SymbolMapAnalysis.hs revision 23a9158dd8e5c7a22a44e5687ff154be3d513242
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
The symbol map analysis for the CASL logic
overloading stuff is missing (wait for Martin's implementation of leqF and leqP)
Hets allows to totalize operations with renamings:
sort s op f:s->?s with f |-> f:s->s
This contradicts the semantics, since a ``totalizing''
signature morphism is not generating.
=> We need to introduce a mechanism that totality is inherited.
Another problem:
The distinction total and partial operations at the symbol level
has been dropped in winter 2000 in order to allow
unions of signatures where a function is declared
to be total in one signature and partial (with same profile
otherwise) in the other one. In order to make this possible,
we need that signature morphisms that merely ``totalize'' functions
are signature inclusions. But if signature inclusions are
those signature morphisms with underlying symbol set inlcusion,
we cannot distinguish between totality and partiality at the
symbol level.
The problem is now that we seem to need to have a direct
"element" relation between raw symbols and signatures in order
to be able to check whether the raw symbols from the input
syntax are really in the signature. However, this element
relation has not been introduced into the semantics (probably
because it has been found too complicated). This means that
spec sp =
sort s
ops f:s with f:?s |-> g
is now legal, since raw symbols like "f:?s" are only matched
with symbols, and not with the signature (and symbols ignore
Quoting a mail from Dec 20th, 2000:
The outcome was that it might confuse
the user to write -> in symbol maps standing for both -> and ->?
in signatures.
In the meantime, we have found a solution avoiding this problem,
at the cost of a further slight complication of the semantics.
- Allow -> and ->? in symbol maps, as before.
- The symbol functor works with symbols where totality or partiality
is ignored. As a consequence, unions of total and partial operation
symbols that are otherwise the same are allowed, and instantiations
of partial with total operation symbols work fine.
- Raw symbols do distinguish between total and partial function
- There is an element relation between raw symbols and signatures,
which allows to check that the raw symbols occurring in the
input syntax actually are in the (given resp. resulting) signature.
This ensures compatibility of semantics and input syntax.
(Otherwise, "a:?s with a:s" would be legal.)
An alternative (but probably somehow equivalent) suggestion by
"Institutions with raw symbols" are built on this by requiring that
the symbol functor is factored through a signature raw symbols functor
(better name needed), call it R, and call the second component of the
factorisation I. In CASL R(Sigma) is now the set of fully qualified
symbols in Sigma (I mean, R is the symbol functor used so far), and I
just glues together qualified partial function symbols and qualified
total function symbols. Full set of raw symbols is now what we have in
the semantics now: signature raw symbols plus "kinded" identifiers
(including plain identifiers, kinded by "implicit"). Of course, extra
matching relation is still needed between signature raw symbols and
kinded identifiers.
Perhaps a better way out:
Distinguish between partial and total functions at the symbol level,
and let a total function generate both a partial and a total
function symbol. And remove the following sentence in I:4.2.1 of the summary:
If a partial operation symbol is renamed into a total one,
this is only well-formed in case that the resulting operation
symbol is already total due to another component of the renaming.
sort s op f:s->?s with f |-> f:s->s
is legal again, and does the expected thing: it totalizes f.
What to do with generation?
We need detection of totality, except from those cases where
a partial function symbol is mapped to a total one. Ugly!
Aha: mapping a partial function to a total one is reflected
at the symbol level! Hence something like "identity as much as
possible" would suffice. But: currently this just means that
names are left unchanged as much as possible. Something like
f:s->?s |-> g would match with both yielding a partial and a
total g.
Side remark Question: Shouldn't (co)generation of signatures also work with
raw symbols?
Side remark II:
For now, we have not implemented these suggestions in the semantics.
This means that even
sort s op f:s->?s with f |-> f:s->s
is legal - but not with the intuitive semantics (totalizing f),
but with the semantics that f remains partial.
Indeed, the current behaviour Hets is still different from this
semantics, since we have not implemented the totality inheritance
yet (see above). Hence, it coincides with the intuitive semantics.
module CASL.SymbolMapAnalysis where
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Morphism
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
inducedFromMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Sign -> Result Morphism
Here is Bartek Klin's algorithm that has benn used for CATS.
Our algorithm deviates from it. The exact details need to be checked.
Inducing morphism from raw symbol map and signature
Input: raw symbol map "Rsm"
signature "Sigma1"
Output: morphims "Mrph": Sigma1 -> "Sigma2".
1. let "Ssm" be an empty list of pairs (symbol, raw symbol).
