Library = [ PrefixMap ] , LibraryDefn
| OMSInConformingLanguage ;
LibraryDefn = 'library' , LibraryName , Qualification , { LibraryItem } ;
OMSInConformingLanguage = ($<$ language and serialization specific $>$) ;
LibraryItem = LibImport
| OMSDefn
| NetworkDefn
| MappingDefn
| QueryRelatedDefn
| Qualification ;
LibImport = 'import' , LibraryName ;
Qualification = LanguageQual
| LogicQual
| SyntaxQual ;
LanguageQual = 'language' , LanguageRef ;
LogicQual = 'logic' , LogicRef ;
SyntaxQual = 'serialization' , SyntaxRef ;
LibraryName = IRI ;
PrefixMap = '%prefix(' , { PrefixBinding } , ')%' ;
PrefixBinding = BoundPrefix , IRIBoundToPrefix , [ Separators ] ;
BoundPrefix = ':'
| Prefix ;
IRIBoundToPrefix = '<' , FullIRI , '>' ;
Separators = 'separators' , String , String ;
String = ($<$ \rm yet to be fixed, current default in hets is ? $>$) ;
NetworkDefn = NetworkKeyword , NetworkName , '=' , [ ConsStrength ] , Network ;
NetworkKeyword = 'network' ;
NetworkName = IRI ;
Network = NetworkElements , [ ExcludeExtensions ] ;
NetworkElements = NetworkElement , { ',' , NetworkElement } ;
NetworkElement = [ Id , ':' ] , OMSOrMappingorNetworkRef ;
ExcludeExtensions = 'excluding' , ExtensionRef , { ',' , ExtensionRef } ;
OMSOrMappingorNetworkRef = IRI ;
Id = Letter , { LetterOrDigit } ;
BasicOMS = OMSInConformingLanguage ;
MinimizableOMS = BasicOMS
| OMSRef , [ ImportName ] ;
ExtendingOMS = MinimizableOMS
| MinimizeKeyword , '{' , MinimizableOMS , '}'
| OMS , Extraction ;
OMS = ExtendingOMS
| OMS , Minimization
| OMS , Translation
| OMS , Reduction
| OMS , Approximation
| OMS , Filtering
| OMS , 'and' , [ ConsStrength ] , OMS
| OMS , 'then' , ExtensionOMS
| { Qualification } , ':' , GroupOMS
| OMS , 'bridge' , { Translation } , ExtendingOMS
| 'combine' , NetworkElements , [ ExcludeExtensions ]
| 'apply' , SubstName , Sentence
| GroupOMS ;
Minimization = MinimizeKeyword , CircMin , [ CircVars ] ;
MinimizeKeyword = 'minimize'
| 'closed-world'
| 'maximize'
| 'free'
| 'cofree' ;
CircMin = Symbol , { Symbol } ;
CircVars = 'vars' , Symbol , { Symbol } ;
GroupOMS = '{' , OMS , '}'
| OMSRef ;
Translation = 'with' , { LogicTranslation } , [ SymbolMapItems ] ;
LogicTranslation = 'translation' , OMSLangTrans ;
Reduction = 'hide' , { LogicReduction } , [ SymbolItems ]
| 'reveal' , SymbolItems ;
LogicReduction = 'along' , OMSLangTrans ;
SymbolItems = Symbol , { ',' , Symbol } ;
SymbolMapItems = SymbolOrMap , { ',' , SymbolOrMap } ;
Extraction = 'extract' , [ InterfaceSignature ]
| 'remove' , [ InterfaceSignature ] ;
Approximation = 'forget' , InterfaceSignature , [ 'keep' , LogicRef ]
| 'keep' , InterfaceSignature , [ 'keep' , LogicRef ]
| 'keep' , LogicRef ;
Filtering = 'select' , BasicOMS
| 'reject' , BasicOMS ;
ExtensionOMS = [ ExtConsStrength ] , [ ExtensionName ] , ExtendingOMS ;
ConsStrength = Conservative
| '%mono'
| '%wdef'
| '%def' ;
ExtConsStrength = ConsStrength
| '%implied' ;
Conservative = '%ccons'
| '%mcons' ;
InterfaceSignature = SymbolItems ;
ImportName = '%(' , IRI , ')%' ;
ExtensionName = '%(' , IRI , ')%' ;
OMSkeyword = 'ontology'
| 'onto'
| 'specification'
| 'spec'
| 'model'
| 'OMS' ;
OMSDefn = OMSkeyword , OMSName , '=' , [ ConsStrength ] , OMS , 'end' ;
Symbol = IRI ;
SymbolMap = Symbol , '|->' , Symbol ;
SymbolOrMap = Symbol
| SymbolMap ;
Term = ($<$ an expression specific to a basic OMS language $>$) ;
Sentence = ($<$ an expression specific to a basic OMS language $>$) ;
OMSName = IRI ;
OMSRef = IRI ;
ExtensionRef = IRI ;
LanguageRef = IRI ;
LogicRef = IRI ;
SyntaxRef = IRI ;
LoLaRef = LanguageRef
| LogicRef ;
OMSLangTrans = OMSLangTransRef
| '->' , LoLaRef ;
OMSLangTransRef = IRI ;
MappingDefn = IntprDefn
| Entailment
| EquivDefn
| ModuleRelDefn
| AlignDefn ;
