{- |
Module : $Header: /repository/HetCATS/Comorphisms/Hs2HOLCF.hs,v 1.42 2007/05/25 10:49:58 paolot Exp $
Description : theory translation for the embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle
Copyright : (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : paolot@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (depends on programatica using MPTC)
theory translation for the embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle.
module Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCF (transTheory) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Common.Utils (number)
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCFaux
-- Haskell
import Haskell.HatAna as HatAna
-- Programatica
import NewPrettyPrint (pp)
import TypedIds
import TiTypes
import PNT
import UniqueNames
import TiPropDecorate
import PropSyntaxStruct
import HsDeclStruct
import HsGuardsStruct
import TiDecorate
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Debug.Trace
-- ---------------------------- Top level function ------------------------
transTheory :: Continuity -> Bool -> HatAna.Sign -> [Named PrDecl]
-> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transTheory c m sign sens = do
sign' <- transSignature c m sign
(sign'', sens'') <- transSentencesI c sign' (map sentence sens)
return (sign'', concatMap (\ (t, l) ->
map (\ (r, ars) -> makeNamed ""
$ Instance t (map snd ars) [r] [] $ toIsaProof DotDot) l)
(filter (not . flip elem
["unitT", "intT", "integerT", "charT", "ratT"] . fst)
$ Map.toList $ arities $ tsig sign'') ++ sens'')
{- ---------------------------- Theory translation ------------------------
Relevant theories in Programatica: base/Ti/TiClasses (for
tcTopDecls); property/parse2/Parse/PropPosSyntax (def of HsDecl) -}
data TSt a = TSt (ISign -> Result (a, ISign))
instance Monad TSt
return x = TSt (\ w -> return (x, w))
(TSt f) >>= g = TSt (\ w -> do
(d, z) <- f w
let (TSt q) = g d in q z)
transSentencesI :: Continuity -> ISign -> [PrDecl]
-> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSentencesI c sign ls = let TSt f = transSentences c ls
in do (a, b) <- f sign
return (ff b, a)
where ff x = x {constTab = Map.filter (/= noTypeT) $ constTab x}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
transSentences :: Continuity -> [PrDecl]
-> TSt [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transSentences c ls = do
xx0 <- mapM (transSentence c FunDef) ls
let xs = [[s] | [s] <- xx0, notDummy s]
yys <- insFixpoints c xs
zz0 <- mapM (transSentence c InstDef) ls
let zz1 = removeEL zz0
zz2 <- insFixpoints c zz1
let zz3 = filter notDummy (yys ++ zz2)
return $ filter (\ x -> extAxType x /= noTypeT) zz3
notDummy :: Named Sentence -> Bool
notDummy s = case sentence s of
ConstDef (IsaEq t _) -> t /= xDummy
RecDef _ _ _ [] -> False
RecDef _ _ _ (IsaEq t _ : _) -> t /= xDummy
_ -> True
transSentence :: Continuity -> ExpRole -> PrDecl
-> TSt [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transSentence c a (TiPropDecorate.Dec d) =
case d of
PropSyntaxStruct.Base p -> case (a, p) of
(FunDef, HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ ws) -> do
k <- transMMatch c ws
return [k]
(FunDef, HsPatBind _ q (HsBody e) _) -> do
k <- transCProp FunDef c q e
case k of
Just k' -> return [k']
Nothing -> return []
(InstDef, HsInstDecl _ _ _ t (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _)) -> do
k <- mapM (transIMatch c t)
[y | TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ [y])) <- ds]
w <-
mapM (uncurry $ transCProp InstDef c) [(q, e) |
TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsPatBind _ q (HsBody e) _)) <- ds]
return $ catMaybes $ k ++ w
_ -> return []
_ -> return []
{- ------------ main functions for sentence translation -------------------
------------------- inserts fixpoints ---------------------------------- -}