2. for each pair "Rsym1,Rsym2" in Rsm do:
2.1. if there is no symbol in Sigma1 matching Rsym1, return error.
2.2. for each symbol "Sym" from Sigma1 matching Rsym1
2.2.1. add a pair "Sym,Rsym2" to Ssm.
//computing the "sort part" of the morphism
3. let Sigma2 be an empty signature.
4. let Mrph be an empty "morphism" from Sigma1 to Sigma2.
5. for each pair "Sym,Rsym2" in Ssm such that Sym is a sort symbol
5.1. if Rsym2 is not a sort raw symbol, return error.
5.2. if in Mrph there is a mapping of sort in Sym to sort with
name other than that in Rsym2, return error.
5.3. if in Mrph there is no mappinh of sort in Sym
5.3.1. add sort from Rsym2 to Sigma2
5.3.2. add mapping from sort(Sym) to sort(Rsym2) to Mrph.
6. for each sort symbol "S" in Sigma1
6.1. if S is not mapped by Mrph,
6.1.1. add sort S to Sigma2
6.1.2. add mapping from S to S to Mrph.
//computing the "function/predicate part" of the morphism
7. for each pair "Sym,Rsym2" in Ssm such that Sym is a function/predicate
7.1. let "F" be name contained in Sym, let "Fprof" be the profile.
7.2. let "Fprof1" be the value of Fprof via Mrph
(it can be computed, as we already have the "sort" part of
7.3. if Rsym2 is not of appriopriate type, return error, otherwise
let "F2" be the name of the symbol.
7.4. if Rsym2 enforces the profile of the symbol (i.e., it is not
an implicit symbol), compare the profile to Fprof1. If it is
not equal, return error.
7.5. if in Mrph there is a mapping of F1 with profile Fprof to
some name different than F2, return error.
7.6. add an operation/predicate with name F2 and profile Fprof1 to
Sigma2. If it is a partial function and if in Sigma2 there
exists a total function with the same name and profile, do not
add it. Otherwise if it is a total function and if in Sigma2
there exists a partial function with the same name and profile,
add the total function removing the partial one.
7.7. add to Mrph a mapping from operation/predicate of name F1 and
profile Fprof to name F2.
8. for each operation/predicate symbol "F" with profile "Fprof" in Sigma1
that is not mapped by Mrph,
8.1. as in 7.2
8.2. as in 7.6, replacing F2 with F1.
8.3. as in 7.7, replacing F2 with F1.
9. for each sort relation "S1,S2" in Sigma1,
9.1. compute S3=(S1 via Mrph) and S4=(S2 via Mrph)
9.2. add sort relation "S3,S4" in Sigma2.
10. Compute transitive closure of subsorting relation in Sigma2.
inducedFromMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Sign -> Result Morphism
inducedFromMorphism rmap sigma = do
-- ??? Missing: check preservation of overloading relation
-- first check: do all source raw symbols match with source signature?
let syms = symOf sigma
incorrectRsyms = Map.foldWithKey
(\rsy _ -> if Set.any (matchesND rsy) syms
then id
else Set.insert rsy)
matchesND rsy sy =
sy `matches` rsy &&
case rsy of
ASymbol _ -> True
-- unqualified raw symbols need some matching symbol
-- that is not directly mapped
_ -> Map.lookup (ASymbol sy) rmap == Nothing
-- ... if not, generate an error
when (not (Set.isEmpty incorrectRsyms))
(pplain_error ()
(ptext "the following symbols:"
<+> printText incorrectRsyms
$$ ptext "are already mapped directly or do not match with signature"
$$ printText sigma)
-- compute the sort map (as a Map)
sort_Map <- Set.fold
(\s m -> do s' <- sortFun s
m1 <- m
return $ Map.insert s s' m1)
(return Map.empty) sortsSigma
-- compute the op map (as a Map)
op_Map <- Map.foldWithKey (opFun sort_Map)
(return Map.empty) (opMap sigma)
-- compute the pred map (as a Map)
pred_Map <- Map.foldWithKey (predFun sort_Map)
(return Map.empty) (predMap sigma)
-- compute target signature
let sigma' =
Env {sortSet = Set.image (mapSort sort_Map) sortsSigma,
sortRel = Rel.transClosure $
Rel.image (mapSort sort_Map) (sortRel sigma),
opMap = Map.foldWithKey (mapOps sort_Map op_Map)
Map.empty (opMap sigma),
predMap = Map.foldWithKey (mapPreds sort_Map pred_Map)
