{- |
Module : ./CASL/Freeness.hs
Description : Computation of the constraints needed for free definition links.
Copyright : (c) Adrian Riesco, Facultad de Informatica UCM 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : ariesco@fdi.ucm.es
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Computation of the constraints needed for free definition links.
module CASL.Freeness (quotientTermAlgebra) where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.StaticAna
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Logic.Prover ()
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (groupBy, elemIndex)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | main function, in charge of computing the quotient term algebra
quotientTermAlgebra :: CASLMor -- sigma : Sigma -> SigmaM
-> [Named CASLFORMULA] -- Th(M)
-> Result (CASLSign, {- SigmaK
CASLMor, -- iota : SigmaM' -> SigmaK -}
[Named CASLFORMULA] -- Ax(K)
quotientTermAlgebra sigma sens =
sigma_0 = msource sigma
ss_0 = sortSet sigma_0
sigma_m = mtarget sigma
sigma_k = create_sigma_k ss_0 sigma_m
axs = create_axs ss_0 sigma_m sigma_k sens
in return (sigma_k, axs)
-- | generates the axioms of the module K
create_axs :: Set.Set SORT -> CASLSign -> CASLSign -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
create_axs sg_ss sg_m sg_k sens = forms
where ss_m = sortSet sg_m
ss = Set.map mkFreeName $ Set.difference ss_m sg_ss
sr = sortRel sg_k
comps = ops2comp $ opMap sg_k
ss' = filterNoCtorSorts (opMap sg_k) ss
ctor_sen = freeCons (ss', sr, comps)
make_axs = make_forms sg_ss ++ make_hom_forms sg_ss
h_axs_ops = homomorphism_axs_ops $ opMap sg_m
h_axs_preds = homomorphism_axs_preds $ predMap sg_m
h_axs_surj = hom_surjectivity $ sortSet sg_m
q_axs = quotient_axs sens
symm_ax = symmetry_axs ss_m
tran_ax = transitivity_axs ss_m
cong_ax = congruence_axs (opMap sg_m)
satThM = sat_thm_ax sens
prems = conjunct [symm_ax, tran_ax, cong_ax, satThM]
ltkh = larger_than_ker_h ss_m (predMap sg_m)
krnl_axs = [mkKernelAx ss_m (predMap sg_m) prems ltkh]
forms = concat [ctor_sen, make_axs, h_axs_ops, h_axs_preds,
h_axs_surj, q_axs, krnl_axs]
filterNoCtorSorts :: OpMap -> Set.Set SORT -> Set.Set SORT
filterNoCtorSorts om = Set.filter (filterNoCtorSort om)
filterNoCtorSort :: OpMap -> SORT -> Bool
filterNoCtorSort om s = any (resultTypeSet s) . Map.elems $ MapSet.toMap om
resultTypeSet :: SORT -> Set.Set OpType -> Bool
resultTypeSet s = any (resultType s) . Set.toList
resultType :: SORT -> OpType -> Bool
resultType s = (s ==) . opRes
{- | generates formulas of the form make(h(x)) =e= x,
for any x of sort gn_free_s -}
make_hom_forms :: Set.Set SORT -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
make_hom_forms = Set.fold ((:) . make_hom_form) []
{- | generates a formula of the form make(h(x)) =e= x,
for gn_free_s given the SORT s -}
make_hom_form :: SORT -> Named CASLFORMULA
make_hom_form s = makeNamed ("ga_make_hom_" ++ show s) q_eq
where free_s = mkFreeName s
v = newVar free_s
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [free_s] s nullRange
os_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
term_hom = mkAppl os_hom [v]
ot_mk = Op_type Total [s] free_s nullRange
os_mk = mkQualOp makeId ot_mk
term_mk = mkAppl os_mk [term_hom]
eq = mkExEq term_mk v
q_eq = quantifyUniversally eq
-- | generates the formulas relating the make functions with the homomorphism
make_forms :: Set.Set SORT -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
make_forms = Set.fold ((:) . make_form) []
{- | generates the formulas relating the make function for this sort
with the homomorphism -}
make_form :: SORT -> Named CASLFORMULA
make_form s = makeNamed ("ga_hom_make_" ++ show s) q_eq
where free_s = mkFreeName s
v = newVar s
ot_mk = Op_type Total [s] free_s nullRange
