FreeTypes.hs revision a59baad5cc2701cc8f2947b7a61eea117db8e423
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : consistency checking of free types
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Consistency checking of free types
module CASL.CCC.FreeTypes (checkFreeType) where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Simplify
import CASL.SimplifySen
import CASL.CCC.TermFormula
import CASL.CCC.TerminationProof (terminationProof)
import CASL.Overload (leqF, leqP)
import CASL.ToDoc
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Consistency (Conservativity (..))
import Common.DocUtils (showDoc)
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (nubOrd, number)
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | check values of constructors (free types have only total ones)
inhabited sorts cons = iterateInhabited sorts where
argsRes = foldr (\ os -> case os of
Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Total args res _) _ -> ((args, res) :)
_ -> id) [] cons
iterateInhabited l =
if changed then iterateInhabited newL else newL where
(newL, changed) = foldr (\ (ags, rs) p@(l', _) ->
if all (`Set.member` l') ags && not (Set.member rs l')
then (Set.insert rs l', True) else p) (l, False) argsRes
-- | just filter out the axioms generated for free types
isUserOrSortGen :: Named (FORMULA f) -> Bool
isUserOrSortGen ax = case stripPrefix "ga_" $ senAttr ax of
Nothing -> True
Just rname -> all (not . (`isPrefixOf` rname))
["disjoint_", "injective_", "selector_"]
getFs :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getFs = map sentence . filter isUserOrSortGen
getExAxioms :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getExAxioms = filter isExQuanti . getFs
getAxioms :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getAxioms =
filter (\ f -> not $ isSortGen f || isMembership f || isExQuanti f) . getFs
getInfoSubsort :: Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getInfoSubsort m = concatMap (infoSubsort esorts) . filter isMembership . getFs
where esorts = Set.toList . emptySortSet $ mtarget m
getAxGroup :: GetRange f => Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [[FORMULA f]]
getAxGroup sig = groupAxioms sig . filter (not . isDomain) . getAxioms
-- | get the constraints from sort generation axioms
constraintOfAxiom :: [FORMULA f] -> [[Constraint]]
constraintOfAxiom = foldr (\ f -> case f of
Sort_gen_ax constrs _ -> (constrs :)
_ -> id) []
recoverSortsAndConstructors :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> (Set.Set SORT, [OP_SYMB])
recoverSortsAndConstructors osens fsn = let
(srts, cons, _) = unzip3 . map recover_Sort_gen_ax
. constraintOfAxiom . getFs $ osens ++ fsn
in (Set.unions $ map Set.fromList srts, nubOrd $ concat cons)
-- check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return proof obligation.
getOverlapQuery :: (Ord f, GetRange f) => Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> [FORMULA f]
getOverlapQuery sig fsn = overlap_query where
axPairs = concatMap pairs $ getAxGroup sig fsn
olPairs = filter (\ (a, b) -> checkPatterns sig
(patternsOfAxiom a, patternsOfAxiom b)) axPairs
subst (f1, f2) = ((f1, reverse sb1), (f2, reverse sb2))
where (sb1, sb2) = st ((patternsOfAxiom f1, []),
(patternsOfAxiom f2, []))
st ((pa1, s1), (pa2, s2)) = case (pa1, pa2) of
(hd1 : tl1, hd2 : tl2)
| hd1 == hd2 -> st ((tl1, s1), (tl2, s2))
| isVar hd1 -> st ((tl1, (hd2, hd1) : s1), (tl2, s2))
| isVar hd2 -> st ((tl1, s1), (tl2, (hd1, hd2) : s2))
| otherwise -> st ((patternsOfTerm hd1 ++ tl1, s1),
(patternsOfTerm hd2 ++ tl2, s2))
_ -> (s1, s2)
quant f = mkForall (varDeclOfF f) f
overlap_query = map (quant . simplifyFormula id . overlapQuery . subst)
