{- |
Module : ./CspCASL/CspCASL_Keywords.hs
Description : CspCASL keywords to be used for parsing and printing
Copyright : (c) Andy Gimblett and Swansea University 2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : a.m.gimblett@swan.ac.uk
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
String constants for CspCASL keywords to be used for parsing and
module CspCASL.CspCASL_Keywords where
import Common.Keywords
-- | Keywords identifying beginning of channel declaration part.
channelS :: String
channelS = "channel"
-- | Keyword identifying beginning of process equation part.
processS :: String
processS = "process"
-- | "RUN" primitive process
runS :: String
runS = "RUN"
-- | "CHAOS" primitive process
chaosS :: String
chaosS = "CHAOS"
-- | "div" primitive process
divS :: String
divS = "DIV"
-- | "SKIP" primitive process
skipS :: String
skipS = "SKIP"
-- | "STOP" primitive process
stopS :: String
stopS = "STOP"
chan_sendS :: String
chan_sendS = "!"
chan_receiveS :: String
chan_receiveS = "?"
svar_sortS :: String
svar_sortS = "::"
doubleSemis :: String
doubleSemis = ";;"
-- | starting CSP-CASL keywords
startCspKeywords :: [String]
startCspKeywords =
[ channelS
, channelS ++ "s"
, processS
, processS ++ "es" ]
-- | Reserved keywords specific to CSP-CASL.
cspKeywords :: [String]
cspKeywords = startCspKeywords ++
[ -- sequentialS
doubleSemis -- we add this as alternative sequential composition operator
, interleavingS
, synchronousS
{- , genpar_openS
, genpar_closeS
, alpar_openS
, alpar_sepS -- is identical to synchronousS
, alpar_closeS
, external_choiceS -}
, internal_choiceS
, prefix_procS
, hiding_procS
{- , ren_proc_openS
, ren_proc_closeS -}
, barS -- in case we want to use it within generialized parallel
, runS
, chaosS
, divS
, skipS
, stopS ]
{- , chan_sendS
, chan_receiveS
, svar_sortS -}