Hs2HOLCF.hs revision eea4921dafc41c1e2ed3782a9cdc1a2482b79efb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : paolot@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (depends on programatica using MPTC)
theory translation for the embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle.
module Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCF (transTheory) where
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCFaux
-- Haskell
import Haskell.HatAna as HatAna
-- Programatica
import NewPrettyPrint (pp)
import TypedIds
import TiTypes
import TiKinds
import PNT
import UniqueNames
import SyntaxRec
import TiPropDecorate
import PropSyntaxStruct
import HsDeclStruct
import HsGuardsStruct
import TiDecorate
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
------------------------------ Top level function -----------------------------
transTheory :: Continuity -> Bool -> HatAna.Sign -> [Named PrDecl]
-> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transTheory c m sign sens = do
sign' <- transSignature c m sign
(sign'',sens'') <- transSentences c sign' (map sentence sens)
return (sign'', sens'')
------------------------------ Theory translation -----------------------------
{- Relevant theories in Programatica: base/Ti/TiClasses (for
tcTopDecls); property/parse2/Parse/PropPosSyntax (def of HsDecl). -}
data ExpRole = FunDef | InstDef -- no PLogic yet
transSentences :: Continuity -> IsaSign.Sign -> [PrDecl]
-> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSentences c sign ls = do
xx0 <- mapM (transSentence c sign FunDef) ls
xx <- return $ removeEL xx0
xs <- return [[s] | [s] <- xx, extAxType s /= noType]
ys <- return $ fixMRec c xs
ac <- return $ newConstTab c ys
nc <- return $ Map.union (constTab sign) ac
nsig <- return $ sign {constTab = nc}
zz0 <- mapM (transSentence c nsig InstDef) ls
zz <- return $ removeEL zz0
zw <- return $ concat zz
zs <- return [s | s <- zw, not $
elem (getTermName $ extRightH s)
$ map showIsaS ["$--/=", "$--=="]]
return (nsig, ys ++ zs)
transSentence :: Continuity -> IsaSign.Sign -> ExpRole -> PrDecl
-> Result [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transSentence c sign a (TiPropDecorate.Dec d) = case d of
PropSyntaxStruct.Base p -> case (a,p) of
(FunDef, HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ ws) -> do
k <- case ws of
[x] -> transMatch c sign x
_ -> transMMatch c sign ws
return [k]
(InstDef, HsInstDecl _ _ _ t (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _)) -> do
q <- mapM (transIMatch c sign t)
[y | TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ [y])) <- ds]
return q
_ -> return []
_ -> return []
makeSentence :: Continuity -> String -> IsaType -> VName -> [IsaPattern]
-> IsaTerm -> Named Sentence
makeSentence a d y df ps tx =
if tx == xDummy
then NamedSen d True False $ ConstDef $ IsaEq xDummy $ xDummy
else NamedSen d True False $ ConstDef $
IsaEq (Const df y) $ termMAbs a ps tx
--------------------------- translation of sentences --------------------------
---------------------------- function definitions ---------------------------
transMatch :: Continuity -> IsaSign.Sign
-> HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds
-> Result (Named Sentence)
transMatch c sign t = case (t, constTab sign) of
(HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody x) _, cs) ->
let df = mkVName $ showIsaName nm
tx = transExp c cs x
y = maybe (noType) id $ Map.lookup df cs
qs = map (transPat c cs) ps
in return $ makeSentence c (IsaSign.orig df) y df qs tx
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMatch"
------------------------ translate pattern matching definitions ---------------
-- Main function. transMultiDef translate the expressions,
-- formCaseExp builds the case expression.
transMMatch :: Continuity -> IsaSign.Sign
-> [HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds]
-> Result (Named Sentence)
transMMatch c sign ds = case ds of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMMatch"
a : _ -> let
(a1, a2) = extInfo a
cs = constTab sign
df = mkVName $ showIsaName a1
ls = map (snd . extInfo) ds
ww = transMultiDef c cs ls
tx = formCaseExp c ww
y = maybe (noType) id $ Map.lookup df cs
qs = map (mkVs "qX" . snd) $ zip (fst a2) [(1 :: Int)..]
