Hs2HOLCF.hs revision 62dd3cd58cda003c32ac69ff12dc82b0a6f5d9d3
0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133fMark Andrews{- |
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian WellingtonModule : $Header$
0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133fMark AndrewsCopyright : (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133fMark AndrewsLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
0c27b3fe77ac1d5094ba3521e8142d9e7973133fMark Andrews
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian WellingtonMaintainer : paolot@tzi.de
70e5a7403f0e0a3bd292b8287c5fed5772c15270Automatic UpdaterStability : provisional
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian WellingtonPortability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian WellingtonThe embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle-HOLCF.
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington-}
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonmodule Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCF where
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Debug.Trace
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Data.List
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Data.Maybe
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Common.Result as Result
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Common.AS_Annotation
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Comorphisms.Hs2HOLCFaux as Hs2HOLCFaux
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington-- Haskell
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Haskell.HatParser as HatParser hiding (HsType)
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellingtonimport Haskell.HatAna as HatAna
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington
ca44fe49bec16436cd95ace0af2e244f2096b284Brian Wellington-- Programatica
import HsTypeStruct
import HsKindStruct
import HsTypeMaps
import HsName
import HsIdent
import TypedIds
import OrigTiMonad
import TiTypes
import TiKinds
import TiInstanceDB -- as TiInst
import TiTEnv
import TiKEnv
import TiEnvFM
import PNT
import PosName
import UniqueNames
import PropSyntaxRec
import HsExpStruct
import HsPatStruct
import HsExpMaps
import HsPatMaps
import SyntaxRec
import TiPropDecorate
import PropSyntaxStruct
import HsDeclStruct
import HsGuardsStruct
import TiDecorate
-- Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts as IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Translate as Translate
------------------------------ Top level function ------------------------------
transTheory ::
HatAna.Sign -> [Named PrDecl] -> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transTheory sign sens = do
sign' <- transSignature sign
(sign'',sens'') <- -- trace (show $ arities $ tsig sign') $
transSentences sign' (map sentence sens)
return (sign'', sens'')
------------------------------ Theory translation -------------------------------
{- Relevant theories in Programatica: base/Ti/TiClasses (for
tcTopDecls); property/parse2/Parse/PropPosSyntax (def of HsDecl). -}
data ExpRole = FunDef | InstDef
transSentences ::
IsaSign.Sign -> [PrDecl] -> Result (IsaSign.Sign, [Named IsaSign.Sentence])
transSentences sign ls = do xx <- mapM (transSentence sign FunDef) ls
xs <- return [[s] | [s] <- xx, extAxType s /= noType]
ys <- -- trace ("\n" ++ (show xs)) $
return $ fixMRec xs
zz <- mapM (transSentence sign InstDef) ls
zw <- return $ concat zz
zs <- return [s | s <- zw, extAxType s /= noType]
return (sign, ys ++ zs)
transSentence :: IsaSign.Sign -> ExpRole -> PrDecl -> Result [Named IsaSign.Sentence]
