{- |
Module : ./Common/SZSOntology.hs
Description : The SZS ontology for TPTP prover results
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
see <http://www.cs.miami.edu/~tptp/> under Documents and SZSOntology
module Common.SZSOntology where
import Data.Char
successes :: [(String, String)]
successes =
[ ("Success", "SUC")
-- The logical data has been processed successfully.
, ("UnsatisfiabilityPreserving", "UNP")
{- If there does not exist a model of Ax then there does not exist a model of
C, i.e., if Ax is unsatisfiable then C is unsatisfiable. -}
, ("SatisfiabilityPreserving", "SAP")
{- If there exists a model of Ax then there exists a model of C, i.e., if Ax
is satisfiable then C is satisfiable.
- F is satisfiable. -}
, ("EquiSatisfiable", "ESA")
{- There exists a model of Ax iff there exists a model of C, i.e., Ax is
(un)satisfiable iff C is (un)satisfiable. -}
, ("Satisfiable", "SAT")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax, and
some models of Ax are models of C.
- F is satisfiable, and ~F is not valid.
- Possible dataforms are Models of Ax | C. -}
, ("FinitelySatisfiable", "FSA")
{- Some finite interpretations are finite models of Ax, and
some finite models of Ax are finite models of C.
- F is satisfiable, and ~F is not valid.
- Possible dataforms are FiniteModels of Ax | C. -}
, ("Theorem", "THM")
{- All models of Ax are models of C.
- F is valid, and C is a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of C from Ax. -}
, ("Equivalent", "EQV")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of C, and
all models of C are models of Ax.
- F is valid, C is a theorem of Ax, and Ax is a theorem of C.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of C from Ax and of Ax from C. -}
, ("TautologousConclusion", "TAC")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of C.
- F is valid, and C is a tautology.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of C. -}
, ("WeakerConclusion", "WEC")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of C, and
some models of C are not models of Ax.
- See Theorem and Satisfiable. -}
, ("EquivalentTheorem", "ETH")
{- Some, but not all, interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of C, and
all models of C are models of Ax.
- See Equivalent. -}
, ("Tautology", "TAU")
{- All interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of C.
- F is valid, ~F is unsatisfiable, and C is a tautology.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of Ax and of C. -}
, ("WeakerTautologousConclusion", "WTC")
{- Some, but not all, interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of C.
- F is valid, and C is a tautology.
- See TautologousConclusion and WeakerConclusion. -}
, ("WeakerTheorem", "WTH")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of C,
some models of C are not models of Ax, and
some interpretations are not models of C.
- See Theorem and Satisfiable. -}
, ("ContradictoryAxioms", "CAX")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax.
- F is valid, and anything is a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are Refutations of Ax. -}
, ("SatisfiableConclusionContradictoryAxioms", "SCA")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax, and
some interpretations are models of C.
- See ContradictoryAxioms. -}
, ("TautologousConclusionContradictoryAxioms", "TCA")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of C.
- See TautologousConclusion and SatisfiableConclusionContradictoryAxioms. -}
, ("WeakerConclusionContradictoryAxioms", "WCA")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax, and
some, but not all, interpretations are models of C.
- See SatisfiableConclusionContradictoryAxioms and
SatisfiableCounterConclusionContradictoryAxioms. -}
, ("CounterUnsatisfiabilityPreserving", "CUP")
{- If there does not exist a model of Ax then there does not exist a model of
~C, i.e., if Ax is unsatisfiable then ~C is unsatisfiable. -}
, ("CounterSatisfiabilityPreserving", "CSP")
{- If there exists a model of Ax then there exists a model of ~C, i.e., if Ax
is satisfiable then ~C is satisfiable. -}
, ("EquiCounterSatisfiable", "ECS")
{- There exists a model of Ax iff there exists a model of ~C, i.e., Ax is
(un)satisfiable iff ~C is (un)satisfiable. -}
, ("CounterSatisfiable", "CSA")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax, and
some models of Ax are models of ~C.
- F is not valid, ~F is satisfiable, and C is not a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are Models of Ax | ~C. -}
, ("CounterTheorem", "CTH")
{- All models of Ax are models of ~C.
- F is not valid, and ~C is a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of ~C from Ax. -}
, ("CounterEquivalent", "CEQ")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of ~C, and
all models of ~C are models of Ax
(i.e., all interpretations are models of Ax xor of C).
- F is not valid, and ~C is a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of ~C from Ax and of Ax from ~C. -}
, ("UnsatisfiableConclusion", "UNC")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of ~C
(i.e., no interpretations are models of C).
