FreeTypes.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
"free datatypes and recursive equations are consistent"
checkFreeType :: (PrettyPrint f, Eq f) =>
(Sign f e,[Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Result (Maybe Bool)
Just (Just True) => Yes, is consistent
Just (Just False) => No, is inconsistent
Just Nothing => don't know
{- todo
Improve warnings: sort s should output the actual sort
more informative messages
Document the code
Check CASL-lib/Basic/Numbers.casl
module CASL.CCC.FreeTypes where
import Debug.Trace
import CASL.Sign -- Sign, OpType
import CASL.Morphism
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
-- import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import CASL.CCC.SignFuns
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
-- import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
-- import Isabelle.IsaProve
import ChildProcess
import Foreign
function checkFreeType:
- check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return Nothing
- the leading terms consist of variables and constructors only,
if not, return Nothing
- split function leading_Symb into
- collect all operation symbols from recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
(= constructors)
- no variable occurs twice in a leading term, if not, return Nothing
- check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return Nothing This means:
in each group of the grouped axioms:
all patterns of leading terms/formulas are disjoint
this means: either leading symbol is a variable,
and there is just one axiom
otherwise, group axioms according to leading symbol
no symbol may be a variable
check recursively the arguments of
constructor in each group
- return (Just True)
checkFreeType :: (PosItem f, PrettyPrint f, Eq f) =>
(Sign f e,[Named (FORMULA f)]) -> Morphism f e m
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Result (Maybe Bool)
checkFreeType (osig,osens) m fsn
| any (\s->not $ elem s srts) newL =
let (Id ts _ pos) = head $ filter (\s->not $ elem s srts) newL
sname = concat $ map tokStr ts
in warning Nothing (sname ++ " is not freely generated") pos
| any (\s->not $ elem s f_Inhabited) newL =
let (Id ts _ pos) = head $ filter (\s->not $ elem s f_Inhabited) newL
sname = concat $ map tokStr ts
in warning (Just False) (sname ++ " is not inhabited") pos
| elem Nothing l_Syms =
let pos = snd $ head $ filter (\f'-> (fst f') == Nothing) $
map leadingSymPos _axioms
in warning Nothing "axiom is not definitional" pos
| not $ null $ p_t_axioms ++ pcheck =
let pos = posOf (p_t_axioms ++ pcheck)
in warning Nothing "partial axiom is not definitional" pos
| any id $ map find_ot id_ots =
let pos = old_op_ps
in warning Nothing ("Op: " ++ old_op_id ++ " ist not new") pos
| any id $ map find_pt id_pts =
let pos = old_pred_ps
in warning Nothing ("Pedication: " ++ old_pred_id ++ " ist not new")pos
| not $ and $ map checkTerm leadingTerms =
let (Application os _ pos) =
head $ filter (\t->not $ checkTerm t) leadingTerms
in warning Nothing ("a leading term of " ++ (opSymStr os) ++
" consist of not only variables and constructors") pos
| not $ and $ map checkVar leadingTerms =
let (Application os _ pos) =
head $ filter (\t->not $ checkVar t) leadingTerms
in warning Nothing ("a variable occurs twice in a leading term of " ++
opSymStr os) pos
| not $ and $ map checkPatterns leadingPatterns =
let (symb, pos) = pattern_Pos leadingSymPatterns
in warning Nothing ("patterns overlap in " ++ symb) pos
| (not $ null (axioms ++ old_axioms)) && (not $ proof) =
warning Nothing "not terminating" []
| otherwise = return (Just True)
