type s
op a : s
vars a, b : Type
op __=[s]__ : forall a . a * a -> Unit
. (op __=[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a -> Unit) (a, a)
. a =[s] a
. a =e=[s : Type] a;
op f[a] : a -> Unit
op g[b,a] : a * b -> Unit
op h[b,a] : a -> b
op j[a,b] : a -> b
class Funct < Type -> Type
vars f, F : Funct
%% order of var declarations counts
op k[a,f] : f a
op k[b,a,f] : b -> f a
op k[a,b,f] : b -> f a
op l[F,a] : F a
%% or explicit forall order
op k[G,b,a] : forall G : Funct; b : Type; a : Type . b -> G a
. (op __=[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a -> Unit)[s] (a, a)
. (__=[s]__ : s * s -> Unit) (a, a)
. (__ =[s][s : Type] __ : s * s -> Unit) (a, a)
. (op __=[s][a : Type]__ : a * a -> Unit)[s] (a, a);
op if__then__else[a][a : Type]__ : a * a * a -> a
op if__then__else[s][a : Type]__ : a * a * a -> a
op if__then__else[a : Type]__ : a * a * a -> a
Funct < Type -> Type
s : Type
F : Funct %(var_8)%;
a : Type %(var_1)%;
b : Type %(var_2)%;
f : Funct %(var_7)%
op __=[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a -> Unit
op a : s
op f[a] : forall a : Type . a -> Unit
op g[b,a] : forall a : Type; b : Type . a * b -> Unit
op h[b,a] : forall a : Type; b : Type . a -> b
op if__then__else__ : forall a : Type . a * a * a -> a
op if__then__else[a]__ : forall a : Type . a * a * a -> a
op if__then__else[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a * a -> a
op j[a,b] : forall a : Type; b : Type . a -> b
op k[G,b,a] : forall G : Funct; b : Type; a : Type . b -> G a
op k[a,b,f] : forall a : Type; b : Type; f : Funct . b -> f a
op k[a,f] : forall a : Type; f : Funct . f a
op k[b,a,f] : forall a : Type; b : Type; f : Funct . b -> f a
op l[F,a] : forall a : Type; F : Funct . F a
. a =[s] a
. a =[s] a
. a =e= a
. a =[s] a
. (__=[s]__ : s * s -> Unit) (a, a)
. (__ =[s][s : Type] __ : s * s -> Unit) (a, a)
. a =[s] a
4.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
4.8: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
6.26: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
6.26: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
6.4-6.11: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier '__=[s]__'
8.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
8.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
8.7-8.14: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier '__=[s]__'
10.6-10.8: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
11.8-11.15: ### Hint: is type list '[s : Type]'
13.4-13.7: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'f[a]'
15.13: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
15.13: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
15.6: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
15.4-15.9: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'g[b,a]'
17.6: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
17.4-17.9: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'h[b,a]'
19.8: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
19.4-19.9: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'j[a,b]'
23.5: ### Hint: is type variable 'f'
23.8: ### Hint: is type variable 'F'
25.9: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'f'
25.4-25.10: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'k[a,f]'
26.6: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
26.12: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'f'
26.4-26.13: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'k[b,a,f]'
27.9: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
27.12: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'f'
27.4-27.13: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'k[a,b,f]'
29.6: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'F'
29.4-29.10: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'l[F,a]'
32.34: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
32.37: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
32.6: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'G'
32.9: ### Warning: unexpected identifier in compound list 'b'
32.4-32.13: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier 'k[G,b,a]'
34.44: ### Hint: is type list '[s]'
34.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
34.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
34.7-34.14: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier '__=[s]__'
35.44-35.46: ### Hint: is type list '[s, s]'
35.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
35.29: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
35.7-35.14: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier '__=[s]__'
35.44-35.46: ### Hint:
for type scheme 'a * a -> Unit' wrong length of instantiation list
'[s, s]'
35.4-35.16: ### Hint:
untypeable term
'(op __=[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a -> Unit)[s, s]'
35.4-35.52: *** Error:
no typing for
'(op __=[s]__ : forall a : Type . a * a -> Unit)[s, s] (a, a)'
36.7-36.9: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
36.10-36.22: ### Hint: is type list '[s, s : Type]'
36.28: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
36.28: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
36.11-36.16: ### Hint:
for type scheme 'a * a -> Unit' wrong length of instantiation list
'[s, s : Type]'
36.4-36.23: ### Hint: no type found for '__=[s]__'
36.6-36.26: ### Hint:
untypeable term '__ =[s][s, s : Type] __ : s * s -> Unit'
36.6-36.46: *** Error:
no typing for '(__ =[s][s, s : Type] __ : s * s -> Unit) (a, a)'
37.7-37.9: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
37.15: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
37.15: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
37.29-37.31: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
37.30: *** Error: unexpected mixfix token: s
38.7-38.9: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
38.10-38.12: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
38.18: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
38.18: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
38.32-38.34: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
38.10: *** Error: unexpected mixfix token: [
39.7-39.9: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
39.15: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
39.15: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
40.7-40.9: ### Hint: is compound list '[s]'
40.10-40.19: ### Hint: is type list '[s : Type]'
40.25: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
40.25: ### Hint:
no kind found for 's'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
41.43: ### Hint: is type list '[s]'
41.14: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
41.28: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
41.28: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
41.7-41.24: ### Hint: is polymorphic compound identifier '__=[s]__'
43.22: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
43.35: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
43.35: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
43.4-43.31: ### Hint:
is polymorphic compound identifier 'if__then__else[a]__'
44.22: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
44.35: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
44.35: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
44.4-44.31: ### Hint:
is polymorphic compound identifier 'if__then__else[s]__'
45.19: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
45.32: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
45.32: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}