os_mk = mkQualOp makeId ot_mk
term_mk = mkAppl os_mk [v]
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [free_s] s nullRange
os_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
term_hom = mkAppl os_hom [term_mk]
eq = mkStEq term_hom v
q_eq = quantifyUniversally eq
-- | computes the last part of the axioms to assert the kernel of h
larger_than_ker_h :: Set.Set SORT -> PredMap -> CASLFORMULA
larger_than_ker_h ss mis = conj
where ltkhs = ltkh_sorts ss
ltkhp = ltkh_preds mis
conj = conjunct (ltkhs ++ ltkhp)
{- | computes the second part of the conjunction of the formula "largerThanKerH"
from the kernel of H -}
ltkh_preds :: PredMap -> [CASLFORMULA]
ltkh_preds = MapSet.foldWithKey (\ name -> (:) . ltkh_preds_aux name) []
{- | computes the second part of the conjunction of the formula "largerThanKerH"
from the kernel of H for a concrete predicate profile -}
ltkh_preds_aux :: Id -> PredType -> CASLFORMULA
ltkh_preds_aux name (PredType args) = imp'
where free_name = mkFreeName name
free_args = map mkFreeName args
psi = psiName name
pt = Pred_type free_args nullRange
ps_name = mkQualPred free_name pt
ps_psi = mkQualPred psi pt
vars = createVars 1 free_args
prem = mkPredication ps_name vars
concl = mkPredication ps_psi vars
imp = mkImpl prem concl
imp' = quantifyUniversally imp
{- | computes the first part of the conjunction of the formula "largerThanKerH"
from the kernel of H -}
ltkh_sorts :: Set.Set SORT -> [CASLFORMULA]
ltkh_sorts = Set.fold ((:) . ltkh_sort) []
{- | computes the first part of the conjunction of the formula "largerThanKerH"
from the kernel of H for a concrete sort -}
ltkh_sort :: SORT -> CASLFORMULA
ltkh_sort s = imp'
where free_s = mkFreeName s
v1 = newVarIndex 1 free_s
v2 = newVarIndex 2 free_s
phi = phiName s
pt = Pred_type [free_s, free_s] nullRange
ps = mkQualPred phi pt
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [free_s] s nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
t1 = mkAppl name_hom [v1]
t2 = mkAppl name_hom [v2]
prem = mkExEq t1 t2
concl = mkPredication ps [v1, v2]
imp = mkImpl prem concl
imp' = quantifyUniversally imp
-- | generates the axioms for satThM
sat_thm_ax :: [Named CASLFORMULA] -> CASLFORMULA
sat_thm_ax forms = final_form
where forms' = map (free_formula . sentence)
$ filter (no_gen . sentence) forms
final_form = conjunct forms'
-- | checks if the formula is a sort generation constraint
no_gen :: CASLFORMULA -> Bool
no_gen (Sort_gen_ax _ _) = False
no_gen _ = True
-- | computes the axiom for the congruence of the kernel of h
congruence_axs :: OpMap -> CASLFORMULA
congruence_axs om = conj
where axs = MapSet.foldWithKey (\ name -> (:) . congruence_ax_aux name)
[] om
conj = conjunct axs
{- | computes the axiom for the congruence of the kernel of h
for a single type of an operator id -}
congruence_ax_aux :: Id -> OpType -> CASLFORMULA
congruence_ax_aux name ot = cong_form'
where OpType _ args res = ot
free_name = mkFreeName name
free_args = map mkFreeName args
free_res = mkFreeName res
free_ot = Op_type Total free_args free_res nullRange
free_os = mkQualOp free_name free_ot
lgth = length free_args
xs = createVars 1 free_args
ys = createVars (1 + lgth) free_args
fst_term = mkAppl free_os xs
snd_term = mkAppl free_os ys
phi = phiName res
pt = Pred_type [free_res, free_res] nullRange
ps = mkQualPred phi pt
fst_form = mkPredication ps [fst_term, fst_term]
snd_form = mkPredication ps [snd_term, snd_term]
vars_forms = congruence_ax_vars args xs ys
conj = conjunct $ fst_form : snd_form : vars_forms
concl = mkPredication ps [fst_term, snd_term]
cong_form = mkImpl conj concl
cong_form' = quantifyUniversally cong_form
freePredNameAndType :: SORT -> (Id, PRED_TYPE)
freePredNameAndType s = let
phi = phiName s
free_s = mkFreeName s
pt = Pred_type [free_s, free_s] nullRange