check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return it as proof obligation
getDefsForOld :: GetRange f => Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> [FORMULA f]
getDefsForOld m fsn = let
sig = imageOfMorphism m
oldOpMap = opMap sig
oldPredMap = predMap sig
axioms = getAxioms fsn
in foldr (\ f -> case leadingSym f of
Just (Left (Qual_op_name ident ot _))
| MapSet.member ident (toOpType ot) oldOpMap -> (f :)
Just (Right (Qual_pred_name ident pt _))
| MapSet.member ident (toPredType pt) oldPredMap -> (f :)
_ -> id) [] axioms
{- | newly introduced sorts
(the input signature is the domain of the inclusion morphism) -}
getNSorts :: Sign f e -> Morphism f e m -> Set.Set SORT
getNSorts osig m = on Set.difference sortSet (mtarget m) osig
-- | all only generated sorts
getNotFreeSorts nSorts fsn = Set.intersection nSorts
$ Set.difference (getGenSorts fsn) freeSorts where
freeSorts = foldr (\ f -> case sentence f of
Sort_gen_ax csts True -> Set.union . Set.fromList $ map newSort csts
_ -> id) Set.empty fsn
getGenSorts :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Set.Set SORT
getGenSorts = fst . recoverSortsAndConstructors []
-- | non-inhabited non-empty sorts
getNefsorts :: (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
getNefsorts (osig, osens) m nSorts fsn =
Set.difference fsorts $ inhabited oldSorts cons where
oldSorts = sortSet osig
esorts = emptySortSet $ mtarget m
(srts, cons) = recoverSortsAndConstructors osens fsn
fsorts = Set.difference (Set.intersection nSorts srts) esorts
getDataStatus :: GetRange f
=> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Conservativity
getDataStatus (osig, osens) m fsn = dataStatus where
tsig = mtarget m
subs = Rel.keysSet . Rel.rmNullSets $ sortRel tsig
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
gens = Set.intersection nSorts . fst
$ recoverSortsAndConstructors osens fsn
| Set.null nSorts = Def
= Cons
| otherwise = Mono
getOpsPredsAndExAxioms :: GetRange f
=> Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getOpsPredsAndExAxioms m fsn = getDefsForOld m fsn ++ getExAxioms fsn
getConStatus :: (GetRange f, Ord f)
=> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Conservativity
getConStatus oTh m fsn = min dataStatus defStatus where
dataStatus = getDataStatus oTh m fsn
defStatus = if null $ getOpsPredsAndExAxioms m fsn
++ getOverlapQuery (mtarget m) fsn
then Def else Cons
getObligations :: (GetRange f, Ord f)
=> Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [FORMULA f]
getObligations m fsn = getOpsPredsAndExAxioms m fsn
++ getInfoSubsort m fsn ++ getOverlapQuery (mtarget m) fsn
-- | check whether it is the domain of a partial function
isDomain :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isDomain f = case quanti f of
Relation (Definedness _ _) Equivalence f' _ -> not (containDef f')
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isDomainDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isDomainDef = isJust . domainDef
domainDef :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (TERM f, FORMULA f)
domainDef f = case quanti f of
Relation (Definedness t _) Equivalence f' _ -> Just (t, f')
_ -> Nothing
-- | extract the domain-list of partial functions
domainList :: [FORMULA f] -> [(TERM f, FORMULA f)]
domainList = mapMaybe domainDef
-- | check whether it contains a definedness formula in correct form
correctDef :: FORMULA f -> Bool
correctDef f = case quanti f of
Relation _ c (Definedness _ _) _ | c /= Equivalence -> False
Relation (Definedness _ _) c _ _ | c /= Equivalence -> True
Relation (Definedness _ _) Equivalence f' _ -> not (containDef f')
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ -> True
Definedness _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- check the definitional form of the partial axioms