IntprDefn = IntprKeyword , IntprName , [ Conservative ] , ':' , IntprType , 'end'
| IntprKeyword , IntprName , [ Conservative ] , ':' , IntprType , '=' , { LogicTranslation } , [ SymbolMapItems ] , 'end'
| IntprKeyword , IntprName , '=' , Refinement , 'end' ;
IntprKeyword = 'interpretation'
| 'view'
| 'refinement' ;
IntprName = IRI ;
IntprType = GroupOMS , 'to' , GroupOMS ;
Refinement = GroupOMS
| NetworkName
| Refinement , 'then' , Refinement
| GroupOMS , 'refined' , [ RefMap ] , 'to' , Refinement
| NetworkName , 'refined' , [ RefMap ] , 'to' , Refinement ;
RefMap = 'via' , { LogicTranslation } , [ SymbolMapItems ]
| 'via' , NodeMap , { ',' , NodeMap } ;
NodeMap = OMSName , '|->' , OMSName , [ 'using' , { LogicTranslation } , [ SymbolMapItems ] ] ;
Entailment = 'entailment' , EntailmentName , '=' , EntailmentType , 'end' ;
EntailmentName = IRI ;
EntailmentType = GroupOMS , 'entails' , GroupOMS
| OMSName , 'in' , Network , 'entails' , GroupOMS
| NetworkName , 'entails' , NetworkName ;
EquivDefn = 'equivalence' , EquivName , ':' , EquivType , 'end' ;
EquivName = IRI ;
EquivType = GroupOMS , '<->' , GroupOMS , '=' , OMS
| NetworkName , '<->' , NetworkName , '=' , Network ;
ModuleRelDefn = 'module' , ModuleName , [ Conservative ] , ':' , ModuleType , 'for' , InterfaceSignature ;
ModuleName = IRI ;
ModuleType = GroupOMS , 'of' , GroupOMS ;
AlignDefn = 'alignment' , AlignName , [ AlignCards ] , ':' , AlignType , 'end'
| 'alignment' , AlignName , [ AlignCards ] , ':' , AlignType , '=' , Correspondence , { ',' , Correspondence } , [ 'assuming' , AlignSem ] , 'end' ;
AlignName = IRI ;
AlignCards = AlignCardForward , AlignCardBackward ;
AlignCardForward = AlignCard ;
AlignCardBackward = AlignCard ;
AlignCard = '1'
| '?'
| '+'
| '*' ;
AlignType = GroupOMS , 'to' , GroupOMS ;
AlignSem = 'SingleDomain'
| 'GlobalDomain'
| 'ContextualizedDomain' ;
Correspondence = CorrespondenceBlock
| SingleCorrespondence
| '*' ;
CorrespondenceBlock = 'relation' , [ RelationRef ] , [ Confidence ] , '{' , Correspondence , { ',' , Correspondence } , '}' ;
SingleCorrespondence = SymbolRef , [ RelationRef ] , [ Confidence ] , TermOrSymbolRef , [ CorrespondenceId ] ;
CorrespondenceId = '%(' , IRI , ')%' ;
SymbolRef = IRI ;
TermOrSymbolRef = Term
| SymbolRef ;
RelationRef = '>'
| '<'
| '='
| '%'
| 'ni'
| 'in'
| IRI ;
Confidence = Double ;
Double = ($<$ a number $\in [0,1]$ $>$) ;
QueryRelatedDefn = QueryDefn
| SubstDefn
| ResultDefn ;
QueryDefn = 'query' , QueryName , '=' , 'select' , Vars , 'where' , Sentence , 'in' , GroupOMS , [ 'along' , OMSLangTrans ] , 'end' ;
SubstDefn = 'substitution' , SubstName , ':' , GroupOMS , 'to' , GroupOMS , '=' , SymbolMapItems , 'end' ;
ResultDefn = 'result' , ResultName , '=' , SubstName , { ',' , SubstName } , 'for' , QueryName , [ '%complete' ] , 'end' ;
QueryName = IRI ;
SubstName = IRI ;
ResultName = IRI ;
Vars = Symbol , { ',' , Symbol } ;
IRI = '<' , FullIRI , '>'
FullIRI = ($<$ an IRI as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987:2005} $>$) ;
CURIE = [ Prefix ] , Reference ;
Prefix = NCName , ':' ;
NCName = ($<$ \rm see ``NCName'' in \nisref{W3C/TR REC-xml-names:2009}, Section 3 $>$) ;
Reference = Path , [ Query ] , [ Fragment ] ;
Path = ipath-absolute
| ipath-rootless
| ipath-empty ;
ipath-absolute = ($<$ \rm as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987} $>$) ;
ipath-rootless = ($<$ \rm as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987} $>$) ;
ipath-empty = ($<$ \rm as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987} $>$) ;
Query = '?' , iquery ;
iquery = ($<$ \rm as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987} $>$) ;
Fragment = '#' , ifragment ;
ifragment = ($<$ \rm as defined in \nisref{IETF/RFC 3987} $>$) ;