insFixpoints :: Continuity -> [[Named IsaSign.Sentence]]
-> TSt [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
insFixpoints c xs = TSt $ \ ssg ->
let ws = [[s] | s <- concat xs]
ys = fixMRec c ws
ac = newConstTab c ys
nc = Map.union (constTab ssg) ac
nssg = ssg {constTab = nc}
in return (ys, nssg)
-- ------------------------- constants -----------------------------------
constTabM :: TSt ConstTab
constTabM = TSt $ \ sign -> return (constTab sign, sign)
transCProp :: ExpRole -> Continuity
-> PrPat -> PrExp
-> TSt (Maybe (Named Sentence))
transCProp j a p e = do
cs <- constTabM
case transPatBindX True a cs p e of
Just (x, y) -> let k = fst $ extTBody x
in case getTermName k of
Nothing -> trace (show p) $ error "Hs2HOLCF.transCProp1"
Just nm -> case j of
InstDef -> case p of
TiPSpec (HsVar r) _ _ -> case extClass r of
Just c -> case e of
(TiPropDecorate.Exp (HsApp
(TiPropDecorate.TiSpec _ _ (g : _)) _)) ->
transInstEx a nm (mkVName nm)
(IsaClass c) (transType a [] g)
(typ $ termType x) [] y
_ -> trace (show p) $ error "Hs2HOLCF.transCProp2"
_ -> trace ("\n ER000: " ++ show j) $
trace ("\n ER111: " ++ show p) $
trace ("\n ER222: " ++ show e) $
error "Hs2HOLCF.transCProp3"
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transCProp4"
FunDef -> return $ Just $ makeNamed nm $ ConstDef $ IsaEq x y
_ -> trace ("\n PAT: " ++ show p) $
trace ("\n EXP: " ++ show e) $
error "Hs2HOLCF.transCProp5"
{- ---------------- translate pattern matching definitions ---------------
Main function. transMultiDef translate the expressions,
formCaseExp builds the case expression. -}
transMMatch :: Show ds => Continuity
-> [HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds]
-> TSt (Named Sentence)
transMMatch c ds = TSt $ \ sign -> case ds of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMMatch"
a : _ -> let
cs = constTab sign
(a1, a2) = extInfo c cs a
df = mkVName $ showIsaName a1
y = fromMaybe noTypeT $ Map.lookup df cs
ls = map (snd . extInfo c cs) ds
in case ls of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transMMatch 2"
[(ps, tx)] -> let
qs = wrapWild $ map (transPat c cs) ps
in mkkSent c df y qs tx sign
_ -> let
ww = transMultiDef c cs ls
tx = formCaseExp c ww
qs = map (mkVs "qX" . snd) $
zip (fst a2) [(1 :: Int) ..]
in mkkSent c df y qs tx sign
extInfo c' cs' m = case m of
HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody x) _ ->
(nm, (elimDic ps, transExp c' cs' x))
HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsGuard xs) _ ->
let ys = [(transExp c' cs' x1, transExp c' cs' x2)
| (_, x1, x2) <- xs]
k = buildIfs c' ys
ps' = elimDic ps
in (nm, (ps', k))
mkkSent c' df' y' qs' tx' sign' = return
(makeSentence FunDef c' (IsaSign.orig df') y' df' qs' tx', sign')
wrapWild ls = map wrapW $ number ls
wrapW (a, n) = case a of
Free x -> case new x of
"wildcX" -> Free $ mkVName ("wildcX" ++ show n)
_ -> a
_ -> a
elimDic :: [PrPat] -> [PrPat]
elimDic ls = case ls of
[] -> []
x : xs -> let r = elimDic xs in case x of
TiDecorate.Pat (HsPId (HsVar _)) -> r
_ -> x : r
{- ----------------------- translates instances --------------------------
translates method definitions -}
transIMatch :: (Show ds) => Continuity -> HsType
-> HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds
-> TSt (Maybe (Named Sentence))
transIMatch a t s = do
ct <- constTabM
case s of
HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody ex) _ ->
let nam = showIsaName nm
df = mkVName $ showIsaName nm
tx = transExp a ct ex
qs = map (transPat a ct) ps
gt = getInstType t -- instatiating type
x = transType a [] gt -- instatiating type
c = transClass $ getInstClass t
-- instantiated class
in transInstEx a nam df c x noTypeT qs tx
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF, transIMatch"
transInstEx :: Continuity -> String -> VName ->
IsaClass -> IsaType -> IsaType ->
[IsaTerm] -> IsaTerm -> TSt (Maybe (Named Sentence))