checkDefinitional :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f)
=> Sign f e -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkDefinitional tsig fsn = let
formatAxiom = flip showDoc "" . simplifyCASLSen tsig
(noLSyms, withLSyms) = partition (isNothing . fst . snd)
$ map (\ a -> (a, leadingSymPos a)) $ getAxioms fsn
partialLSyms = foldr (\ (a, (ma, _)) -> case ma of
Just (Left (Application t@(Qual_op_name _ (Op_type k _ _ _) _) _ _))
| k == Partial -> ((a, t) :)
_ -> id) [] withLSyms
(domainDefs, otherPartials) = partition (isDomainDef . fst) partialLSyms
(withDefs, withOutDefs) = partition (containDef . fst) otherPartials
wrongDefs = filter (not . correctDef . fst) withDefs
grDomainDefs = groupBy (on (==) snd) $ sortBy (on compare snd) domainDefs
multDomainDefs = filter (\ l -> case l of
[_] -> False
_ -> True) grDomainDefs
defOpSymbs = Set.fromList $ map (snd . head) grDomainDefs
wrongWithoutDefs = filter ((`Set.notMember` defOpSymbs) . snd)
ds = map (\ (a, (_, pos)) -> Diag
Warning ("missing leading symbol in:\n" ++ formatAxiom a) pos) noLSyms
++ map (\ (a, t) -> Diag
Warning ("definedness is not definitional:\n" ++ formatAxiom a)
$ getRange t) wrongDefs
++ map (\ l@((_, t) : _) -> Diag Warning (unlines $
("multiple definedness definitions for: " ++ showDoc t "")
: map (formatAxiom . fst) l) $ getRange t) multDomainDefs
++ map (\ (a, t) -> Diag
Warning ("missing definedness condition for partial '"
++ showDoc t "' in\n" ++ formatAxiom a)
$ getRange t) wrongWithoutDefs
in if null ds then Nothing else Just $ Result ds Nothing
call the symbols in the image of the signature morphism "new"
- each new sort must be a free type,
i.e. it must occur in a sort generation constraint that is marked as free
(Sort_gen_ax constrs True)
such that the sort is in srts,
where (srts,ops,_)=recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
if not, output "don't know"
and there must be one term of that sort (inhabited)
if not, output "no"
- group the axioms according to their leading operation/predicate symbol,
i.e. the f resp. the p in
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi => f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
Implication Application Strong_equation
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi1 => p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
Implication Predication Equivalence
if there are axioms not being of this form, output "don't know"
checkSort :: (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkSort oTh@(osig, _) m fsn
| null fsn && Set.null nSorts = Just $ return (Just (Cons, []))
| not $ Set.null notFreeSorts = mkWarn "some types are not freely generated"
notFreeSorts Nothing
| not $ Set.null nefsorts = mkWarn "some sorts are not inhabited"
nefsorts $ Just (Inconsistent, [])
| not $ Set.null genNotNew = mkWarn "some free types are not new"
genNotNew Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
notFreeSorts = getNotFreeSorts nSorts fsn
nefsorts = getNefsorts oTh m nSorts fsn
genNotNew = Set.difference (getGenSorts fsn) nSorts
mkWarn s i r = Just $ Result [mkDiag Warning s i] $ Just r
checkLeadingTerms :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f, Ord f)
=> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkLeadingTerms osens m fsn = let
tsig = mtarget m
constructors = snd $ recoverSortsAndConstructors osens fsn
ltp = mapMaybe leadingTermPredication $ getAxioms fsn
formatTerm = flip showDoc "" . simplifyCASLTerm tsig
args = foldr (\ ei -> case ei of
Left (Application os ts qs) ->
((qs, "term for " ++ show (opSymbName os), ts) :)
Right (Predication ps ts qs) ->
((qs, "predicate " ++ show (predSymbName ps), ts) :)
_ -> id) [] ltp
