length (Thy_Info.loaded_files (name_of_theory T)) > 0
fun non_image_theories T = List.concat (
(fn T' => if is_non_image_theory T'
then T'::(non_image_theories T') else [])
(Context.parents_of T))
fun hol_forall_elim tm =
let val qnt = #1 (Term.dest_Const (HOLogic.all_const HOLogic.boolT))
val body = Term.strip_qnt_body qnt tm
val vars = (fn (s,tp) => Var ((s,0),tp))
(Term.strip_qnt_vars qnt tm)
in Term.subst_bounds (List.rev vars, body) end
fun hol_conjunctions tm = case HOLogic.dest_conj tm of
[_] => [tm]
| tms => List.concat ( hol_conjunctions tms)
fun thms_of T = (fn (s,d) => (s,prop_of d))
(remove_parent_data Global_Theory.all_thms_of
(lift fast_string_ord #1) T)
(* currently there seems to be no way (anymore) to
attach any terms to a const directly. Thus the discarded
part is (hopefully) always NONE
todo: maybe throw an exception if this is not the case? *)
fun consts_of T =
let val get_consts = fn T => (fn (n,(t,_)) => (n,t))
(((Name_Space.dest_table (Syntax.init_pretty_global T)) o
#constants o Consts.dest o Sign.consts_of) T)
in remove_parent_data get_consts (lift fast_string_ord #1) T end
fun datatypes_of T =
let val get_datatypes = (#log_types o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of)
val ts = remove_parent_data get_datatypes fast_string_ord T
val is_mutually_rec_type = fn (_,i) => length (#descr i) >1
val check_rec = fn (n,v) => if is_mutually_rec_type (n,v)
then (#index v) < 1 else true
val rec dtyp2typ = fn (descs,t) => case t of
Datatype.DtTFree (s,srt) => TFree (s,srt)
| Datatype.DtType (s,ts) =>
Type (s, (curry dtyp2typ descs) ts)
| Datatype.DtRec i =>
case List.find (curry op= i o #1) descs of
SOME (_,(s,ts,_)) => Type (s,
(curry dtyp2typ descs) ts)
| NONE => raise ExportError("Internal Error!")
val dt_desc = fn info => (fn (_,(s,vs,eqs)) =>
let val vs' = (curry dtyp2typ info) vs
val eqs' = (fn (s,ts) =>
(s, (curry dtyp2typ info) ts)) eqs
in (s,vs',eqs') end) info
in List.foldl (fn (n,l) => case Datatype.get_info T n of
SOME(v) => if check_rec (n,v)
then (dt_desc (#descr v))::l
else l
| NONE => l) [] ts end
(* Notes:
HOLogic is in HOL/Tools/hologic.ML
dest_Const is in Pure/term.ML
Logic is in Pure/logic.ML *)
val functions_of =
let val get_funs = fn T =>
let val d = Item_Net.content (Function_Common.get_function
(Proof_Context.init_global T))
val fun_def = (fn (pats,def) => (#2 (strip_comb pats),def))
o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o #2
o Logic.dest_implies o prop_of
in (fn (c,i) => case dest_Const c of
(n,t) => (n,t, fun_def (#psimps i))) d end
in remove_parent_data get_funs (lift fast_string_ord #1) end
fun classes_of T =
let val cls_suffix = "_class_def"
val thms = thms_of T
val cls_names = (fn n => String.substring (n,0,String.size n-
String.size cls_suffix)) (List.filter (String.isSuffix cls_suffix)
( #1 thms))
in (fn name =>
let val i = AxClass.get_info T name
val parents' = List.concat (
(fn tm => Term.add_const_names tm [])
((Logic.dest_conjunction_list o #2
o Logic.dest_equals o Thm.prop_of o #def) i))
val parents = (fn n => String.substring
(n,0,String.size n - String.size "_class"))
(List.filter (fn n => (String.isSuffix "_class" n) andalso
(not (String.isPrefix "HOL" n))) parents')
val axioms' = (fn (n,t) => (n,(HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o #2
o Logic.dest_implies) t))
(List.filter ((String.isPrefix (name^".")) o #1) thms)
(* note: instead of cls_names we should only use
ancestors of the class *)
val all_params = (fn (s,t) => (Long_Name.base_name s,t))