transSentence sign a (TiPropDecorate.Dec d) = case d of
PropSyntaxStruct.Base p -> case (a,p) of
(FunDef, HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ [x]) -> do
k <- transMatch sign x
return [k]
(InstDef, HsInstDecl _ _ _ t (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _)) -> do
q <- mapM (transIMatch sign t)
[y | TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base (HsDeclStruct.HsFunBind _ [y])) <- ds]
return q
_ -> return []
_ -> return []
makeSentence :: String -> ConstTab -> IsaType -> VName -> [PrPat] -> IsaTerm -> Named Sentence
makeSentence d cs y df ps tx =
if tx == xDummy then NamedSen d True False $ ConstDef $ IsaEq xDummy $ xDummy
else NamedSen d True False $ ConstDef $
IsaEq (Const df y) $ termMAbs IsCont (map (transPat cs) ps) tx
--------------------------- translation of sentences --------------------------------
---------------------------- function definitions ---------------------------
transMatch :: IsaSign.Sign -> HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds
-> Result (Named Sentence)
transMatch sign t = case (t, constTab sign) of
(HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody x) _,
cs) ->
let df = mkVName $ showIsaName nm
tx = transExp cs x
y = maybe (noType) id $ Map.lookup df cs
in return $ makeSentence (IsaSign.orig df) cs y df ps tx
_ -> fail "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transMatch, case not supported"
------------------------------- translates instances ---------------------------------
transIMatch :: IsaSign.Sign -> HsType -> HsDeclStruct.HsMatchI PNT PrExp PrPat ds
-> Result (Named Sentence)
transIMatch sign t s
= case (s, constTab sign) of
(HsDeclStruct.HsMatch _ nm ps (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody ex) _,
ct) ->
let tx = transExp ct ex
df = mkVName $ showIsaName nm
c = transClass $ getInstClass t -- instantiated class
x = transType [] $ getInstType t -- instatiating type
w = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup (typeId x) (arities $ tsig sign) -- all arities of inst. type
cs = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup c (Map.fromList w) -- selects the arity for the inst. class
ndf = typeId x ++ "_" ++ IsaSign.orig df
ty = maybe (noType) id $ Map.lookup df ct -- abstract method type
nty = repVarClass ty c (constrVarClass x cs) -- in ty, replaces the variable of class c with type x, constraining variables in x with cs
in return $ makeSentence ndf ct nty df ps tx
_ -> fail "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transIMatch, case not supported"
------------------------------ Signature translation -----------------------------
transSignature :: HatAna.Sign -> Result IsaSign.Sign
transSignature sign = Result [] $ Just $ IsaSign.emptySign
{ baseSig = HsHOLCF_thy,
tsig = emptyTypeSig
classrel = getClassrel (HatAna.types sign),
abbrs = getAbbrs (HatAna.types sign),
arities = -- trace (show (HatAna.instances sign)) $
getArities (HatAna.instances sign)
constTab = getConstTab (HatAna.values sign),
domainTab = getDomainTab (HatAna.values sign)
------------------------------ translation of types -------------------------------
{- This signature translation takes after the one to Stratego, and relies on
Isabelle.Translation to solve naming conflicts. -}
transType :: [HsType] -> HsType -> IsaType
transType c t = maybe noType id $ transMType IsCont c t
transMType :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> HsType -> Maybe IsaType
transMType a c (Typ t) = transT (transIdV a c) transIdC (transMType a c) t
transT :: Show d => (PNT -> Maybe IsaType) -> (PNT -> Maybe IsaType)
-> (d -> Maybe IsaType) -> HsTypeStruct.TI PNT d -> Maybe IsaType
