%% LaTeX style to handle hyperlatex files, version 2.3
%% $Modified: Fri May 9 13:40:27 1997 by otfried $
%% This code has GNU copyleft, 1994-1998 Otfried Cheong
[1998/09/08 v2.3 LaTeX2e package for Hyperlatex mode]
\typeout{Package: 'hyperlatex' v2.3 Otfried Cheong}
%% Comments,
%% Treatment of special characters
%% \begin{tex} ... \end{tex} escapes into raw Tex temporarily.
%% you can write {\tex .....} as well, if already escaped from Html
\newenvironment{tex}{\catcode `\$=3 \catcode `\&=4 \catcode `\#=6
\catcode `\^=7 \catcode `\_=8 \catcode `\%=14}{}
%% \back
%% \math
\def\math{\@ifnextchar [{\@math}{\@math[]}}
%% Commands that don't do anything interesting in Latex
\def\htmlrule{\@ifnextchar [{\@htmlrule}{\@htmlrule[]}}
\def\htmlimage{\@ifnextchar [{\@htmlimage}{\@htmlimage[]}}
%% GIF environment,
%% will generate bitmaps when `\makegifs' is defined
\typeout{* Making GIF bitmaps from Hyperlatex source! *}
{\global\advance\@gifcount by 1\count0=\@gifcount
\immediate\write\@makegifcmds{dvips\space -f\space -p\space
\the\@gifcount\space -n\space 1\space -E\space -D\space \gif@dpi\space
ps2gif\space -res\space \gif@resolution\space \gif@name.ps^^J%
mv\space \gif@name.gif\space \Hlx@directory^^J}
%% Font style definitions
%% \begin{example} ... \end{example} obeys spaces and lines
%% the indent can be controlled by \exampleindent
\gdef\turnon@spaces{\let =\ \obeyspaces\catcode``=\active\@noligs}}
\itemindent\z@ \rightmargin\z@ \parsep \z@ plus\p@}\item[]\tt
%% font problem: math in example environment seems to need this:
\DeclareFontShape{OMS}{cmtt}{m}{n}{ <-> ssub * cmsy/m/n }{}
%% arg empty -> skip
%% arg set -> ignore begin and end
% arg empty -> ignore begin and end
% arg set -> skip environment
%% Define \link and \xlink macros
\def\@@@link{\@ifnextchar [{\@link}% ] balance
\def\@@@xlink#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@xlink{#1}}{\@xlink{#1}[]}}
% index from latex.tex, and changed to include optional argument
\@ifnextchar [{\Hlx@argwrindex}% balance ]
%% end of hyperlatex.sty