call the symbols in the image of the signature morphism "new"
- each new sort must be a free type,
i.e. it must occur in a sort generation constraint that is marked as free
(Sort_gen_ax constrs True)
such that the sort is in srts,
where (srts,ops,_)=recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
if not, output "don't know"
and there must be one term of that sort (inhabited)
if not, output "no"
- group the axioms according to their leading operation/predicate symbol,
i.e. the f resp. the p in
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi => f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
Implication Application Strong_equation
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi1 => p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
Implication Predication Equivalence
if there are axioms not being of this form, output "don't know"
fs1 = map sentence (filter is_user_or_sort_gen fsn)
fs = trace (showPretty fs1 "new formulars") fs1 -- new formulars
is_user_or_sort_gen ax = take 12 name == "ga_generated" ||
take 3 name /= "ga_"
where name = senName ax
sig = imageOfMorphism m
oldSorts1 = Set.union (sortSet sig) (sortSet osig)
oldSorts = trace (showPretty oldSorts1 "old sorts") oldSorts1 -- old sorts
allSorts1 = sortSet $ mtarget m
allSorts = trace (showPretty allSorts1 "all sorts") allSorts1
newSorts1 = Set.filter (\s-> not $ Set.member s oldSorts) allSorts
-- new sorts
newSorts = trace (showPretty newSorts1 "new sorts") newSorts1
newL = Set.toList newSorts
oldOpMap = opMap sig
oldPredMap = predMap sig
fconstrs = concat $ map fc fs
fc f = case f of
Sort_gen_ax constrs True -> constrs
_ ->[]
(srts1,constructors1,_) = recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
srts = trace (showPretty srts1 "srts") srts1 -- srts
constructors = trace (showPretty constructors1 "constrs") constructors1
-- constructors
f_Inhabited1 = inhabited (Set.toList oldSorts) fconstrs
f_Inhabited = trace (showPretty f_Inhabited1 "f_inhabited" ) f_Inhabited1
-- f_inhabited
-- leading_o_p1 = filter isOp_Pred fs
-- leading_o_p = trace (showPretty leading_o_p1 "leading_o_p") leading_o_p1
-- leading_o_p
axioms1 = filter (\f-> case f of
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> False
_ -> True) fs
axioms = trace (showPretty axioms1 "axioms") axioms1 -- axioms
_axioms = map (\f-> case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> f'
_ -> f) axioms
l_Syms1 = map leadingSym axioms
l_Syms = trace (showPretty l_Syms1 "leading_Symbol") l_Syms1
-- leading_Symbol
op_Syms = concat $ map (\s-> case s of
Just (Left op) -> [op]
_ -> []) l_Syms
pred_Syms = concat $ map (\s-> case s of
Just (Right p) -> [p]
_ -> []) l_Syms
check all partial axiom
p_axioms = filter partialAxiom _axioms -- all partial axioms
t_axioms = filter (not.partialAxiom) _axioms -- all total axioms
p_t_axioms = filter (\f-> case (opTyp_Axiom f) of
-- exist partial axioms in total axioms?
Just False -> True
_ -> False) t_axioms
equi_p_axioms = filter (\f-> case f of
Equivalence _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False) p_axioms
opSyms_p = map (\os-> case os of
(Just (Left opS)) -> opS
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<partial axiom>") $
map leadingSym equi_p_axioms
impl_p_axioms = filter (\f-> case f of
Equivalence _ _ _ -> False
Negation _ _ -> False
_ -> True) p_axioms
pcheck = foldl (\im os-> filter (\im'->
case leadingSym im' of
(Just (Left opS)) -> opS /= os
_ -> False) im) impl_p_axioms opSyms_p
check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return Nothing
op_fs = filter (\f-> case leadingSym f of
