class Functor < Type -> Type
{vars f : Functor; a, b, c : Type
op map : (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
vars x : f a; f : a -> b; g : b -> c
. (map \ y : a .! y) x = x
. (map \ y : a .! g (f y)) x = map g (map f x);
class Monad < Type -> Type
{vars m : Monad; a, b, c : Type
ops __>>=__ : m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b;
__>>=__ : m a * (a -> m b) -> m b;
ret : a -> m a
vars x, y : a; p : m a; q : a ->? m b; r : b ->? m c; f : a ->? b
. def q x => ret x >>= q = q x
. (p >>= \ x : a . ret (f x) >>= r) = p >>= \ x : a . r (f x)
. p >>= ret = p
. (p >>= q) >>= r = p >>= \ x : a . q x >>= r
. (ret x : m a) = ret y => x = y;
class instance Monad < Functor
vars m : Monad; a, b : Type; f : a -> b; x : m a
. map f x = x >>= \ y : a . ret (f y);
class MonadT < Monad -> Monad
{vars t : MonadT; m : Monad; a : Type
op lift : m a -> t m a
vars x : a; p : m a; b : Type; q : a -> m b
. lift (ret x) = (ret x : t m a)
. lift (p >>= q) = lift p >>= \ y : a .! lift (q y) : t m b;
var state : Type
type instance ST state : Monad
vars a, b : Type
type ST state a := state ->? a * state
vars x : a; p : ST state a; q : a ->? ST state b
Functor < Type -> Type;
Monad < Type -> Type;
MonadT < (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
Monad < Functor;
MonadT < Monad -> Monad
ST : Type -> Monad
ST (state : Type) (a : Type) := state ->? a * state
a : Type %(var_246)%;
b : Type %(var_247)%;
c : Type %(var_28)%;
f : Functor %(var_1)%;
m : Monad %(var_162)%;
state : Type %(var_244)%;
t : MonadT %(var_161)%
op __>>=__ : forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type
. m a * (a -> m b) -> m b
op __>>=__ : forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type
. m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b
op lift : forall t : MonadT; m : Monad; a : Type . m a -> t m a
op map : forall f : Functor; a : Type; b : Type
. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a
f : a -> b;
g : b -> c;
p : ST state a;
q : a ->? ST state b;
r : b ->? m c;
x : a;
y : a
forall a : Type; f : Functor; x : f a . (map \ y : a .! y) x = x
a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; f : Functor; f : a -> b; g : b -> c;
x : f a
. (map \ y : a .! g (f y)) x = map g (map f x)
forall a : Type; b : Type; m : Monad; q : a ->? m b; x : a
. def q x
=> (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(ret x, q)
= q x
a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; m : Monad; f : a ->? b; p : m a;
r : b ->? m c
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
\ x : a
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(ret (f x), r))
= (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(p, \ x : a . r (f x))
forall a : Type; m : Monad; p : m a
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a -> m b) -> m b)
(p, ret)
= p
a : Type; b : Type; c : Type; m : Monad; p : m a; q : a ->? m b;
r : b ->? m c
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
((op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(p, q),
= (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
\ x : a
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(q x, r))
forall a : Type; m : Monad; x : a; y : a
. (ret x : m a) = ret y => x = y
forall a : Type; b : Type; m : Monad; f : a -> b; x : m a
. map f x
= (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
(x, \ y : a . ret (f y))
forall a : Type; m : Monad; t : MonadT; x : a
. lift (ret x) = (ret x : t m a)
a : Type; b : Type; m : Monad; t : MonadT; p : m a; q : a -> m b
. lift
((op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a -> m b) -> m b)
(p, q))
= (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a -> m b) -> m b)
(lift p, \ y : a .! lift (q y) : t m b)
2.7: ### Hint: is type variable 'f'
2.19: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
2.22: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
2.25: ### Hint: is type variable 'c'
4.8: ### Hint: not a kind 'f a'
4.16: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
4.16: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
4.15: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'f'
4.27: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
4.27: ### Hint: not a class 'c'
9.7: ### Hint: is type variable 'm'
9.17: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
9.17: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
9.20: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
9.20: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
9.23: ### Hint: is type variable 'c'
9.23: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'c'
10.17-10.19: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
10.17-10.19: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
11.17-11.19: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
11.17-11.19: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'm a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
13.8: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
13.7: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
13.11: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
13.17: ### Hint: not a kind 'm a'
13.25: ### Hint: not a kind 'a ->? m b'
13.39: ### Hint: not a kind 'b ->? m c'
13.53: ### Hint: not a kind 'a ->? b'
13.52: ### Hint: rebound variable 'f'
13.52: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'f'
14.14-14.24: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a) (var x : a),
(var q : a ->? m b))'
14.14-14.24: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v33_m _v34_a * (_v34_a -> _v33_m _v35_b))
'(ret x, q)'
15.12: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
15.19-15.33: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a)
((var f : a ->? b) (var x : a)),
(var r : b ->? m c))'
15.19-15.33: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v52_m _v53_a * (_v53_a -> _v52_m _v54_b))
'(ret (f x), r)'
15.3-15.33: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var p : m a),
\ x : a
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
((op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a)
((var f : a ->? b) (var x : a)),
(var r : b ->? m c)))'
15.3-15.31: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v46_m _v47_a * (_v47_a -> _v46_m _v48_b))
