ModelChecker.hs revision 2eeec5240b424984e3ee26296da1eeab6c6d739e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : checks validity of models regarding a composition table
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
checks validity of models regarding a composition table
module CASL.CompositionTable.ModelChecker where
import CASL.CompositionTable.CompositionTable
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Maybe
import List
import Common.DocUtils
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import Logic.Logic
import CASL.ToDoc
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
modelCheck :: SIMPLE_ID -> (Sign () (), [Named (FORMULA ())]) ->
Table -> Result Bool
modelCheck _ (_,[]) _ = (warning True "not implemented" nullRange)
modelCheck _ (sign,sent) t = modelCheckTest
(extractAnnotations (annoMap sign)) (sign,sent) t
extractAnnotations :: Map.Map Symbol (Set.Set Annotation) ->
[(OP_SYMB, String)]
extractAnnotations m = catMaybes [(extractAnnotation (a,b)) | (a,b)
<- (Map.toList m)]
extractAnnotation :: (Symbol, Set.Set Annotation) ->Maybe (OP_SYMB, String)
extractAnnotation ((Symbol symbname symbtype),set) =
case symbtype of
OpAsItemType _ -> Just((createOpSymb symbname symbtype),
(getAnno set))
PredAsItemType _ -> Nothing
SortAsItemType -> Nothing
createOpSymb :: Id -> SymbType -> OP_SYMB
createOpSymb i (OpAsItemType (OpType op_Kind op_Args op_Res)) =
(Qual_op_name i (Op_type op_Kind op_Args op_Res (Range []))
(Range []))
createOpSymb _ s = error("Symbtype not supported:"++show(s))
getAnno :: Set.Set Annotation -> String
getAnno a
| Set.size a == 1 = (getAnno_ (Set.findMin a))
| otherwise = "failure"
getAnno_ :: Annotation -> String
getAnno_ (Unparsed_anno (Annote_word word) _ _) = word
getAnno_ _ = []
showDiagStrings:: [Diagnosis] -> [Char]
showDiagStrings [] = []
showDiagStrings ((Diag k s p):xs) = s ++"\n" ++ showDiagStrings xs
modelCheckTest :: [(OP_SYMB, String)] ->
(Sign () (), [Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Table -> Result Bool
modelCheckTest _ (_,[]) _ = error("no Formulas provided in modelCheckTest")
modelCheckTest symbs (sign,[x]) t
= let Result d res = modelCheckTest_ (sign,x) t symbs
in if(length d == 0)
then (hint True ("Formula succeeded: "++show(printTheoryFormula(mapNamed
(simplify_sen CASL sign) x))++"\n" ) nullRange)
else do (warning False ("Formula failed: \n"++show(printTheoryFormula
(mapNamed(simplify_sen CASL sign) x))++
"\n some Counterexamples: \n"
++ showDiagStrings(take 10 d) ) nullRange)
modelCheckTest a (sign,(x:xs)) t = do modelCheckTest a (sign, xs) t
modelCheckTest a (sign, [x]) t
modelCheckTest_ :: (Sign () (), Named (FORMULA ())) -> Table ->
[(OP_SYMB,String)] -> Result Bool
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Conjunction formulas range))) t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
res = and [calculateFormula (sign,formula) varass t
symbs | formula <- formulas]
in if res then return True
else (warning False ("Conjunction does not hold:"
++ showDoc(map (simplify_sen CASL sign)
formulas) "") range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Disjunction formulas range))) t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
res = or [calculateFormula (sign,formula) varass t
symbs | formula <- formulas]
in if res then return True
else (warning False ("Disjunction does not hold:"
++ showDoc((map (simplify_sen
CASL sign) formulas)) "") range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Implication f1 f2 _ range))) t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
test1 = calculateFormula (sign,f1) varass t symbs
test2 = calculateFormula (sign,f2) varass t symbs
res = not ((test1) && (not test2))
in if res then return True
else (warning False ("Implication does not hold: f1 is" ++
showDoc(simplify_sen CASL sign f1) "" ++ "f2 is " ++
showDoc(simplify_sen CASL sign f2) "")range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Equivalence f1 f2 range))) t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
test1 = calculateFormula (sign,f1) varass t symbs
test2 = calculateFormula (sign,f2) varass t symbs
res = test1 == test2
in if res then return True
else (warning False ("Equivalence does not hold: f1 is"
++showDoc(simplify_sen CASL sign f1) "" ++
"f2 is " ++ showDoc(simplify_sen CASL sign f2) "")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Negation f range))) t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
res = calculateFormula (sign,f) varass t symbs
in if (not res) then return True
else (warning False