in (phi, pt)
freePredSymb :: SORT -> PRED_SYMB
freePredSymb = uncurry mkQualPred . freePredNameAndType
-- | computes the formulas for the relations between variables
congruence_ax_vars :: [SORT] -> [CASLTERM] -> [CASLTERM] -> [CASLFORMULA]
congruence_ax_vars (s : ss) (x : xs) (y : ys) = form : forms
form = mkPredication (freePredSymb s) [x, y]
forms = congruence_ax_vars ss xs ys
congruence_ax_vars _ _ _ = []
-- | computes the transitivity axioms for the kernel of h
transitivity_axs :: Set.Set SORT -> CASLFORMULA
transitivity_axs ss = conj
where axs = Set.fold ((:) . transitivity_ax) [] ss
conj = conjunct axs
twoFreeVars :: SORT -> (SORT, TERM (), TERM (), VAR, VAR, PRED_SYMB, FORMULA ())
twoFreeVars s = let
free_sort = mkFreeName s
v1@(Qual_var n1 _ _) = newVarIndex 1 free_sort
v2@(Qual_var n2 _ _) = newVarIndex 2 free_sort
ps = freePredSymb s
fst_form = mkPredication ps [v1, v2]
in (free_sort, v1, v2, n1, n2, ps, fst_form)
{- | computes the transitivity axiom of a concrete sort for
the kernel of h -}
transitivity_ax :: SORT -> CASLFORMULA
transitivity_ax s = quant
where (free_sort, v1, v2, n1, n2, ps, fst_form) = twoFreeVars s
v3@(Qual_var n3 _ _) = newVarIndex 3 free_sort
snd_form = mkPredication ps [v2, v3]
thr_form = mkPredication ps [v1, v3]
conj = conjunct [fst_form, snd_form]
imp = mkImpl conj thr_form
vd = [Var_decl [n1, n2, n3] free_sort nullRange]
quant = mkForall vd imp
-- | computes the symmetry axioms for the kernel of h
symmetry_axs :: Set.Set SORT -> CASLFORMULA
symmetry_axs ss = conj
where axs = Set.fold ((:) . symmetry_ax) [] ss
conj = conjunct axs
-- | computes the symmetry axiom of a concrete sort for the kernel of h
symmetry_ax :: SORT -> CASLFORMULA
symmetry_ax s = quant
where (free_sort, v1, v2, n1, n2, ps, lhs) = twoFreeVars s
rhs = mkPredication ps [v2, v1]
inner_form = mkImpl lhs rhs
vd = [Var_decl [n1, n2] free_sort nullRange]
quant = mkForall vd inner_form
-- | generates the name of the phi variable of a concrete sort
phiName :: SORT -> Id
phiName s = mkId [mkSimpleId $ "Phi_" ++ show s]
-- | generates the name of the phi variable of a concrete predicate
psiName :: Id -> Id
psiName s = mkId [mkSimpleId $ "Psi_" ++ show s]
{- | creates the axiom for the kernel of h given the sorts and the predicates
in M, the premises and the conclusion -}
mkKernelAx :: Set.Set SORT -> PredMap -> CASLFORMULA
mkKernelAx ss preds prem conc = makeNamed "freeness_kernel" q2
where imp = mkImpl prem conc
q1 = quantifyPredsSorts ss imp
q2 = quantifyPredsPreds preds q1
{- | applies the second order quantification to the formula for the given
set of sorts -}
quantifyPredsSorts :: Set.Set SORT -> CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
quantifyPredsSorts ss f = Set.fold quantifyPredsSort f ss
{- | applies the second order quantification to the formula for the given
sort -}
quantifyPredsSort = uncurry QuantPred . freePredNameAndType
{- | applies the second order quantification to the formula for the given
predicates -}
quantifyPredsPreds :: PredMap -> CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
quantifyPredsPreds = flip $ MapSet.foldWithKey quantifyPredsPred
{- | applies the second order quantification to the formula for the given
predicate -}
quantifyPredsPred :: Id -> PredType -> CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
quantifyPredsPred name (PredType args) f = q_form
where psi = psiName name
free_args = map mkFreeName args
pt = Pred_type free_args nullRange
q_form = QuantPred psi pt f
{- | given the axioms in the module M, the function computes the
axioms obtained for the homomorphisms -}
quotient_axs :: [Named CASLFORMULA] -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
quotient_axs = map quotient_ax
{- | given an axiom in the module M, the function computes the