ds = foldr (\ (qs, d, ts) l ->
let vs = concatMap varOfTerm ts
dupVs = vs \\ Set.toList (Set.fromList vs)
nonCs = checkTerms tsig constructors ts
td = " in leading " ++ d ++ ": "
in map (\ v -> Diag Warning
("duplicate variable" ++ td ++ formatTerm v) qs) dupVs
++ map (\ t -> Diag Warning
("non-constructor" ++ td ++ formatTerm t)
qs) nonCs
++ l) [] args
in if null ds then Nothing else Just $ Result ds Nothing
-- check the sufficient completeness
checkIncomplete :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f, Ord f)
=> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkIncomplete osens m fsn = case getNotComplete osens m fsn of
[] -> Nothing
incomplete -> let obligations = getObligations m fsn in Just $ Result
(map (\ (ds, fs@(hd : _)) -> let
(lSym, pos) = leadingSymPos hd
sname = case fmap extractLeadingSymb lSym of
Just (Left opS) -> opSymbName opS
Just (Right pS) -> predSymbName pS
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Symb_Name>"
in Diag Warning (intercalate "\n" $
("the definition of " ++ show sname ++ " is not complete")
: "the defining formula group is:"
: map (\ (f, n) -> " " ++ shows n ". "
++ showDoc (simplifyCASLSen (mtarget m) f) "") (number fs)
++ map diagString ds) pos)
incomplete) $ Just $ Just (Cons, obligations)
checkTerminal :: (FormExtension f, GetRange f, Ord f)
=> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> IO (Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f]))))
checkTerminal oTh m fsn = do
let fs = getFs fsn
fs_terminalProof = filter (\ f ->
not $ isSortGen f || isMembership f || isExQuanti f || isDomain f
) fs
domains = domainList fs
obligations = getObligations m fsn
conStatus = getConStatus oTh m fsn
res = if null obligations then Nothing else
Just $ return (Just (conStatus, obligations))
(proof, str) <- terminationProof (mtarget m) fs_terminalProof domains
return $ case proof of
Just True -> res
_ -> Just $ warning (Just (Cons, obligations))
(if isJust proof then "not terminating"
else "cannot prove termination: " ++ str) nullRange
checkPositive :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkPositive osens fsn =
if all checkPos $ map sentence $ osens ++ fsn
then Just $ return (Just (Cons, []))
else Nothing where
checkPos f = case quanti f of
Junction _ cs _ -> all checkPos cs
Relation i1 c i2 _ -> let
c1 = checkPos i1
c2 = checkPos i2
in if c == Equivalence then c1 == c2 else c1 <= c2
Negation n _ -> not $ checkPos n
Atom b _ -> b
Predication {} -> True
Definedness {} -> True
Equation {} -> True
Sort_gen_ax {} -> True -- ignore
_ -> False
{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function checkFreeType:
- check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return them as obligations
- generated datatype is free
- if new sort is not etype or esort, it can not be empty.
- the leading terms consist of variables and constructors only,
if not, return Nothing
- split function leading_Symb into
- collect all operation symbols from recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
(= constructors)
- no variable occurs twice in a leading term, if not, return Nothing
- check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return obligations
This means:
in each group of the grouped axioms:
all patterns of leading terms/formulas are disjoint
this means: either leading symbol is a variable,
and there is just one axiom
otherwise, group axioms according to leading symbol
no symbol may be a variable
check recursively the arguments of
constructor in each group
- sufficient completeness
- termination proof
free datatypes and recursive equations are consistent -}
checkFreeType :: (FormExtension f, TermExtension f, Ord f)
=> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> IO (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA f])))
