export_helper.ml revision 4d4ee5ef6601170c9d419da9fe8742c506507d11
signature ExportHelper =
val get_consts : theory -> (string * (typ * term option)) list
val get_axioms : theory -> (string * term) list
val get_theorems : theory -> (string * term) list
val get_datatypes : theory -> (string * (Datatype.info option)) list
val get_generated_theorems : theory -> (string * (Datatype.info option)) list -> string list
val filter : string list -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
structure ExportHelper : ExportHelper =
fun id x = x
fun mergesort _ [] = []
| mergesort _ [x] = [x]
| mergesort cmp_data xs = let val (ys,zs) = List.foldl (fn(i, (ys,zs)) => (zs, i::ys)) ([],[]) xs
fun merge (xs,[]) = xs
| merge ([],xs) = xs
| merge (x::xr,y::yr) = if (cmp_data x) <= (cmp_data y)
then x::merge(xr,y::yr)
else y::merge(x::xr,yr)
in merge(mergesort cmp_data ys, mergesort cmp_data zs) end
(* make a sorted list unique*)
fun unique [] = []
| unique [x] = [x]
| unique (x1::x2::xr) = if x1 = x2
then unique (x2::xr)
else x1::(unique (x2::xr))
(* remove xs from ys - both lists need to be sorted asc *)
fun remove' _ _ ([],ys) = ys
| remove' _ _ (_,[]) = []
| remove' cd1 cd2 (x::xr,y::yr) = if (cd1 x) < (cd2 y)
then remove' cd1 cd2 (xr,y::yr)
else if (cd2 y) < (cd1 x)
then y::(remove' cd1 cd2 (x::xr,yr))
else remove' cd1 cd2 (xr,yr)
fun remove cmp_data = remove' cmp_data cmp_data
fun remove_parent_data df cmp_data T = let val d = df T
val pd = (List.foldl op@ [] (map df (Context.parents_of T)))
in remove cmp_data (mergesort cmp_data pd,mergesort cmp_data d) end
val get_consts = let val consts_of = Name_Space.dest_table o #constants o Consts.dest o Sign.consts_of
in remove_parent_data consts_of #1 end
val get_axioms = remove_parent_data Theory.axioms_of #1
val get_theorems = let fun theorems_of T = map (fn (a,b) => (a, prop_of b)) (Global_Theory.all_thms_of T)
in remove_parent_data theorems_of #1 end
fun get_datatypes T = let val tname = Context.theory_name T
val tl = String.size tname
val ts = (#log_types o Type.rep_tsig o Sign.tsig_of) T
in map (fn s => (String.extract (s,tl+1,NONE),Datatype.get_info T s)) (List.filter (String.isPrefix tname) ts) end
fun full_name T name = Name_Space.full_name (Sign.naming_of T) (Binding.name name)
fun is_mutually_rec_type T (n,SOME(i)) = (case (#alt_names i) of SOME(names) => List.exists
(Option.isSome o (Datatype.get_info T) o (full_name T))
| NONE => false)
| is_mutually_rec_type _ (_,NONE) = false
fun get_generated_theorems T ts =
let fun get_ths (n,info) =
let val alt_names = case (#alt_names info) of
SOME(names) => n::(List.filter (Option.isSome o (Datatype.get_info T) o (full_name T)) names)
| NONE => [n]
val is' = List.map ((Datatype.get_info T) o (full_name T)) alt_names
val is = List.map Option.valOf is'
fun thms i g = List.foldl (fn (get_thm, l1) => (Thm.derivation_name (get_thm i))::l1) [] g
fun thmss i g = List.foldl (fn (get_thms,l1) => (List.map Thm.derivation_name (get_thms i)@l1)) [] g
val thms1 = List.foldl
(fn (i,l) => (thms i [#induct,#exhaust,#nchotomy,#case_cong,#weak_case_cong,#split,#split_asm])
@(thmss i [#inject,#distinct,#inducts,#rec_rewrites,#case_rewrites])@l)
[] is
val new_type_names = the_default [n] (#alt_names info)
cf. http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/6d736d983d5c/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_data.ML#l329
http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/6d736d983d5c/src/Pure/global_theory.ML#l139 *)
val prfx = Binding.qualify true (space_implode "_" new_type_names)
val b = prfx (Binding.name "simps")
val pre_name = Global_Theory.name_thms true true
val post_name = Global_Theory.name_thms false true
val naming = Sign.naming_of T
val name = Name_Space.full_name naming b
val thms2 = List.map Thm.derivation_name (post_name name (pre_name name (
(List.foldl (fn (i,l) => ((#inject i)@(#distinct i)@(#case_rewrites i)@l)) [] is)
@(#rec_rewrites info))))
cf. http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/6d736d983d5c/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_data.ML#l324
val b1 = prfx (Binding.name "splits")
val name1 = Name_Space.full_name naming b1
val splits = List.foldl (fn (i,l) => (#split i)::(#split_asm i)::l) [] is
val thms3 = List.map Thm.derivation_name
(post_name name1 (pre_name name1 splits))
cf. http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/6d736d983d5c/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_codegen.ML#l65
http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/file/6d736d983d5c/src/HOL/Tools/Datatype/datatype_codegen.ML#l114 *)
fun eq_thms name =
val (vs,cos) = Datatype.the_spec T (full_name T name);
val {descr, index, ... } = Datatype.the_info T (full_name T name);
val dummy = Skip_Proof.make_thm T (Var (("", 0), propT));
val triv_injects = map_filter
(fn (c,[]) => SOME (dummy)
| _ => NONE) cos;
val injects = map (fn _ => dummy) (nth (Datatype_Prop.make_injs [descr] vs) index);
val distincts = maps (fn _ => [dummy,dummy]) (snd (nth (Datatype_Prop.make_distincts [descr] vs) index));
val prefix = Binding.qualify true name o Binding.qualify true "eq" o Binding.name;
val name1 = Name_Space.full_name naming (prefix "refl");
val name2 = Name_Space.full_name naming (prefix "simps");
val thms = List.map Thm.derivation_name ((post_name name1 (pre_name name1 [dummy]))@(post_name name2 (pre_name name2 (triv_injects@injects@distincts))));
in thms end
val thms4 = flat (List.map eq_thms alt_names)
in thms1@thms2@thms3@thms4 end
fun check_rec (n,v) = if is_mutually_rec_type T (n,SOME(v))
then if List.exists (fn altn => altn = n) (List.tl (Option.valOf (#alt_names v)))
then false
else true
else true
val ts' = List.foldl (fn (d,l) => case d of (n,SOME(v)) => if check_rec (n,v) then (n,v)::l
else l
| (_,NONE) => l) [] ts
in unique (mergesort id (List.foldl (fn (t,l) => (get_ths t)@l) [] ts')) end
fun filter rem d = remove' id #1 ((mergesort id rem),(mergesort #1 d))