FreeTypes.hs revision ad602cf9fc48c213018a82f87f6f92575866061e
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski{- |
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Module : $Header$
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Maintainer :
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Stability : provisional
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski Portability : portable
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski-}
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski{- todo
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski add diagnostic messages. Change result type to Result (Maybe Bool) (see Common/Result.hs,
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski function warning, extract pos from FORMULA or TERM, take the head of the list [pos]).
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski i.e. instead of Just False, return
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski warning (Just False) "sort s is not inhabited" pos
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski similarly for Nothing
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski instead of Just True, take
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski return (Just True)
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski extend function checkFreeType by
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski for each axiom, let f be the function/predicate application of the
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski leading symbol on the left hand-side (lhs), and f(t_1,...,t_n) the lhs.
601dc92e4c128d23a726593357c654fb776a63a7Till Mossakowski Check that in the right hand-side, each occurence of f is applied
601dc92e4c128d23a726593357c654fb776a63a7Till Mossakowski only to subterms of f(t_1,...,t_n).
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski for example, f(Cons(x,y)) = f(y)
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski-}
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskimodule CASL.CCC.FreeTypes where
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport Debug.Trace
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport CASL.Sign -- Sign, OpType
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport CASL.Morphism
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL -- FORMULA, OP_{NAME,SYMB}, TERM, SORT, VAR
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport CASL.CCC.SignFuns
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport Common.AS_Annotation
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport Common.PrettyPrint
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Lib.Pretty
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowskiimport Common.Result
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski{-
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski function checkFreeType:
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism), if not, return Nothing
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - the leading terms consist of variables and constructors only, if not, return Nothing
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - split function leading_Symb into
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski leading_Term_Predication :: FORMULA f -> Maybe(Either Term (Formula f))
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski and
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski extract_leading_symb :: Either Term (Formula f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - collect all operation symbols from recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs (= constructors)
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - no variable occurs twice in a leading term, if not, return Nothing
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return Nothing This means:
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski in each group of the grouped axioms:
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski all patterns of leading terms/formulas are disjoint
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski this means: either leading symbol is a variable, and there is just one axiom
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski otherwise, group axioms according to leading symbol
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski no symbol may be a variable
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski check recursively the arguments of constructor in each group
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski - return (Just True)
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski-}