transInstEx a nam df c@(IsaClass k) x x2 qs tx = TSt $
if and [enElem nam mthEq]
then \ sig -> return (Nothing, sig)
\ sign ->
let ct = constTab sign
xx = typeId x
w = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup xx (arities $ tsig sign)
-- all arities of inst. type
cs = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup c (Map.fromList w)
-- selects the arity for the inst. class
xdf = new df
ndf = if enElem nam aweLits
then xdf ++ "_" ++ xx
else xx ++ "_" ++ xdf
pdf = if enElem nam aweLits
then mkVName ndf else df
nsg = if enElem nam ["return"]
then addMonOpDecs sign xx
else sign
mty | enElem nam ["return"] = returnType xx
| enElem nam [">>="] = bindType xx
| enElem nam ["fail", ">>"] = noTypeT
| enElem nam mthAll = mthTy a k nam
| otherwise = fromMaybe x2 $ Map.lookup df ct
-- abstract method type
nty = instTyp mty c x cs
{- in mty, replaces the variable of class c with type x,
constraining variables in x with cs -}
tst = makeSentence InstDef a ndf nty pdf qs tx
in return (Just tst, nsg)
instTyp :: IsaType -> IsaClass -> IsaType -> [(IsaType, Sort)] -> IsaType
instTyp t c x cs = repVarClass t c (constrVarClass x cs)
{- ------------------ theory trans auxiliaries ------------------------
------------------ transMMatch auxs ------------------------------- -}
buildIfs :: Continuity -> [(IsaTerm, IsaTerm)] -> IsaTerm
buildIfs c xs = case xs of
[] -> bottomPT c
(y1, y2) : ys -> case getTermName y1 of
Just "otherwise" -> y2
_ -> If y1 y2 (buildIfs c ys) c
makeSentence :: ExpRole -> Continuity -> String -> IsaType ->
VName -> [IsaPattern] -> IsaTerm -> Named Sentence
makeSentence k a d y df ps tx =
makeNamed d $ ConstDef (if tx == xDummy
then IsaEq xDummy xDummy
else let w = ( case k of
InstDef -> dispMN y
FunDef -> hideNN y )
in IsaEq (Const df w) $ termMAbs a ps tx)
-- ----------------- transIMatch auxs ---------------------------------
returnType :: String -> IsaType
returnType t = let
v = TFree "a" holType
x = IsaSign.Type t holType [v]
in IsaSign.Type "=>" holType [v, x]
bindType :: String -> IsaType
bindType t = let
va = TFree "a" holType
vb = TFree "b" holType
xa = IsaSign.Type t holType [va]
xb = IsaSign.Type t holType [vb]
f = IsaSign.Type "=>" holType [va, xb]
g = IsaSign.Type "=>" holType [f, xb]
in IsaSign.Type "=>" holType [xa, g]
addMonOpDecs :: ISign -> String -> ISign
addMonOpDecs sign xx = let
nrt = returnType xx
nbd = bindType xx
jrt = mkVName $ "return_" ++ xx
jbd = mkVName $ "mbind_" ++ xx
qqs = Map.fromList [(jrt, nrt), (jbd, nbd)]
nc = Map.union (constTab sign) qqs
in sign {constTab = nc}
extHead :: IsaType -> IsaType
extHead t = case t of
IsaSign.Type "=>" _ [_, b] -> extHead b
_ -> t
{- ------------- other theory trans auxs ----------------------------------
annotated translation function.
Each parameter pattern - IsaPattern - associated
with datatype information - [(String,Int)]
case variable name - IsaTerm
parameter name before translation - String -}
transMultiDef :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> [([PrPat], IsaTerm)]
-> [([([(String, Int)], ((IsaTerm, String), IsaPattern))], IsaTerm)]
transMultiDef c sign ls =
ws = csAris [fst w | w <- ls]
ks = [([newInfo v | v <- xs], y) | (xs, y) <- ls]
ss = map standizeVars ks
in [(zipNE ws rs, s) | (rs, s) <- ss]
newInfo f = (snd $ extCI f, transPat c sign f)
zipNE ws rs = case ws of
[] -> []
hd : xs -> (case hd of
[] -> []
_ -> if null rs then error "Hs2HOLCF, zipNE"
else [(hd, head rs)]) ++ zipNE xs (tail rs)
{- Extract datatype information from a list of patterned parameter lists.
Returns the list of constructors and arities for parameter datatypes. -}
csAris :: [[PrPat]] -> [[(String, Int)]]
csAris ws = let
ls = removeEL ws
in case ls of
[] -> []
m : _ -> case m of
[] -> []
_ : _ -> extCL (map head ls) : csAris [tail a | a <- ls]
{- Standardizes parameter names from all the expressions.
