{- |
Module : ./HasCASL/AsUtils.hs
Description : some utilities for the abstract syntax
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
utility functions and computations of meaningful positions for
various data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.AsUtils where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.FoldType
import HasCASL.HToken
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Parsec
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
-- | the string for the universe type
typeUniverseS :: String
typeUniverseS = "Type"
-- | the id of the universe type
universeId :: Id
universeId = stringToId typeUniverseS
-- | the type universe
universe :: Kind
universe = ClassKind universeId
-- | the type universe
universeWithRange :: Range -> Kind
universeWithRange = ClassKind . simpleIdToId . Token typeUniverseS
-- | the name for the Unit type
unitTypeS :: String
unitTypeS = "Unit"
-- | the identifier for the Unit type
unitTypeId :: Id
unitTypeId = stringToId unitTypeS
-- | single step beta reduce type abstractions
redStep :: Type -> Maybe Type
redStep ty = case ty of
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> case t1 of
TypeAbs (TypeArg _ _ _ _ c _ _) b _ -> return $
foldType mapTypeRec
{ foldTypeName = \ t _ _ n -> if n == c then t2 else t
, foldTypeAbs = \ t v1@(TypeArg _ _ _ _ n _ _) tb p ->
if n == c then t else TypeAbs v1 tb p } b
ExpandedType _ t -> redStep $ TypeAppl t t2
KindedType t _ _ -> redStep $ TypeAppl t t2
_ -> do
r1 <- redStep t1
redStep $ TypeAppl r1 t2
ExpandedType e t -> fmap (ExpandedType e) $ redStep t
KindedType t k ps -> do
r <- redStep t
return $ KindedType r k ps
_ -> fail "unreducible"
strippedType :: Type -> Type
strippedType = foldType mapTypeRec
{ foldTypeAppl = \ trm f a -> let t = TypeAppl f a in
case redStep trm of
Nothing -> case f of
TypeName i _ 0
| i == lazyTypeId -> a
| isArrow i -> TypeAppl (toFunType PFunArr) a
_ -> t
Just r -> strippedType r
, foldTypeName = \ _ i k v -> TypeName (if v >= 0 then i else typeId) k v
, foldKindedType = \ _ t _ _ -> t
, foldExpandedType = \ _ _ t -> t }
eqStrippedType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
eqStrippedType t1 t2 = strippedType t1 == strippedType t2
-- | get top-level type constructor and its arguments and beta reduce
getTypeAppl :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
getTypeAppl = getTypeApplAux True
-- | get top-level type constructor and its arguments and beta reduce if True
getTypeApplAux :: Bool -> Type -> (Type, [Type])
getTypeApplAux b ty = let (t, args) = getTyAppl ty in (t, reverse args) where
getTyAppl typ =
case typ of
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> case redStep typ of
Just r | b -> getTyAppl r
_ -> let (t, args) = getTyAppl t1 in (t, t2 : args)
ExpandedType _ te -> let (t, args) = getTyAppl te in case t of
TypeName {} -> (t, args)
_ -> if null args then (typ, []) else (t, args)
KindedType t _ _ -> getTyAppl t
_ -> (typ, [])
-- | the builtin function arrows
data Arrow = FunArr | PFunArr | ContFunArr | PContFunArr deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Arrow where
show a = case a of
FunArr -> funS
PFunArr -> pFun
ContFunArr -> contFun
PContFunArr -> pContFun
arrowIdRange :: Range -> Arrow -> Id
arrowIdRange r a = mkId $ map (`Token` r) [place, show a, place]
-- | construct an infix identifier for a function arrow
arrowId :: Arrow -> Id
arrowId = arrowIdRange nullRange
-- | test for a function identifier
isArrow :: Id -> Bool