in return $ makeSentence c (IsaSign.orig df) y df qs tx
extInfo m = case m of
HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody x) _ ->
(nm, (ps, x))
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.extInfo"
-- annotated translation function. To each parameter pattern - IsaPattern -
-- is associated
-- datatype information - [(String,Int)]
-- case variable name - IsaTerm
-- parameter name before translation - String
transMultiDef :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> [([PrPat], PrExp)]
-> [([([(String, Int)],((IsaTerm, String), IsaPattern))], IsaTerm)]
transMultiDef c sign ls =
ws = csAris [fst w | w <- ls]
ks = [([newInfo v | v <- xs], transExp c sign y) | (xs, y) <- ls]
ss = map standizeVars ks
in [(zipNE ws rs, s) | (rs,s) <- ss]
newInfo f = (snd $ extCI f, transPat c sign f)
zipNE ws rs = case ws of
[] -> []
hd : xs -> (case hd of
[] -> []
_ -> [(hd, head rs)]) ++ zipNE xs (tail rs)
-- Extract datatype information from a list of patterned parameter lists.
-- Returns the list of constructors and arities for the parameter datatypes.
csAris :: [[PrPat]] -> [[(String,Int)]]
csAris ls = case ls of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.csAris"
m : _ -> case m of
[] -> []
_ : _ -> extCL (map head ls) : csAris [tail a | a <- ls]
-- Standardizes parameter names from all the expressions.
-- Associates a case variable name.
standizeVars :: ([(String, IsaPattern)], IsaTerm)
-> ([((IsaTerm, String), IsaPattern)], IsaTerm)
standizeVars k' = let
mkqXVs = mkVs "qX"
stdVars (cs, sd) i = case cs of
[] -> ([], sd)
(a, b) : as -> let
na = sbVs (b, i)
nk = renVars na [b] sd
(ls, y) = stdVars (as, nk) (i + 1)
in (((mkqXVs i, a), na) : ls, y)
sbVs a = case a of
(Free _, b) -> mkqXVs b
(f, _) -> f
in stdVars k' 1
mkVs :: String -> Int -> IsaTerm
mkVs str n = Free (mkVName $ str ++ show n)
-- Forms the nested case expression, using trCase.
formCaseExp :: Continuity
-> [([([(String,Int)],((IsaTerm,String),IsaPattern))],IsaTerm)]
-> IsaTerm
formCaseExp ct ls =
case ls of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.formCaseExp"
m : _ -> case fst m of
[] -> snd m
h : _ -> let
k1s = map fst ls
xs = map head k1s
xxs = remove_duplicates [((snd $ fst $ snd x, snd $ snd x),
[(us,t) | (u:us,t) <- ls, u == x] ++
[(us,t) | ((_,(_,Free _)):us,t) <- ls]) | x <- xs]
ws = remove_duplicates $ [((a,b),formCaseExp ct c) | ((a,b),c) <- xxs]
in makeCase (fst $ fst $ snd h) $ map (\z -> trCase ct z ws) (fst h)
makeCase t lst = Case t lst
------------------------------- translates instances --------------------------
transIMatch :: Continuity -> IsaSign.Sign -> HsType
-> HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds
-> Result (Named Sentence)
transIMatch a sign t s
= case (s, constTab sign) of
(HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody ex) _,
ct) ->
let tx = transExp a ct ex
df = if pp nm == "==" then mkVName "hEq"
else if pp nm == "/=" then mkVName "hNEq"
else mkVName $ showIsaName nm
c = transClass $ getInstClass t -- instantiated class
x = transType a [] $ getInstType t -- instatiating type
w = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup (typeId x) (arities $ tsig sign)
-- all arities of inst. type
cs = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup c (Map.fromList w)
-- selects the arity for the inst. class
ndf = typeId x ++ "_" ++ IsaSign.orig df
mty = maybe (noType) id $ Map.lookup df ct -- abstract method type
nty = repVarClass mty c (constrVarClass x cs)
qs = map (transPat a ct) ps
-- in ty, replaces the variable of class c with type x,
-- constraining variables in x with cs
tst = makeSentence a ndf nty df qs tx
in return tst
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transIMatch"