transT trIdV trIdC trT t =
case mapTI3 trIdV trIdC trT t of
Just (HsTyFun t1 t2) -> return $ mkContFun t1 t2
Just (HsTyApp t1 t2) -> case t1 of
IsaSign.Type name s args -> -- better resolve nested HsTyApp first
return $ IsaSign.Type name s $ args ++ [t2]
_ -> Nothing
Just (HsTyVar a) -> return a
Just (HsTyCon k) -> return k
_ -> Nothing
-- _ -> not_supported "Type" t
getSort :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> IsaSort
getSort r c t = case c of
[] -> case r of
IsCont -> dom
NotCont -> [isaTerm]
x:cs -> let a = getInstType x
b = getInstClass x
d = getLitName a
s = getSort r cs t
k = transClass b
u = showIsaName d
v = showIsaName t
in if u == v then k:s else s
-- in if u == v && k /= IsaClass "Eq" && k /= IsaClass "Ord" then k:s else s
transIdV :: Continuity -> [HsType] -> PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdV a c t = return $ TFree (showIsaName t) (getSort a c t)
transIdC :: PNT -> Maybe IsaType
transIdC t = case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Class _ _) _ -> Nothing
_ -> return $ let tfs = transFields t
case (UniqueNames.orig t) of
UniqueNames.G (PlainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type (transTN m n) dom tfs
UniqueNames.G (MainModule m) n _ ->
IsaSign.Type (transPath m n) dom tfs
_ -> IsaSign.Type (showIsaName t) dom tfs
transFields :: PNT -> [IsaType]
transFields t = case t of
PNT _ (TypedIds.Type q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) dom | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
PNT _ (TypedIds.FieldOf _ q) _ ->
[TFree (showIsaS x) dom | (PN x _) <- TypedIds.fields q]
_ -> []
-- _ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transFields"
mapTI3 :: (i1 -> Maybe i2) ->
(i1 -> Maybe i2) ->
(t1 -> Maybe t2) ->
TI i1 t1 -> Maybe (TI i2 t2)
mapTI3 vf cf tf ty = case ty of
HsTyFun x y -> do a <- tf x
b <- tf y
return $ HsTyFun a b
HsTyApp f x -> do a <- tf f
b <- tf x
return $ HsTyApp a b
HsTyVar nm -> do a <- vf nm
return $ HsTyVar a
HsTyCon nm -> do a <- cf nm
return $ HsTyCon a
_ -> Nothing
-- HsTyForall xs ps t -> HsTyForall (map vf xs) (map tf ps) (tf t)
-- error :: forall a. [Char] -> a
-- not_supported :: (Show t, Show i) => String -> HsTypeStruct.TI i t -> a
-- not_supported s x = error $ s++" Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transT, type not supported: "++show x
------------------------------ Class translation ------------------------------
transClass :: HsType -> IsaClass
transClass x = case x of
Typ (HsTyCon c) -> IsaClass (showIsaName c)
Typ _ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.transClass"
-- need check of parameters?
------------------------------- Kind translation ------------------------------
kindTrans :: Kind -> IsaKind
kindTrans x = case x of
K HsKindStruct.Kstar -> IsaSign.Star
K (HsKindStruct.Kfun a b) -> IsaSign.Kfun (kindTrans a) (kindTrans b)
_ -> error "error, Hs2HOLCF.kindTrans,"
kindExTrans :: Kind -> IsaExKind
kindExTrans x = case x of
K HsKindStruct.Kstar -> IKind IsaSign.Star
K (HsKindStruct.Kfun a b) -> IKind (IsaSign.Kfun (kindTrans a) (kindTrans b))
K HsKindStruct.Kpred -> IClass
K HsKindStruct.Kprop -> PLogic
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF.kindExTrans, kind variables not supported"
------------------------------- SIGN fields translation ---------------------------------
------------------------------- translation for ConstTab --------------------------
getConstTab :: VaMap -> ConstTab
getConstTab f = Map.map fst (Map.filter (\x -> (snd x) == IsaVal) (getAConstTab f))
getAConstTab :: VaMap -> AConstTab
getAConstTab f =
liftMapByListD Map.toList Map.fromList (mkVName . showIsaName . fst)