axioms obtained for the homomorphisms -}
quotient_ax :: Named CASLFORMULA -> Named CASLFORMULA
quotient_ax nsen = nsen'
where sen = sentence nsen
sen' = homomorphy_form sen
nsen' = nsen { sentence = sen' }
-- | applies the homomorphism operator to the terms of the given formula
homomorphy_form :: CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
homomorphy_form (Quantification q _ f r) = Quantification q var_decl f' r
where f' = homomorphy_form f
vars = getVars f'
var_decl = listVarDecl vars
homomorphy_form (Junction j fs r) = Junction j fs' r
where fs' = map homomorphy_form fs
homomorphy_form (Relation f1 c f2 r) = Relation f1' c f2' r
where f1' = homomorphy_form f1
f2' = homomorphy_form f2
homomorphy_form (Negation f r) = Negation f' r
where f' = homomorphy_form f
homomorphy_form (Predication ps ts r) = Predication ps ts' r
where ts' = map homomorphy_term ts
homomorphy_form (Definedness t r) = Definedness t' r
where t' = homomorphy_term t
homomorphy_form (Equation t1 e t2 r) = Equation t1' e t2' r
where t1' = homomorphy_term t1
t2' = homomorphy_term t2
homomorphy_form (Membership t s r) = Membership t' s r
where t' = homomorphy_term t
homomorphy_form (Mixfix_formula t) = Mixfix_formula t'
where t' = homomorphy_term t
homomorphy_form f = f
-- | applies the homomorphism operator to the term when possible
homomorphy_term :: CASLTERM -> CASLTERM
homomorphy_term (Qual_var v s r) = t
where free_s = mkFreeName s
v' = Qual_var v free_s r
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [free_s] s nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
t = mkAppl name_hom [v']
homomorphy_term (Application os ts r) = t'
where ts' = map free_term ts
Qual_op_name op_name ot op_r = os
Op_type _ ar co ot_r = ot
op_name' = mkFreeName op_name
ar' = map mkFreeName ar
co' = mkFreeName co
ot' = Op_type Total ar' co' ot_r
os' = Qual_op_name op_name' ot' op_r
t = Application os' ts' r
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [co'] co nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
t' = mkAppl name_hom [t]
homomorphy_term t = t
hom_surjectivity :: Set.Set SORT -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
hom_surjectivity = Set.fold f []
where f x = (sort_surj x :)
-- | generates the formula to state the homomorphism is surjective
sort_surj :: SORT -> Named CASLFORMULA
sort_surj s = form'
where v1 = newVarIndex 0 $ mkFreeName s
id_v1 = mkSimpleId "V0"
vd1 = mkVarDecl id_v1 (mkFreeName s)
v2 = newVarIndex 1 s
id_v2 = mkSimpleId "V1"
vd2 = mkVarDecl id_v2 s
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [mkFreeName s] s nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
lhs = mkAppl name_hom [v1]
inner_form = mkExEq lhs v2
inner_form' = mkExist [vd1] inner_form
form = mkForall [vd2] inner_form'
form' = makeNamed ("ga_hom_surj_" ++ show s) form
-- | generates the axioms for the homomorphisms applied to the predicates
homomorphism_axs_preds :: PredMap -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
homomorphism_axs_preds =
MapSet.foldWithKey (\ p_name -> (:) . homomorphism_form_pred p_name) []
-- | generates the axioms for the homomorphisms applied to a predicate
homomorphism_form_pred :: Id -> PredType -> Named CASLFORMULA
homomorphism_form_pred name (PredType args) = named_form
where free_args = map mkFreeName args
vars_lhs = createVars 0 free_args
lhs_pt = Pred_type free_args nullRange
lhs_pred_name = mkQualPred (mkFreeName name) lhs_pt
lhs = mkPredication lhs_pred_name vars_lhs
inner_rhs = apply_hom_vars args vars_lhs
pt_rhs = Pred_type args nullRange
name_rhs = mkQualPred name pt_rhs
rhs = mkPredication name_rhs inner_rhs
form = mkEqv lhs rhs
form' = quantifyUniversally form
named_form = makeNamed "" form'
-- | generates the axioms for the homomorphisms applied to the operators