Map.empty (predMap sigma),
varMap = Map.empty,
sentences = [],
envDiags = [] }
-- return assembled morphism
return (Morphism { msource = sigma,
mtarget = sigma',
sort_map = sort_Map,
fun_map = op_Map,
pred_map = pred_Map})
-- the sorts of the source signature
sortsSigma = sortSet sigma
-- surtFun is the sort map as a Haskell function
sortFun s =
-- rsys contains the raw symbols to which s is mapped to
case Set.size rsys of
0 -> return s -- use default = identity mapping
1 -> return $ rawSymName $ Set.findMin rsys -- take the unique rsy
_ -> pplain_error s -- ambiguity! generate an error
(ptext "Sort" <+> printText s
<+> ptext "mapped ambiguously:" <+> printText rsys)
-- get all raw symbols to which s is mapped to
rsys = Set.unions $ map (Set.maybeToSet . (\x -> Map.lookup x rmap))
[ASymbol $ idToSortSymbol s, AnID s, AKindedId SortKind s]
-- to a Fun_map, add evering resulting from mapping (id,ots) according to rmap
opFun :: Sort_map -> Id -> Set.Set OpType -> Result Fun_map -> Result Fun_map
opFun sort_Map id ots m =
-- first consider all directly mapped profiles
let (ots1,m1) = Set.fold (directOpMap id) (Set.empty,m) ots
-- now try the remaining ones with (un)kinded raw symbol
in case (Map.lookup (AKindedId FunKind id) rmap,Map.lookup (AnID id) rmap) of
(Just rsy1, Just rsy2) ->
do m' <- m
pplain_error m'
(ptext "Operation" <+> printText id
<+> ptext "is mapped twice:"
<+> printText rsy1 <+> ptext "," <+> printText rsy2
(Just rsy, Nothing) ->
Set.fold (insertmapOpSym id rsy) m1 ots1
(Nothing, Just rsy) ->
Set.fold (insertmapOpSym id rsy) m1 ots1
-- Anything not mapped explicitly is left unchanged
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Set.fold (unchangedOpSym id) m1 ots1
-- try to map an operation symbol directly
-- collect all opTypes that cannot be mapped directly
directOpMap :: Id -> OpType -> (Set.Set OpType,Result Fun_map)
-> (Set.Set OpType,Result Fun_map)
directOpMap id ot (ots,m) =
case Map.lookup (ASymbol (idToOpSymbol id ot)) rmap of
Just rsy ->
(ots,insertmapOpSym id rsy ot m)
Nothing -> (Set.insert ot ots,m)
-- map op symbol (id,ot) to raw symbol rsy
mapOpSym :: Id -> OpType -> RawSymbol -> Result (Id,FunKind)
mapOpSym id ot rsy = case rsy of
ASymbol (Symbol id' (OpAsItemType ot')) ->
if compatibleOpTypes (mapOpType sort_Map ot) ot'
then return (id',opKind ot')
else pplain_error (id,opKind ot)
(ptext "Operation symbol " <+> printText (idToOpSymbol id ot)
<+> ptext "is mapped to type" <+> printText ot'
<+> ptext "but should be mapped to type" <+>
printText (mapOpType sort_Map ot)
AnID id' -> return (id',opKind ot)
AKindedId FunKind id' -> return (id',opKind ot)
rsy -> pplain_error (id,opKind ot)
(ptext "Operation symbol " <+> printText (idToOpSymbol id ot)
<+> ptext" is mapped to symbol of wrong kind:"
<+> printText rsy)
-- insert mapping of op symbol (id,ot) to raw symbol rsy into m
insertmapOpSym id rsy ot m = do
m1 <- m
(id',kind') <- mapOpSym id ot rsy
return (Map.insert (id,ot) (id',kind') m1)
-- insert mapping of op symbol (id,ot) to itself into m
unchangedOpSym id ot m = do
m1 <- m
return (Map.insert (id,ot) (id,opKind ot) m1)
-- map the ops in the source signature
mapOps sort_Map op_Map id ots m =
Set.fold mapOp m ots
mapOp ot m1 =
let (id',ot') = fromMaybe (id,ot) $ mapOpSym sort_Map op_Map (id,ot)
in Map.setInsert id' ot' m1
-- to a Pred_map, add evering resulting from mapping (id,pts) according to rmap
predFun :: Sort_map -> Id -> Set.Set PredType
-> Result Pred_map -> Result Pred_map
predFun sort_Map id pts m =
-- first consider all directly mapped profiles
let (pts1,m1) = Set.fold (directPredMap id) (Set.empty,m) pts
-- now try the remaining ones with (un)kinded raw symbol
in case (Map.lookup (AKindedId PredKind id) rmap,Map.lookup (AnID id) rmap) of
(Just rsy1, Just rsy2) ->
do m' <- m
pplain_error m'
(ptext "Predicate" <+> printText id
<+> ptext "is mapped twice:"