------------------------------ Signature translation --------------------------
transSignature :: Continuity -> Bool -> HatAna.Sign -> Result IsaSign.Sign
transSignature c m sign = let
tys = HatAna.types sign
vals = HatAna.values sign
xx = getDomainTab c vals
in Result [] $ Just $ IsaSign.emptySign
{ baseSig = case (c,m) of
(IsCont,False) -> HsHOLCF_thy
(NotCont,False) -> HsHOL_thy
(IsCont,True) -> MHsHOLCF_thy
(NotCont,True) -> MHsHOL_thy,
tsig = emptyTypeSig
classrel = getClassrel c tys,
abbrs = getAbbrs c tys,
arities = getArities c xx (HatAna.instances sign)
constTab = getConstTab c vals,
domainTab = xx
------------------------------ translation of types ---------------------------
{- This signature translation takes after the one to Stratego, and relies on
Isabelle.Translation to solve naming conflicts. -}
transType :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> HsType -> IsaType
transType a c t = maybe noType id $ transMType a c t
transMType :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> HsType -> Maybe IsaType
transMType a c (Typ t) = transT a
(transIdV a c) (transIdC a) (transMType a c) t
transT :: Continuity -> (PNT -> Maybe IsaType)
-> (PNT -> Maybe IsaType) -> (d -> Maybe IsaType)
-> TI PNT d -> Maybe IsaType
transT c trIdV trIdC trT t =
case mapTI3 trIdV trIdC trT t of
Just (HsTyFun t1 t2) -> return $ (case c of
IsCont -> mkContFun t1 t2
NotCont -> mkFunType t1 t2)
Just (HsTyApp t1 t2) -> case t1 of
IsaSign.Type name s args -> -- better resolve nested HsTyApp first
return $ IsaSign.Type name s $ args ++ [t2]
_ -> Nothing
Just (HsTyVar a) -> return a
Just (HsTyCon k) -> return k
_ -> Nothing
getSort :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> IsaSort
getSort r c t = case c of
[] -> case r of
IsCont -> dom
NotCont -> holType
x:cs -> let a = getInstType x
b = getInstClass x
d = getLitName a
s = getSort r cs t
k = transClass b
u = showIsaName d
v = showIsaName t
in if u == v then k:s else s
transIdV :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdV a c t = return $ TFree (showIsaName t) (getSort a c t)
transIdC :: Continuity -> PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdC c t = case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Class _ _) _ -> Nothing
_ -> return $ let
tfs = transFields c t
srt = case c of
IsCont -> dom
NotCont -> holType
case (UniqueNames.orig t) of
UniqueNames.G (PlainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type (transTN c m n) srt tfs
UniqueNames.G (MainModule m) n _ -> IsaSign.Type (transPath m n) srt tfs
_ -> IsaSign.Type (showIsaName t) srt tfs
transFields :: Continuity -> PNT -> [IsaType]
transFields c t = let
srt = case c of
IsCont -> dom
NotCont -> holType
in case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Type q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) srt | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
PNT _ (TypedIds.FieldOf _ q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) srt | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
_ -> []
mapTI3 :: (i1 -> Maybe i2) -> (i1 -> Maybe i2) -> (t1 -> Maybe t2)
-> TI i1 t1 -> Maybe (TI i2 t2)
mapTI3 vf cf tf hty = case hty of
HsTyFun x y -> do a <- tf x
b <- tf y
return $ HsTyFun a b
HsTyApp f x -> do a <- tf f
b <- tf x
return $ HsTyApp a b
HsTyVar nm -> do a <- vf nm
return $ HsTyVar a
HsTyCon nm -> do a <- cf nm
return $ HsTyCon a
_ -> Nothing
------------------------------ Class translation ------------------------------
transClass :: HsType -> IsaClass
transClass x = case x of
Typ (HsTyCon c) -> IsaClass (showIsaName c)
Typ _ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transClass"
-- need check of parameters?
