{- |
Module : ./HasCASL/ToItem.hs
Description : extracted annotated items for xml output from basic specs
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Ewaryst Schulz and DFKI GmbH 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (imports Common.Item)
get item representation of 'BasicSpec'
module HasCASL.ToItem (bsToItem) where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Item
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs
bsToItem :: BasicSpec -> Item
bsToItem (BasicSpec bs) =
mkItem "BasicSpec" nullRange $ map (fmap biToItem) bs
biToItem :: BasicItem -> Item
biToItem bi = case bi of
SigItems si -> siToItem si
ProgItems pes rg -> mkItem "ProgItems" rg $ map (fmap peToItem) pes
ClassItems inst cs rg -> mkItem (case inst of
Instance -> "ClassInstanceItems"
Plain -> "ClassItems") rg $ map (fmap ciToItem) cs
GenVarItems gvs rg ->
mkItem "GenVarItems" rg $ map (emptyAnno . gvdToItem) gvs
FreeDatatype ds rg -> mkItem "FreeDatatype" rg $ map (fmap dtdToItem) ds
GenItems sis rg -> mkItem "GenItems" rg $ map (fmap siToItem) sis
AxiomItems gvs ts rg -> mkItem "AxiomItems" rg $
map (emptyAnno . gvdToItem) gvs ++ map (fmap trmToItem) ts
Internal bs rg -> mkItem "Internal" rg $ map (fmap biToItem) bs
siToItem :: SigItems -> Item
siToItem si = case si of
TypeItems inst ts rg -> mkItem (case inst of
Instance -> "TypeInstanceItem"
Plain -> "TypeItem") rg $ map (fmap tiToItem) ts
OpItems b os rg -> mkItem (show b ++ "Items") rg $ map (fmap oiToItem) os
tiToItem :: TypeItem -> Item
tiToItem ti = case ti of
TypeDecl tps k rg -> mkItem "TypeDecl" rg
$ map (emptyAnno . tpToItem) tps ++ [emptyAnno (kToItem k)]
SubtypeDecl tps ty rg -> mkItem "SubtypeDecl" rg
$ map (emptyAnno . tpToItem) tps ++ [emptyAnno (tyToItem ty)]
IsoDecl tps rg -> mkItem "IsoDecl" rg $ map (emptyAnno . tpToItem) tps
SubtypeDefn tp v ty trm rg -> mkItem "SubtypeDefn" rg
$ map emptyAnno [tpToItem tp, vToItem v, tyToItem ty]
++ [fmap trmToItem trm]
AliasType tp mk sc rg -> mkItem "AliasType" rg $ map emptyAnno
$ tpToItem tp : (case mk of
Nothing -> []
Just k -> [kToItem k]) ++ [scToItem sc]
Datatype dtd -> dtdToItem dtd
tpToItem :: TypePattern -> Item
tpToItem tp = mkItem ("TypePattern", pretty tp) (getRange tp) []
kToItem :: Kind -> Item
kToItem k = mkItem ("Kind", pretty k) nullRange []
tyToItem :: Type -> Item
tyToItem ty = mkItem ("Type", pretty ty) (getRange ty) []
vToItem :: Vars -> Item
vToItem vs = mkItem ("Vars", pretty vs) nullRange []
scToItem :: TypeScheme -> Item
scToItem sc = mkItem ("TypeScheme" , pretty sc) (getRange sc) []
oiToItem :: OpItem -> Item
oiToItem oi = case oi of
OpDecl is sc as rg -> mkItem "OpDecl" rg
$ map (emptyAnno . polyIdToItem) is
++ [emptyAnno $ scToItem sc] ++ map (emptyAnno . attrToItem) as
OpDefn o vs sc trm rg -> mkItem "OpDefn" rg
$ map emptyAnno
$ polyIdToItem o : [headToItem vs | not $ null vs ]
++ [scToItem sc, trmToItem trm]
polyIdToItem :: PolyId -> Item
polyIdToItem i@(PolyId _ _ rg) = mkItem ("OpId", pretty i) rg []
attrToItem :: OpAttr -> Item
attrToItem a = mkItem ("OpAttr", pretty a) (getRange a) []
headToItem :: [[VarDecl]] -> Item
headToItem vs = mkItem ("OpHead", fcat $ printHead vs) nullRange []
peToItem :: ProgEq -> Item
peToItem pe@(ProgEq _ _ rg) = mkItem ("ProgEq", pretty pe) rg []
ciToItem :: ClassItem -> Item
ciToItem (ClassItem cd bs rg) =
mkItem "ClassItem" rg $ emptyAnno (cdToItem cd) : map (fmap biToItem) bs
cdToItem :: ClassDecl -> Item
cdToItem (ClassDecl cs k rg) =
mkItem "ClassDecl" rg $ map (emptyAnno . classToItem) cs
++ [emptyAnno $ kToItem k]
classToItem :: Id -> Item
classToItem i = mkItem ("Class", pretty i) (getRangeSpan i) []
gvdToItem :: GenVarDecl -> Item
gvdToItem gvd = mkItem ("GenVarDecl", pretty gvd) nullRange []
dtdToItem :: DatatypeDecl -> Item
dtdToItem (DatatypeDecl tp k as ds rg) =
mkItem "DatatypeDecl" rg $ emptyAnno (tpToItem tp) :
emptyAnno (kToItem k) : map (fmap altToItem) as
++ map (emptyAnno . classToItem) ds
altToItem :: Alternative -> Item
altToItem a = case a of
Constructor _ _ _ r -> mkItem ("Constructor", pretty a) r []
Subtype _ r -> mkItem ("SubtypeAlternative", pretty a) r []
trmToItem :: Term -> Item
trmToItem t = mkItem ("Term", pretty t) (getRange t) []