<+> printText rsy1 <+> ptext "," <+> printText rsy2)
(Just rsy, Nothing) ->
Set.fold (insertmapPredSym id rsy) m1 pts1
(Nothing, Just rsy) ->
Set.fold (insertmapPredSym id rsy) m1 pts1
-- Anything not mapped explicitly is left unchanged
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Set.fold (unchangedPredSym id) m1 pts1
-- try to map a predicate symbol directly
-- collect all predTypes that cannot be mapped directly
directPredMap :: Id -> PredType -> (Set.Set PredType,Result Pred_map)
-> (Set.Set PredType,Result Pred_map)
directPredMap id pt (pts,m) =
case Map.lookup (ASymbol (idToPredSymbol id pt)) rmap of
Just rsy ->
(pts,insertmapPredSym id rsy pt m)
Nothing -> (Set.insert pt pts,m)
-- map pred symbol (id,pt) to raw symbol rsy
mapPredSym :: Id -> PredType -> RawSymbol -> Result Id
mapPredSym id pt rsy = case rsy of
ASymbol (Symbol id' (PredAsItemType pt')) ->
if (mapPredType sort_Map pt) == pt'
then return id'
else pplain_error id
(ptext "Predicate symbol " <+> printText (idToPredSymbol id pt)
<+> ptext "is mapped to type" <+> printText pt'
<+> ptext "but should be mapped to type"
<+> printText (mapPredType sort_Map pt)
AnID id' -> return id'
AKindedId PredKind id' -> return id'
rsy -> pplain_error id
(ptext "Predicate symbol" <+> printText (idToPredSymbol id pt)
<+> ptext "is mapped to symbol of wrong kind: "
<+> printText rsy
-- insert mapping of pred symbol (id,pt) to raw symbol rsy into m
insertmapPredSym id rsy pt m = do
m1 <- m
id' <- mapPredSym id pt rsy
return (Map.insert (id,pt) id' m1)
-- insert mapping of pred symbol (id,pt) to itself into m
unchangedPredSym id pt m = do
m1 <- m
return (Map.insert (id,pt) id m1)
-- map the preds in the source signature
mapPreds sort_Map pred_Map id pts m =
Set.fold mapPred m pts
mapPred pt m1 =
let (id',pt') = fromMaybe (id,pt) $ mapPredSym sort_Map pred_Map (id,pt)
in Map.setInsert id' pt' m1
inducedFromToMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Sign -> Sign -> Result Morphism
Algorithm adapted from Bartek Klin's algorithm for CATS.
Inducing morphisms from raw symbol map and source and target signature.
This problem is NP-hard (The problem of 3-colouring can be reduced to it).
This means that we have exponential runtime in the worst case.
However, in many cases the runtime can be kept rather short by
using some basic principles of constraint programming.
We use a depth-first search with some weak form of constraint
propagation and MRV (minimum remaining values), see
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig:
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach.
Prentice Hall International
The algorithm has additionally to take care of default values (i.e.
symbol names are mapped identically be default, and the number of
identitically mapped names should be maximized). Moreover, it does
not suffice to find just one solution, but also its uniqueness
(among those maximizing he number of identitically mapped names)
must be checked (still, MRV is useful here).
The algorithm
Input: raw symbol map "rmap"
signatures "sigma1,sigma2"
Output: morphism "mor": sigma1 -> sigma2
1. compute the morphism mor1 induced by rmap and sigma1 (i.e. the renaming)
1.1. if target mor1 is a subsignature of sigma2, return the composition
of this inclusion with mor1
(cf. Theorem 6 of Bartek Klin's Master's Thesis)
2. let "posmap" be a map, mapping each symbol "sym1" from sigma1 to a pair
of sets of symbols (symset1, symset2) from sigma2 such that sym1
can be mapped to each sym2 in symset1 union symset2 (i.e., they are
both sorts or operations/predicates of the same arity, and
moreover, if there is a pair (rsym1,rsym2) in rmap such that sym1
matches rsym1, thenrsym2 must match rsym2). Moreover, symset1
contains only symbols with names different form that of sym1,
whereas symset2 contains only symbols with names different from
that of sym1.