Associates a case variable name. -}
standizeVars :: ([(String, IsaPattern)], IsaTerm)
-> ([((IsaTerm, String), IsaPattern)], IsaTerm)
standizeVars k' = let
mkqXVs = mkVs "qX"
stdVars (cs, sd) i = case cs of
[] -> ([], sd)
(a, b) : as -> let
na = sbVs (b, i)
nk = renVars na [b] sd
(ls, y) = stdVars (as, nk) (i + 1)
in (((mkqXVs i, a), na) : ls, y)
sbVs a = case a of
(Free _, b) -> mkqXVs b
(f, _) -> f
in stdVars k' 1
mkVs :: String -> Int -> IsaTerm
mkVs str n = Free (mkVName $ str ++ show n)
-- Forms the nested case expression, using trCase.
formCaseExp :: Continuity ->
[([([(String, Int)], ((IsaTerm, String), IsaPattern))], IsaTerm)]
-> IsaTerm
formCaseExp ct ls =
case ls of
[] -> error "Hs2HOLCF.formCaseExp"
m : _ -> case fst m of
[] -> snd m
h : _ -> let
k1s = map fst ls
xs = map head (filter (/= []) k1s)
xxs = remove_duplicates [((snd $ fst $ snd x, snd $ snd x),
[(us, t) | (u : us, t) <- ls, u == x] ++
[(us, t) | ((_, (_, Free _)) : us, t) <- ls]) | x <- xs]
ws = remove_duplicates
[((a, b), formCaseExp ct c) | ((a, b), c) <- xxs]
in makeCase (fst $ fst $ snd h) $ map (\ z -> trCase ct z ws) (fst h)
makeCase = Case
{- ---------------------- TERM translation --------------------------------
---------------------- Patterns ---------------------------------------- -}
transPat :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> IsaPattern
transPat a c t = let
a' = if a == IsCont True then IsCont False else a
in fromMaybe xDummy $ transMPat a' c t
transMPat :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> Maybe IsaPattern
transMPat = transMPatX False
transMPatX :: Bool ->
Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> Maybe IsaPattern
transMPatX bx a' cs t = let
tInt = IsaSign.Type "int" holType []
a = if a' == IsCont True then IsCont False else a'
in case t of
TiDecorate.Pat p -> case p of
HsPLit _ (HsInt n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tInt
HsPList _ xs -> do
ws <- mapM (transMPatX bx a cs) xs
return $ foldr (termBAppl a $ consPT a) (nilPT a) ws
_ -> transP a (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMPat a cs) p
TiDecorate.TiPSpec w lt bb -> case w of
HsVar x -> case showIsaName x of
"errorH" -> Just $ bottomPT a
_ -> transHV bx a x bb lt
HsCon x -> transCN a x
TiDecorate.TiPTyped x _ -> transMPat a cs x
TiDecorate.TiPApp w z -> do w1 <- transMPat a cs w
z1 <- transMPat a cs z
return $ termMAppl a w1 [z1]
transP :: IsaName i => Continuity -> (i -> VName) ->
(p -> Maybe IsaPattern) -> PI i p -> Maybe IsaPattern
transP a trId trP p =
case mapPI3 trId trP p of
Just (HsPId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsPTuple _ xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs a
Just (HsPParen x) -> return x
Just HsPWildCard -> return $ Free $ mkVName "wildcX"
_ -> Nothing
-- ------------------------ Terms --------------------------------------
transExp :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrExp -> IsaTerm
transExp a c t = fromMaybe xDummy $ transMExp a c t
transMExp :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrExp -> Maybe IsaTerm
transMExp a cs t = let
tInt = IsaSign.Type "int" holType []
tRat = IsaSign.Type "Rat" holType []
in case t of
(TiPropDecorate.Exp e) -> case e of
HsLit _ (HsInt n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tInt
HsLit _ (HsFloatPrim n) -> return $ liftExp a (show n) tRat
HsLit _ (HsString n) -> return $ liftStr a (show n)
HsList xs -> do
ws <- mapM (transMExp a cs) xs
return $ foldr (termBAppl a $ consPT a) (nilPT a) ws
HsLet (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _) k -> do
w <- mapM (transPatBind False a cs) ds
z <- transMExp a cs k
return $ Let w z
HsCase e' as -> do
