{- |
Module : ./HasCASL/SimplifyTerm.hs
Description : simplify terms for prettier printing
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
remove type annotations of unique variables or operations
module HasCASL.SimplifyTerm where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.VarDecl
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import HasCASL.TypeAna
import Common.Lib.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- | simplify terms and patterns (if True)
simplifyRec :: Bool -> Env -> MapRec
simplifyRec b env = mapRec
{ foldQualVar = \ t (VarDecl v ty _ ps) ->
if Map.member v (assumps env) then t else
let nv = ResolvedMixTerm v [] [] ps in
if b then TypedTerm nv OfType ty ps else nv
, foldQualOp = \ trm _ (PolyId i _ _) _ tys k ps ->
if Map.member i $ localVars env then trm else
case getMinAssumps env i of
_ : _ : _ -> trm
_ -> ResolvedMixTerm i (if k == Infer then [] else tys) [] ps
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ nt q ty ps ->
let ntyped = TypedTerm nt q ty ps in case q of
InType -> ntyped
AsType -> ntyped
_ -> case nt of
QualVar (VarDecl v oty _ qs) | oty == ty ->
if Map.member v $ assumps env then nt
else TypedTerm (ResolvedMixTerm v [] [] qs) q ty ps
QualOp _ (PolyId i _ _) _ tys k qs | q == Inferred ->
if Map.member i $ localVars env then ntyped
else case getMinAssumps env i of
_ : _ : _ -> ntyped
_ -> TypedTerm (ResolvedMixTerm i
(if k == Infer then [] else tys) [] qs) q ty ps
TypedTerm ntt qt tyt _ -> case qt of
InType -> nt
AsType -> if tyt == ty || q == Inferred then nt else ntyped
OfType -> if tyt == ty || q == Inferred then nt else ntyped
Inferred -> TypedTerm ntt q ty ps
_ -> ntyped
, foldQuantifiedTerm = \ ot _ _ _ _ ->
let QuantifiedTerm q vs te ps = ot
nEnv = execState (mapM_ ( \ vd ->
case vd of
GenVarDecl v -> addLocalVar False v
_ -> return ()) vs) env
in QuantifiedTerm q vs (simplifyTerm nEnv te) ps
, foldLambdaTerm = \ ot _ _ _ _ ->
let LambdaTerm ls p te qs = ot
nEnv = execState (mapM_ (addLocalVar False)
$ concatMap extractVars ls) env
in LambdaTerm (map (simplifyPattern env) ls) p (simplifyTerm nEnv te) qs
, foldLetTerm = \ ot _ _ _ _ ->
let LetTerm br es te ps = ot
addEqVars = mapM_ ( \ (ProgEq p _ _) ->
mapM_ (addLocalVar False) $ extractVars p)
nEnv = execState (addEqVars es) env
in LetTerm br (map (simplifyEq nEnv) es) (simplifyTerm nEnv te) ps
, foldProgEq = \ ot q _ _ ->
let ProgEq p t r = ot
nEnv = execState (mapM_ (addLocalVar False) $ extractVars p) env
s = simplifyTerm nEnv t
in ProgEq q s r }
-- | remove qualification of unique identifiers
simplifyTerm :: Env -> Term -> Term
simplifyTerm = foldTerm . simplifyRec False
-- | remove qualification of unique identifiers
simplifyPattern :: Env -> Term -> Term
simplifyPattern = foldTerm . simplifyRec True
simplifyEq :: Env -> ProgEq -> ProgEq
simplifyEq = foldEq . simplifyRec False
simplifySentence :: Env -> Sentence -> Sentence
simplifySentence env s = case s of
Formula t -> Formula $ simplifyTerm env t
ProgEqSen i sc eq -> ProgEqSen i sc $ simplifyEq env eq
_ -> s