Just (Left _) -> True
_ -> False) _axioms
pred_fs = filter (\f-> case leadingSym f of
Just (Right _) -> True
_ -> False) _axioms
filterOp symb = case symb of
Just (Left (Qual_op_name ident (Op_type k as rs _) _))->
[(ident, OpType {opKind=k, opArgs=as, opRes=rs})]
_ -> []
filterPred symb = case symb of
Just (Right (Qual_pred_name ident (Pred_type s _) _))->
[(ident, PredType {predArgs=s})]
_ -> []
id_ots = concat $ map filterOp $ l_Syms
id_pts = concat $ map filterPred $ l_Syms
old_op_id= idStr $ fst $ head $ filter (\ot->find_ot ot) $ id_ots
old_pred_id = idStr $ fst $ head $ filter (\pt->find_pt pt) $ id_pts
old_op_ps = case head $ map leading_Term_Predication $
filter (\f-> find_ot $ head $ filterOp $
leadingSym f) op_fs of
Just (Left (Application _ _ p)) -> p
_ -> []
old_pred_ps = case head $ map leading_Term_Predication $
filter (\f->find_pt $ head $ filterPred $
leadingSym f) pred_fs of
Just (Right (Predication _ _ p)) -> p
_ -> []
find_ot (ident,ot) = case Map.lookup ident oldOpMap of
Nothing -> False
Just ots -> Set.member ot ots
find_pt (ident,pt) = case Map.lookup ident oldPredMap of
Nothing -> False
Just pts -> Set.member pt pts
the leading terms consist of variables and constructors only,
if not, return Nothing
- split function leading_Symb into
leading_Term_Predication::FORMULA f -> Maybe(Either Term (Formula f))
extract_leading_symb::Either Term (Formula f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
- collect all operation symbols from
recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs (= constructors)
ltp1 = map leading_Term_Predication (t_axioms ++ impl_p_axioms)
ltp = trace (showPretty ltp1 "leading_term_pred") ltp1
-- leading_term_pred
leadingTerms1 = concat $ map (\tp->case tp of
Just (Left t)->[t]
_ -> []) $ ltp
leadingTerms = trace (showPretty leadingTerms1 "leadingTerm") leadingTerms1
-- leading Term
checkTerm (Sorted_term t _ _) = checkTerm t
checkTerm (Qual_var _ _ _) = True
checkTerm (Application _ ts _)=
let checkT (Sorted_term t _ _) = checkTerm t
checkT (Qual_var _ _ _) = True
checkT (Application subop subts _) = (elem subop constructors) &&
-- if not (elem subop constructors) then error (showPretty subop "warum?")
-- &&
-- else True
(all id $ map checkT subts)
checkT _ = False
in all id $ map checkT ts
-- all id $ map (\t-> case (term t) of
-- Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
-- Application subOp subTs _ ->(elem subOp constructors) &&
-- (all id $ map checkTerm (subTs))
-- _ -> False) ts
checkTerm _ = error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<checkTerm>"
no variable occurs twice in a leading term,
if not, return Nothing
checkVar (Application _ ts _) = notOverlap $ concat $ map allVarOfTerm ts
checkVar _ = error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes<checkVar>"
allVarOfTerm t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> allVarOfTerm t'
Application _ ts _ -> if length ts==0 then []
else concat $ map allVarOfTerm ts
_ -> []
check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return Nothing This means:
in each group of the grouped axioms:
all patterns of leading terms/formulas are disjoint
this means: either leading symbol is a variable,
and there is just one axiom
otherwise, group axioms according to leading symbol
no symbol may be a variable
check recursively the arguments of constructor
in each group
leadingSymPatterns =
case (groupAxioms (t_axioms ++ impl_p_axioms)) of
Just sym_fs ->
zip (fst $ unzip sym_fs) $
(map ((map (\f->case f of
Just (Left (Application _ ts _))->ts
Just (Right (Predication _ ts _))->ts
_ -> [])).
