{- |
Module : ./HasCASL/MapTerm.hs
Description : renaming according to signature morphisms
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
rename symbols of terms according to a signature morphisms
module HasCASL.MapTerm where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.AsUtils
import HasCASL.Le
import HasCASL.FoldTerm
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Rename = ((Id, TypeScheme) -> (Id, TypeScheme), Type -> Type)
renameRec :: Rename -> MapRec
renameRec m = mapRec
{ foldQualVar = \ _ -> QualVar . mapVar (snd m)
, foldQualOp = \ _ b (PolyId i as ps) sc tys qs ->
let (i2, sc2) = fst m (i, sc)
in QualOp b (PolyId i2 as ps) sc2 (map (snd m) tys) qs
, foldTypedTerm = \ _ te q -> TypedTerm te q . snd m
, foldQuantifiedTerm = \ _ q ->
QuantifiedTerm q . map (mapGenVar $ snd m)
, foldAsPattern = \ _ -> AsPattern . mapVar (snd m)
, foldMixTypeTerm = \ _ q -> MixTypeTerm q . snd m }
mapTerm :: Rename -> Term -> Term
mapTerm = foldTerm . renameRec
mapEq :: Rename -> ProgEq -> ProgEq
mapEq = foldEq . renameRec
mapVar :: (Type -> Type) -> VarDecl -> VarDecl
mapVar m (VarDecl v ty q ps) = VarDecl v (m ty) q ps
mapGenVar :: (Type -> Type) -> GenVarDecl -> GenVarDecl
mapGenVar m g = case g of
GenVarDecl vd -> GenVarDecl $ mapVar m vd
GenTypeVarDecl (TypeArg i v vk rk c s r) -> GenTypeVarDecl
$ TypeArg i v (case vk of
VarKind k -> -- extract kind renaming from type renaming
let KindedType _ nk _ =
m $ KindedType unitType (Set.singleton k) r
in VarKind $ Set.findMin nk
Downset t -> Downset $ m t
_ -> vk) rk c s r
mapOpInfo :: Rename -> OpInfo -> OpInfo
mapOpInfo m oi = oi
{ opType = mapTypeOfScheme (snd m) $ opType oi
, opAttrs = Set.map (mapOpAttr m) $ opAttrs oi
, opDefn = renameOpDefn m $ opDefn oi }
mapOpAttr :: Rename -> OpAttr -> OpAttr
mapOpAttr m o = case o of
UnitOpAttr t p -> UnitOpAttr (mapTerm m t) p
_ -> o
renameOpDefn :: Rename -> OpDefn -> OpDefn
renameOpDefn m d = case d of
SelectData cs i -> SelectData (Set.map (renameConstrInfo $ snd m) cs) i
Definition b t -> Definition b $ mapTerm m t
_ -> d
renameConstrInfo :: (Type -> Type) -> ConstrInfo -> ConstrInfo
renameConstrInfo m c = c { constrType = mapTypeOfScheme m $ constrType c }