homomorphism_axs_ops :: OpMap -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
homomorphism_axs_ops =
MapSet.foldWithKey (\ op_name -> (:) . homomorphism_form_op op_name) []
-- | generates the axiom for the homomorphism applied to a concrete op
homomorphism_form_op :: Id -> OpType -> Named CASLFORMULA
homomorphism_form_op name (OpType _ args res) = named_form
where free_args = map mkFreeName args
vars_lhs = createVars 0 free_args
ot_lhs = Op_type Total free_args (mkFreeName res) nullRange
ot_hom = Op_type Partial [mkFreeName res] res nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
name_lhs = mkQualOp (mkFreeName name) ot_lhs
inner_lhs = mkAppl name_lhs vars_lhs
lhs = mkAppl name_hom [inner_lhs]
ot_rhs = Op_type Total args res nullRange
name_rhs = mkQualOp name ot_rhs
inner_rhs = apply_hom_vars args vars_lhs
rhs = mkAppl name_rhs inner_rhs
form = mkStEq lhs rhs
form' = quantifyUniversally form
named_form = makeNamed "" form'
-- | generates the variables for the homomorphisms
apply_hom_vars :: [SORT] -> [CASLTERM] -> [CASLTERM]
apply_hom_vars (s : ss) (t : ts) = t' : ts'
where ot_hom = Op_type Partial [mkFreeName s] s nullRange
name_hom = mkQualOp homId ot_hom
t' = mkAppl name_hom [t]
ts' = apply_hom_vars ss ts
apply_hom_vars _ _ = []
-- | generates a list of differents variables of the given sorts
createVars :: Int -> [SORT] -> [CASLTERM]
createVars _ [] = []
createVars i (s : ss) = var : ts
where var = newVarIndex i s
ts = createVars (i + 1) ss
-- | computes the set of components from the map of operators
ops2comp :: OpMap -> Set.Set Component
ops2comp = MapSet.foldWithKey (\ n -> Set.insert . Component n) Set.empty
-- | computes the sentence for the constructors
freeCons :: GenAx -> [Named CASLFORMULA]
freeCons (sorts, rel, ops) =
let sortList = Set.toList sorts
opSyms = map ( \ c -> let iden = compId c in Qual_op_name iden
(toOP_TYPE $ compType c) $ posOfId iden) $ Set.toList ops
injSyms = map ( \ (s, t) -> let p = posOfId s in
Qual_op_name (mkUniqueInjName s t)
(Op_type Total [s] t p) p)
$ Rel.toList $ Rel.irreflex rel
allSyms = opSyms ++ injSyms
resType _ (Op_name _) = False
resType s (Qual_op_name _ t _) = res_OP_TYPE t == s
getIndex s = fromMaybe (-1) $ elemIndex s sortList
addIndices (Op_name _) =
error "CASL/StaticAna: Internal error in function addIndices"
addIndices os@(Qual_op_name _ t _) =
(os, map getIndex $ args_OP_TYPE t)
collectOps s =
Constraint s (map addIndices $ filter (resType s) allSyms) s
constrs = map collectOps sortList
f = mkSort_gen_ax constrs True
-- added by me:
nonSub (Qual_op_name n _ _) = not $ isInjName n
nonSub _ = error "use qualified names"
consSymbs = map (filter nonSub . map fst . opSymbs) constrs
toTuple (Qual_op_name n ot@(Op_type _ args _ _) _) =
(n, toOpType ot, map Sort args)
toTuple _ = error "use qualified names"
consSymbs' = map (map toTuple) consSymbs
sortSymbs = map (filter (not . nonSub) . map fst . opSymbs) constrs
getSubsorts (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ [ss] _ _) _) = ss
getSubsorts _ = error "error in injSyms"
sortSymbs' = map (\ l ->
case l of
Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ _ rs _) _ : _ ->
(rs, map getSubsorts l)
_ -> error "empty list filtered")
$ filter (not . null) sortSymbs
sortAx = concatMap (uncurry makeDisjSubsorts) sortSymbs'
freeAx = concatMap (\ l -> makeDisjoint l ++
map makeInjective (
filter (\ (_, _, x) -> not $ null x) l))
sameSort (Constraint s _ _) (Constraint s' _ _) = s == s'
disjToSortAx = concatMap (\ ctors -> let
cs = map (map fst . opSymbs) ctors
cSymbs = concatMap (map toTuple
. filter nonSub) cs
sSymbs = concatMap (map getSubsorts
. filter (not . nonSub)) cs
concatMap (\ c -> map (makeDisjToSort c) sSymbs)
cSymbs) $ groupBy sameSort constrs
in case constrs of
[] -> []
