AsUtils.hs revision 975642b989852fc24119c59cf40bc1af653608ff
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2003-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
utility functions and computations of meaningful positions for
various data types of the abstract syntax
module HasCASL.AsUtils where
import HasCASL.As
import HasCASL.PrintAs() -- reexport instances
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
-- | map a kind
mapKind :: (a -> b) -> AnyKind a -> AnyKind b
mapKind f k = case k of
ClassKind a -> ClassKind $ f a
FunKind v a b r -> FunKind v (mapKind f a) (mapKind f b) r
-- | compute raw kind (if class ids or no higher kinds)
toRaw :: Kind -> RawKind
toRaw = mapKind $ const ()
-- | the type universe as raw kind
rStar :: RawKind
rStar = toRaw universe
-- | the Unit type (name)
unitType :: Type
unitType = TypeName unitTypeId rStar 0
-- | add an additional Unit type argument to a type
liftType :: Type -> Range -> Type
liftType t qs = FunType unitType PFunArr t qs
{- | add the Unit type as result type or convert a parsed empty tuple
to the unit type -}
predType :: Type -> Type
predType t = case t of
BracketType Parens [] _ -> unitType
_ -> FunType t PFunArr unitType nullRange
-- | construct a product type
mkProductType :: [Type] -> Range -> Type
mkProductType ts ps = case ts of
[] -> unitType
[t] -> t
_ -> ProductType ts ps
-- | convert a type with unbound variables to a scheme
simpleTypeScheme :: Type -> TypeScheme
simpleTypeScheme t = TypeScheme [] t nullRange
-- | change the type of the scheme to a 'predType'
predTypeScheme :: TypeScheme -> TypeScheme
predTypeScheme = mapTypeOfScheme predType
-- | the 'Kind' of the function type
funKind :: Kind
funKind = FunKind ContraVar universe (FunKind CoVar universe universe nullRange) nullRange
-- | construct higher order kind from arguments and result kind
mkFunKind :: [(Variance, AnyKind a)] -> AnyKind a -> AnyKind a
mkFunKind args res = foldr ( \ (v, a) k -> FunKind v a k nullRange) res args
-- | the 'Kind' of the product type
prodKind :: Int -> Kind
prodKind n = if n > 1 then mkFunKind (replicate n (CoVar, universe)) universe
else error "prodKind"
-- | a type name with a universe kind
toType :: Id -> Type
toType i = TypeName i rStar 0
-- | construct an infix identifier for a function arrow
arrowId :: Arrow -> Id
arrowId a = mkId $ map mkSimpleId [place, show a, place]
-- | construct a mixfix product identifier with n places
productId :: Int -> Id
productId n = if n > 1 then
mkId $ map mkSimpleId $ place : concat (replicate (n-1) [prodS, place])
else error "productId"
-- | the brackets as tokens with positions
mkBracketToken :: BracketKind -> Range -> [Token]
mkBracketToken k ps =
map ( \ s -> Token s ps) $ (\ (o,c) -> [o,c]) $ getBrackets k
-- | construct a tuple from non-singleton lists
mkTupleTerm :: [Term] -> Range -> Term
mkTupleTerm ts ps = if isSingle ts then head ts else TupleTerm ts ps
{- | decompose an 'ApplTerm' into an application of an operation and a
list of arguments -}
getAppl :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getAppl = thrdM reverse . getRevAppl
thrdM :: (c -> c) -> Maybe (a, b, c) -> Maybe (a, b, c)
thrdM f = fmap ( \ (a, b, c) -> (a, b, f c))
getRevAppl :: Term -> Maybe (Id, TypeScheme, [Term])
getRevAppl t = case t of
TypedTerm trm q _ _ -> case q of
InType -> Nothing
_ -> getRevAppl trm
QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ _) sc _ -> Just (i, sc, [])
QualVar (VarDecl v ty _ _) -> Just (v, simpleTypeScheme ty, [])
ApplTerm t1 t2 _ -> thrdM (t2:) $ getRevAppl t1
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract bindings from an analysed pattern
extractVars :: Pattern -> [VarDecl]
extractVars pat =
case pat of
QualVar vd -> getVd vd
ApplTerm p1 p2 _ ->
extractVars p1 ++ extractVars p2
TupleTerm pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
TypedTerm p _ _ _ -> extractVars p
AsPattern v p2 _ -> getVd v ++ extractVars p2
ResolvedMixTerm _ pats _ -> concatMap extractVars pats
_ -> []
where getVd vd@(VarDecl v _ _ _) = if showId v "" == "_" then [] else [vd]
-- | construct term from id
mkOpTerm :: Id -> TypeScheme -> Term
mkOpTerm i sc = QualOp Op (InstOpId i [] nullRange) sc nullRange
-- | bind a term
mkForall :: [GenVarDecl] -> Term -> Term
mkForall vl f = if null vl then f else QuantifiedTerm Universal vl f nullRange
-- | construct application with curried arguments
mkApplTerm :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
mkApplTerm = foldl ( \ t a -> ApplTerm t a nullRange)
-- | make function arrow partial after some arguments