e1 <- transMExp a cs e'
bs <- transCases a cs (map extPE as)
return $ Case e1 bs
_ -> transE a (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMExp a cs)
(transMPat a cs) e
TiPropDecorate.TiSpec w st bb -> case w of
HsVar x -> case showIsaName x of
"errorH" -> Just $ bottomPT a
_ -> transHV False a x bb st
HsCon x -> transCN a x
TiPropDecorate.TiTyped x _ -> transMExp a cs x
transE :: Continuity -> (PNT -> VName) -> (e -> Maybe IsaTerm)
-> (p -> Maybe IsaPattern) -> EI PNT e p j h k -> Maybe IsaTerm
transE c trId trE trP e =
case mapEI5 trId trE trP e of
Just (HsId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsApp x y) -> return $ if x == bottomPT c
then x
else termMAppl c x [y]
Just (HsLambda ps x) -> return $ termMAbs c ps x
Just (HsIf x y z) -> return $ If x y z c
Just (HsTuple xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs c
Just (HsParen x) -> return x
_ -> Nothing
-- --------------------- TERM auxs ----------------------------------------
liftExp :: Continuity -> String -> Typ -> IsaTerm
liftExp c n t = case c of
IsCont _ -> App (conDouble "Def")
(Const (mkVName n) $ hideNN t) NotCont
NotCont -> Const (mkVName n) $ hideNN t
liftStr :: Continuity -> String -> IsaTerm
liftStr a n = let
st = Const (mkVName n) noType
in case a of
NotCont -> st
IsCont _ -> termAppl liftString st
transCases :: Continuity -> ConstTab ->
[(TiPat PNT, TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT)] -> Maybe [(IsaTerm, IsaTerm)]
transCases r cs ks = case ks of
[] -> return []
_ : _ -> let
cnn = extCL $ map fst ks -- (cons, arity) list for the case value.
ys = [((snd $ extCI f, transPat r cs f), transExp r cs g)
| (f, g) <- ks] -- (cons, (ptn, exp)) list.
in if null cnn then trace ("\n CASES: " ++ show ks) $
error "Hs2HOLCF.transCases"
else return $ map (\ h -> trCase r h ys) cnn
extPE :: HsGuardsStruct.HsAlt (TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT) (TiPat PNT)
(TiPropDecorate.TiDecls PNT) -> (TiPat PNT, TiPropDecorate.TiExp PNT)
extPE k = case k of
HsAlt _ p (HsBody e) _ -> (p, e)
_ -> error "HsHOLCF.extPE"
extCL :: [TiPat PNT] -> [(String, Int)]
extCL ks = case ks of -- ((cons, arity) list, cons).
[] -> []
x : xs -> let p = (fst $ extCI x)
in if p /= [] then p else extCL xs
extCI :: TiPat PNT -> ([(String, Int)], String)
extCI k = case k of
TiPSpec (HsCon (PNT z (ConstrOf _ x) _)) _ _ ->
([(gBN $ conName w, conArity w) | w <- constructors x], pp z)
TiPSpec (HsVar (PNT z _ _)) _ _ -> ([], pp z)
TiPApp m _ -> extCI m
TiDecorate.Pat u -> case u of
HsPWildCard -> ([], "wildcX")
HsPParen p -> extCI p
HsPLit _ (HsString "") -> ([], "emptyString")
_ -> ([], pp u)
TiPTyped p _ -> ([], pp p)
_ -> error "H2HOLCF.extCI"
gBN (UniqueNames.PN q _) = q
trCase :: Continuity -> (String, Int) ->
[((String, IsaPattern), IsaTerm)] -> (IsaTerm, IsaTerm)
trCase r' h ys = let
r = case r' of
IsCont _ -> IsCont False
_ -> r'
in case ys of
[] -> case r of
IsCont _ -> (buildPat r h, bottomPT r)
NotCont -> error "Hs2HOLCF.trCase"
((a, b), c) : as | a == fst h -> repVsCPt b c (snd h) -- snd h :: Int
| take 6 a == "wildcX" -> (buildPat r h, c)
| otherwise -> trCase r h as
mkpXVs = mkVs "pX"
repVsCPt a b n = case a of
IsaSign.Const _ _ -> (a, b)
IsaSign.App x y@(IsaSign.Free _) z' -> let
nv = mkpXVs n
nr = renVars nv [y] b
st = repVsCPt x nr (n - 1)
nf = termMAppl z' (fst st) [nv]
ns = renVars nv [y] $ snd st
in (nf, ns)
_ -> trace ("\n print A: " ++ show a) $
trace ("\n print B: " ++ show b) $
error "Hs2HOLCF.repVsCPt"
buildPat s (x, n) = let
hh = string2iterm s x Nothing
k = Const (mkVName $ showIsaName x) noTypeC
j = fromMaybe k hh
sk = termMAppl s j $ reverse $ map mkpXVs [1 .. n]
in sk
extClass :: PNT -> Maybe String