(map leading_Term_Predication)) $ map snd sym_fs)
Nothing -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<axiom group>"
leadingPatterns1 = snd $ unzip leadingSymPatterns
--leadingPatterns = trace (showPretty leadingPatterns1 (tmp ++ "\n" ++ tmp1 ++ "\n" ++ tmp2 ++ "\n")) leadingPatterns1 --leading Patterns
leadingPatterns =
trace (showPretty leadingPatterns1 "leadingPatterns") leadingPatterns1
--leading Patterns
isApp t = case t of
Application _ _ _->True
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isApp t'
_ -> False
isVar t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ ->True
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->isVar t'
_ -> False
allIdentic ts = all (\t-> t== (head ts)) ts
notOverlap ts = let check [] = True
check (p:ps)=if elem p ps then False
else check ps
in check ts
patternsOfTerm t = case t of
Application (Qual_op_name _ _ _) ts _-> ts
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t'
_ -> []
sameOps app1 app2 = case (term app1) of
Application ops1 _ _ ->
case (term app2) of
Application ops2 _ _ -> ops1==ops2
_ -> False
_ -> False
group [] = []
group ps = (filter (\p1-> sameOps (head p1) (head (head ps))) ps):
(group $ filter (\p2-> not $
sameOps (head p2) (head (head ps))) ps)
checkPatterns ps
| length ps <=1 = True
| allIdentic ps = False
| all isVar $ map head ps =
if allIdentic $ map head ps then checkPatterns $ map tail ps
else False
| all (\p-> sameOps p (head (head ps))) $ map head ps =
checkPatterns $ map (\p'->(patternsOfTerm $ head p')++(tail p')) ps
| all isApp $ map head ps = all id $ map checkPatterns $ group ps
| otherwise = False
pattern_Pos [] = error "pattern overlap"
pattern_Pos sym_ps =
if not $ checkPatterns $ snd $ head sym_ps then symPos $ fst $
head sym_ps
else pattern_Pos $ tail sym_ps
symPos sym = case sym of
Left (Qual_op_name on _ ps) -> (idStr on,ps)
Right (Qual_pred_name pn _ ps) -> (idStr pn,ps)
_ -> error "pattern overlap"
Automatic termination proof
using cime, see
interface to cime system, using newChildProcess
transform CASL signature to Cime signature,
CASL formulas to Cime rewrite rules
spec NatJT2 = {} then
free type Nat ::= 0 | suc(Nat)
op __+__ : Nat*Nat->Nat
forall x,y:Nat
. 0+x=x
. suc(x)+y=suc(x+y)
theory generated by Hets:
sorts Nat
op 0 : Nat
op __+__ : Nat * Nat -> Nat
op suc : Nat -> Nat
forall X1:Nat; Y1:Nat
. (op suc : Nat -> Nat)((var X1 : Nat) : Nat) : Nat =
(op suc : Nat -> Nat)((var Y1 : Nat) : Nat) : Nat <=>
(var X1 : Nat) : Nat = (var Y1 : Nat) : Nat %(ga_injective_suc)%
forall Y1:Nat
. not (op 0 : Nat) : Nat =
(op suc : Nat -> Nat)((var Y1 : Nat) : Nat) : Nat %(ga_disjoint_0_suc)%
generated{sort Nat; op 0 : Nat;
op suc : Nat -> Nat} %(ga_generated_Nat)%
forall x, y:Nat
. (op __+__ : Nat * Nat -> Nat)((op 0 : Nat) : Nat,
(var x : Nat) : Nat) : Nat =
(var x : Nat) : Nat
forall x, y:Nat
. (op __+__ : Nat *
Nat -> Nat)((op suc : Nat -> Nat)((var x : Nat) : Nat) : Nat,
(var y : Nat) : Nat) : Nat =
(op suc : Nat -> Nat)((op __+__ : Nat *
Nat -> Nat)((var x : Nat) : Nat,
(var y : Nat) : Nat) :
Nat) : Nat
let F = signature "when_else : 3;
eq : binary;
not: unary;
True,False : constant;
0 : constant;
suc : unary;
__+__ : binary; ";
let X = vars "t1 t2 x y";
let axioms = TRS F X "
eq(t1,t1) -> True;
eq(t1,t2) -> False;
not(True) -> False;
not(False) -> True;
when_else(t1,True,t2) -> t1;
when_else(t1,False,t2) -> t2;
__+__(0,x) -> x;
__+__(suc(x),y) -> suc(__+__(x,y)); ";
termcrit "dp";
termination axioms;