(\y -> (transMScheme IsCont $ snd y, getValInfo $ fst y)) nothingFiOut f
getValInfo :: HsId -> IsaVT
getValInfo n = case n of
HsCon _ -> IsaConst
_ -> IsaVal
transMScheme :: Continuity -> HsScheme -> Maybe IsaType
transMScheme a s = case s of
Forall _ _ (c TiTypes.:=> t) -> transMType a c t
-- _ -> Nothing
transScheme :: HsScheme -> IsaType
transScheme s = maybe (error "HsHOLCF, transScheme") id $ transMScheme IsCont s
----------------------------- translation for Classrel (from KEnv) -----------------------
getClassrel :: TyMap -> IsaSign.Classrel
getClassrel f =
liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList (IsaClass . showIsaName) transClassInfo f
transClassInfo :: (Kind, HsTypeInfo) -> Maybe [IsaClass]
transClassInfo p = case snd p of
TiTypes.Class _ _ _ _ -> Just (map transClass (extClassInfo $ snd p))
_ -> Nothing
------------------------- translation of Abbrs (from KEnv) -----------------------------
getAbbrs :: TyMap -> IsaSign.Abbrs
getAbbrs f = let
mf = liftMapByList Map.toList Map.fromList showIsaName transAbbrsInfo f
nf = Map.filter (\x -> case x of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False) mf
in Map.map (\x -> maybe ([],noType) id x) nf
transAbbrsInfo :: (Kind, HsTypeInfo) -> Maybe ([TName], IsaType)
transAbbrsInfo p = case (snd p) of
TiTypes.Synonym _ _ -> let x = extAbbrsInfo (snd p) in
return $ (map showIsaName (fst x), transType [] (snd x))
_ -> Nothing
---------------------------- translation of arities --------------------------------
getArities :: HsInstances -> IsaSign.Arities
getArities db = -- trace (show $ getTypeInsts db) $ trace (show db) $
Map.fromList (groupInst $ getTypeInsts db) -- \$ getIsaInsts db
getTypeInsts :: HsInstances -> [IsaTypeInsts]
getTypeInsts db = [(typeId $ transType [] $ getMainInstType x, [transInst x]) | x <- db]
transInst :: HsInstance -> (IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])
transInst i = let x = prepInst i in
(transClass $ fst x, reverse [(transType [] a, map transClass b) | (a,b) <- snd x])
------------------------------ translation of domaintab ---------------------------
getDomainTab :: VaMap -> IsaSign.DomainTab
getDomainTab f =
getDepDoms $ remove_duplicates
[getDomainEntry (getAConstTab f) x | x <- Map.keys f, checkTyCons x]
getDomainEntry :: AConstTab -> HsId -> [IsaSign.DomainEntry]
getDomainEntry ctab t = case t of
HsCon (PNT _ (TypedIds.ConstrOf _ d) _) ->
[(getDomType ctab (mkVName $ showIsaName t), [(b, getFieldTypes ctab b)
| b <- [ mkVName $ showIsaName c
| PN c _ <- map conName (constructors d)]])]
_ -> []
--------------------------------- Term translation -------------------------------
-------------------------------------------- term and patterns ------------------------
transExp :: ConstTab -> PrExp -> IsaTerm
transExp c t = maybe xDummy id $ transMExp IsCont c t
transPat :: ConstTab -> PrPat -> IsaPattern
transPat c t = maybe xDummy id $ transMPat IsCont c t
transMExp :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrExp -> Maybe IsaTerm
transMExp a cs t = case t of
(TiPropDecorate.Exp e) -> case e of
HsLit _ (HsInt n) -> return $
Const (mkVName $ "(Def (" ++ show n ++ "::int))")
(IsaSign.Type "dInt" [] [])
HsList xs -> return $ case xs of
[] -> conDouble "lNil"
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF, transMExp, unsupported list notation"
HsLet (TiPropDecorate.Decs ds _) k -> do
w <- mapM (transPatBind a cs) ds
z <- transMExp a cs k
return $ Let w z -- (transE showIsaName (transExp cs) (transPat cs) e)
HsCase e as -> do bs <- mapM (transCases a cs) as
e1 <- transMExp a cs e
return $ Case e1 bs
