{- |
Module : ./CASL/CompositionTable/ModelChecker.hs
Description : checks validity of models regarding a composition table
Copyright : (c) Uni Bremen 2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
checks validity of models regarding a composition table
module CASL.CompositionTable.ModelChecker (modelCheck) where
import CASL.CompositionTable.CompositionTable
import CASL.CompositionTable.ModelTable
import CASL.CompositionTable.ModelFormula
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.ToDoc
import CASL.Logic_CASL
import Logic.Logic
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import Common.Utils
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
modelCheck :: Int -> (Sign () (), [Named (FORMULA ())])
-> Table2 -> Result ()
modelCheck c (sign, sent) t = do
let sm = Map.fromList $ extractAnnotations (annoMap sign)
mapM_ (modelCheckTest c sm sign t) sent
extractAnnotations :: MapSet.MapSet Symbol Annotation -> [(OP_SYMB, String)]
extractAnnotations m =
catMaybes [extractAnnotation (a, b) | (a, b) <- MapSet.toList m]
extractAnnotation :: (Symbol, [Annotation]) -> Maybe (OP_SYMB, String)
extractAnnotation (Symbol symbname symbtype, set) = case symbtype of
OpAsItemType _ -> Just (createOpSymb symbname symbtype, getAnno set)
_ -> Nothing
createOpSymb :: Id -> SymbType -> OP_SYMB
createOpSymb i st = case st of
OpAsItemType ty -> Qual_op_name i (toOP_TYPE ty) nullRange
_ -> error "CASL.CompositionTable.ModelChecker.createOpSymb"
getAnno :: [Annotation] -> String
getAnno as = case as of
[a] -> getAnnoAux a
_ -> "failure"
getAnnoAux :: Annotation -> String
getAnnoAux a = case a of
Unparsed_anno (Annote_word word) _ _ -> word
_ -> ""
modelCheckTest :: Int -> Map.Map OP_SYMB String -> Sign () () -> Table2
-> Named (FORMULA ()) -> Result ()
modelCheckTest c symbs sign t x = let
(n, d) = modelCheckTest1 c (sentence x) t symbs
fstr = shows (printTheoryFormula (mapNamed (simplify_sen CASL sign) x)) "\n"
in if null d
then hint () ("Formula succeeded:\n" ++ fstr) nullRange
else warning () ("Formula failed:\n" ++ fstr ++ show n
++ " counter example" ++ (if n > 1 then "s" else "")
++ ":\n" ++ intercalate "\n" d) nullRange
ifind :: Int -> IntMap.IntMap a -> a
ifind = IntMap.findWithDefault (error "CompositionTable.ifind")
modelCheckTest1 :: Int -> FORMULA () -> Table2 -> Map.Map OP_SYMB String
-> (Int, [String])
modelCheckTest1 c sen t symbs = let
vs = number $ Set.toList $ vars sen
vm = Map.fromList vs
rm = IntMap.fromList $ map (\ (a, b) -> (b, show a)) vs
nf = foldFormula (fromCASL symbs vm) sen
in case nf of
Quant quant decl f -> calculateQuantification (Just c) (`ifind` rm)
quant f t $ generateVariableAssignments decl t
_ -> if calculateFormula t IntMap.empty nf then
(0, []) else (1, ["formula as given above."])