_ -> [toSortGenNamed f sortList]
++ freeAx ++ sortAx ++ disjToSortAx
-- | given the signature in M the function computes the signature K
create_sigma_k :: Set.Set SORT -> CASLSign -> CASLSign
create_sigma_k ss sg_m = usg'
where iota_sg = totalSignCopy sg_m
usg = addSig const sg_m iota_sg
om' = homomorphism_ops (sortSet sg_m) (opMap usg)
om'' = make_ops ss om'
usg' = usg { opMap = om'' }
{- | adds the make functions for the sorts in the initial module to the
operator map -}
make_ops :: Set.Set SORT -> OpMap -> OpMap
make_ops ss om = Set.fold make_op om ss
-- | adds the make functions for the sort to the operator map
make_op :: SORT -> OpMap -> OpMap
make_op s = MapSet.insert makeId $ mkTotOpType [s] $ mkFreeName s
-- | identifier of the make function
makeId :: Id
makeId = mkId [mkSimpleId "make"]
-- | identifier of the homomorphism function
homId :: Id
homId = mkId [mkSimpleId "hom"]
-- | creates the homomorphism operators and adds it to the given operator map
homomorphism_ops :: Set.Set SORT -> OpMap -> OpMap
homomorphism_ops ss om = Set.fold f om ss
where ot sort = OpType Partial [mkFreeName sort] sort
f = MapSet.insert homId . ot
-- | applies the iota renaming to a signature
totalSignCopy :: CASLSign -> CASLSign
totalSignCopy sg = sg {
emptySortSet = ess,
sortRel = sr,
opMap = om,
assocOps = aom,
predMap = pm,
varMap = vm,
sentences = [],
declaredSymbols = sms,
annoMap = am
where ess = iota_sort_set $ emptySortSet sg
sr = iota_sort_rel $ sortRel sg
om = iota_op_map $ opMap sg
aom = iota_op_map $ assocOps sg
pm = iota_pred_map $ predMap sg
vm = iota_var_map $ varMap sg
sms = iota_syms $ declaredSymbols sg
am = iota_anno_map $ annoMap sg
-- | applies the iota renaming to a set of sorts
iota_sort_set :: Set.Set SORT -> Set.Set SORT
iota_sort_set = Set.map mkFreeName
-- | applies the iota renaming to a sort relation
iota_sort_rel :: Rel.Rel SORT -> Rel.Rel SORT
iota_sort_rel = Rel.map mkFreeName
-- | applies the iota renaming to an operator map
iota_op_map :: OpMap -> OpMap
iota_op_map = MapSet.foldWithKey
(\ op (OpType _ args res) -> MapSet.insert (mkFreeName op)
$ mkTotOpType (map mkFreeName args) (mkFreeName res)) MapSet.empty
-- | applies the iota renaming to a predicate map
iota_pred_map :: PredMap -> PredMap
iota_pred_map = MapSet.foldWithKey
(\ p (PredType args) -> MapSet.insert (mkFreeName p)
$ PredType $ map mkFreeName args) MapSet.empty
-- | applies the iota renaming to a variable map
iota_var_map :: Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT -> Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT
iota_var_map = Map.map mkFreeName
-- | applies the iota renaming to symbols
iota_syms :: Set.Set Symbol -> Set.Set Symbol
iota_syms = Set.map iota_symbol
-- | applies the iota renaming to a symbol
iota_symbol :: Symbol -> Symbol
iota_symbol (Symbol name ty) = Symbol (mkFreeName name) $ case ty of
SortAsItemType -> SortAsItemType
SubsortAsItemType s -> SubsortAsItemType $ mkFreeName s
OpAsItemType (OpType _ args res) -> OpAsItemType
$ mkTotOpType (map mkFreeName args) (mkFreeName res)
PredAsItemType (PredType args) -> PredAsItemType
$ PredType $ map mkFreeName args
-- | applies the iota renaming to the annotations
iota_anno_map :: MapSet.MapSet Symbol Annotation
-> MapSet.MapSet Symbol Annotation
iota_anno_map = MapSet.fromMap . Map.mapKeys iota_symbol . MapSet.toMap
-- Some auxiliary functions
-- | create a new name for the iota morphism
mkFreeName :: Id -> Id
mkFreeName i@(Id ts cs r) = case ts of
t : s -> let st = tokStr t in case st of
c : _ | isAlphaNum c -> Id (freeToken st : s) cs r
| otherwise -> Id [mkSimpleId "gn_free"] [i] r
_ -> Id (mkSimpleId "gn_free_f" : ts) cs r
_ -> i
-- | a prefix for free names
freeNamePrefix :: String
freeNamePrefix = "gn_free_"
-- | create a generated simple identifier