extClass p = case p of
PNT _ (MethodOf (PN x _) _ _) _ -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
transPatBindX :: Bool ->
Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> PrExp -> Maybe (IsaTerm, IsaTerm)
transPatBindX b a cs p e = do
x <- transMPatX b a cs p
y <- transMExp a cs e
return (x, y)
transPatBind :: Bool ->
Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrDecl -> Maybe (IsaTerm, IsaTerm)
transPatBind b a cs s = case s of
TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsPatBind _ p (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody e) _)) ->
transPatBindX b a cs p e
_ -> error "HsHOLCF.transPatBind"
transCN :: Continuity -> PNT -> Maybe IsaTerm
transCN c x = let
k = pp x
y = showIsaName x
w = Const (mkVName y) $ Hide noTypeT TCon (extArity x)
zz = string2iterm c k Nothing
in return $ fromMaybe w zz
extArity :: PNT -> Maybe Int
extArity p = case p of
(PNT z (ConstrOf _ x) _) -> let
y = pp z
ls = [(gBN $ conName w, conArity w) | w <- constructors x]
ns = Map.fromList ls
in Map.lookup y ns
_ -> Nothing
gBN (UniqueNames.PN q _) = q
transHV :: Bool -> Continuity -> PNT -> [HsType] ->
HsScheme -> Maybe IsaTerm
transHV _ a x lt tt = let
qq = pp x
n = showIsaName x
xt = fromMaybe noTypeT $ transMScheme a tt
kt = fromMaybe noTypeT $ case lt of
r : _ -> transMType a [] r
_ -> Nothing
zt = replaceTyVar kt xt
dx = case x of
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.G {})) _ _ ->
mkConstV n (hideNN zt)
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.S _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.Sn _ _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transHV"
rt = fromMaybe dx $ string2iterm a qq (Just lt)
in return rt
string2iterm :: Continuity -> String ->
Maybe [HsType] -> Maybe IsaTerm
string2iterm a qq ls =
case showIsaName qq of
"()" -> return $ unitPT a
"(,)" -> return $ pairPT a
"True" -> return $ truePT a
"False" -> return $ falsePT a
"conjH" -> return $ andPT a
"disjH" -> return $ orPT a
"notH" -> return $ notPT a
":" -> return $ consPT a
"[]" -> return $ nilPT a
"Nothing" -> return $ nothingPT a
"Just" -> return $ justPT a
"fstH" -> return $ fstPT a
"sndH" -> return $ sndPT a
"headH" -> return $ headPT a
"tailH" -> return $ tailPT a
"Left" -> return $ leftPT a
"Right" -> return $ rightPT a
"return" -> return $ mkTyConst a ls "return"
"mbind" -> return $ mkTyConst a ls "mbind"
"mbbind" -> return $ mkTyConst a ls "mbbind"
_ -> Nothing
mkTyConst aa tt s = let
ndf = case tt of
Just (x : _) -> let
w = typeId $ extHead $ transType aa [] x
in s ++ "_" ++ w
_ -> s
in Const (mkVName ndf) noType
-- --------------------- TERM trans recursive schemes ---------------------
mapEI5 :: (i1 -> i2) -> (e1 -> Maybe e2) -> (p1 -> Maybe p2)
-> EI i1 e1 p1 d t c -> Maybe (EI i2 e2 p2 d t c)
mapEI5 vf ef pf ex =
case ex of
HsId n -> return $ HsId (mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsApp x y -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
return $ HsApp a b
HsLambda ps e -> do xs <- mapM pf ps
y <- ef e
return $ HsLambda xs y
HsIf x y z -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
c <- ef z
return $ HsIf a b c
HsTuple xs -> do zs <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsTuple zs
HsParen x -> do a <- ef x
return $ HsParen a
HsList xs -> do ys <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsList ys
_ -> Nothing
mapPI3 :: (i1 -> i2) -> (p1 -> Maybe p2) -> PI i1 p1 -> Maybe (PI i2 p2)
mapPI3 vf pf pat =
case pat of
HsPId n -> return $ HsPId (mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsPLit s l -> return $ HsPLit s l
HsPTuple s ps -> do bs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPTuple s bs
