{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
FlexibleInstances #-}
module CombLogic where
import ModalLogic
import Data.List
data Box b c = Box b (Boole c)
-- data BBox b c = BBox b (Boole c) (Boole c)
{- | Class for Formulas where
- a is the "input" logic type
- b is the index type corresponding to a
- c is the "result" logic type
class Form a b c | a -> b, a -> c where
extract :: Form a b c => a -> Box b c
instance Eq l => Form (K l) () l where
extract (K f) = Box () f
instance Eq l => Form (KD l) () l where
extract (KD f) = Box () f
instance Eq l => Form (G l) Int l where
extract (G i f) = Box i f