{- |
Module : $EmptyHeader$
Description : <optional short description entry>
Copyright : (c) <Authors or Affiliations>
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : <email>
Stability : unstable | experimental | provisional | stable | frozen
Portability : portable | non-portable (<reason>)
<optional description>
module SegExamples where
import ModalLogic
import CombLogic
import GenericSequent
-- example Segala
test1 = And (At (K (And (At (KD (At (K T)))) F))) (And (And F (At (K F))) F)
test2 = At (K T)
test3 = At (KD F)
test4 = And (At (K T)) (At (K (And F (At (G 2 T))))) -- []T/\[](F/\[2]T)