(List.concat ( (#params o AxClass.get_info T) cls_names))
val sub_vars = (fn (s,t) => ((s,0),Free (s,t))) all_params
val axioms = (fn (s,t) => (s,Term.subst_Vars sub_vars t))
in (name,parents,axioms,#params i) end) cls_names end
fun locales_of T =
let val all_locales = fn T => (fn l => (#name l, #parents l))
(Locale.pretty_locale_deps T)
val locales = Ord_List.subtract
(fn (c,l) => fast_string_ord (#1 c,#1 l))
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord #1)
(classes_of T))
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord #1)
(remove_parent_data all_locales
(lift fast_string_ord #1) T))
in (fn (name,ps) =>
let val parent_params = (#1 o #1) (List.concat
( (Locale.params_of T o #1)
(List.filter (fn (s,_) => List.exists (curry op= s) ps) locales)))
val params = Ord_List.subtract (fn (s,((s1,_),_)) =>
fast_string_ord (s,s1))
(Ord_List.make fast_string_ord parent_params)
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord (#1 o #1))
(Locale.params_of T name))
val filter = ["_axioms.intro","_axioms_def","_def",".intro",".axioms_"]
val axs = List.filter ((String.isPrefix name) o #1)
(Global_Theory.all_thms_of T)
val axioms' = List.filter
(fn t => (not (List.exists
(fn s => String.isPrefix (name ^ s) (#1 t))
filter))) axs
val axioms = (fn (s,t) => (s,(HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o #2
o Logic.dest_implies
o Thm.prop_of) t)) axioms'
val fix_consts = (fn (s,t) => (s, Term.subst_Vars
( (fn ((s,tp),_) =>
((s,0),Const (s,tp))) params) t))
val parse_axioms = fn v => hol_forall_elim
((hol_conjunctions o #2 o Logic.dest_equals o Thm.prop_of o #2) v)
val in_locale_axioms =
case List.find ((curry op= (name^"_axioms_def")) o #1) axs of
SOME v => parse_axioms v
| _ =>
case List.find ((curry op= (name^"_def")) o #1) axs of
SOME v => parse_axioms v
| _ => []
val in_loc = List.filter (fn (_,t) =>
List.exists (fn t' => t = t') in_locale_axioms) axioms
val ex_loc = List.filter (fn (_,t) =>
not (List.exists (fn t' => t = t') in_locale_axioms)) axioms
in (name,params,fix_consts in_loc,fix_consts ex_loc,ps) end) locales end
(* ------------------------------ Represent as string *)
fun pretty_as_str p = Pretty.str_of p
fun repr_term T =
let val ctxt = Config.put Printer.show_question_marks false
(Proof_Context.init_global T)
in Syntax.pretty_term ctxt end
fun repr_typ T = Syntax.pretty_typ (Proof_Context.init_global T)
fun repr_name n' =
let val n = Long_Name.base_name n'
in if String.isSubstring " " n then Pretty.quote (Pretty.str n)
else Pretty.str n end
fun repr_function T (s,tp,def_eqs) =
let val head = [Pretty.str "fun ", repr_name s, Pretty.str " :: ",
Pretty.quote (repr_typ T tp), Pretty.str " where "]
val body = (fn (pats,tm) => Pretty.quote (Pretty.block
((Pretty.breaks ([repr_name s]
@( (fn p => Pretty.enclose "(" ")" [repr_term T p])
[Pretty.str " = ",repr_term T tm]))) def_eqs
in Pretty.block (head@Pretty.separate " | " body) end
fun repr_class T (s,ps,assumes,fixes) =
let val head = [Pretty.str "class", repr_name s]
@(if length fixes + length assumes + length ps > 0
then [Pretty.str "="] else [])
val parents = repr_name ps
val fixes' = (fn (s,tp) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
[repr_name s,Pretty.str "::",
Pretty.quote (repr_typ T tp)])) fixes
val assumes' = (fn (s,tm) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
[repr_name s, Pretty.str ":",
Pretty.quote (repr_term T tm)])) assumes
in (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (head@(Pretty.separate "+" parents)@
(if length (fixes'@assumes') > 0 andalso length parents > 0