_ -> transE (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMExp a cs) (transMPat a cs) e
TiPropDecorate.TiSpec w s _ -> case w of
HsVar x -> transHV a s x
HsCon x -> transCN s x
TiPropDecorate.TiTyped x _ -> transMExp a cs x
_ -> Nothing
transCases r cs k = case k of
HsAlt _ p (HsBody e) _ -> do a <- transMPat r cs p
b <- transMExp r cs e
return $ (a,b)
_ -> error "HsHOLCF, transCases"
transPatBind :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrDecl -> Maybe (IsaTerm,IsaTerm)
transPatBind a cs s = case s of
TiPropDecorate.Dec (PropSyntaxStruct.Base
(HsDeclStruct.HsPatBind _ p (HsGuardsStruct.HsBody e) _)) -> do
x <- transMPat a cs p
y <- transMExp a cs e
return (x, y)
_ -> error "HsHOLCF, transPatBind"
transMPat :: Continuity -> ConstTab -> PrPat -> Maybe IsaPattern
transMPat a cs t = case t of
TiDecorate.Pat p -> case p of
HsPList _ xs -> return $ case xs of
[] -> conDouble "lNil"
_ -> error "Hs2HOLCF, transMPat, unsupported list notation"
_ -> transP a (mkVName . showIsaName) (transMPat a cs) p
TiDecorate.TiPSpec w s _ -> case w of
HsVar x -> transHV a s x
HsCon x -> transCN s x
TiDecorate.TiPTyped x _ -> transMPat a cs x
TiDecorate.TiPApp w z -> do w1 <- transMPat a cs w
z1 <- transMPat a cs z
return $ (App w1 z1 a)
-- _ -> error "oh so funny" -- return $ Bottom
transE :: (PNT -> VName) -> (e -> Maybe IsaTerm) -> (p -> Maybe IsaPattern) ->
(HsExpStruct.EI PNT e p j h k) -> Maybe IsaTerm
transE trId trE trP e =
case (mapEI5 trId trE trP e) of
Just (HsId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsApp x y) -> return $ termMAppl IsCont x [y]
Just (HsLambda ps x) -> return $ termMAbs IsCont ps x
Just (HsIf x y z) -> return $ If x y z IsCont
Just (HsTuple xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs IsCont
Just (HsParen x) -> return $ Paren x
_ -> Nothing -- Const "dummy" noType
-- _ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transE, not supported"
-- HsId (HsCon c) -> Const c noType
-- HsId (HsVar "==") -> Const "Eq" noType
-- HsLet ds e -> Let (map transPatBind ds) (transExp e)
-- HsCase e ds -> Case e ds
transP :: IsaName i => Continuity -> (i -> VName) -> (p -> Maybe IsaPattern) ->
(HsPatStruct.PI i p) -> Maybe IsaPattern
transP a trId trP p =
case mapPI3 trId trP p of
Just (HsPId (HsVar _)) -> return $ conDouble "DIC"
Just (HsPTuple _ xs) -> return $ Tuplex xs a
Just (HsPParen x) -> return $ Paren x
Just HsPWildCard -> return $ Wildcard
_ -> Nothing -- error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF.transP, not supported"
-- HsPList ps -> plist ps
-- HsPId (HsCon c) -> Const c noType
-- HsPLit _ lit -> litPat (transL lit) -- new
-- HsPApp c ps -> App x y IsCont
-- HsPAsPat x p -> AsPattern (x,p)
-- HsPIrrPat p -> twiddlePat p
transCN :: HsScheme -> PNT -> Maybe IsaTerm
transCN s x = let
y = showIsaName x
z = transScheme s
f w = Const (mkVName w) z
in return $
if elem pcpo (typeSort z) then case pp x of
"True" -> f "TT"
"False" -> f "FF"
":" -> f "lCons"
_ -> f y
else f y
transHV :: Continuity -> HsScheme -> PNT -> Maybe IsaTerm
transHV a s x = let
n = showIsaName x
k = maybe (error "Hs2HOLCF, transHV") id $ transMScheme a s
tag = elem pcpo (typeSort k)
qq = pp x
mkConst w = Const (mkVName w) k
mkFree w = Free (mkVName w) k
mFree w = Free (mkVName w) noType
flist = [mFree "x", mFree "y"]
in if qq == "error" then Nothing else return $
case qq of
"==" -> if tag == False then mkConst eq
(termMAbs IsCont flist
(termLift $ termMAppl NotCont (mkConst eq)
"&&" -> if tag == False then mkConst conj
else mkConst "trand"
"||" -> if tag == False then mkConst disj
else mkConst "tror"
"+" -> if tag == False then mkConst "op +"