isArrow i = isPartialArrow i || elem i (map arrowId [FunArr, ContFunArr])
-- | test for a partial function identifier
isPartialArrow :: Id -> Bool
isPartialArrow i = elem i $ map arrowId [PFunArr, PContFunArr]
-- | construct a mixfix product identifier with n places
productId :: Int -> Range -> Id
productId n r = if n > 1 then
mkId $ placeTok : concat (replicate (n - 1) [Token prodS r, placeTok])
else error "productId"
-- | test for a product identifier
isProductId :: Id -> Bool
isProductId i = isProductIdWithArgs i 0
-- | test for a product identifier
isProductIdWithArgs :: Id -> Int -> Bool
isProductIdWithArgs (Id ts cs _) m = let n = length ts in
null cs && (if m > 1 then m == div (n + 1) 2 else n > 2) && altPlaceProd ts
where altPlaceProd l = case l of
[] -> False
t : r -> isPlace t && altProdPlace r
altProdPlace l = case l of
[] -> True
t : r -> tokStr t == prodS && altPlaceProd r
-- | map a kind and its variance
mapKindV :: (Variance -> Variance) -> (a -> b) -> AnyKind a -> AnyKind b
mapKindV g f k = case k of
ClassKind a -> ClassKind $ f a
FunKind v a b r -> FunKind (g v) (mapKindV g f a) (mapKindV g f b) r
-- | map a kind and keep variance the same
mapKind :: (a -> b) -> AnyKind a -> AnyKind b
mapKind = mapKindV id
-- | ignore variances of raw kinds
nonVarRawKind :: RawKind -> RawKind
nonVarRawKind = mapKindV (const NonVar) id
-- | compute raw kind (if class ids or no higher kinds)
toRaw :: Kind -> RawKind
toRaw = mapKind $ const ()
-- | the type universe as raw kind
rStar :: RawKind
rStar = ClassKind ()
-- | the Unit type (name)
unitType :: Type
unitType = toType unitTypeId
-- | the Unit type (name)
unitTypeWithRange :: Range -> Type
unitTypeWithRange = toType . simpleIdToId . Token unitTypeS
-- | the prefix name for lazy types
lazyTypeId :: Id
lazyTypeId = mkId [mkSimpleId "?"]
-- | the kind of the lazy type constructor
coKind :: Kind
coKind = FunKind CoVar universe universe nullRange
-- | the lazy type constructor
lazyTypeConstr :: Type
lazyTypeConstr = TypeName lazyTypeId (toRaw coKind) 0
-- | make a type lazy
mkLazyType :: Type -> Type
mkLazyType = TypeAppl lazyTypeConstr
-- | function type
mkFunArrType :: Type -> Arrow -> Type -> Type
mkFunArrType = mkFunArrTypeWithRange nullRange
mkFunArrTypeWithRange :: Range -> Type -> Arrow -> Type -> Type
mkFunArrTypeWithRange r t1 a t2 = mkTypeAppl (toFunTypeRange r a) [t1, t2]
-- | construct a product type
mkProductType :: [Type] -> Type
mkProductType ts = mkProductTypeWithRange ts nullRange
-- | construct a product type
mkProductTypeWithRange :: [Type] -> Range -> Type
mkProductTypeWithRange ts r = case ts of
[] -> unitType
[t] -> t
_ -> let n = length ts in
mkTypeAppl (toProdType n r) ts
-- | convert a type with unbound variables to a scheme
simpleTypeScheme :: Type -> TypeScheme
simpleTypeScheme t = TypeScheme [] t nullRange
{- | add the unit type as result type or convert a parsed empty tuple
to the unit type -}
predType :: Range -> Type -> Type
predType r t = case t of
BracketType Parens [] _ -> mkLazyType $ unitTypeWithRange r
_ -> mkFunArrTypeWithRange r t PFunArr $ unitTypeWithRange r
-- | change the type of the scheme to a 'predType'
predTypeScheme :: Range -> TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
predTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme . predType
-- | check for and remove predicate arrow
unPredType :: Type -> (Bool, Type)
unPredType t = case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName at _ 0, [ty, TypeName ut (ClassKind _) 0])
| ut == unitTypeId && at == arrowId PFunArr -> (True, ty)