------------------------------- no Kind translation ---------------------------
------------------------------- SIGN fields translation -----------------------
------------------------------- translation for ConstTab ----------------------
getConstTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> ConstTab
getConstTab c = Map.map fst . Map.filter ((== IsaVal) . snd) . getAConstTab c
getAConstTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> AConstTab
getAConstTab c f =
liftMapByListD Map.toList Map.fromList (mkVName . showIsaName . fst)
(\ (x, y) -> (transMScheme c y, getValInfo x)) nothingFiOut f
getValInfo :: HsId -> IsaVT
getValInfo n = case n of
HsCon _ -> IsaConst
_ -> IsaVal
transMScheme :: Continuity -> HsScheme -> Maybe IsaType
transMScheme a s = case s of
Forall _ _ (c TiTypes.:=> t) -> transMType a c t
----------------------------- translation for Classrel (from KEnv) ------------
getClassrel :: Continuity -> TyMap -> IsaSign.Classrel
getClassrel c f = liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList
(IsaClass . showIsaName) (transClassInfo c) f
transClassInfo :: Continuity -> (Kind, HsTypeInfo) -> Maybe [IsaClass]
transClassInfo c p = case snd p of
TiTypes.Class _ _ _ _ ->
Just $ remove_duplicates $ (case c of
IsCont -> dom
NotCont -> holType)
++ map transClass (extClassInfo $ snd p)
_ -> Nothing
------------------------- translation of Abbrs (from KEnv) --------------------
getAbbrs :: Continuity -> TyMap -> IsaSign.Abbrs
getAbbrs c = Map.foldWithKey (\ k v -> case v of
Nothing -> id
Just p -> Map.insert k p) Map.empty
. liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList showIsaName (transAbbrsInfo c)
transAbbrsInfo :: Continuity -> (Kind, HsTypeInfo) -> Maybe ([TName], IsaType)
transAbbrsInfo c p = case (snd p) of
TiTypes.Synonym _ _ -> let (x, y) = extAbbrsInfo (snd p) in
Just (map showIsaName x, transType c [] y)
_ -> Nothing
---------------------------- translation of arities ---------------------------
getArities :: Continuity -> DomainTab -> HsInstances -> IsaSign.Arities
getArities c dt db = Map.fromList (groupInst $ getTypeInsts c dt db)
getTypeInsts :: Continuity -> DomainTab -> HsInstances -> [IsaTypeInsts]
getTypeInsts c dt db =
[(typeId $ transType c [] $ getMainInstType x, [transInst c x]) | x <- db]
++ [(u,[(IsaClass "Eq", [])]) | [(IsaSign.Type u _ [],_)] <- dt]
transInst :: Continuity -> HsInstance -> (IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])
transInst c i = let (x, y) = prepInst i
w = case c of
IsCont -> pcpo
NotCont -> isaTerm
in (transClass x,
reverse [(transType c [] a, w : map transClass b) | (a, b) <- y])
------------------------------ translation of domaintab -----------------------
getDomainTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> IsaSign.DomainTab
getDomainTab c f = let
ls = remove_duplicates
[getDomainEntry (getAConstTab c f) x | x <- Map.keys f, checkTyCons x]
in reverse $ getDepDoms ls
getDomainEntry :: AConstTab -> HsId -> [IsaSign.DomainEntry]
getDomainEntry ctab t = case t of
HsCon (PNT _ (TypedIds.ConstrOf _ d) _) ->
[(getDomType ctab (mkVName $ showIsaName t), [(b, getFieldTypes ctab b)
| b <- [ mkVName $ showIsaName c
| PN c _ <- map conName (constructors d)]])]
_ -> []
--------------------------------- Term translation ----------------------------
-------------------------------------------- term and patterns ----------------
transExp :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrExp -> IsaTerm
transExp a c t = maybe xDummy id $ transMExp a c t
transPat :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> IsaPattern
transPat a c t = maybe xDummy id $ transMPat a c t
liftExp :: Continuity -> String -> Typ -> IsaTerm
liftExp c n t = case c of
IsCont -> App (conDouble "Def")
(Const (mkVName n) (IsaSign.Type "!!!" [] [t])) NotCont
NotCont -> Const (mkVName n) (IsaSign.Type "!!!" [] [t])
transMExp :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrExp -> Maybe IsaTerm
transMExp a cs t = let
tInt = IsaSign.Type "int" holType []
tRat = IsaSign.Type "Rat" holType []
in case t of
(TiPropDecorate.Exp e) -> case e of
HsLit _ (HsInt n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tInt
HsLit _ (HsFloatPrim n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tRat
HsList xs -> return $ case xs of
[] -> case a of
IsCont -> conDouble "lNil"
NotCont -> conDouble "[]"
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMExp" -- unsupported list notation
HsLet (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _) k -> do
w <- mapM (transPatBind a cs) ds
z <- transMExp a cs k
return $ Let w z
HsCase e' as -> do
e1 <- transMExp a cs e'
bs <- transCases a cs (map extPE as)
return $ Case e1 bs
_ -> transE a (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMExp a cs)
(transMPat a cs) e
TiPropDecorate.TiSpec w _ _ -> case w of
HsVar x -> transHV a x
HsCon x -> transCN a x
TiPropDecorate.TiTyped x _ -> transMExp a cs x
transCases :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> [(TiPat PNT, TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT)]
-> Maybe [(IsaTerm,IsaTerm)]
transCases r cs ks = case ks of
[] -> return []
_ : _ -> let
cnn = extCL $ map fst ks -- (cons, arity) list for the case value.