- F is not valid, and ~C is a tautology.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of ~C. -}
, ("WeakerCounterConclusion", "WCC")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax, and
all models of Ax are models of ~C, and
some models of ~C are not models of Ax.
- See CounterTheorem and CounterSatisfiable. -}
, ("EquivalentCounterTheorem", "ECT")
{- Some, but not all, interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of ~C, and
all models of ~C are models of Ax.
- See CounterEquivalent. -}
, ("FinitelyUnsatisfiable", "FUN")
{- All finite interpretations are finite models of Ax, and
all finite interpretations are finite models of ~C
(i.e., no finite interpretations are finite models of C). -}
, ("Unsatisfiable", "UNS")
{- All interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of ~C.
(i.e., no interpretations are models of C).
- F is unsatisfiable, ~F is valid, and ~C is a tautology.
- Possible dataforms are Proofs of Ax and of C, and Refutations of F. -}
, ("WeakerUnsatisfiableConclusion", "WUC")
{- Some, but not all, interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of ~C.
- See Unsatisfiable and WeakerCounterConclusion. -}
, ("WeakerCounterTheorem", "WCT")
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
all models of Ax are models of ~C,
some models of ~C are not models of Ax, and
some interpretations are not models of ~C.
- See CounterSatisfiable. -}
, ("SatisfiableCounterConclusionContradictoryAxioms", "SCC")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax, and
some interpretations are models of ~C.
- See ContradictoryAxioms. -}
, ("UnsatisfiableConclusionContradictoryAxioms", "UCA")
{- No interpretations are models of Ax, and
all interpretations are models of ~C
(i.e., no interpretations are models of C).
- See UnsatisfiableConclusion and
- SatisfiableCounterConclusionContradictoryAxioms. -}
, ("NoConsequence", "NOC") ]
{- Some interpretations are models of Ax,
some models of Ax are models of C, and
some models of Ax are models of ~C.
- F is not valid, F is satisfiable, ~F is not valid, ~F is satisfiable, and
C is not a theorem of Ax.
- Possible dataforms are pairs of models, one Model of Ax | C and one Model
of Ax | ~C. -}
nosuccess :: [(String, String)]
nosuccess =
[ ("NoSuccess", "NOS")
-- The logical data has not been processed successfully (yet).
, ("Open", "OPN")
-- A success value has never been established.
, ("Unknown", "UNK")
-- Success value unknown, and no assumption has been made.
, ("Assumed", "ASS(U,S)")
{- The success ontology value S has been assumed because the actual value is
unknown for the no-success ontology reason U. U is taken from the
subontology starting at Unknown in the no-success ontology. -}
, ("Stopped", "STP")
{- Software attempted to process the data, and stopped without a success
status. -}
, ("Error", "ERR")
-- Software stopped due to an error.
, ("OSError", "OSE")
-- Software stopped due to an operating system error.
, ("InputError", "INE")
-- Software stopped due to an input error.
, ("SyntaxError", "SYE")
-- Software stopped due to an input syntax error.
, ("SemanticError", "SEE")
-- Software stopped due to an input semantic error.
, ("TypeError", "TYE")
-- Software stopped due to an input type error (for typed logical data).
, ("Forced", "FOR")
-- Software was forced to stop by an external force.
, ("User", "USR")
-- Software was forced to stop by the user.
, ("ResourceOut", "RSO")
-- Software stopped because some resource ran out.
, ("Timeout", "TMO")
-- Software stopped because the CPU time limit ran out.
, ("MemoryOut", "MMO")
-- Software stopped because the memory limit ran out.
, ("GaveUp", "GUP")
-- Software gave up of its own accord.
, ("Incomplete", "INC")
-- Software gave up because it's incomplete.
, ("Inappropriate", "IAP")
-- Software gave up because it cannot process this type of data.
, ("InProgress", "INP")
-- Software is still running.
, ("NotTried", "NTT")
-- Software has not tried to process the data.
, ("NotTriedYet", "NTY") ]
-- Software has not tried to process the data yet, but might in the future.
szsCheck :: [(String, String)] -> [String] -> String -> Bool
szsCheck pl l = maybe False (`elem` l)
. (`lookup` map (\ (t, r) -> (map toLower t, r)) pl) . map toLower
szsProved :: String -> Bool
szsProved = szsCheck successes ["SAT", "THM"]
szsDisproved :: String -> Bool
szsDisproved = szsCheck successes ["CSA", "UNS"]
szsTimeout :: String -> Bool
szsTimeout = szsCheck nosuccess ["TMO", "RSO"]
szsMemoryOut :: String -> Bool
szsMemoryOut = szsCheck nosuccess ["MMO"]
szsStopped :: String -> Bool
szsStopped = szsCheck nosuccess ["STP"]