("Negation does not hold:"
++ showDoc(simplify_sen CASL
sign f) "") range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Predication _ _ _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Predication")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Existl_equation _ _ _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Existl_equation")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (True_atom _))) _ _
= return True
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (False_atom range))) _ _
= (warning False "False-atom cant be fulfilled!" range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Definedness _ _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Definedness")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Strong_equation t1 t2 range)))
t symbs
= let varass = Variable_Assignment []
res1 = calculateTerm (sign,t1) varass t symbs
res2 = calculateTerm (sign,t2) varass t symbs
equal = equalElements res1 res2
in if equal then return True
else (warning False
("Strong Equation does not hold term1:"
++ (showDoc t1 "") ++
"term2:"++(showDoc t2 "")) range)
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Mixfix_formula _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Mixfix_formula")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Sort_gen_ax _ _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Sort_gen_ax")
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (ExtFORMULA _))) _ _
= error("not implemented ExtFormula" )
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ (Unparsed_formula _ _))) _ _
= error("not implemented Unparsed_formula" )
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ qf@(Quantification q decl f _))) t
= let ass = generateVariableAssignments decl t
calculateQuantification (sign,qf)
ass t symbs
modelCheckTest_ (sign, (SenAttr _ _ _ _ e)) _ _
= error("not implemented" ++ show(e) )
calculateQuantification :: (Sign () (),FORMULA ()) -> [VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT] ->
Table -> [(OP_SYMB,String)]
-> Result Bool
calculateQuantification (sign, qf@(Quantification Universal decl f _))
vardecls t symbs
= calculateQuantificationUniversal (sign,qf)
vardecls t symbs
calculateQuantification (sign, qf@(Quantification Existential decl f _))
vardecls t symbs
= calculateQuantificationExistential (sign,qf)
vardecls t symbs
calculateQuantification (sign, qf@(Quantification Unique_existential decl f _))
vardecls t symbs
= calculateQuantificationExistentialUnique (sign,qf)
vardecls t symbs
calculateQuantificationUniversal :: (Sign () (),(FORMULA ())) ->
[(OP_SYMB,String)] -> Result Bool
calculateQuantificationUniversal (sign,qf@(Quantification Universal decl f _))
ass t symbs
= let failedtuples =
take 10 (filter (not.fst) (map
(sign,qf) t symbs) ass))
in if (null failedtuples) then return True
else do mapM_ (\ (_,msg)-> (warning ()
msg nullRange))
return False
calculateQuantificationAtomar :: (Sign () (), (FORMULA ()))
-> Table -> [(OP_SYMB,String)]
-> (Bool,String)
calculateQuantificationAtomar (sign,qf@(Quantification _
decl f _))t symbs ass
= let res = calculateFormula (sign,f) ass
t symbs
in if (res == True) then (True,"")
else (False, (" "++ show(ass)))
calculateQuantificationExistential :: (Sign () (),(FORMULA ())) ->
[(OP_SYMB,String)] -> Result Bool
calculateQuantificationExistential (sign,qf@(Quantification Existential
decl f _)) ass t symbs
= let suceededTuples = (filter fst
(map (calculateQuantificationAtomar
(sign,qf) t symbs) ass))
in if (not (null suceededTuples))
then return True
else (warning False
"Existential not fulfilled"
calculateQuantificationExistentialUnique :: (Sign () (), (FORMULA ())) ->
[(OP_SYMB,String)] -> Result Bool
calculateQuantificationExistentialUnique (sign, qf@(Quantification
decl f _)) ass t symbs
= let suceededTuples = take 2 (filter fst (map (calculateQuantificationAtomar
(sign,qf) t symbs) ass))
in if ((length suceededTuples) == 1)
then return True
else (warning False "Unique Existential not fulifilled" nullRange)
data VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT = Variable_Assignment [(VAR,Baserel)]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT where
show (Variable_Assignment assignList) = showAssignments assignList
showAssignments :: [(VAR,Baserel)] -> String
showAssignments [] = "[]"
showAssignments xs = "["++ concat (intersperse ", " (map showSingleAssignment xs)) ++"]"
showSingleAssignment :: (VAR,Baserel) -> String
showSingleAssignment (v, Baserel b) = show(v) ++ "->"++b