ys = [((snd $ extCI f, transPat r cs f), transExp r cs g)
| (f,g) <- ks] -- (cons, (ptn, exp)) list.
in if null cnn then error "Hs2HOLCF.transCases"
else return $ map (\h -> trCase r h ys) cnn
extPE :: HsGuardsStruct.HsAlt (TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT) (TiPat PNT)
(TiPropDecorate.TiDecls PNT) -> (TiPat PNT, TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT)
extPE k = case k of
HsAlt _ p (HsBody e) _ -> (p,e)
_ -> error "HsHOLCF.extPE"
extCL :: [TiPat PNT] -> [(String,Int)]
extCL ks = case ks of -- ((cons, arity) list, cons).
[] -> []
x:xs -> let p = (fst $ extCI x)
in if p /= [] then p else extCL xs
extCI :: (TiPat PNT) -> ([(String,Int)],String)
extCI k = case k of
TiPSpec (HsCon (PNT z (ConstrOf _ x) _)) _ _ ->
([(gBN $ conName w, conArity w) | w <- constructors x], pp z)
TiPSpec (HsVar (PNT z _ _)) _ _ -> ([], pp z)
TiPApp m _ -> extCI m
TiDecorate.Pat u -> case u of
HsPWildCard -> ([],"_")
HsPParen p -> extCI p
_ -> ([], pp u)
TiPTyped p _ -> ([], pp p)
_ -> error "H2HOLCF.extCI"
gBN (UniqueNames.PN q _) = q
trCase :: Continuity -> (String, Int) -> [((String, IsaPattern), IsaTerm)]
-> (IsaTerm, IsaTerm)
trCase r h ys = case ys of
[] -> case r of
IsCont -> (buildPat r h, conDouble "UU")
NotCont -> error "Hs2HOLCF.trCase"
((a, b), c) : as -> if a == fst h
then repVsCPt b c (snd h)
else if a == "_"
then (buildPat r h, c)
else trCase r h as
mkpXVs = mkVs "pX"
repVsCPt a b n = case a of
IsaSign.Const _ _ -> (a, b)
IsaSign.App x y@(IsaSign.Free _) z -> let
nv = mkpXVs n
nr = renVars nv [y] b
st = repVsCPt x nr (n-1)
nf = App (fst st) nv z
ns = renVars nv [y] $ snd st
in (nf, ns)
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.repVsCPt"
buildPat r' (x, n) = let
hh = stringTrans r' noType x
k = Const (mkVName $ showIsaName x) noType
j = maybe k id hh
in termMAppl r' j $ reverse $ map mkpXVs [1..n]
transPatBind :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrDecl -> Maybe (IsaTerm,IsaTerm)
transPatBind a cs s = case s of
TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsPatBind _ p (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody e) _)) -> do
x <- transMPat a cs p
y <- transMExp a cs e
return (x, y)
_ -> error "HsHOLCF.transPatBind"
transMPat :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> Maybe IsaPattern
transMPat a cs t = let
tInt = IsaSign.Type "int" holType []
in case t of
TiDecorate.Pat p -> case p of
HsPLit _ (HsInt n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tInt
HsPList _ xs -> return $ case xs of
[] -> case a of
IsCont -> conDouble "lNil"
NotCont -> conDouble "[]"
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMPat" -- unsupported list notation
_ -> transP a (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMPat a cs) p
TiDecorate.TiPSpec w _ _ -> case w of
HsVar x -> transHV a x
HsCon x -> transCN a x
TiDecorate.TiPTyped x _ -> transMPat a cs x
TiDecorate.TiPApp w z -> do w1 <- transMPat a cs w
z1 <- transMPat a cs z
return $ (termMAppl a w1 [z1])
transE :: Continuity -> (PNT -> VName) -> (e -> Maybe IsaTerm)
-> (p -> Maybe IsaPattern) -> (EI PNT e p j h k) -> Maybe IsaTerm
transE c trId trE trP e =
case (mapEI5 trId trE trP e) of
Just (HsId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsApp x y) -> return $ termMAppl c x [y]
Just (HsLambda ps x) -> return $ termMAbs c ps x
Just (HsIf x y z) -> return $ If x y z c
Just (HsTuple xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs c
Just (HsParen x) -> return x
_ -> Nothing
transP :: IsaName i => Continuity -> (i -> VName) -> (p -> Maybe IsaPattern)
-> (PI i p) -> Maybe IsaPattern
transP a trId trP p =
case mapPI3 trId trP p of
Just (HsPId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsPTuple _ xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs a
