{- |
Module : ./ExtModal/ExtModal2Ship.hs
Description : Translation from ExtModal to Ship
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module ExtModal.ExtModal2Ship where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import ExtModal.AS_ExtModal
import ExtModal.Ship
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.ShipSyntax
import OWL2.Translate
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
transSid :: Token -> String
transSid = transString . show
transId :: Id -> String
transId = transString . show
toFoltl :: FORMULA EM_FORMULA -> Result Foltl
toFoltl = foldFormula foltlRec
foltlRec :: Record EM_FORMULA (Result Foltl) (Result Foltl)
foltlRec = (constRecord extModalToFoltlt (const $ fail "foltlRec1")
(fail "foltlRec2"))
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q vs f _ -> if
q == Unique_existential then fail "Unique_existential not supported"
else fmap (PreOp $ QuantF
(if q == Universal then AllValuesFrom else SomeValuesFrom)
$ concatMap (\ (Var_decl l s _) -> map
(\ v -> AConcept (transSid v) . CName $ transId s) l) vs)
, foldJunction = \ _ j fs _ -> fmap (JoinedF
$ if j == Con then IntersectionOf else UnionOf) $ sequence fs
, foldRelation = \ _ mf1 r mf2 _ -> do
f1 <- mf1
f2 <- mf2
let i = BinOp f1 Impl f2
return $ if r == Equivalence then
JoinedF IntersectionOf [i, BinOp f2 Impl f1]
else i
, foldNegation = \ _ f _ -> fmap (PreOp NotF) f
, foldAtom = \ _ b _ -> return $ if b then trueFoltl else falseFoltl
, foldPredication = \ (Predication ps as _) _ _ _ -> case as of
[a] -> do
n <- toNominal a
return . ABoxass . AConcept n . CName $ predSymToString ps
[a1, a2] -> do
n1 <- toNominal a1
n2 <- toNominal a2
return . ABoxass . ARole n1 n2 . RName $ predSymToString ps
_ -> fail "no concept or role"
, foldDefinedness = \ _ _ _ -> fail "foltlRec.Definedness"
, foldEquation = \ (Equation t1 _ t2 _) _ _ _ _ -> do
s1 <- toNominal t1
s2 <- toNominal t2
return . ABoxass $ AIndividual s1 Same s2
, foldMembership = \ (Membership t s _) _ _ _ -> do
n <- toNominal t
return . ABoxass . AConcept n . CName $ transId s
, foldQuantOp = \ _ _ _ _ -> fail "foltlRec.QuantOp"
, foldQuantPred = \ _ _ _ _ -> fail "foltlRec.QuantPred"
extModalToFoltlt :: EM_FORMULA -> Result Foltl
extModalToFoltlt emf = case emf of
PrefixForm p pf _ -> do
f <- toFoltl pf
case p of
NextY True -> return $ PreOp X f
StateQuantification True b -> return $ PreOp (if b then G else F) f
_ -> fail "extModalToFoltl.PrefixForm"
UntilSince True f1 f2 _ -> do
u1 <- toFoltl f1
u2 <- toFoltl f2
return $ BinOp u1 Until u2
_ -> fail "extModalToFoltl"
predSymToString :: PRED_SYMB -> String
predSymToString = transId . predSymbName
toNominal :: TERM EM_FORMULA -> Result String
toNominal trm = case trm of
Qual_var v _ _ -> return . transString $ show v
Sorted_term t _ _ -> toNominal t
Cast t _ _ -> toNominal t
_ -> fail "no nominal"