AsUtils.hs revision da768cb4801fbb3bb2f352532d62f6ac60f5ad29
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
compute meaningful positions for various data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.AsUtils where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs -- to reexport instances
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
-- | generate a comparison string
expected :: PrettyPrint a => a -> a -> String
expected a b =
"\n expected: " ++ showPretty a
"\n found: " ++ showPretty b "\n"
instance PosItem Kind where
get_pos = Just . posOfKind
posOfKind :: Kind -> Pos
posOfKind k =
case k of
Universe ps -> if null ps then nullPos else head ps
MissingKind -> nullPos
ClassKind c _ -> posOfId c
Downset _ t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
Intersection ks ps -> firstPos ks ps
FunKind k1 _ ps -> firstPos [k1] ps
ExtKind ek _ ps -> firstPos [ek] ps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
posOfVars :: Vars -> Pos
posOfVars vr =
case vr of
Var v -> posOfId v
VarTuple vs ps -> firstPos vs ps
instance PosItem Vars where
get_pos = Just . posOfVars
instance PosItem TypePattern where
get_pos = Just . posOfTypePattern
instance PosItem TypeArg where
get_pos (TypeArg t _ _ _) = Just $ posOfId t
posOfTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Pos
posOfTypePattern pat =
case pat of
TypePattern t _ _ -> posOfId t
TypePatternToken t -> tokPos t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> posOf ts
BracketTypePattern _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypePatternArg (TypeArg t _ _ _) _ -> posOfId t
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance PosItem TypeScheme where
get_pos (TypeScheme tArgs _ ps) = Just $ firstPos tArgs ps
instance PosItem Type where
get_pos = Just . posOfType
posOfType :: Type -> Pos
posOfType ty =
case ty of
TypeName i _ _ -> posOfId i
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> posOf [t1, t2]
TypeToken t -> tokPos t
BracketType _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
KindedType t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
MixfixType ts -> posOf ts
LazyType t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
ProductType ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
FunType t1 _ t2 ps -> firstPos [t1,t2] ps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance PosItem Term where
get_pos = Just . posOfTerm
posOfTerm :: Term -> Pos
posOfTerm trm =
case trm of
QualVar v _ ps -> firstPos [v] ps
QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ ps) _ qs -> firstPos [i] (ps++qs)
ResolvedMixTerm i _ _ -> posOfId i
ApplTerm t1 t2 ps -> firstPos [t1, t2] ps
TupleTerm ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypedTerm t _ _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
QuantifiedTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LambdaTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
CaseTerm t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LetTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
TermToken t -> tokPos t
MixTypeTerm q t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
MixfixTerm ts -> posOf ts
BracketTerm _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance PosItem Pattern where
get_pos = Just . posOfPat
posOfPat :: Pattern -> Pos
posOfPat pat =
case pat of
PatternVar vs -> getMyPos vs
PatternConstr (InstOpId i _ _) _ qs -> firstPos [i] qs
ResolvedMixPattern i _ _ -> posOfId i
ApplPattern p1 p2 ps -> firstPos [p1, p2] ps
TuplePattern ps qs -> firstPos ps qs
TypedPattern p _ ps -> firstPos [p] ps
AsPattern p1 p2 ps -> firstPos [p1, p2] ps
PatternToken t -> tokPos t
MixfixPattern ps -> posOf ps
BracketPattern _ ps qs -> firstPos ps qs
instance PosItem VarDecl where
get_pos (VarDecl v _ _ ps) = Just $ firstPos [v] ps