HsPParen p -> do h <- pf p
return $ HsPParen h
HsPWildCard -> return HsPWildCard
HsPList s ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPList s qs
HsPApp nm ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPApp (vf nm) qs
HsPSucc s n l -> return $ HsPSucc s (vf n) l
_ -> Nothing
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------- SIGNATURE translation --------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
transSignature :: Continuity -> Bool -> HatAna.Sign -> Result IsaSign.Sign
transSignature c m sign = let
tys = HatAna.types sign
vals = HatAna.values sign
xx = getDomainTab c vals
nsig = IsaSign.emptySign
{ baseSig = case (c, m) of
(IsCont _, False) -> HsHOLCF_thy
(NotCont, False) -> HsHOL_thy
(IsCont _, True) -> MHsHOLCF_thy
(NotCont, True) -> MHsHOL_thy,
tsig = emptyTypeSig
classrel = getClassrel c tys,
abbrs = getAbbrs c tys,
arities = getArities c xx (HatAna.instances sign)
constTab = getConstTab c vals,
domainTab = xx
in Result [] $ Just nsig
{- ---------------------------- TYPE translation -------------------------
signature translation takes after one to Stratego, relies
on Isabelle.Translation to solve naming conflicts. -}
transType :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> HsType -> IsaType
transType a c t = fromMaybe noTypeT $ transMType a c t
transMType :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> HsType -> Maybe IsaType
transMType a c (Typ t) = transT a
(transIdV a c) (transIdC a) (transMType a c) t
transT :: Show d => Continuity -> (PNT -> Maybe IsaType)
-> (PNT -> Maybe IsaType) -> (d -> Maybe IsaType)
-> TI PNT d -> Maybe IsaType
transT c trIdV trIdC trT t =
case mapTI3 trIdV trIdC trT t of
Just (HsTyFun t1 t2) -> return (case c of
IsCont _ -> mkContFun t1 t2
NotCont -> mkFunType t1 t2)
Just (HsTyApp t1 t2) ->
case t1 of
IsaSign.Type name s args -> -- better resolve nested HsTyApp first
return $ IsaSign.Type name s $ args ++ [t2]
_ -> Nothing
Just (HsTyVar a) -> return a
Just (HsTyCon k) -> return k
_ -> Nothing
getSort :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> IsaSort
getSort r c t = case c of
[] -> case r of
IsCont _ -> dom
NotCont -> holType
(x@(Typ (HsTyApp _ _))) : cs -> let
a = getInstType x
b = getInstClass x
d = getLitName a
s = getSort r cs t
k = transClass b
u = showIsaName d
v = showIsaName t
in if u == v then k : s else s
_ : cs -> getSort r cs t
transIdV :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdV a c t = return $ TFree (showIsaName t) (getSort a c t)
transIdC :: Continuity -> PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdC c t = case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Class _ _) _ -> Nothing
_ -> return $ let
tfs = transFields c t
srt = case c of
IsCont _ -> dom
NotCont -> holType
case UniqueNames.orig t of
UniqueNames.G (PlainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type (transTN c m n) srt tfs
UniqueNames.G (MainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type (transPath m n) srt tfs
_ -> IsaSign.Type (showIsaName t) srt tfs
transFields :: Continuity -> PNT -> [IsaType]
transFields c t = let
srt = case c of
IsCont _ -> dom
NotCont -> holType
in case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Type q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) srt | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
PNT _ (TypedIds.FieldOf _ q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) srt | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
_ -> []
mapTI3 :: (Show i1, Show i2, Show t1, Show t2) =>
(i1 -> Maybe i2) -> (i1 -> Maybe i2) -> (t1 -> Maybe t2)
-> TI i1 t1 -> Maybe (TI i2 t2)
mapTI3 vf cf tf hty = case hty of
HsTyFun x y -> do a <- tf x