addPartiality :: [a] -> Type -> Type
addPartiality args t = case args of
[] -> LazyType t nullRange
_ : rs -> case t of
FunType t1 a t2 ps -> if null rs then FunType t1 PFunArr t2 ps
else FunType t1 a (addPartiality rs t2) ps
_ -> error "addPartiality"
-- | convert a type argument to a type
typeArgToType :: TypeArg -> Type
typeArgToType (TypeArg i _ _ rk c _ _) = TypeName i rk c
{- | convert a parameterized type identifier with a result raw kind
to a type application -}
patToType :: TypeId -> [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> Type
patToType i args rk = mkTypeAppl
(TypeName i (typeArgsListToRawKind args rk) 0)
$ map typeArgToType args
-- | create the (raw if True) kind from type arguments
typeArgsListToRawKind :: [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> RawKind
typeArgsListToRawKind tArgs = mkFunKind $
map ( \ (TypeArg _ v _ rk _ _ _) -> (v, rk)) tArgs
-- | create the kind from type arguments
typeArgsListToKind :: [TypeArg] -> Kind -> Kind
typeArgsListToKind tArgs = mkFunKind $
map ( \ (TypeArg _ v ak _ _ _ _) -> (v, toKind ak)) tArgs
-- | get the type of a constructor with given curried argument types
getFunType :: Type -> Partiality -> [Type] -> Type
getFunType rty p ts = (case p of
Total -> id
Partial -> addPartiality ts) $
foldr ( \ c r -> FunType c FunArr r nullRange )
rty ts
-- | get the type of a selector given the data type as first arguemnt
getSelType :: Type -> Partiality -> Type -> Type
getSelType dt p rt = (case p of
Partial -> addPartiality [dt]
Total -> id) (FunType dt FunArr rt nullRange)
-- | get the type of a constructor for printing (kinds may be wrong)
createConstrType :: Id -> [TypeArg] -> RawKind -> Partiality -> [Type] -> Type
createConstrType i is rk =
getFunType (patToType i is rk)
-- | get the type variable
getTypeVar :: TypeArg -> Id
getTypeVar(TypeArg v _ _ _ _ _ _) = v
-- | construct application left-associative
mkTypeAppl :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
mkTypeAppl = foldl ( \ c a -> TypeAppl c a)
-- | get the kind of an analyzed type variable
toKind :: VarKind -> Kind
toKind vk = case vk of
VarKind k -> k
Downset t -> case t of
KindedType _ k _ -> k
_ -> error "toKind: Downset"
MissingKind -> error "toKind: Missing"
-- | generate a comparison string
expected :: PrettyPrint a => a -> a -> String
expected a b =
"\n expected: " ++ showPretty a
"\n found: " ++ showPretty b "\n"
-- * compute better positions
posOfVars :: Vars -> Range
posOfVars vr =
case vr of
Var v -> posOfId v
VarTuple _ ps -> ps
posOfTypeArg :: TypeArg -> Range
posOfTypeArg (TypeArg t _ _ _ _ _ ps) = firstPos [t] ps
posOfTypePattern :: TypePattern -> Range
posOfTypePattern pat =
case pat of
TypePattern t _ _ -> posOfId t
TypePatternToken t -> tokPos t
MixfixTypePattern ts -> posOf ts
BracketTypePattern _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypePatternArg (TypeArg t _ _ _ _ _ _) _ -> posOfId t
posOfType :: Type -> Range
posOfType ty =
case ty of
TypeName i _ _ -> posOfId i
TypeAppl t1 t2 -> concatMapRange posOfType [t1, t2]
ExpandedType t1 t2 -> concatMapRange posOfType [t1, t2]
TypeToken t -> tokPos t
BracketType _ ts ps -> concatMapRange posOfType ts `appRange` ps
KindedType t _ ps -> posOfType t `appRange` ps
MixfixType ts -> concatMapRange posOfType ts
LazyType t ps -> posOfType t `appRange` ps
ProductType ts ps -> concatMapRange posOfType ts `appRange` ps
FunType t1 _ t2 ps -> concatMapRange posOfType [t1, t2] `appRange` ps
posOfTerm :: Term -> Range
posOfTerm trm =
case trm of
QualVar v -> posOfVarDecl v
QualOp _ (InstOpId i _ ps) _ qs -> firstPos [i] (ps `appRange` qs)
ResolvedMixTerm i _ _ -> posOfId i
ApplTerm t1 t2 ps -> firstPos [t1, t2] ps
TupleTerm ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
TypedTerm t _ _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
QuantifiedTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LambdaTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
CaseTerm t _ ps -> firstPos [t] ps
LetTerm _ _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
TermToken t -> tokPos t
MixTypeTerm _ t ps -> firstPos [t] ps
MixfixTerm ts -> posOf ts
BracketTerm _ ts ps -> firstPos ts ps
AsPattern v _ ps -> firstPos [v] ps
posOfVarDecl :: VarDecl -> Range
posOfVarDecl (VarDecl v _ _ ps) = firstPos [v] ps
instance PosItem a => PosItem [a] where
getRange = concatMapRange getRange
instance PosItem a => PosItem (a, b) where
getRange (a, _) = getRange a
instance PosItem a => PosItem (Set.Set a) where
getRange = getRange . Set.toList