then [Pretty.str "+"] else [])@
(if length fixes' > 0
then [Pretty.str "fixes"]@(Pretty.separate "and" fixes') else [])@
(if length assumes' > 0
then [Pretty.str "assumes"]@(Pretty.separate "and" assumes') else [])) end
fun repr_locale T (s,fixes,in_loc,_,ps) =
let val head = [Pretty.str "locale", repr_name s]
@(if length fixes + length in_loc + length ps > 0
then [Pretty.str "="] else [])
val parents = repr_name ps
val fixes' = (fn ((s,tp),_) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
[Pretty.str s,Pretty.str "::",
Pretty.quote (repr_typ T tp)])) fixes
val assumes' = (fn (s,tm) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
[repr_name s, Pretty.str ":",
Pretty.quote (repr_term T tm)])) in_loc
in (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) (head@(Pretty.separate "+" parents)@
(if length (fixes'@assumes') > 0 andalso length parents > 0
then [Pretty.str "+"] else [])@
(if length fixes' > 0
then [Pretty.str "fixes"]@(Pretty.separate "and" fixes') else [])@
(if length assumes' > 0
then [Pretty.str "assumes"]@(Pretty.separate "and" assumes') else [])) end
fun repr_datatype T d =
let val dts = (fn (s,vs,eqs) =>
let val vs' = Pretty.enclose "(" ")"
(Pretty.separate "," ( (repr_typ T) vs))
val eqs' = Pretty.separate "|" (
(fn (s,vs) => Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
([repr_name s]@
( (Pretty.quote o repr_typ T) vs)))) eqs)
in Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks
([vs']@[repr_name s,Pretty.str "="]@eqs')) end) d
in (Pretty.block o Pretty.breaks) ([Pretty.str "datatype"]@
Pretty.separate "and" dts) end
fun theory_of_exportable_data T =
let val datatypes = datatypes_of T
val functions = functions_of T
val classes_Graph = String_Graph.make
( (fn l => ((#1 l,l),#2 l)) (classes_of T))
val classes_sorted =
List.rev (String_Graph.topological_order classes_Graph)
val classes =
(#1 o #2 o (String_Graph.get_entry classes_Graph))
val locales_Graph = String_Graph.make
( (fn l => ((#1 l,l),#5 l)) (locales_of T))
val locales_sorted =
List.rev (String_Graph.topological_order locales_Graph)
val locales =
(#1 o #2 o (String_Graph.get_entry locales_Graph))
in theory_of_string (unlines ( pretty_as_str
(( (repr_datatype T) datatypes)
@( (repr_function T) functions)
@( (repr_class T) classes)
@( (repr_locale T) locales)))) (Context.parents_of T) end
fun get_basic_theory_data T =
let val T' = theory_of_exportable_data T
val cmp = (fn (s,(s1,_)) =>
(lift fast_string_ord unqualify) (s,s1))
val axs = Ord_List.subtract cmp
(Ord_List.make fast_string_ord ( #1 (axioms_of T')))
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord #1) (axioms_of T))
val thms = Ord_List.subtract cmp
(Ord_List.make fast_string_ord ( #1 ((thms_of T')@axs)))
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord #1) (thms_of T))
val consts = Ord_List.subtract cmp
(Ord_List.make fast_string_ord ( #1 (consts_of T')))
(Ord_List.make (lift fast_string_ord #1) (consts_of T))
in (axs, thms, consts) end
fun get_theories T =
let val Ts = T::(non_image_theories T)
in (fn T =>
let val name = name_of_theory T
val (axs,thms,consts) = get_basic_theory_data T
val datatypes = datatypes_of T
val functions = functions_of T
val classes = classes_of T
val locales = locales_of T
in (name,axs,thms,consts,datatypes,functions,
classes,locales) end) Ts end
(* Generate XML Output *)
structure XML_Syntax = Legacy_XML_Syntax
fun fixTypeNames moduleName t = case t of
XML.Elem (("Type",a),c) => XML.Elem (("Type", (fn (n,s) =>
if n = "name" andalso String.isPrefix (moduleName^".") s