spec NatJT1 =
sort Elem
free type Bool ::= True | False
op __or__ : Bool*Bool->Bool
. True or True = True
. True or False = True
. False or True = True
. False or False = False
free types Tree ::= Leaf(Elem) | Branch(Forest);
Forest ::= Nil | Cons(Tree;Forest)
op elemT : Elem * Tree -> Bool
op elemF : Elem * Forest -> Bool
forall x,y:Elem; t:Tree; f:Forest
. elemT(x,Leaf(y)) = True when x=y else False
. elemT(x,Branch(f)) = elemF(x,f)
. elemF(x,Nil) = False
. elemF(x,Cons(t,f)) = elemT(x,t) or elemF(x,f)
let F = signature "when_else : 3;
eq : binary;
not : unary;
True,False : constant;
True : constant;
False : constant;
__or__ : binary;
Leaf : unary;
Branch : unary;
Nil : constant;
Cons : binary;
elemT : binary;
elemF : binary; ";
let X = vars "t1 t2 x y t f";
let axioms = TRS F X "
eq(t1,t1) -> True;
eq(t1,t2) -> False;
not(True) -> False;
not(False) -> True;
when_else(t1,True,t2) -> t1;
when_else(t1,False,t2) -> t2;
__or__(True,True) -> True;
__or__(True,False) -> True;
__or__(False,True) -> True;
__or__(False,False) -> False;
elemT(x,Leaf(y)) -> when_else(True,eq(x,y),False);
elemT(x,Branch(f)) -> elemF(x,f);
elemF(x,Nil) -> False;
elemF(x,Cons(t,f)) -> __or__(elemT(x,t),elemF(x,f)); ";
oldfs1 = map sentence (filter is_user_or_sort_gen osens)
oldfs = trace (showPretty oldfs1 "old formulas") oldfs1 -- old formulas
old_axioms = filter (\f->case f of
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> False
_ -> True) oldfs
o_fconstrs = concat $ map fc oldfs
(_,o_constructors1,_) = recover_Sort_gen_ax o_fconstrs
o_constructors = trace (showPretty o_constructors1 "Ocons") o_constructors1
-- old constructors
o_l_Syms1 = map leadingSym $ filter isOp_Pred $ oldfs
o_l_Syms = trace (showPretty o_l_Syms1 "o_leading_Symbol") o_l_Syms1
-- old leading_Symbol
o_op_Syms = concat $ map (\s-> case s of
Just (Left op) -> [op]
_ -> []) o_l_Syms
o_pred_Syms = concat $ map (\s-> case s of
Just (Right p) -> [p]
_ -> []) o_l_Syms
-- read the result of proof
rP cp = do
msg <- readMsg cp
case msg of
"Termination proof found." -> return True
"Quitting." -> return False
_ -> rP cp
noDouble [] = []
noDouble (x:xs)
| elem x xs = noDouble xs
| otherwise = x:(noDouble xs)
-- build signature of operation together
opSignStr signs str
| null signs = str
| otherwise = opSignStr (tail signs) (str ++
(opS_cime $ head signs) ++ "; ")
-- build signature of predication together
predSignStr signs str
| null signs = str
| otherwise =
predSignStr (tail signs) (str ++
(predS_cime $ head signs) ++ "; ")
allVar vs =
foldl (\hv tv->hv ++
(filter (\v->not $ elem v hv) tv)) (head vs) (tail vs)
-- transform variables to string
varsStr vars str
| null vars = str
| otherwise = if null str then varsStr (tail vars) (tokStr $ head vars)
else varsStr (tail vars) (str ++ " " ++
(tokStr $ head vars))
-- transform all axioms to string
axiomStr axs str
| null axs = str
| otherwise =
axiomStr (tail axs) (str ++ (axiom_cime $ (head axs)) ++ "; ")
sighead = "let F = signature \"when_else : 3; " ++
"eq : binary; " ++
"not : unary ; " ++
"True,False : constant; "
varhead = "let X = vars \"t1 t2 "
axhead = "let axioms = TRS F X \"eq(t1,t1) -> True; " ++
"eq(t1,t2) -> False; " ++
"not(True) -> False; " ++
"not(False) -> True; " ++
"when_else(t1,True,t2) -> t1; " ++
"when_else(t1,False,t2) -> t2; "
proof =
unsafePerformIO (do
-- cim <- newChildProcess "/home/xinga/bin/cime" []
cim <- newChildProcess "cime" []
sendMsg cim (sighead ++ (opSignStr (noDouble (o_constructors ++