'(p, \ x : a . ret (f x) >>= r)'
15.12: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
15.19-15.33: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a)
((var f : a ->? b) (var x : a)),
(var r : b ->? m c))'
15.19-15.33: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v62_m _v63_a * (_v63_a -> _v62_m _v64_b))
'(ret (f x), r)'
16.13: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
16.5-16.25: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var p : m a),
\ x : a . (var r : b ->? m c) ((var f : a ->? b) (var x : a)))'
16.5-16.25: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v72_m _v73_a * (_v73_a -> _v72_m _v74_b))
'(p, \ x : a . r (f x))'
16.13: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
18.4-18.10: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var p : m a), (var q : a ->? m b))'
18.4-18.10: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v102_m _v103_a * (_v103_a -> _v102_m _v104_b))
'(p, q)'
18.4-18.17: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
((var p : m a), (var q : a ->? m b)),
(var r : b ->? m c))'
18.6-18.17: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v96_m _v97_a * (_v97_a -> _v96_m _v98_b))
'(p >>= q, r)'
18.4-18.10: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var p : m a), (var q : a ->? m b))'
18.4-18.10: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v108_m _v109_a * (_v109_a -> _v108_m _v110_b))
'(p, q)'
18.29: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
18.36-18.44: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var q : a ->? m b) (var x : a), (var r : b ->? m c))'
18.36-18.44: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v120_m _v121_a * (_v121_a -> _v120_m _v122_b))
'(q x, r)'
18.21-18.44: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var p : m a),
\ x : a
. (op __>>=__ :
forall m : Monad; a : Type; b : Type . m a * (a ->? m b) ->? m b)
((var q : a ->? m b) (var x : a), (var r : b ->? m c)))'
18.21-18.42: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v114_m _v115_a * (_v115_a -> _v114_m _v116_b))
'(p, \ x : a . q x >>= r)'
18.29: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
18.36-18.44: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var q : a ->? m b) (var x : a), (var r : b ->? m c))'
18.36-18.44: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v126_m _v127_a * (_v127_a -> _v126_m _v128_b))
'(q x, r)'
20.16-20.20: ### Warning: refined class 'Monad'
21.7: ### Hint: is type variable 'm'
21.7: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'm'
21.17: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
21.17: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
21.20: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
21.20: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
21.30: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
21.30: ### Hint: not a class 'b'
21.29: ### Hint: rebound variable 'f'
21.29: ### Warning: variable also known as type variable 'f'
21.41: ### Hint: not a kind 'm a'
21.40: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
22.21: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
22.13-22.35: ### Hint:
rejected '__->?__ < __->__' of '((var x : m a),
\ y : a
. (op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a)
((var f : a -> b) (var y : a)))'
22.13-22.35: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v149_m _v150_a * (_v150_a -> _v149_m _v151_b))
'(x, \ y : a . ret (f y))'
22.21: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
25.7: ### Hint: is type variable 't'
25.18: ### Hint: is type variable 'm'
25.18: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'm'
25.28: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
25.28: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
27.8: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
27.7: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
27.14: ### Hint: not a kind 'm a'
27.13: ### Hint: rebound variable 'p'
27.21: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
27.21: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
27.31: ### Hint: not a kind 'a -> m b'
27.30: ### Hint: rebound variable 'q'
29.33: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
29.33: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
29.33: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
29.33: ### Hint: rebound variable 'y'
31.7-31.11: ### Hint: is type variable 'state'
33.7: ### Hint: is type variable 'a'
33.7: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'a'
33.10: ### Hint: is type variable 'b'
33.10: ### Hint: rebound type variable 'b'
34.30: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cpo}
found: {Type}
34.30: ### Hint:
no kind found for 'a'
expected: {Cppo}
found: {Type}
34.6-34.7: ### Hint: redeclared type 'ST'
35.8: ### Hint: not a class 'a'
35.7: ### Hint: rebound variable 'x'
35.14: ### Hint: not a kind 'ST state a'
35.13: ### Hint: rebound variable 'p'
35.29: ### Hint: not a kind 'a ->? ST state b'
35.28: ### Hint: rebound variable 'q'
36.3-36.7: ### Hint:
in type of '(op ret : forall m : Monad; a : Type . a -> m a) (var x : a)'
typename 'a' (35.10)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (36.20)
36.3-36.42: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: ? _v250_a * ? _v250_a)
'(ret x : ST state a, \ s : state . (x, s))'
36.22: *** Error:
no typing for '(ret x : ST state a) = \ s : state . (x, s)'
37.3-37.9: ### Hint:
in type of '((var p : ST state a), (var q : a ->? ST state b))'
typename 'a' (35.31)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (35.25)
37.3-37.9: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v254_m _v255_a * (_v255_a -> _v254_m _v256_b))
'(p, q)'
37.3-37.9: ### Hint:
in type of '((var p : ST state a), (var q : a ->? ST state b))'
typename 'a' (35.31)
is not unifiable with type 'a * state' (35.25)
37.3-37.9: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: _v257_m _v258_a * (_v258_a ->? _v257_m _v259_b))
'(p, q)'
37.5-37.55: ### Hint:
untypeable term (with type: ? _v253_a * ? _v253_a)
'(p >>= q, \ s1 : state . let (z, s2) = p s1 in q z s2)'
37.11: *** Error:
no typing for
'p >>= q = \ s1 : state . let (z, s2) = p s1 in q z s2'