{- |
Module : ./CASL/Quantification.hs
Description : Free variables; getting rid of superfluous quantifications
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Free variables; getting rid of superfluous quantifications
module CASL.Quantification where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Sign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (nubOrdOn)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
symbolsRecord :: (f -> Set.Set Symbol)
-> Record f (Set.Set Symbol) (Set.Set Symbol)
symbolsRecord mf = (constRecord mf Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldPredication = \ _ p ts _ -> Set.union (case p of
Qual_pred_name i t _ -> Set.singleton . idToPredSymbol i $ toPredType t
Pred_name _ -> Set.empty) $ Set.unions ts
, foldMembership = \ _ f s _ -> Set.insert (idToSortSymbol s) f
, foldQual_var = \ _ _ s _ -> Set.singleton $ idToSortSymbol s
, foldApplication = \ _ o ts _ -> Set.union (case o of
Qual_op_name i t _ -> Set.fromList
[idToOpSymbol i $ toOpType t, idToSortSymbol $ res_OP_TYPE t]
Op_name _ -> Set.empty) $ Set.unions ts
, foldSorted_term = \ _ t s _ -> Set.insert (idToSortSymbol s) t
, foldCast = \ _ t s _ -> Set.insert (idToSortSymbol s) t
flatVAR_DECLs :: [VAR_DECL] -> [(VAR, SORT)]
flatVAR_DECLs = concatMap (\ (Var_decl vs s _) -> map (\ v -> (v, s)) vs)
freeVarsRecord :: (f -> VarSet) -> Record f VarSet VarSet
freeVarsRecord mf = (constRecord mf Set.unions Set.empty)
{ foldQual_var = \ _ v s _ -> Set.singleton (v, s)
, foldQuantification = \ _ _ vdecl phiVars _ ->
Set.difference phiVars $
Set.fromList $ flatVAR_DECLs vdecl
freeTermVars :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> TERM f -> VarSet
freeTermVars = foldTerm . freeVarsRecord . freeVarsOfExt
freeVars :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> VarSet
freeVars = foldFormula . freeVarsRecord . freeVarsOfExt
varSetToDecls :: VarSet -> [VAR_DECL]
varSetToDecls = map (\ (v, s) -> Var_decl [v] s $ tokPos v) . Set.toList
quantFreeVars :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> Range -> FORMULA f
quantFreeVars sig f =
stripQuant sig . mkForallRange (varSetToDecls $ freeVars sig f) f
-- | quantify only over free variables (and only once)
effQuantify :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> QUANTIFIER -> [VAR_DECL]
-> FORMULA f -> Range -> FORMULA f
effQuantify sign q vdecls phi pos =
let flatVAR_DECL (Var_decl vs s ps) =
map (\ v -> Var_decl [v] s ps) vs
joinVarDecl = foldr1 ( \ (Var_decl v1 s1 ps) (Var_decl v2 _s2 _) ->
Var_decl (v1 ++ v2) s1 ps)
cleanDecls =
map joinVarDecl . myGroup . reverse . myNub . reverse .
concatMap flatVAR_DECL
myGroup = groupBy (\ (Var_decl _ s1 _) (Var_decl _ s2 _) -> s1 == s2)
myNub = nubOrdOn (\ (Var_decl v _ _) -> v)
in case q of
Unique_existential -> Quantification q (cleanDecls vdecls) phi pos
_ -> let fvs = freeVars sign phi
filterVAR_DECL (Var_decl vs s ps) =
Var_decl (filter (\ v -> Set.member (v, s) fvs
|| Set.member s (emptySortSet sign)) vs) s ps
newDecls = cleanDecls $ map filterVAR_DECL vdecls
in if null newDecls then phi else
Quantification q newDecls phi pos
stripRecord :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> (f -> f)
-> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
stripRecord s mf = (mapRecord mf)
{ foldQuantification = \ _ quant vdecl newF pos ->
let qF = effQuantify s quant vdecl newF pos in
case newF of
Quantification quant2 vd2 f2 ps ->
if quant /= quant2 then qF else
effQuantify s quant (vdecl ++ vd2) f2 (pos `appRange` ps)
_ -> qF
-- | strip superfluous (or nested) quantifications
stripQuant :: TermExtension f => Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
stripQuant s = foldFormula $ stripRecord s id
-- | strip all universal quantifications
stripAllQuant :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
stripAllQuant f = case f of
Quantification Universal _ phi _ -> stripAllQuant phi
_ -> f
-- | get top-level variables
getQuantVars :: FORMULA f -> VarSet
getQuantVars f = case f of
Quantification Universal vds phi _ -> Set.union
(Set.fromList $ flatVAR_DECLs vds) $ getQuantVars phi
_ -> Set.empty
-- | get top-level variables for all sentences
getTopVars :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> VarSet
getTopVars = Set.unions . map (getQuantVars . sentence)
diffVars :: Map.Map VAR SORT -> VarSet -> Map.Map VAR SORT
diffVars = Set.fold (\ (v, s) m -> case Map.lookup v m of
Just t | t == s -> Map.delete v m
_ -> m)
warnUnusedVars :: String -> Sign f e -> VarSet -> [Diagnosis]
warnUnusedVars msg sig = map (mkDiag Warning $ "unused" ++ msg ++ "variable")
. Map.keys . diffVars (varMap sig)
warnUnused :: Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Diagnosis]
warnUnused sig = warnUnusedVars " " sig . getTopVars