PrintLe.hs revision 31a189d4cff554f78407cdc422480e84e99a6ec6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : pretty printing signatures
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing a HasCASL environment
module HasCASL.PrintLe (diffTypeMap, diffType, printMap1) where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.Builtin
import HasCASL.ClassAna
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id (posOfId)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Keywords
import Data.List
instance Pretty ClassInfo where
pretty (ClassInfo rk ks) =
if Set.null ks then colon <+> pretty (rawToKind rk) else
text lessS <+> printList0 (Set.toList ks)
printGenKind :: GenKind -> Doc
printGenKind k = case k of
Loose -> empty
Free -> text freeS
Generated -> text generatedS
instance Pretty TypeDefn where
pretty td = case td of
NoTypeDefn -> empty
PreDatatype -> text "%(data type)%"
AliasTypeDefn s -> text assignS <+> pretty s
DatatypeDefn dd -> text "%[" <> pretty dd <> text "]%"
printAltDefn :: AltDefn -> Doc
printAltDefn (Construct mi ts p sels) = case mi of
Just i -> pretty i <+> fsep (map (parens . semiDs) sels) <> pretty p
Nothing -> text (typeS ++ sS) <+> ppWithCommas ts
instance Pretty Selector where
pretty (Select mi t p) =
(case mi of
Just i -> pretty i <+> case p of
Partial -> text colonQuMark
Total -> colon
Nothing -> empty) <+> pretty t
instance Pretty TypeInfo where
pretty (TypeInfo _ _ _ def) = pretty def
instance Pretty TypeVarDefn where
pretty (TypeVarDefn v vk _ i) =
printVarKind v vk <+> text ("%(var_" ++ shows i ")%")
instance Pretty VarDefn where
pretty (VarDefn ty) =
colon <+> pretty ty
instance Pretty ConstrInfo where
pretty (ConstrInfo i t) =
pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty t
instance Pretty OpDefn where
pretty od = case od of
NoOpDefn b -> text $ "%(" ++ shows b ")%"
ConstructData _ -> text "%(constructor)%"
SelectData cs _ -> sep
[ text "%(selector of constructor(s)"
, printList0 (Set.toList cs) <> text ")%" ]
Definition b t ->
sep [text $ "%[" ++ shows b "=", pretty t <> text "]%" ]
instance Pretty OpInfo where
pretty o = sep [pretty $ opType o, pretty $ opDefn o]
instance Pretty DataEntry where
pretty (DataEntry im j k args _ talts) = let
i = Map.findWithDefault j j im
mapAlt (Construct mi tys p sels) = Construct mi
(map (mapType im) tys) p $ map (map mapSel) sels
mapSel (Select mi ty p) = Select mi (mapType im ty) p
alts = mapAlt talts
in printGenKind k <+> keyword typeS <+>
fsep [fcat $ pretty i : map (parens . pretty) args
, defn, cat $ punctuate (space <> bar <> space)
$ map printAltDefn $ Set.toList alts]
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty s = case s of
Formula t -> (case t of
QuantifiedTerm Universal (_ : _) _ _ -> id
_ -> addBullet) $ pretty t
DatatypeSen ls -> vcat (map pretty ls)
ProgEqSen _ _ pe -> keyword programS <+> pretty pe
instance Pretty Env where
pretty Env
{ classMap = cm
, typeMap = tm
, localTypeVars = tvs
, assumps = ops
, binders = bs
, localVars = vs
, sentences = se
, envDiags = ds } = let
oops = foldr Map.delete ops $ map fst bList
otm = diffTypeMap cm tm bTypes
ltm = concatMap ( \ (i, ti) -> map ( \ k -> (i, k))
$ Set.toList $ otherTypeKinds ti) $ Map.toList otm
stm = concatMap ( \ (i, ti) -> map ( \ s -> (i, s))
$ Set.toList $ superTypes ti) $ Map.toList otm
atm = Map.filter ( \ td -> case typeDefn td of
AliasTypeDefn _ -> True
_ -> False) otm
scm = concatMap ( \ (i, ci) -> map ( \ s -> (i, s))
$ Set.toList $ Set.delete (rawToKind $ rawKind ci) $ classKinds ci)