freeToken :: String -> Token
freeToken str = mkSimpleId $ freeNamePrefix ++ str
-- | obtains the sorts of the given list of term
getSorts :: [CASLTERM] -> [SORT]
getSorts = mapMaybe getSort
-- | compute the sort of the term, if possible
getSort :: CASLTERM -> Maybe SORT
getSort (Qual_var _ kind _) = Just kind
getSort (Application op _ _) = case op of
Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ _ kind _) _ -> Just kind
_ -> Nothing
getSort _ = Nothing
-- | extracts the predicate name from the predicate symbol
pred_symb_name :: PRED_SYMB -> PRED_NAME
pred_symb_name (Pred_name pn) = pn
pred_symb_name (Qual_pred_name pn _ _) = pn
{- | extract the variables from a CASL formula and put them in a map
with keys the sort of the variables and value the set of variables
in this sort -}
getVars :: CASLFORMULA -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token)
getVars (Quantification _ _ f _) = getVars f
getVars (QuantOp _ _ f) = getVars f
getVars (QuantPred _ _ f) = getVars f
getVars (Junction _ fs _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVars) Map.empty fs
getVars (Relation f1 _ f2 _) = Map.unionWith Set.union v1 v2
where v1 = getVars f1
v2 = getVars f2
getVars (Negation f _) = getVars f
getVars (Predication _ ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVars (Definedness t _) = getVarsTerm t
getVars (Equation t1 _ t2 _) = Map.unionWith Set.union v1 v2
where v1 = getVarsTerm t1
v2 = getVarsTerm t2
getVars (Membership t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVars (Mixfix_formula t) = getVarsTerm t
getVars _ = Map.empty
-- | extract the variables of a CASL term
getVarsTerm :: CASLTERM -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token)
getVarsTerm (Qual_var var sort _) =
Map.insert sort (Set.singleton var) Map.empty
getVarsTerm (Application _ ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (Sorted_term t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVarsTerm (Cast t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVarsTerm (Conditional t1 f t2 _) = Map.unionWith Set.union v3 m
where v1 = getVarsTerm t1
v2 = getVarsTerm t2
v3 = getVars f
m = Map.unionWith Set.union v1 v2
getVarsTerm (Mixfix_term ts) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (Mixfix_parenthesized ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (Mixfix_bracketed ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (Mixfix_braced ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith Set.union . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm _ = Map.empty
-- | add universal quantification of all variables in the formula
quantifyUniversally :: CASLFORMULA -> CASLFORMULA
quantifyUniversally form = if null var_decl
then form
else Quantification Universal var_decl form nullRange
where vars = getVars form
var_decl = listVarDecl vars
{- | traverses a map with sorts as keys and sets of variables as value
and creates a list of variable declarations -}
listVarDecl :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token) -> [VAR_DECL]
listVarDecl = Map.foldWithKey f []
where f sort var_set = (Var_decl (Set.toList var_set) sort nullRange :)
-- | generates a new variable qualified with the given number
newVarIndex :: Int -> SORT -> CASLTERM
newVarIndex i sort = Qual_var var sort nullRange
where var = mkSimpleId $ 'V' : show i
-- | generates a new variable
newVar :: SORT -> CASLTERM
newVar sort = Qual_var var sort nullRange
where var = mkSimpleId "V"
-- | generates the free representation of an OP_SYMB
free_op_sym :: OP_SYMB -> OP_SYMB
free_op_sym (Op_name on) = Op_name $ mkFreeName on
free_op_sym (Qual_op_name on ot r) = Qual_op_name on' ot' r
where on' = mkFreeName on
ot' = free_op_type ot
-- | generates the free representation of an OP_TYPE
free_op_type :: OP_TYPE -> OP_TYPE