calculateQuantification :: Maybe Int -> (Int -> String) -> QUANTIFIER -> Form
-> Table2 -> [Assignment] -> (Int, [String])
calculateQuantification mc si quant f t@(Table2 _ _ l _ _ _) vs =
let calc ass = calculateFormula t ass f
nD = showAssignments si l
in case quant of
Universal -> case mc of
Just c -> let
fall (c0, ds) ass = let
res = calc ass
nC0 = if res then c0 else c0 + 1
nDs = if res || nC0 > c then ds else nD ass : ds
in seq (seq nC0 nDs) (nC0, nDs)
in foldl' fall (0, []) vs
Nothing -> foldr (\ ass p@(_, ds) ->
if null ds then if calc ass then p else (1, [nD ass]) else p)
(0, []) vs
Existential -> if any calc vs then (0, []) else
(1, ["Existential not fulfilled"])
Unique_existential -> let
funi ass ds = case ds of
_ : _ : _ -> ds
_ | calc ass -> nD ass : ds
_ -> ds
in case foldr funi [] vs of
[] -> (1, ["Unique Existential not fulfilled"])
[_] -> (0, [])
ds -> (1, ds)
type Assignment = IntMap.IntMap Int
showAssignments :: (Int -> String) -> IntMap.IntMap Baserel -> Assignment
-> String
showAssignments si l xs =
'[' : intercalate ", " (map (showSingleAssignment si l) $ IntMap.toList xs)
++ "]"
showSingleAssignment :: (Int -> String) -> IntMap.IntMap Baserel -> (Int, Int)
-> String
showSingleAssignment si m (v, i) = si v ++ "->" ++ case ifind i m of
Baserel b -> b
calculateTerm :: Assignment -> Table2 -> Term -> BSet
calculateTerm ass t trm = case trm of
Var var -> getBaseRelForVariable var ass
Appl opSymb terms -> applyOperation opSymb terms t ass
Cond t1 fo t2 -> on (\ a b -> if calculateFormula t ass fo then a else b)
(calculateTerm ass t) t1 t2
applyOperation :: Op -> [Term] -> Table2 -> Assignment -> BSet
applyOperation ra ts table@(Table2 _ id_ _ baserels cmpentries convtbl) ass =
let err = error "CompositionTable.applyOperator"
in case ts of
ft : rt -> let r1 = calculateTerm ass table ft
in case rt of
[sd] -> case ra of
Comp -> calculateComposition cmpentries r1
Inter -> IntSet.intersection r1
Union -> IntSet.union r1
_ -> err
$ calculateTerm ass table sd
[] -> let (conv, inv, shortc, hom) = convtbl in case ra of
Compl -> IntSet.difference baserels
Conv -> calculateConverse conv
Shortcut -> calculateConverse shortc
Inv -> calculateConverse inv
Home -> calculateConverse hom
_ -> err
$ r1
_ -> err
[] -> case ra of
One -> baserels
Iden -> IntSet.singleton id_
Zero -> IntSet.empty
_ -> err
intSetFold :: (Int -> b -> b) -> b -> IntSet.IntSet -> b
intSetFold =
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
calculateComposition :: CmpTbl -> BSet -> BSet -> BSet
calculateComposition entries rels1 rels2 = intSetFold
(\ s1 t -> case ifind s1 entries of
m1 -> intSetFold
(\ s2 -> case ifind s2 m1 of
m2 -> IntSet.union m2)
t rels2)
IntSet.empty rels1
calculateConverse :: ConTable -> BSet -> BSet
calculateConverse t =
IntSet.unions . map (`ifind` t)
. IntSet.toList
getBaseRelForVariable :: Int -> Assignment -> BSet
getBaseRelForVariable var = IntSet.singleton . ifind var
calculateFormula :: Table2 -> Assignment -> Form -> Bool
calculateFormula t varass qf = case qf of
Quant q vardecls f ->
null . snd . calculateQuantification Nothing show q f t
$ appendVariableAssignments varass vardecls t
Junct j formulas -> (if j then all else any)
(calculateFormula t varass) formulas
Impl isImpl f1 f2 -> on (if isImpl then (<=) else (==))
(calculateFormula t varass) f1 f2
Neg f -> not $ calculateFormula t varass f
Const b -> b
Eq term1 term2 -> on (==) (calculateTerm varass t) term1 term2
generateVariableAssignments :: [Int] -> Table2 -> [Assignment]
generateVariableAssignments vs =
gVAs vs . IntSet.toList . getBaseRelations
gVAs :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Assignment]
gVAs vs brs = foldr (\ v rs -> [IntMap.insert v b r | b <- brs, r <- rs])
[IntMap.empty] vs
getBaseRelations :: Table2 -> BSet
getBaseRelations (Table2 _ _ _ br _ _) = br
appendVariableAssignments :: Assignment -> [Int] -> Table2 -> [Assignment]
appendVariableAssignments vm decls t =
map (`IntMap.union` vm) (generateVariableAssignments decls t)