then (n,String.extract (s,(String.size moduleName)+1,NONE))
else (n,s)) a), (fixTypeNames moduleName) c)
| XML.Elem (d,c) =>
XML.Elem (d, (fixTypeNames moduleName) c)
| _ => t
(* Enrich the (isabelle-builtin) XML representation of terms with infix information *)
fun mixfix_to_args m = case m of
SOME(Mixfix.Infixl (s,j)) => [("infixl",s), ("mixfix_i",string_of_int j)]
| SOME(Mixfix.Infixr (s,j)) => [("infixr",s), ("mixfix_i",string_of_int j)]
| SOME(Mixfix.Infix (s,j)) => [("infix",s), ("mixifix_i",string_of_int j)]
| _ => []
fun xml_of_term' T tbl t = case t of
XML.Elem (("Const",a),t) =>
let val b = case (Syntax.guess_infix (Sign.syn_of T)
(Lexicon.mark_const ((#2 o List.hd) a))) of
SOME(mx) => mixfix_to_args (SOME mx)
| NONE => mixfix_to_args (Symtab.lookup tbl ((#2 o List.hd) a))
in XML.Elem (("Const",a@b),map (xml_of_term' T tbl) t) end
| XML.Elem ((s,a),t) => XML.Elem ((s,a),map (xml_of_term' T tbl) t)
| _ => t
fun xml_of_term T t = xml_of_term' T Symtab.empty
(XML_Syntax.xml_of_term t)
fun xml_of_datatype _ eqs = XML.Elem (("RecDatatypes",[]),
(fn (name,type_params,constructors) =>
XML.Elem (("Datatype",[("name",Long_Name.base_name name)]),
( XML_Syntax.xml_of_type type_params)
@( (fn (s,tps) => XML.Elem
(("Constructor",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]), XML_Syntax.xml_of_type tps))
constructors))) eqs)
fun xml_of_function T (name,tp,def_eqs) =
XML.Elem (("Function",[("name",Long_Name.base_name name)]),
(XML_Syntax.xml_of_type tp)
::( (pats,tm) =>
XML.Elem (("Equations",[]), (xml_of_term T)
(pats@[tm]))) def_eqs))
fun xml_of_class T (name,parents,assumps,fixes) =
XML.Elem (("ClassDef",[("name",Long_Name.base_name name)]),
( (fn p =>
XML.Elem (("Parent",[("name",Long_Name.base_name p)]),[])) parents)
@( (fn (s,t) =>
XML.Elem (("Assumption",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[xml_of_term T t])) assumps)
@( (fn (s,t) =>
XML.Elem (("ClassParam",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type t])) fixes))
fun xml_of_locale T (name,fixes,assumps,thms,parents) =
XML.Elem (("Locale",[("name",Long_Name.base_name name)]),
( (fn ((s,t),m) =>
XML.Elem (("LocaleParam",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]
@(mixfix_to_args (SOME m))),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type t])) fixes)
@( (fn (s,t) =>
XML.Elem (("Assumption",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[xml_of_term T t])) assumps)
@( (fn (s,t) =>
XML.Elem (("Theorem",[("name",Long_Name.base_name s)]),
[xml_of_term T t])) thms)
@( (fn p =>
XML.Elem (("Parent",[("name",Long_Name.base_name p)]),[])) parents))
fun xml_of_theory (name, axs, thms, cs, dts, fns, cls, locales) =
let val T = theory_by_name name
val imports =
(fn T => XML.Elem (("Import",[("name",name_of_theory T)]),[]))
(Context.parents_of T)
val axioms = (fn (n,t) => XML.Elem
(("Axiom",[("name",Long_Name.base_name n)]),
[(xml_of_term T o prettify_term) t])) axs
val theorems = (fn (n,t) => XML.Elem
(("Theorem",[("name",Long_Name.base_name n)]),
[(xml_of_term T o prettify_term) t])) thms
val consts = (fn (n,tp) => XML.Elem
(("Const",[("name",Long_Name.base_name n)]),
[XML_Syntax.xml_of_type tp])) cs
val datatypes = (xml_of_datatype T) dts
val functions = (xml_of_function T) fns
val classes = (xml_of_class T) cls
val locales' = (xml_of_locale T) locales
in fixTypeNames name (XML.Elem (("IsaTheory",[("name",name)]),
@functions@classes@locales')) end
fun xml_of_theories theories =
XML.Elem (("IsaExport",[]), xml_of_theory theories)