(TypeName lt _ 0, [TypeName ut (ClassKind _) 0])
| ut == unitTypeId && lt == lazyTypeId ->
(True, BracketType Parens [] nullRange) -- for printing only
_ -> (False, t)
-- | test if type is a predicate type
isPredType :: Type -> Bool
isPredType = fst . unPredType
-- | remove predicate arrow in a type scheme
unPredTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
unPredTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme (snd . unPredType)
funKindWithRange3 :: Range -> Kind -> Kind -> Kind -> Kind
funKindWithRange3 r a b c = FunKind ContraVar a (FunKind CoVar b c r) r
funKind3 :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind -> Kind
funKind3 = funKindWithRange3 nullRange
funKindWithRange :: Range -> Kind
funKindWithRange r = let c = universeWithRange r in funKindWithRange3 r c c c
-- | the kind of the function type
funKind :: Kind
funKind = funKindWithRange nullRange
-- | construct higher order kind from arguments and result kind
mkFunKind :: Range -> [(Variance, AnyKind a)] -> AnyKind a -> AnyKind a
mkFunKind r args res = foldr ( \ (v, a) k -> FunKind v a k r) res args
-- | the 'Kind' of the product type
prodKind1 :: Int -> Range -> Kind -> Kind
prodKind1 n r c =
if n > 1 then mkFunKind r (replicate n (CoVar, c)) c
else error "prodKind"
prodKind :: Int -> Range -> Kind
prodKind n r = prodKind1 n r universe
-- | a type name with a universe kind
toType :: Id -> Type
toType i = TypeName i rStar 0
toFunTypeRange :: Range -> Arrow -> Type
toFunTypeRange r a = TypeName (arrowIdRange r a) (toRaw $ funKindWithRange r) 0
-- | the type name for a function arrow
toFunType :: Arrow -> Type
toFunType = toFunTypeRange nullRange
-- | the type name for a function arrow
toProdType :: Int -> Range -> Type
toProdType n r = TypeName (productId n r) (toRaw $ prodKind n r) 0
-- | the brackets as tokens with positions
mkBracketToken :: BracketKind -> Range -> [Token]
mkBracketToken k ps =
map (flip Token ps) $ (\ (o, c) -> [o, c]) $ getBrackets k
-- | construct a tuple from non-singleton lists
mkTupleTerm :: [Term] -> Range -> Term
mkTupleTerm ts ps = if isSingle ts then head ts else TupleTerm ts ps
-- | try to extract tuple arguments
getTupleArgs :: Term -> Maybe [Term]
getTupleArgs t = case t of
TypedTerm trm qt _ _ -> case qt of
InType -> Nothing
_ -> getTupleArgs trm
TupleTerm ts _ -> Just ts
_ -> Nothing
{- | decompose an 'ApplTerm' into an application of an operation and a
list of arguments -}
getAppl :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getAppl = thrdM reverse . getRevAppl where
thrdM :: (c -> c) -> Maybe (a, b, c) -> Maybe (a, b, c)
thrdM f = fmap ( \ (a, b, c) -> (a, b, f c))
getRevAppl :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getRevAppl t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> case q of
InType -> Nothing
_ -> getRevAppl trm
QualOp _ (PolyId i _ _) sc _ _ _ -> Just (i, sc, [])
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) -> Just (v, simpleTypeScheme ty, [])
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> thrdM (t2 :) $ getRevAppl t1
_ -> Nothing
-- | split the list of generic variables into values and type variables
splitVars :: [GenVarDecl] -> ([VarDecl], [TypeArg])
splitVars l = let f x (vs, tvs) =
case x of
GenVarDecl vd -> (vd : vs, tvs)
GenTypeVarDecl tv -> (vs, tv : tvs)
in foldr f ([], []) l
-- | extract bindings from an analysed pattern
extractVars :: Term -> [VarDecl]
extractVars pat = case pat of
QualVar vd -> getVd vd
ApplTerm p1 p2 _ ->
extractVars p1 ++ extractVars p2