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill MossakowskicheckFreeType :: (PrettyPrint f, Eq f) => Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski -> Result (Maybe Bool)
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill MossakowskicheckFreeType m fsn = return $ checkFreeType1 m fsn
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill MossakowskicheckFreeType1 :: (PrettyPrint f, Eq f) => Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Maybe Bool
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill MossakowskicheckFreeType1 m fsn
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski | Set.any (\s->not $ elem s srts) newSorts = Nothing
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski | Set.any (\s->not $ elem s f_Inhabited) newSorts = Just False
047de69319a752b9c467166b1264f9e121459e2dTill Mossakowski | elem Nothing l_Syms = Nothing
| any id $ map find_ot id_ots ++ map find_pt id_pts = Nothing
| not $ and $ map checkTerm leadingTerms = Nothing
| not $ and $ map checkVar leadingTerms = Nothing
| not $ checkPatterns leadingPatterns = Nothing
| otherwise = Just True
where fs1 = map sentence (filter is_user_or_sort_gen fsn)
fs = trace (showPretty fs1 "Axiom") fs1 -- Axiom
is_user_or_sort_gen ax = take 12 name == "ga_generated" || take 3 name /= "ga_"
where name = senName ax
sig = imageOfMorphism m
oldSorts1 = sortSet sig
oldSorts = trace (showPretty oldSorts1 "old sorts") oldSorts1 -- old sorts
allSorts1 = sortSet $ mtarget m
allSorts = trace (showPretty allSorts1 "all sorts") allSorts1
newSorts1 = Set.filter (\s-> not $ Set.member s oldSorts) allSorts
newSorts = trace (showPretty newSorts1 "new sorts") newSorts1
oldOpMap = opMap sig
oldPredMap = predMap sig
-- sorts1 = Set.toList $ sortSet sig
-- sorts = trace (showPretty sorts1 "old sorts") sorts1 -- "old" sorts
-- newSorts2 = Set.toList $ sortSet (mtarget m)
-- newSorts1 = filter (\s->not $ elem s sorts) newSorts2
-- newSorts = trace (showPretty newSorts1 "new sorts") newSorts1 -- "new" sorts
fconstrs = concat $ map fc fs
-- fconstrs = trace (showPretty fconstrs1 "fconstrs") fconstrs1
fc f = case f of
Sort_gen_ax constrs True -> constrs
(srts1,constructors1,_) = recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
srts = trace (showPretty srts1 "srts") srts1 -- srts
constructors = trace (showPretty constructors1 "constructors") constructors1 -- constructors
f_Inhabited1 = inhabited (Set.toList oldSorts) fconstrs
f_Inhabited = trace (showPretty f_Inhabited1 "f_inhabited" ) f_Inhabited1 -- f_inhabited
op_preds1 = filter (\f->case f of
Quantification Universal _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) fs
op_preds = trace (showPretty op_preds1 "leading") op_preds1 -- leading
l_Syms1 = map leadingSym op_preds
l_Syms = trace (showPretty l_Syms1 "leading_Symbol") l_Syms1 -- leading_Symbol
filterOp symb = case symb of
Just (Left (Qual_op_name ident (Total_op_type as rs _) _))->
[(ident, OpType {opKind=Total, opArgs=as, opRes=rs})]
Just (Left (Qual_op_name ident (Partial_op_type as rs _) _))->
[(ident, OpType {opKind=Partial, opArgs=as, opRes=rs})]
_ -> []
filterPred symb = case symb of
Just (Right (Qual_pred_name ident (Pred_type s _) _))->
[(ident, PredType {predArgs=s})]
_ -> []
id_ots = concat $ map filterOp $ l_Syms
id_pts = concat $ map filterPred $ l_Syms
find_ot (ident,ot) = case Map.lookup ident oldOpMap of
Nothing -> False
Just ots -> Set.member ot ots
find_pt (ident,pt) = case Map.lookup ident oldPredMap of
Nothing -> False
Just pts -> Set.member pt pts
ltp1 = map leading_Term_Predication op_preds
ltp = trace (showPretty ltp1 "leading_term_pre") ltp1 -- leading_term_pre
leadingTerms1 = concat $ map (\tp->case tp of
Just (Left t)->[t]
_ -> []) $ ltp
leadingTerms = trace (showPretty leadingTerms1 "leading Term") leadingTerms1 -- leading Term
checkTerm (Application _ ts _) = all id $ map (\t-> case (term t) of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
Application op' _ _ -> elem op' constructors &&
checkTerm (term t)
_ -> False) ts
checkVar (Application _ ts _) = overlap $ concat $ map allVarOfTerm ts
allVarOfTerm t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> allVarOfTerm t'
Application _ ts _ -> if length ts==0 then []
else concat $ map allVarOfTerm ts
_ -> []
leadingPatterns1 = map (\l-> case l of
Just (Left (Application _ ts _))->ts
Just (Right (Predication _ ts _))->ts
_ ->[]) $
map leading_Term_Predication op_preds
leadingPatterns = trace (showPretty leadingPatterns1 "leading Pattern") leadingPatterns1 --leading Patterns
isNil t = case t of
Application _ ts _-> if length ts==0 then True
else False