3. let "akmap" (from Actually Known Map) be an empty symbol map.
//recursively called procedure, returning a symbol map or a special
//"No_map" value. Parameters are: sigma1, sigma2, akmap, posmap.
GET MRV (minimun remaining values) "VARIABLE"
4a. if posmap is empty
4a.1. check if akmap defines a mapping from every symbol in target mor1.
(this should be vacuously true - Bartek?)
4a.2. if yes, return akmap, otherwise return "No_map".
4b. take a pair sym1 |-> (symset1,symset2) with MRV from posmap
(i.e. one with minimal cardinality of symset1 union symset2).
But: prefer those with non-empty symset1!
Remove it from posmap.
(For efficiency reasons, we also carry around an indexing of posmap
according to the cardinalities. Hence, posmap really is a pair
5. for each symbol "sym2" from symset1
5.1. check if mapping sym1 to sym2 clashes with akmap
(it can clash if sym1 and sym2 are operations/predicates,
and mapping on their profiles clashes with what is already
known in akmap)
5.2. if yes, proceed with the next sym2 in step 5.
5.3. add mapping of sym1 to sym2 to akmap.
5.4. if sym1 and sym2 are sorts
5.5. for each sub/supersort s of sym1, restrict the possible
mappings of s in posmap to sub/supersorts of sym2
5.6. for each operation/predicate f in dom(posmap) involving
sym1 in its argument or result sorts, restrict the
possible mappings of f in posmap accordingly
(5.6. can be omitted for the sake of simplicity,
since 5.1. does the necessary check as well)
5.7. if sym1 and sym2 are operations/predicates,
5.8. For corresponding sorts in their profiles,
remove incompatible mappings of the sorts from posmap
5.9. For each sym in overloading relation with sym1,
remove incompatible mappings of sym from posmap
5.10. call recursively point 4.
6. if for exactly one sym2 step 5 gave a map, return this map.
7. if step 5 gave more than one map, raise an exception. Morphism is not unique.
8. (only) if for no sym2 step 5 gave a map,
repeat steps 5-7 with symset2 instead of symset1
if this does not give a map either, return "No_map".
//end of the recursive procedure
9. if procedure returned "No_map" or raised an exception, return error
10. otherwise, return computed morphism from target mor1 to sigma2
composed with mor1.
-- Some auxiliary functions for inducedFromToMorphism
testMatch :: RawSymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2 =
Map.foldWithKey match1 True rmap
match1 rsy1 rsy2 b = b && ((sym1 `matches` rsy1) <= (sym2 `matches`rsy2))
canBeMapped :: RawSymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
canBeMapped rmap sym1@(Symbol {symbType = SortAsItemType})
sym2@(Symbol {symbType = SortAsItemType}) =
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2
canBeMapped rmap sym1@(Symbol {symbType = OpAsItemType ot1})
sym2@(Symbol {symbType = OpAsItemType ot2}) =
length (opArgs ot1) == length (opArgs ot2) && -- same arity
opKind ot1 >= opKind ot2 && -- preservation of totality
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2
canBeMapped rmap sym1@(Symbol {symbType = PredAsItemType pt1})
sym2@(Symbol {symbType = PredAsItemType pt2}) =
length (predArgs pt1) == length (predArgs pt2) && -- same arity
testMatch rmap sym1 sym2
canBeMapped _ _ _ = False
preservesName :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Bool
preservesName sym1 sym2 = symName sym1 == symName sym2
compatibleSorts :: SymbolMap -> (SORT, SORT) -> Bool
compatibleSorts smap (s1,s2) =
case Map.lookup (idToSortSymbol s1) smap of
Nothing -> True
Just sym -> symName sym == s2
-- try to extend a symbol map with a yet unmapped symbol
-- (this can fail if sym1 and sym2 are operations/predicates,
-- and mapping on their profiles clashes with what is already
-- known in akmap)
extendSymbMap :: SymbolMap -> Symbol -> Symbol -> Maybe SymbolMap
extendSymbMap akmap sym1 sym2 =
if case symbType sym1 of
SortAsItemType -> True
OpAsItemType ot1 -> case symbType sym2 of
OpAsItemType ot2 -> all (compatibleSorts akmap)
$ zip (opRes ot1:opArgs ot1) (opRes ot2:opArgs ot2)
_ -> False
PredAsItemType pt1 -> case symbType sym2 of
PredAsItemType pt2 -> all (compatibleSorts akmap)
$ zip (predArgs pt1) (predArgs pt2)
_ -> False
then Just $ Map.insert sym1 sym2 akmap
else Nothing
-- Type for posmap
-- Each symbol is mapped to the set symbols it possibly can be mapped to
-- Additionally, we store a flag meaning "no default map" and the
-- cardinality of the symobl set
-- For efficiency reasons, we also carry around an indexing of posmap
-- according to the pairs (flag,cardinality). Since several symbols
-- may lead to the same pair, we have to associate a list of symbols
-- (and corresponding symbol sets) with each pair.