Just (HsPParen x) -> return x
Just HsPWildCard -> return $ Free $ mkVName "_"
_ -> Nothing
transCN :: Continuity -> PNT -> Maybe IsaTerm
transCN c x = let
k = pp x
y = showIsaName x
z = noType
w = Const (mkVName y) z
zz = stringTrans c z k
in return $ maybe w id $ zz
transHV :: Continuity -> PNT -> Maybe IsaTerm
transHV a x = let
n = showIsaName x
t = noType
qq = pp x
mkConst w = Const (mkVName w) t
mkFree w = Free (mkVName w)
in if qq == "error" then Nothing else return $
case (stringTrans a t qq) of
Just d -> d
Nothing -> case x of
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.G _ _ _)) _ _ -> mkConst n
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.S _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.Sn _ _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transHV"
stringTrans :: Continuity -> IsaType -> String -> Maybe IsaTerm
stringTrans a t qq = let
mkConst w = Const (mkVName w) t
mkVConst v = Const v t
in if qq == "error" then Nothing else
case qq of
"==" -> return $ mkConst "hEq"
"/=" -> return $ mkConst "hNEq"
"&&" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkVConst conjV
else mkConst "trand"
"||" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkVConst disjV
else mkConst "tror"
"+" -> return $ (if a == NotCont then id
else funFliftbin) $ mkVConst plusV
"-" -> return $ (if a == NotCont then id
else funFliftbin) $ mkVConst minusV
"*" -> return $ (if a == NotCont then id
else funFliftbin) $ mkVConst timesV
"head" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "hd"
else mkConst "lHd"
"tail" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "tl"
else mkConst "lTl"
":" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkVConst consV
else mkConst "lCons"
"[]" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "[]"
else mkConst "lNil"
"fst" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "fst"
else mkConst "cfst"
"snd" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "snd"
else mkConst "csnd"
">>=" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst ">>="
else mkConst "mBind"
">>" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst ">>"
else mkConst "mSBind"
"True" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "True"
else mkConst "TT"
"False" -> return $ if a == NotCont then mkConst "False"
else mkConst "FF"
_ -> Nothing
---------------------------------- auxiliary --------------------------------
mapEI5 :: (i1 -> i2) -> (e1 -> Maybe e2) -> (p1 -> Maybe p2)
-> EI i1 e1 p1 d t c -> Maybe (EI i2 e2 p2 d t c)
mapEI5 vf ef pf ex =
case ex of
HsId n -> return $ HsId (mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsApp x y -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
return $ HsApp a b
HsLambda ps e -> do xs <- mapM pf ps
y <- ef e
return $ HsLambda xs y
HsIf x y z -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
c <- ef z
return $ HsIf a b c
HsTuple xs -> do zs <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsTuple zs
HsParen x -> do a <- ef x
return $ HsParen a
HsList xs -> do ys <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsList ys
_ -> Nothing
mapPI3 :: (i1 -> i2) -> (p1 -> Maybe p2) -> PI i1 p1 -> Maybe (PI i2 p2)
mapPI3 vf pf pat =
case pat of
HsPId n -> return $ HsPId (mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsPLit s l -> return $ HsPLit s l
HsPTuple s ps -> do bs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPTuple s bs
HsPParen p -> do h <- pf p
return $ HsPParen h
HsPWildCard -> return $ HsPWildCard
HsPList s ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPList s qs
HsPApp nm ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPApp (vf nm) qs
HsPSucc s n l -> return $ HsPSucc s (vf n) l
_ -> Nothing