b <- tf y
return $ HsTyFun a b
HsTyApp f x -> do a <- tf f
b <- tf x
return $ HsTyApp a b
HsTyVar nm -> do a <- vf nm
return $ HsTyVar a
HsTyCon nm -> do a <- cf nm
return $ HsTyCon a
_ -> Nothing
-- ---------------------------- Class translation ------------------------
transClass :: HsType -> IsaClass
transClass x = case x of
Typ (HsTyCon c) -> IsaClass (showIsaName c)
Typ _ -> trace ("\n CLASS: " ++ show x) $
error "Hs2HOLCF.transClass"
{- ------------------------ SIGN fields translation -----------------------
------------------------ translation for ConstTab ---------------------- -}
getConstTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> ConstTab
getConstTab c = Map.map fst . Map.filter ((== IsaVal) . snd)
. getAConstTab c
getAConstTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> AConstTab
getAConstTab c =
liftMapByListD Map.toList Map.fromList (mkVName . showIsaName . fst)
(\ (x, y) -> (transMScheme c y, getValInfo x)) nothingFiOut
getValInfo :: HsId -> IsaVT
getValInfo n = case n of
HsCon _ -> IsaConst
_ -> IsaVal
transMScheme :: Continuity -> HsScheme -> Maybe IsaType
transMScheme a s = case s of
Forall _ _ (c TiTypes.:=> t) -> transMType a c t
-- ---------------------- translation of domaintab -----------------------
getDomainTab :: Continuity -> VaMap -> DomainTab
getDomainTab c f = let
ls = remove_duplicates
[getDomainEntry (getAConstTab c f) x |
x <- Map.keys f, checkTyCons x]
in getDepDoms ls
getDomainEntry :: AConstTab -> HsId -> [DomainEntry]
getDomainEntry ctab t = case t of
HsCon (PNT _ (TypedIds.ConstrOf _ d) _) ->
[(getDomType ctab (mkVName $ showIsaName t),
[(b, getFieldTypes ctab b)
| b <- [ mkVName $ showIsaName c
| PN c _ <- map conName (constructors d)]])]
_ -> []
-- -------------------- translation for Classrel (from KEnv) ------------
getClassrel :: Continuity -> TyMap -> Classrel
getClassrel c = liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList
(IsaClass . showIsaName) (transClassInfo c)
transClassInfo :: Continuity -> (Kind, HsTypeInfo) -> ClassDecl
transClassInfo c p = case snd p of
TiTypes.Class {} ->
(remove_duplicates $ case c of
IsCont _ -> dom
NotCont -> holType
++ map transClass (extClassInfo $ snd p), [], [])
_ -> ([], [], [])
-- ----------------- translation of Abbrs (from KEnv) --------------------
getAbbrs :: Continuity -> TyMap -> Abbrs
getAbbrs c = Map.foldWithKey (\ k v -> case v of
Nothing -> id
Just p -> Map.insert k p) Map.empty
. liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList
(showTyNm c) (transAbbrsInfo c)
where showTyNm w t = case t of
HsCon x -> case transIdC w x of
Just (IsaSign.Type n _ _) -> n
_ -> showIsaName t
_ -> showIsaName t
transAbbrsInfo :: Continuity -> (Kind, HsTypeInfo) ->
Maybe ([TName], IsaType)
transAbbrsInfo c p = case snd p of
TiTypes.Synonym _ _ -> let (x, y) = extAbbrsInfo (snd p) in
Just (map showIsaName x, transType c [] y)
_ -> Nothing
-- -------------------- translation of arities ---------------------------
getArities :: Continuity -> DomainTab -> HsInstances -> IsaSign.Arities
getArities c dt db = Map.fromList (groupInst $ getTypeInsts c dt db)
getTypeInsts :: Continuity -> DomainTab -> HsInstances -> [IsaTypeInsts]
getTypeInsts c dt db =
[(typeId $ transType c [] $ getMainInstType x,
[transInst c x]) | x <- db]
++ [(u, [(IsaClass "Eq", [])]) | [(IsaSign.Type u _ [], _)] <- dt]
transInst :: Continuity -> HsInstance ->
(IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])
transInst c i = let (x, y) = prepInst i
w = case c of
IsCont _ -> pcpo
NotCont -> isaTerm
in (transClass x,
[(transType c [] a, w : map transClass b) | (a, b) <- y])
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------