-- Hence, PosMap really is a pair to two maps.
type PosMap = (Map.Map Symbol (SymbolSet,(Bool,Int)),
Map.Map (Bool,Int) [(Symbol,SymbolSet)])
-- Some basic operations on PosMap
-- postpone entries with no default mapping and size > 1
postponeEntry :: Symbol -> SymbolSet -> Bool
postponeEntry sym symset =
not $ Set.any (preservesName sym) symset && Set.size symset > 1
removeFromPosmap :: Symbol -> (Bool,Int) -> PosMap -> PosMap
removeFromPosmap sym card (posmap1,posmap2) =
(Map.delete sym posmap1,
Map.update removeSym1 card posmap2)
removeSym [] = []
removeSym ((x,y):l) = if x==sym then l else (x,y):removeSym l
removeSym1 l = case removeSym l of
[] -> Nothing
l1 -> Just l1
addToPosmap :: Symbol -> SymbolSet -> PosMap -> PosMap
addToPosmap sym symset (posmap1,posmap2) =
(Map.insert sym (symset,card) posmap1,
Map.listInsert card (sym,symset) posmap2)
where card = (postponeEntry sym symset,Set.size symset)
-- restrict posmap such that each symbol from symset1 is only mapped
-- to symbols from symset2
restrictPosMap :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> PosMap -> PosMap
restrictPosMap symset1 symset2 posmap =
Set.fold restrictPosMap1 posmap symset1
restrictPosMap1 sym1 posmap@(posmap1,posmap2) =
case Map.lookup sym1 posmap1 of
Nothing -> posmap
Just (symset1,card) ->
addToPosmap sym1 (symset1 `Set.intersection` symset2)
$ removeFromPosmap sym1 card posmap
-- for each sub/supersort s of sym1 in sigma1, restrict the possible
-- mappings of s in posmap to sub/supersorts of sym2 in sigma2
restrictSorts :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Sign -> Sign -> PosMap -> PosMap
restrictSorts sym1 sym2 sigma1 sigma2 posmap =
restrictPosMap subsyms1 subsyms2
$ restrictPosMap supersyms1 supersyms2 posmap
s1 = symName sym1
s2 = symName sym2
sub1 = subsortsOf s1 sigma1
sub2 = subsortsOf s2 sigma2
subsyms1 = Set.image idToSortSymbol sub1
subsyms2 = Set.image idToSortSymbol sub2
super1 = supersortsOf s1 sigma1
super2 = supersortsOf s2 sigma2
supersyms1 = Set.image idToSortSymbol super1
supersyms2 = Set.image idToSortSymbol super2
-- remove all sort mappings that map s1 to a sort different from s2
removeIncompatibleSortMaps :: Maybe PosMap -> (SORT,SORT) -> Maybe PosMap
removeIncompatibleSortMaps Nothing _ = Nothing
removeIncompatibleSortMaps (Just posmap@(posmap1,posmap2)) (s1,s2) =
case Map.lookup sym1 posmap1 of
Nothing -> Just posmap
Just (symset,card) ->
-- is there some remaining possibility to map the sort?
if sym2 `Set.member` symset
then Just $ addToPosmap sym1 (Set.single sym2)
$ removeFromPosmap sym1 card posmap
-- if not, there is no map!
else Nothing
sym1 = idToSortSymbol s1
sym2 = idToSortSymbol s2
-- For corresponding sorts in profiles of sym1 and sym2,
-- remove incompatible mappings of the sorts from posmap
restrictOps :: Symbol -> Symbol -> PosMap -> Maybe PosMap
restrictOps sym1 sym2 posmap =
foldl removeIncompatibleSortMaps (Just posmap) $ zip sort1 sorts2
(sort1,sorts2) = case (symbType sym1,symbType sym2) of
(OpAsItemType ot1,OpAsItemType ot2) ->
(opRes ot1:opArgs ot1,opRes ot2:opArgs ot2)
(PredAsItemType pt1,PredAsItemType pt2) ->
(predArgs pt1,predArgs pt2)
_ -> ([],[])
-- the main function
inducedFromToMorphism :: RawSymbolMap -> Sign -> Sign -> Result Morphism
inducedFromToMorphism rmap sigma1 sigma2 = do
--debug 3 ("rmap",rmap)
-- 1. use rmap to get a renaming...
mor1 <- inducedFromMorphism rmap sigma1
-- 1.1 ... is the renamed source signature contained in the target signature?
