vars a, b : Type
free type Pair a b ::= Pair (fst : a; snd : b)
op f(a : a; b : b) : Pair a b = Pair (a, b);
op g : Pair a b ->? a
program g (Pair (a, b)) = a;
Pair : Type -> Type -> Type
a : Type %(var_1)%;
b : Type %(var_2)%
op Pair : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b
op f : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b
%[ =
\ ((var a : a), (var b : b))
.! (op Pair : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b)
((var a : a), (var b : b)) ]%
op fst : forall a : Type; b : Type . Pair a b -> a
%(selector of constructor(s)
Pair : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b)%
op g : forall a : Type; b : Type . Pair a b ->? a
op snd : forall a : Type; b : Type . Pair a b -> b
%(selector of constructor(s)
Pair : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b)%
forall a : Type; b : Type; x_1 : a; x_2 : b
. fst (Pair (x_1, x_2)) = x_1 %(ga_select_fst)%
forall a : Type; b : Type; x_1 : a; x_2 : b
. snd (Pair (x_1, x_2)) = x_2 %(ga_select_snd)%
free type Pair(a : Type)(b : Type) ::= Pair (fst : a; snd : b)
forall a : Type; b : Type; a : a; b : b . f (a, b) = Pair (a, b)
program g (Pair (a, b)) = a %(pe_g)%
1.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
1.8: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
4.7: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'a'
4.14: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'b'
8.17: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'a'
8.20: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'b'
8.17: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'a'
8.20: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'b'
8.24: *** Error:
in term 'program (op g : forall a : Type; b : Type . Pair a b ->? a)
((op Pair : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Pair a b) (a, b))
= a'
are uninstantiated type variables
'[_v11_a, _v12_b]'
6.8-6.19: ### Hint:
repeated declaration of 'g' with type 'Pair a b ->? a'