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isNil t'
_ -> False
isCons t = case t of
Application _ ts _-> if length ts>0 then True
else False
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isCons t'
_ -> False
isApp t = case t of
Application _ _ _->True
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isApp t'
_ -> False
isVar t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ ->True
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isVar t'
_ -> False
allIdentic ts = all (\t-> t== (head ts)) ts
overlap ts = let check [] = True
check (p:ps)=if elem p ps then False
else check ps
in check ts
patternsOfTerm t = case t of
Application (Qual_op_name _ _ _) ts _-> ts
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t'
_ -> []
sameOps app1 app2 = case (term app1) of
Application ops1 _ _ -> case (term app2) of
Application ops2 _ _ -> ops1==ops2
_ -> False
_ -> False
group [] = []
group ps = (filter (\p1-> sameOps (head p1) (head (head ps))) ps):
(group $ filter (\p2-> not $ sameOps (head p2) (head (head ps))) ps)
checkMatrix ps
| length ps <=1 = True
| allIdentic ps = False
| all isVar $ map head ps = if allIdentic $ map head ps then checkMatrix $ map tail ps
else False
| all (\p-> sameOps p (head (head ps))) $ map head ps =
checkMatrix $ map (\p'->(patternsOfTerm $ head p')++(tail p')) ps
| all isApp $ map head ps = all id $ map checkMatrix $ group ps
-- | all isApp $ map head ps = (checkMatrix $ map tail $ filter (\p->isNil $ head p) ps) &&
-- (checkMatrix $ map (\p'->(patternsOfTerm $ head p')++(tail p')) $
-- filter (\p->isCons $ head p) ps)
-- | all isVar $ map head ps = if allIdentic $ map head ps then checkMatrix $ map tail ps
-- else False
| otherwise = False
checkPatterns [] = True
checkPatterns ps
| (length ps) == 1 = overlap $ filter (\t->case (term t) of
Qual_var _ _ _ ->True
_ -> False) $ head ps
| otherwise = checkMatrix ps
term t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->term t'
_ -> t
leadingSym :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSym f = do
tp<-leading_Term_Predication f
return (extract_leading_symb tp)
leadingSymb :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSymb f = leading (f,False,False)
where leading (f,b1,b2)= case (f,b1,b2) of
((Quantification Universal _ f' _),b1',b2') -> leading (f',b1',b2')
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False) -> leading (f',True,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),b,False) -> leading (f',b,True)
((Predication predS _ _),_,_) -> return (Right predS)
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,_) -> case (term t) of
Application opS _ _ -> return (Left opS)
_ -> Nothing
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,_) -> case (term t) of
Application opS _ _ -> return (Left opS)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
term t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->term t'
_ -> t
leading_Term_Predication :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f))
leading_Term_Predication f = leading (f,False,False)
where leading (f,b1,b2)= case (f,b1,b2) of
((Quantification Universal _ f' _),_,_) -> leading (f',b1,b2)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False) -> leading (f',True,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),b,False) -> leading (f',b,True)
((Predication p ts ps),_,_) -> return (Right (Predication p ts ps))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,_) -> case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,_) -> case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
term t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->term t'
_ -> t
extract_leading_symb :: Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
extract_leading_symb lead = case lead of
Left (Application os _ _) -> Left os
Right (Predication p _ _) -> Right p
{- group the axioms according to their leading symbol
output Nothing if there is some axiom in incorrect form -}
groupAxioms :: [FORMULA f] -> Maybe [(Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB,[FORMULA f])]
groupAxioms phis = do
symbs <- mapM leadingSym phis
return (filterA (zip symbs phis) [])
where filterA [] _=[]
filterA (p:ps) symb=let fp=fst p
p'= if elem fp symb then []
else [(fp,snd $ unzip $ filter (\p'->(fst p')==fp) (p:ps))]
symb'= if not $ (elem fp symb) then fp:symb
else symb
in p'++(filterA ps symb')
instance (PrettyPrint a, PrettyPrint b) => PrettyPrint (Either a b) where
printText0 ga (Left x) = printText0 ga x
printText0 ga (Right x) = printText0 ga x
instance PrettyPrint a => PrettyPrint (Maybe a) where
printText0 ga (Just x) = printText0 ga x
printText0 ga Nothing = ptext "Nothing"