TupleTerm pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
TypedTerm p _ _ _ -> extractVars p
AsPattern v p2 _ -> getVd v ++ extractVars p2
ResolvedMixTerm _ _ pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
_ -> []
where getVd vd@(VarDecl v _ _ _) = if showId v "" == "_" then [] else [vd]
-- | construct term from id
mkOpTerm :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Term
mkOpTerm i sc = QualOp Op (PolyId i [] nullRange) sc [] Infer nullRange
-- | bind a term
mkForall :: [GenVarDecl] -> Term -> Term
mkForall vl f = if null vl then f else QuantifiedTerm Universal vl f nullRange
-- | construct application with curried arguments
mkApplTerm :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
mkApplTerm = foldl ( \ t a -> ApplTerm t a nullRange)
-- | make function arrow partial after some arguments
addPartiality :: [a] -> Type -> Type
addPartiality args t = case args of
[] -> mkLazyType t
_ : rs -> case getTypeAppl t of
(TypeName a _ _, [t1, t2]) | a == arrowId FunArr ->
if null rs then case getTypeAppl t2 of
(TypeName l _ _, [t3]) | l == lazyTypeId
-> mkFunArrType t1 PFunArr t3
_ -> mkFunArrType t1 PFunArr t2
else mkFunArrType t1 FunArr $ addPartiality rs t2
_ -> error "addPartiality"
-- | convert a type argument to a type
typeArgToType :: TypeArg -> Type
typeArgToType (TypeArg i _ _ rk c _ _) = TypeName i rk c
{- | convert a parameterized type identifier with a result raw kind
to a type application -}
patToType :: Id -> [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> Type
patToType i args rk =
mkTypeAppl (TypeName i (typeArgsListToRawKind args rk) 0)
$ map typeArgToType args
-- | create the (raw if True) kind from type arguments
typeArgsListToRawKind :: [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> RawKind
typeArgsListToRawKind tArgs = mkFunKind (getRange tArgs) $
map (\ (TypeArg _ v _ rk _ _ _) -> (v, rk)) tArgs
-- | create the kind from type arguments
typeArgsListToKind :: [TypeArg] -> Kind -> Kind
typeArgsListToKind tArgs = mkFunKind (getRange tArgs) $
map ( \ (TypeArg _ v ak _ _ _ _) -> (v, toKind ak)) tArgs
-- | get the type of a constructor with given curried argument types
getFunType :: Type -> Partiality -> [Type] -> Type
getFunType rty p ts = (case p of
Total -> id
Partial -> addPartiality ts)
$ foldr (`mkFunArrType` FunArr) rty ts
-- | get the type of a selector given the data type as first arguemnt
getSelType :: Type -> Partiality -> Type -> Type
getSelType dt p = (case p of
Partial -> addPartiality [dt]
Total -> id) . mkFunArrType dt FunArr
-- | make type argument non-variant
nonVarTypeArg :: TypeArg -> TypeArg
nonVarTypeArg (TypeArg i _ vk rk c o p) = TypeArg i NonVar vk rk c o p
-- | get the type variable
getTypeVar :: TypeArg -> Id
getTypeVar (TypeArg v _ _ _ _ _ _) = v
-- | construct application left-associative
mkTypeAppl :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
mkTypeAppl = foldl TypeAppl
-- | get the kind of an analyzed type variable
toKind :: VarKind -> Kind
toKind vk = case vk of
VarKind k -> k
Downset t -> case t of
KindedType _ k _ | Set.size k == 1 -> Set.findMin k
_ -> error "toKind: Downset"
MissingKind -> error "toKind: Missing"
-- | try to reparse the pretty printed input as an identifier
reparseAsId :: Pretty a => a -> Maybe Id
reparseAsId t = case P.parse (opId << P.eof) "" $ showDoc t "" of
Right x -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
-- | generate a comparison string
expected :: Pretty a => a -> a -> String
expected a b =
"\n expected: " ++ showDoc a
"\n found: " ++ showDoc b "\n"