else funFliftbin $ mkConst "op +"
"-" -> if tag == False then mkConst "op -"
else funFliftbin $ mkConst "op -"
"*" -> if tag == False then mkConst "op *"
else funFliftbin $ mkConst "op *"
"head" -> if tag == False then mkConst "hd"
else mkConst "lHd"
"tail" -> if tag == False then mkConst "tl"
else mkConst "lTl"
":" -> if tag == False then mkConst "op #"
else mkConst "lCons"
_ -> case x of
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.G _ _ _)) _ _ -> mkConst n
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.S _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
PNT (PN _ (UniqueNames.Sn _ _)) _ _ -> mkFree n
_ -> error "Haskell2IsabelleHOLCF, transHV"
---------------------------------- auxiliary ------------------------------------------------
class IsaName i => TransFunction i j k where
transFun :: (j i) -> k
mapEI5 :: (i1 -> i2) ->
(e1 -> Maybe e2) ->
(p1 -> Maybe p2) ->
EI i1 e1 p1 d t c ->
Maybe (EI i2 e2 p2 d t c)
mapEI5 vf ef pf exp =
case exp of
HsId n -> return $ HsId (HsIdent.mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsApp x y -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
return $ HsApp a b
HsLambda ps e -> do xs <- mapM pf ps
y <- ef e
return $ HsLambda xs y
HsIf x y z -> do a <- ef x
b <- ef y
c <- ef z
return $ HsIf a b c
HsTuple xs -> do zs <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsTuple zs
HsParen x -> do a <- ef x
return $ HsParen a
HsList xs -> do ys <- mapM ef xs
return $ HsList ys
_ -> Nothing
-- HsLit s l -> HsLit s l
-- HsCase e as -> do f <- ef e
-- bs <- map (mapA ef pf) as
-- return $ HsCase f bs
-- where
-- mapA f g k = case k of HsAlt _ p (HsBody e) _ ->
-- HsLit s l -> HsLit s l
-- HsInfixApp x op z -> HsInfixApp (ef x) (mapHsIdent2 vf cf op) (ef z)
-- HsNegApp s x -> HsNegApp s (ef x)
-- HsLet ds e -> HsLet (df ds) (ef e)
-- HsCase e alts -> HsCase (ef e) (map (mapAlt ef pf df) alts)
-- HsDo stmts -> HsDo (mStmt stmts)
-- HsLeftSection x op -> HsLeftSection (ef x) (mapHsIdent2 vf cf op)
-- HsRightSection op y -> HsRightSection (mapHsIdent2 vf cf op) (ef y)
-- HsRecConstr s n upds -> HsRecConstr s (cf n) (mapFieldsI vf ef upds)
-- HsRecUpdate s e upds -> HsRecUpdate s (ef e) (mapFieldsI vf ef upds)
-- HsEnumFrom x -> HsEnumFrom (ef x)
-- HsEnumFromTo x y -> HsEnumFromTo (ef x) (ef y)
-- HsEnumFromThen x y -> HsEnumFromThen (ef x) (ef y)
-- HsEnumFromThenTo x y z -> HsEnumFromThenTo (ef x) (ef y) (ef z)
-- HsListComp stmts -> HsListComp (mStmt stmts)
-- HsExpTypeSig s e c t -> HsExpTypeSig s (ef e) (ctxf c) (tf t)
-- HsAsPat n e -> HsAsPat (vf n) (ef e) -- pattern only
-- HsWildCard -> HsWildCard -- ditto
-- HsIrrPat e -> HsIrrPat (ef e) -- ditto
-- where
-- mStmt = mapStmt ef pf df
mapPI3 :: (i1 -> i2) ->
(p1 -> Maybe p2) ->
PI i1 p1 -> Maybe (PI i2 p2)
mapPI3 vf pf pat =
case pat of
HsPId n -> return $ HsPId (HsIdent.mapHsIdent2 vf vf n)
HsPLit s l -> return $ HsPLit s l
HsPTuple s ps -> do bs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPTuple s bs
HsPParen p -> do h <- pf p
return $ HsPParen h
HsPWildCard -> return $ HsPWildCard
HsPList s ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPList s qs
HsPApp nm ps -> do qs <- mapM pf ps
return $ HsPApp (vf nm) qs
HsPSucc s n l -> return $ HsPSucc s (vf n) l
_ -> Nothing
-- HsPNeg s l -> HsPNeg s l
-- HsPNeg s l -> HsPNeg s l
-- HsPSucc s n l -> HsPSucc s (vf n) l
-- HsPInfixApp x op y -> HsPInfixApp (pf x) (cf op) (pf y)
-- HsPApp nm ps -> HsPApp (cf nm) (map pf ps)
-- HsPList s ps -> HsPList s (map pf ps)
-- HsPRec nm fields -> HsPRec (cf nm) (mapFieldsI vf pf fields)
-- HsPAsPat nm p -> HsPAsPat (vf nm) (pf p)
-- HsPIrrPat p -> HsPIrrPat (pf p)