$ Map.toList cm
bas = map (\ (b, o) -> Unparsed_anno (Annote_word "binder")
(Line_anno $ " " ++ show b ++ ", " ++ show o) $ posOfId b)
$ Map.toList bs
mkPlural s = if last s == 's' then s ++ "es" else s ++ "s"
header2 l s = keyword $ case l of
_ : _ : _ -> mkPlural s
_ -> s
header m s = keyword $
if Map.size m < 2 then s else mkPlural s
in noPrint (Map.null cm) (header cm classS)
$+$ printMap0 ( ( \ ci -> ci { classKinds = Set.empty }) cm)
$+$ noPrint (null scm) (header2 scm classS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, s) ->
pretty i <+> text lessS <+> pretty s) scm)
$+$ noPrint (null ltm) (header2 ltm typeS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, k) ->
pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty k) ltm)
$+$ noPrint (null stm) (header2 stm typeS)
$+$ vcat (punctuate semi $ map ( \ (i, s) ->
pretty i <+> text lessS <+> pretty s) stm)
$+$ noPrint (Map.null atm) (header atm typeS)
$+$ printMap0 atm
$+$ noPrint (Map.null tvs) (header tvs varS)
$+$ printMap0 tvs
$+$ vcat (map annoDoc bas)
$+$ printSetMap (keyword opS) space oops
$+$ noPrint (Map.null vs) (header vs varS)
$+$ printMap0 vs
$+$ vcat (map (pretty . fromLabelledSen) $ reverse se)
$+$ vcat (map pretty $ reverse ds)
printMap0 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap0 = printMap id (vcat . punctuate semi) ( \ a b -> fsep $ a : [b])
printMap1 :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Pretty b) => Map.Map a b -> Doc
printMap1 = printMap id vcat ( \ a b -> fsep $ a : mapsto : [b])
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty m =
let tm = typeIdMap m
cm = classIdMap m
fm = funMap m
-- the types in funs are already mapped
-- key und value types only differ wrt. partiality
ds = Map.foldWithKey ( \ (i, _) (j, t) l ->
(pretty i <+> mapsto <+>
pretty j <+> colon <+> pretty t) : l)
[] fm
in (if Map.null tm then empty
else keyword (typeS ++ sS) <+> printMap1 tm)
$+$ (if Map.null cm then empty
else keyword (classS ++ sS) <+> printMap1 cm)
$+$ (if Map.null fm then empty
else keyword (opS ++ sS) <+> sepByCommas ds)
$+$ colon <+> specBraces (pretty $ msource m)
$+$ mapsto
<+> specBraces (pretty $ mtarget m)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (SymbolType a) where
pretty t = case t of
OpAsItemType sc -> pretty sc
TypeAsItemType k -> pretty k
ClassAsItemType k -> pretty k
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty s = keyword (case symType s of
OpAsItemType _ -> opS
TypeAsItemType _ -> typeS
ClassAsItemType _ -> classS)
<+> pretty (symName s) <+> colon <+> case symType s of
OpAsItemType sc -> pretty sc
TypeAsItemType k -> pretty $ rawToKind k
ClassAsItemType k -> pretty $ rawToKind k
instance Pretty RawSymbol where
pretty rs = case rs of
AnID i -> pretty i
AKindedId k i -> printSK k [i] <> pretty i
AQualId i t ->
printSK (symbTypeToKind t) [i] <> pretty i <+> colon <+> pretty t
ASymbol s -> pretty s
diffTypeMap :: ClassMap -> TypeMap -> TypeMap -> TypeMap
diffTypeMap cm t1 t2 =
let t = Map.differenceWith (diffType cm) t1 t2
r = Set.intersection $ Set.union (Map.keysSet t) $ Map.keysSet bTypes
in ( \ ti -> ti { superTypes = r $ superTypes ti }) t
-- | compute difference of type infos
diffType :: ClassMap -> TypeInfo -> TypeInfo -> Maybe TypeInfo
diffType cm ti1 ti2 =
let k1 = otherTypeKinds ti1
k2 = otherTypeKinds ti2
ks = Set.filter (\ k -> Set.null $
Set.filter (flip (lesserKind cm) k) k2) k1
in if Set.null ks then Nothing else
Just $ ti1 { otherTypeKinds = ks
, superTypes = Set.difference (superTypes ti1) $
superTypes ti2 }