concatAssignment (Variable_Assignment l1) (Variable_Assignment l2)
= Variable_Assignment (l1++l2)
calculateTerm :: (Sign () (),(TERM ())) -> VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT -> Table ->
[(OP_SYMB,String)] -> [Baserel]
calculateTerm (sign,(Simple_id var)) ass _ _
= getBaseRelForVariable var ass
calculateTerm (sign,(Qual_var var _ _)) ass _ _ =
getBaseRelForVariable var ass
calculateTerm (sign,(Application opSymb terms _)) ass t symbs =
applyOperation (getIdentifierForSymb opSymb symbs) (sign,terms)
t ass symbs
calculateTerm (sign,(Sorted_term term _ _)) ass t symbs = calculateTerm (sign,term)
ass t symbs
calculateTerm (sign,(Cast _ _ _)) _ _ _ = error("not implemented Cast")
-- wenn formula = true -> term1 sonst term2
calculateTerm (sign,(Conditional t1 fo t2 _)) ass t symbs =
let res = calculateFormula (sign,fo) ass t symbs
in if res then (calculateTerm (sign,t1) ass t symbs)
else calculateTerm (sign,t2) ass t symbs
calculateTerm _ _ _ _ = []
getIdentifierForSymb :: OP_SYMB -> [(OP_SYMB,String)] -> String
getIdentifierForSymb symb tuplelist = concat (map (getIdentifierForSymbAtomar symb) tuplelist)
getIdentifierForSymbAtomar :: OP_SYMB -> (OP_SYMB,String) -> String
getIdentifierForSymbAtomar symb (symb2,s) | symb == symb2 = s
| otherwise = ""
applyOperation :: String -> (Sign () (),[(TERM ())]) -> Table
-> VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT -> [(OP_SYMB,String)]-> [Baserel]
applyOperation "RA_zero" (sign,[]) _ _ _ = []
applyOperation "RA_one" _ (Table (Table_Attrs _ _ baserels)
_ _ _ _) _ _ = baserels
applyOperation "RA_intersection" (sign,terms) table ass symbs = intersect
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass table symbs)
(calculateTerm (sign,(head (tail terms))) ass table symbs)
applyOperation "RA_composition" (sign,terms) (Table attrs
(Compositiontable cmpentries) convtbl refltbl models)
ass symbs = calculateComposition cmpentries
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass (Table attrs
(Compositiontable cmpentries) convtbl refltbl models) symbs)
(calculateTerm (sign,(head (tail terms))) ass (Table attrs
(Compositiontable cmpentries) convtbl refltbl models) symbs)
applyOperation "RA_union" (sign,terms) table ass symbs = union
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass table symbs)
(calculateTerm (sign,(head(tail terms))) ass table symbs)
applyOperation "RA_complement" (sign,terms) (Table (Table_Attrs name id_
baserels) comptbl convtbl refltbl models) ass symbs =
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass (Table (Table_Attrs
name id_ baserels) comptbl convtbl refltbl models)
symbs) baserels
applyOperation "RA_identity" _ (Table (Table_Attrs _ id_ _)
_ _ _ _) _ _ = [id_]
applyOperation "RA_converse" (sign,terms) (Table attrs cmptable cnvtable
refltbl models)ass symbs
= calculateConverse cnvtable (calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass
(Table attrs cmptable cnvtable refltbl models)symbs)
applyOperation "RA_shortcut" (sign,terms) (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) ass symbs = calculateConverseTernary shortc
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) symbs)
applyOperation "RA_inverse" (sign,terms) (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) ass symbs = calculateConverseTernary inv
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) symbs)
applyOperation "RA_homing" (sign,terms) (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) ass symbs = calculateConverseTernary hom
(calculateTerm (sign,(head terms)) ass (Table attrs comptbl
(Conversetable_Ternary inv shortc hom) refltbl
models) symbs)
applyOperation _ _ _ _ _ = []
complement :: [Baserel] -> [Baserel] -> [Baserel]
complement rels baserles = baserles \\ rels
calculateComposition :: [Cmptabentry] -> [Baserel] -> [Baserel] ->
calculateComposition entries rels1 rels2 = foldr1 (++) (map (calculateComposition_ rels1 rels2) entries)
calculateComposition_ :: [Baserel] -> [Baserel] -> Cmptabentry -> [Baserel]
calculateComposition_ rels1 rels2 (Cmptabentry (Cmptabentry_Attrs rel1 rel2)
| (rel1 `elem` rels1 ) && (rel2 `elem` rels2 ) =
| otherwise = []
calculateConverse:: Conversetable -> [Baserel] -> [Baserel]
calculateConverse (Conversetable_Ternary _ _ _) _ = []
calculateConverse (Conversetable centries) rels = foldr1 (++)(map
rels) centries)
calculateConverseAtomar :: [Baserel] -> Contabentry -> [Baserel]
calculateConverseAtomar rels (Contabentry rel1 rel2) | rel1 `elem` rels
= [rel2]
| otherwise = []
calculateConverseTernary :: [Contabentry_Ternary] -> [Baserel] ->