checkFreeType oTh@(_, osens) m axs = do
ms <- mapM ($ axs)
[ return . checkDefinitional (mtarget m)
, return . checkSort oTh m
, return . checkLeadingTerms osens m
, return . checkIncomplete osens m
, checkTerminal oTh m
, return . checkPositive osens]
return $ case catMaybes ms of
[] -> return $ Just (getConStatus oTh m axs, [])
a : _ -> a
{- | group the axioms according to their leading symbol,
output Nothing if there is some axiom in incorrect form -}
groupAxioms :: GetRange f => Sign f e -> [FORMULA f] -> [[FORMULA f]]
groupAxioms sig phis = map (map snd)
$ Rel.partList (\ (e1, _) (e2, _) -> case (e1, e2) of
(Left (Qual_op_name o1 t1 _), Left (Qual_op_name o2 t2 _)) ->
o1 == o2 && on (leqF sig) toOpType t1 t2
(Right (Qual_pred_name p1 t1 _), Right (Qual_pred_name p2 t2 _)) ->
p1 == p2 && on (leqP sig) toPredType t1 t2
_ -> False)
$ foldr (\ f -> case leadingSym f of
Just ei -> ((ei, f) :)
Nothing -> id) [] phis
-- | return the non-constructor terms of arguments of a leading term
checkTerms :: Sign f e -> [OP_SYMB] -> [TERM f] -> [TERM f]
checkTerms sig cons = concatMap checkT
where checkT t = case unsortedTerm t of
Qual_var {} -> []
Application subop subts _ ->
if isCons sig cons subop then concatMap checkT subts else [t]
_ -> [t]
{- | check whether the operation symbol is a constructor
(or a related overloaded variant). -}
isCons :: Sign f e -> [OP_SYMB] -> OP_SYMB -> Bool
isCons s cons os = any (is_Cons os) cons
where is_Cons (Qual_op_name on1 ot1 _) (Qual_op_name on2 ot2 _) =
on1 == on2 && on (leqF s) toOpType ot1 ot2
is_Cons _ _ = False
-- | create all possible pairs from a list
pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairs ps = case ps of
hd : tl@(_ : _) -> map (\ x -> (hd, x)) tl ++ pairs tl
_ -> []
-- | get the patterns of a term
patternsOfTerm :: TERM f -> [TERM f]
patternsOfTerm t = case unsortedTerm t of
Qual_var {} -> [t]
Application (Qual_op_name {}) ts _ -> ts
_ -> []
-- | get the patterns of a axiom
patternsOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [TERM f]
patternsOfAxiom f = case quanti f of
Negation f' _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Relation _ c f' _ | c /= Equivalence -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Relation f' Equivalence _ _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Predication _ ts _ -> ts
Equation t _ _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t
Definedness t _ -> patternsOfTerm t
_ -> []
-- | check whether two patterns are overlapped
checkPatterns :: Eq f => Sign f e -> ([TERM f], [TERM f]) -> Bool
checkPatterns sig (ps1, ps2) = case (ps1, ps2) of
(hd1 : tl1, hd2 : tl2) ->
if isVar hd1 || isVar hd2 then checkPatterns sig (tl1, tl2)
else sameOpsApp sig hd1 hd2 && checkPatterns sig
(patternsOfTerm hd1 ++ tl1, patternsOfTerm hd2 ++ tl2)
_ -> True
{- | get the axiom from left hand side of a implication,
if there is no implication, then return atomic formula true -}
conditionAxiom :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
conditionAxiom f = case quanti f of
Relation f' c _ _ | c /= Equivalence -> f'
_ -> trueForm
{- | get the axiom from right hand side of a equivalence,
if there is no equivalence, then return atomic formula true -}
resultAxiom :: FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
resultAxiom f = case quanti f of
Relation _ c f' _ | c /= Equivalence -> resultAxiom f'
Relation _ Equivalence f' _ -> f'
_ -> trueForm
{- | get the term from right hand side of a equation in a formula,
if there is no equation, then return a simple id -}
resultTerm :: FORMULA f -> TERM f
resultTerm f = case quanti f of
Relation _ c f' _ | c /= Equivalence -> resultTerm f'