--debug 3 ("mtarget mor1",mtarget mor1)
--debug 3 ("sigma2",sigma2)
if isSubSig (mtarget mor1) sigma2
-- yes => we are done
then return (mor1 {mtarget = sigma2})
-- no => OK, we've to take the hard way
else do -- 2. Compute initial posmap, using all possible mappings of symbols
let symset1 = symOf sigma1
symset2 = symOf sigma2
addCard sym s = (s,(postponeEntry sym s,Set.size s))
ins1 sym = Map.insert sym
(addCard sym $ Set.filter (canBeMapped rmap sym) symset2)
posmap1 = Set.fold ins1 Map.empty symset1
ins2 sym1 (symset,card) = Map.listInsert card (sym1,symset)
posmap2 = Map.foldWithKey ins2 Map.empty posmap1
posmap = (posmap1,posmap2)
-- Are there symbols that cannot be mapped at all?
-- Then generate an error immediately
--debug 9 ("symdiff1",symset1 `Set.difference` symset2)
--debug 10 ("symdiff2",symset2 `Set.difference` symset1)
--debug 1 ("sigma1",sigma1)
--debug 2 ("sigma2",sigma2)
--debug 4 ("posmap",posmap)
case Map.lookup (True,0) posmap2 of
Nothing -> return ()
Just syms -> pfatal_error
(ptext "No symbol map for "
<+> printText (Set.fromList $ map fst syms)) nullPos
-- 3. call recursive function with empty akmap and initial posmap
smap <- tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 Map.empty posmap
smap1 <- case smap of
Nothing -> fail "No symbol map"
Just x -> return x
-- 9./10. compute and return the resulting morphism
symbMapToMorphism sigma1 sigma2 smap1
-- 4. recursive depth first function
-- ambiguous map leads to fatal error (similar to exception)
tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 akmap (posmap1, posmap2) = do
--debug 5 ("akmap",akmap)
--debug 6 ("posmap",(posmap1,posmap2))
if Map.isEmpty posmap2 then return $ Just akmap -- 4a.
else do
--debug 7 ("posmap'",posmap')
--debug 8 ("sym1",sym1)
akmap1 <- tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap' sym1 symset1
if isNothing akmap1
-- 6. no map for symset1, hence try symset2
then tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap' sym1 symset2
else return akmap1 -- otherwise, use symset1 only
-- 4b. take symbol with minimal remaining values (MRV)
(card,(sym1,symset):symsets) = Map.findMin posmap2
(symset1,symset2) = Set.partition (preservesName sym1) symset
posmap' = removeFromPosmap sym1 card (posmap1,posmap2)
-- 5. to 7.
tryToInduce1 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1 symset =
Set.fold (tryToInduce2 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1)
(return Nothing) symset
tryToInduce2 sigma1 sigma2 akmap posmap sym1 sym2 akmapSoFar = do
-- 5.1. to 5.3. consistency check
akmapSoFar1 <- akmapSoFar
akmap' <- case extendSymbMap akmap sym1 sym2 of
Nothing -> return Nothing
-- constraint propagation
Just akmap1 -> do
let posmap1 = case symbType sym1 of
-- 5.4./5.5. constraint propagation for a sort symbol
SortAsItemType ->
Just $ restrictSorts sym1 sym2 sigma1 sigma2 posmap
-- 5.6. omitted so far (not really necessary)
-- 5.7./5.8. constraint propagation
-- for an operation/predicate symbol
_ -> restrictOps sym1 sym2 posmap
-- 5.9. omitted until overload relation will be available !!!???
-- 5.10.
case posmap1 of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just posmap2 -> tryToInduce sigma1 sigma2 akmap1 posmap2
-- 6./7. uniqueness check
case (akmap',akmapSoFar1) of
(Nothing,Nothing) -> return Nothing
(Just smap,Nothing) -> return (Just smap)
(Nothing,Just smap) -> return (Just smap)
(Just smap1,Just smap2) ->
fail $ shows
(ptext "Ambiguous symbol map" $$
ptext "Map1" <+> printText smap1 $$
ptext "Map2" <+> printText smap2)
Computing signature generated by a symbol set.
