-- extract pieces from abstract syntax:
let Right txt = abstrSyntax "(and (P x) (Q P)))"
let (Text [phr] _) = txt
let (Sentence sen) = phr
let (Bool_sent boolsen _) = sen
let (Conjunction [atsen1, atsen2]) = boolsen
let (Atom_sent (Atom ntP1 [Term_seq ntx]) _) = atsen1
let (Atom_sent (Atom ntQ [Term_seq ntP2]) _) = atsen2
-- parsing error: Predicates *must* be used
let (Right txt0) = abstrSyntax "(and (x) (y))"
-- first order
let (Right txt1) = abstrSyntax "(and (P x) (Q y))"
prd_text txt1
sublogic txt1
-- first order (quantified over some object x)
-- "(exists (x) (x))" cannot be parsed
let (Right txt2) = abstrSyntax "(exists (x) (P x))"
prd_text txt2
sublogic txt2
-- first order (some predicates used)
-- "(and (x), (Q x))" cannot be parsed
let (Right txt3) = abstrSyntax "(and (P x) (Q (P x)))"
prd_text txt3
sublogic txt3
-- full common logic: quantified (used predicate as object)
let (Right txt4) = abstrSyntax "(and (P x) (Q P)))"
prd_text txt4
sublogic txt4
-- full common logic: quantified over predicate P
let (Right txt5) = abstrSyntax "(exists (P) (and (P x)))"
prd_text txt5
sublogic txt5
-- module elimination
let (Right mt) = abstrSyntax "(cl-module D (forall (x) (and (P x) (Q x))))"
let (Text [Module (Mod _ (Text [Sentence sen] _) _)] _) = mt
let d = mkSimpleId "D"
let sen_new = rq_sentence sen [d]
let (Right mt') = abstrSyntax "(forall (x) (if (and (D x)) (and (P x) (Q x))))"
let (Text [Sentence sen'] _) = mt'
sen_new == sen'
--TODO: analyze multiple modules in a text
abstrSyntax "(cl-module D (P x)) (cl-module E (Q x)) (cl-module Fa (cl-module Fb (forall (z) (R z))))"