%read "sfol.elf".
%read "../../propositional/model_theory/prop-zf.elf".
%sig SFOLZFCModel = {
%include Boolean %open.
%% an arbitrary set, used as the interpretation of sorts for now until we have parametric views
sort : i.
Sort : type = Elem sort.
%% an arbitrary function, used as the interpretation of universes of sorts for now until we have parametric views
term : Sort -> i.
Term : Sort -> type = [x] Elem (term x).
%view BaseSFOLMOD-ZF : BaseSFOLMOD -> SFOLZFCModel = {
%include BasePLMOD-ZF.
%% This should actually be a parametric view taking sort and term as a parameter.
sort := sort.
term := term.
%view SForallMOD-ZF : SForallMOD -> SFOLZFCModel = {
%include BaseSFOLMOD-ZF.
univq.forall := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ] ∀ F.
forall1 := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ][p]
subset_antisym ∞greatest
(⋂infimum [a]
subset_eq ⊆‍refl
(sym (ForallE p a))).
forall0 := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ][p]
subset_antisym (ExistsE p [a][q] subset_eq ⋂subset q)
%view SExistsMOD-ZF : SExistsMOD -> SFOLZFCModel = {
%include BaseSFOLMOD-ZF.
existq.exists := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ] ∃ F.
exists1 := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ][p]
subset_antisym ∞greatest
(ExistsE p [a][q] eq_subset (sym q) ⋃subset).
exists0 := [S : Sort][F : Term S -> ℬ][p]
subset_antisym (⋃supremum [a] subset_eq ⊆‍refl (ForallE p a))
%view SEqualMOD-ZF : SEqualMOD -> SFOLZFCModel = {
%include BaseSFOLMOD-ZF.
equal.eq := [S : Sort][x : Term S][y : Term S]
reflect (x Eq y).
equaliff := [S : Sort][x : Term S][y : Term S]
equivI ([p] reflectI1 p) ([q] reflectE1 q).
%include PLMOD-ZF.
%include SForallMOD-ZF.
%include SExistsMOD-ZF.
%include SFOLMOD-ZF.
%include SEqualMOD-ZF.