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ ->
varOrConst (mkSimpleId "undefined")
Equation _ _ t _ -> t
_ -> varOrConst (mkSimpleId "unknown")
-- | create the proof obligation for a pair of overlapped formulas
overlapQuery :: (GetRange f, Eq f)
=> ((FORMULA f, [(TERM f, TERM f)]), (FORMULA f, [(TERM f, TERM f)]))
overlapQuery ((a1, s1), (a2, s2)) =
case leadingSym a1 of
Just (Left _)
| containNeg a1 && not (containNeg a2) ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(mkNeg (Definedness resT2 nullRange))
| containNeg a2 && not (containNeg a1) ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(mkNeg (Definedness resT1 nullRange))
| containNeg a1 && containNeg a2 -> trueForm
| otherwise ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(mkStEq resT1 resT2)
Just (Right _)
| containNeg a1 && not (containNeg a2) ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(mkNeg resA2)
| containNeg a2 && not (containNeg a1) ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(mkNeg resA1)
| containNeg a1 && containNeg a2 -> trueForm
| otherwise ->
mkImpl (conjunct [con1, con2])
(conjunct [resA1, resA2])
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<overlapQuery>"
where [c1, c2] = map conditionAxiom [a1, a2]
[t1, t2] = map resultTerm [a1, a2]
[r1, r2] = map resultAxiom [a1, a2]
con1 = substiF s1 c1
con2 = substiF s2 c2
resT1 = substitute s1 t1
resT2 = substitute s2 t2
resA1 = substiF s1 r1
resA2 = substiF s2 r2
getNotComplete :: (GetRange f, TermExtension f) => [Named (FORMULA f)]
-> Morphism f e m -> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> [([Diagnosis], [FORMULA f])]
getNotComplete osens m fsn =
let constructors = snd $ recoverSortsAndConstructors osens fsn
consMap = foldr (\ (Qual_op_name o ot _) ->
MapSet.insert (res_OP_TYPE ot) (o, ot)) MapSet.empty constructors
consMap2 = foldr (\ (Qual_op_name o ot _) ->
MapSet.insert o ot) MapSet.empty constructors
sig = mtarget m
filter (not . null . fst)
$ map (\ g -> (diags . completePatterns sig consMap consMap2
$ map patternsOfAxiom g, g)) $ getAxGroup sig fsn
-- | check whether the patterns of a function or predicate are complete
completePatterns :: TermExtension f => Sign f e
-> MapSet.MapSet SORT (OP_NAME, OP_TYPE)
-> MapSet.MapSet OP_NAME OP_TYPE -> [[TERM f]] -> Result ()
completePatterns tsig consMap consMap2 pas
| all null pas = return ()
| any null pas = fail "wrongly grouped leading terms"
| otherwise = let
pa_group allCons ps = let
p_g p = map (\ (h : t) ->
if isVar h
then replicate (maximum $ map
(length . arguOfTerm . head) p) h ++ t
else arguOfTerm h ++ t) p
in map (p_g
. \ (c, ct) -> filter (\ (h : _) -> case unsortedTerm h of
Application (Qual_op_name o ot _) _ _ ->
c == o && on (leqF tsig) toOpType ct ot
_ -> True) ps)
$ Set.toList allCons
(hds, tls) = unzip $ map (\ (hd : tl) -> (hd, tl)) pas
consAppls@(_ : _) = mapMaybe (\ t -> case unsortedTerm t of
Application (Qual_op_name o ot _) _ _ ->
Just (o, Set.filter (on (leqF tsig) toOpType ot)
$ MapSet.lookup o consMap2)
_ -> Nothing) hds
consSrt = foldr1 Set.intersection $ map ( res_OP_TYPE . snd)
in if all isVar hds then completePatterns tsig consMap consMap2 tls
case Set.toList consSrt of
[] -> fail $
"no common result type for constructors found: "
++ showDoc consAppls ""
cSrt : _ -> do
let allCons = MapSet.lookup cSrt consMap
conpats = Set.fromList
$ concatMap (\ (o, cs)
-> map (\ s -> (o, s)) $ Set.toList cs)
missCons =
(\ (o, ot) -> idToOpSymbol o $ toOpType ot)
$ Set.difference allCons conpats
when (Set.null allCons) . fail
$ "no constructors for result type found: " ++ show cSrt
unless (Set.null missCons) . justWarn ()
$ "missing pattern(s) for: " ++ showDoc missCons ""
mapM_ (completePatterns tsig consMap consMap2)
(pa_group allCons pas)