Algorithm adapted from Bartek Klin's algorithm for CATS.
Input: symbol set "Syms"
signature "Sigma"
Output: signature "Sigma1"<=Sigma.
1. get a set "Sigma_symbols" of symbols in Sigma.
2. if Syms is not a subset of Sigma_symbols, return error.
3. let Sigma1 be an empty signature.
4. for each symbol "Sym" in Syms do:
4.1. if Sym is a:
4.1.1. sort "S": add sort S to Sigma1.
4.1.2. total function "F" with profile "Fargs,Fres": add all sorts from Fargs to Sigma1. add sort Fres to Sigma1. add F with the needed profile to Sigma1.
4.1.3. partial function: as in 4.1.2.
4.1.4. predicate: as in 4.1.2., except that Fres is omitted.
5. get a list "Sig_sub" of subsort relations in Sigma.
6. for each pair "S1,S2" in Sig_sub do:
6.1. if S1,S2 are sorts in Sigma1, add "S1,S2" to sort relations in
7. return the inclusion of sigma1 into sigma.
generatedSign :: SymbolSet -> Sign -> Result Morphism
generatedSign sys sigma = do
if not (sys `Set.subset` symset) -- 2.
then pfatal_error
(ptext "Revealing: The following symbols"
<+> printText(sys Set.\\ symset)
<+> ptext "are not in the signature") nullPos
else return $ embedMorphism sigma2 sigma -- 7.
symset = symOf sigma -- 1.
sigma1 = Set.fold revealSym emptySign sys -- 4.
revealSym sy sigma1 = case symbType sy of -- 4.1.
SortAsItemType -> -- 4.1.1.
sigma1 {sortSet = Set.insert (symName sy) $ sortSet sigma1}
OpAsItemType ot -> -- 4.1.2./4.1.3.
sigma1 {sortSet = foldr Set.insert (sortSet sigma1) (opRes ot:opArgs ot),
opMap = Map.setInsert (symName sy) ot $ opMap sigma1}
PredAsItemType pt -> -- 4.1.4.
sigma1 {sortSet = foldr Set.insert (sortSet sigma1) (predArgs pt),
predMap = Map.setInsert (symName sy) pt $ predMap sigma1}
sigma2 = sigma1 {sortRel = sortRel sigma `Rel.restrict` sortSet sigma1} -- 5./6.
Computing signature co-generated by a raw symbol set.
Algorithm adapted from Bartek Klin's algorithm for CATS.
Input: symbol set "Syms"
signature "Sigma"
Output: signature "Sigma1"<=Sigma.
1. get a set "Sigma_symbols" of symbols in Sigma.
2. if Syms is not a subset of Sigma_symbols, return error.
3. for each symbol "Sym" in Syms do:
3.1. if Sym is a:
3.1.1. sort "S": Remove S from Sigma_symbols For each function/predicate symbol in
Sigma_symbols, if its profile contains S
remove it from Sigma_symbols.
3.1.2. any other symbol: remove if from Sigma_symbols.
4. let Sigma1 be a signature generated by Sigma_symbols in Sigma.
5. return the inclusion of sigma1 into sigma.
cogeneratedSign :: SymbolSet -> Sign -> Result Morphism
cogeneratedSign symset sigma = do
if not (symset `Set.subset` symset0) -- 2.
then pfatal_error
(ptext "Hiding: The following symbols"
<+> printText(symset Set.\\ symset0)
<+> ptext "are not in the signature") nullPos
else generatedSign symset1 sigma -- 4./5.
symset0 = symOf sigma -- 1.
symset1 = Set.fold revealSym symset0 symset -- 3.
revealSym sy symset1 = case symbType sy of -- 3.1.
SortAsItemType -> -- 3.1.1.
Set.filter (not . profileContains (symName sy) . symbType)
$ Set.delete sy symset1
OpAsItemType ot -> -- 3.1.2
Set.delete sy symset1
PredAsItemType pt -> -- 3.1.2
Set.delete sy symset1
profileContains _ SortAsItemType = False
profileContains s (OpAsItemType ot) = s `elem` (opRes ot:opArgs ot)
profileContains s (PredAsItemType pt) = s `elem` (predArgs pt)
finalUnion :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
finalUnion sigma1 sigma2 = return $ addSig sigma1 sigma2
-- ??? Finality check not yet implemented