calculateConverseTernary entries rels = foldl1 (++) (map (calculateConverseTernaryAtomar rels) entries )
calculateConverseTernaryAtomar :: [Baserel] -> Contabentry_Ternary -> [Baserel]
calculateConverseTernaryAtomar rels2 (Contabentry_Ternary rel1 rels1)
| rel1 `elem` rels2 = rels1
| otherwise = []
getBaseRelForVariable :: VAR -> VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT ->[Baserel]
getBaseRelForVariable var (Variable_Assignment tuples) =
foldl1 (++) (map (getBaseRelForVariableAtomar var)
getBaseRelForVariableAtomar :: VAR -> (VAR,Baserel) -> [Baserel]
getBaseRelForVariableAtomar v (var,baserel)
| v == var = [baserel]
| otherwise = []
calculateFormula :: (Sign () (),(FORMULA ())) -> VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT -> Table
-> [(OP_SYMB,String)] -> Bool
calculateFormula (sign,qf@(Quantification q vardecls f _)) varass t symbs =
let (Result _ res) = (calculateQuantification (sign,qf)
varass vardecls t) t symbs)
(res == Just True)
calculateFormula (sign,(Conjunction formulas _)) varass t symbs =
and [calculateFormula (sign,x) varass t
symbs | x<-formulas]
calculateFormula (sign,(Disjunction formulas _)) varass t symbs =
or [calculateFormula (sign,x) varass t
symbs | x<-formulas]
calculateFormula (sign,(Implication f1 f2 _ _)) varass t symbs =
let test1 = calculateFormula (sign,f1) varass t symbs
test2 = calculateFormula (sign,f2) varass t symbs
not ((test1) && (not test2))
calculateFormula (sign,(Equivalence f1 f2 _)) varass t symbs =
let test1 = calculateFormula (sign,f1) varass t symbs
test2 = calculateFormula (sign,f2) varass t symbs
test1 == test2
calculateFormula (sign,(Negation f _)) varass t symbs =
not (calculateFormula (sign,f) varass t symbs)
calculateFormula (sign,(True_atom _)) _ _ _ = True
calculateFormula (sign,(False_atom _)) _ _ _ = False
calculateFormula (sign,(Predication _ _ _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented predication"
calculateFormula (sign,(Definedness _ _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented definedness"
calculateFormula (sign,(Existl_equation _ _ _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented existl"
calculateFormula (sign,(Strong_equation term1 term2 _)) varass t symbs =
let t1 = calculateTerm (sign,term1) varass t symbs
t2 = calculateTerm (sign,term2) varass t symbs
in if(equalElements t1 t2) then True
else False
calculateFormula (sign,(Membership _ _ _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented Membership"
calculateFormula (sign,(Unparsed_formula _ _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented unparsed"
calculateFormula (sign,(Mixfix_formula _)) _ _ _ =
error "not implemented mixfix"
calculateFormula _ _ _ _ = error "not implemented"
equalElements :: [Baserel] -> [Baserel] -> Bool
equalElements a b = (Set.fromList a == Set.fromList b)
generateVariableAssignments :: [VAR_DECL] -> Table -> [VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT]
generateVariableAssignments vardecls t = trace "appendAssignments" $ map
(gVA_ (getVars vardecls)
(getBaseRelations t))
gVA_:: [VAR] -> [Baserel] -> [[(VAR,Baserel)]]
gVA_ [] baserels = [[]]
gVA_ (v:vs) baserels = let rs = gVA_ vs baserels
fs = map (\b -> [(v,b)]) baserels
in [f ++ r | f<-fs, r<-rs]
appendAssignments :: [[(VAR,Baserel)]] -> [VAR] -> [Baserel] ->
appendAssignments _ _ [] = []
appendAssignments tuples [] _ = tuples
appendAssignments tuples (x:xs) baserels = appendAssignments
(appendAssignments_ tuples x
baserels) xs
appendAssignments_ :: [[(VAR,Baserel)]] -> VAR -> [Baserel] ->
appendAssignments_ [] var baserels = appendAssignmentSingle var baserels []
appendAssignments_ list var baserels = foldl1 (++)(map (appendAssignmentSingle
var baserels) list)
appendAssignmentSingle:: VAR -> [Baserel] -> [(VAR,Baserel)] ->
appendAssignmentSingle _ [] _ = []
appendAssignmentSingle var rels assignment = map (appendAssignmentSingle_
assignment var) rels
appendAssignmentSingle_ :: [(VAR,Baserel)] -> VAR -> Baserel ->[(VAR,Baserel)]
appendAssignmentSingle_ acc var rel = (var,rel):acc
getVars:: [VAR_DECL] -> [VAR]
getVars decls = (foldl1 (++) (map getVarsAtomic decls))
getVarsAtomic:: VAR_DECL -> [VAR]
getVarsAtomic (Var_decl vars _ _) = vars
getBaseRelations:: Table -> [Baserel]
getBaseRelations (Table (Table_Attrs _ _ br) _ _ _ _) = br
appendVariableAssignments :: VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT -> [VAR_DECL] -> Table
appendVariableAssignments vars decls t = map (\v -> (concatAssignment vars v))
(generateVariableAssignments decls t)