free_op_type (Op_type _ args res r) = Op_type Total args' res' r
where args' = map mkFreeName args
res' = mkFreeName res
-- | generates the free representation of a PRED_SYMB
free_pred_sym :: PRED_SYMB -> PRED_SYMB
free_pred_sym (Pred_name pn) = Pred_name $ mkFreeName pn
free_pred_sym (Qual_pred_name pn pt r) = Qual_pred_name pn' pt' r
where pn' = mkFreeName pn
pt' = free_pred_type pt
-- | generates the free representation of a PRED_TYPE
free_pred_type :: PRED_TYPE -> PRED_TYPE
free_pred_type (Pred_type args r) = Pred_type args' r
where args' = map mkFreeName args
-- | generates the free representation of a CASLTERM
free_term :: CASLTERM -> CASLTERM
free_term (Qual_var v s r) = Qual_var v (mkFreeName s) r
free_term (Application os ts r) = Application os' ts' r
where ts' = map free_term ts
os' = free_op_sym os
free_term (Sorted_term t s r) = Sorted_term t' s' r
where t' = free_term t
s' = mkFreeName s
free_term (Cast t s r) = Cast t' s' r
where t' = free_term t
s' = mkFreeName s
free_term (Conditional t1 f t2 r) = Conditional t1' f' t2' r
where t1' = free_term t1
t2' = free_term t2
f' = free_formula f
free_term (Mixfix_qual_pred ps) = Mixfix_qual_pred ps'
where ps' = free_pred_sym ps
free_term (Mixfix_term ts) = Mixfix_term ts'
where ts' = map free_term ts
free_term (Mixfix_sorted_term s r) = Mixfix_sorted_term s' r
where s' = mkFreeName s
free_term (Mixfix_cast s r) = Mixfix_cast s' r
where s' = mkFreeName s
free_term (Mixfix_parenthesized ts r) = Mixfix_parenthesized ts' r
where ts' = map free_term ts
free_term (Mixfix_bracketed ts r) = Mixfix_bracketed ts' r
where ts' = map free_term ts
free_term (Mixfix_braced ts r) = Mixfix_braced ts' r
where ts' = map free_term ts
free_term t = t
-- | generates the free representation of a list of variable declarations
free_var_decls :: [VAR_DECL] -> [VAR_DECL]
free_var_decls = map free_var_decl
-- | generates the free representation of a variable declaration
free_var_decl :: VAR_DECL -> VAR_DECL
free_var_decl (Var_decl vs s r) = Var_decl vs s' r
where s' = mkFreeName s
{- | computes the substitution needed for the kernel of h to the
sentences of the theory of M -}
free_formula (Quantification q vs f r) = Quantification q vs' f' r
where vs' = free_var_decls vs
f' = free_formula f
free_formula (Junction j fs r) = Junction j fs' r
where fs' = map free_formula fs
free_formula (Relation f1 c f2 r) = Relation f1' c f2' r
where f1' = free_formula f1
f2' = free_formula f2
free_formula (Negation f r) = Negation f' r
where f' = free_formula f
free_formula (Predication ps ts r) = pr
where ss = getSorts ts
free_ss = map mkFreeName ss
ts' = map free_term ts
psi = psiName $ pred_symb_name ps
pt = Pred_type free_ss nullRange
ps' = Qual_pred_name psi pt nullRange
pr = Predication ps' ts' r
free_formula (Definedness t r) = case sort of
Nothing -> Definedness t' r
Just s -> mkPredication (freePredSymb s) [t', t']
where t' = free_term t
sort = getSort t
free_formula (Equation t1 e t2 r) = let
t1' = free_term t1
t2' = free_term t2
sort = getSort t1
in case sort of
Nothing -> Equation t1' e t2' r
Just s -> let
ps = freePredSymb s
pred1 = mkPredication ps [t1', t2']
pred2 = mkNeg $ mkPredication ps [t1', t1']
pred3 = mkNeg $ mkPredication ps [t2', t2']
pred4 = conjunct [pred2, pred3]
pred5 = disjunct [pred1, pred4]
in if e == Existl then pred1 else pred5
free_formula (Membership t s r) = Membership t' s' r
where t' = free_term t
s' = mkFreeName s
free_formula (Mixfix_formula t) = Mixfix_formula t'
where t' = free_term t
free_formula (QuantOp on ot f) = QuantOp on' ot' f'
where on' = mkFreeName on
ot' = free_op_type ot
f' = free_formula f
free_formula (QuantPred pn pt f) = QuantPred pn' pt' f'
where pn' = mkFreeName pn
pt' = free_pred_type pt
f' = free_formula f
free_formula f = f