constructors ++
o_op_Syms ++
op_Syms)) "") ++
(predSignStr (noDouble (o_pred_Syms ++
pred_Syms)) "")++
sendMsg cim (varhead ++ (varsStr (allVar $ map varOfAxiom $
old_axioms ++ axioms) "") ++
sendMsg cim (axhead ++
(axiomStr (old_axioms ++ axioms) "") ++
sendMsg cim "termcrit \"dp\";"
sendMsg cim "termination axioms;"
sendMsg cim "#quit;"
res <-rP cim
return res)
-- print infomation
tmp = ("let F = signature \"when_else : 3; eq : binary; True,False : constant; " ++
(opSignStr (noDouble (o_constructors ++ constructors ++ o_op_Syms ++ op_Syms)) "") ++
(predSignStr (noDouble (o_pred_Syms ++ pred_Syms)) "") ++ "\";")
tmp1 = ("let X = vars \"t1 t2 " ++ (varsStr (allVar $ map varOfAxiom $ old_axioms ++ axioms) "") ++ "\";")
tmp2 = ("let axioms = TRS F X \"eq(t1,t1) -> True; " ++
"eq(t1,t2) -> False; " ++
"when_else(t1,True,t2) -> t1; " ++
"when_else(t1,False,t2) -> t2; " ++
(axiomStr (old_axioms ++ axioms) "") ++"\";")
leadingSym :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB)
leadingSym f = do
tp<-leading_Term_Predication f
return (extract_leading_symb tp)
leadingSymPos :: PosItem f => FORMULA f
-> (Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB), [Pos])
leadingSymPos f = leading (f,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2)= case (f1,b1,b2) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2)
((Negation f' _),_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True)
((Definedness t _),_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(get_pos f1))
((Predication predS _ _),_,_) ->
((Just (Right predS)),(get_pos f1))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(get_pos f1))
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ p -> (Just (Left opS), p)
_ -> (Nothing,(get_pos f1))
_ -> (Nothing,(get_pos f1))
-- Sorted_term is always ignored
term :: TERM f -> TERM f
term t = case t of
Sorted_term t' _ _ ->term t'
_ -> t
quanti :: (FORMULA f) -> (FORMULA f)
quanti f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> quanti f'
_ -> f
leading_Term_Predication :: FORMULA f -> Maybe (Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f))
leading_Term_Predication f = leading (f,False,False)
leading (f1,b1,b2)= case (f1,b1,b2) of
((Quantification _ _ f' _),_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2)
((Negation f' _),_,_) ->
leading (f',b1,b2)
((Implication _ f' _ _),False,False) ->
leading (f',True,False)
((Equivalence f' _ _),_,False) ->
leading (f',b1,True)
((Definedness t _),_,_) -> case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ ->
return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Predication p ts ps),_,_) ->
return (Right (Predication p ts ps))
((Strong_equation t _ _),_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
((Existl_equation t _ _),_,_) ->
case (term t) of
Application _ _ _ -> return (Left (term t))
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
extract_leading_symb :: Either (TERM f) (FORMULA f) -> Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB
extract_leading_symb lead = case lead of
Left (Application os _ _) -> Left os
Right (Predication p _ _) -> Right p
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes"
{- group the axioms according to their leading symbol
output Nothing if there is some axiom in incorrect form -}
groupAxioms :: [FORMULA f] -> Maybe [(Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB,[FORMULA f])]
groupAxioms phis = do
symbs <- mapM leadingSym phis
return (filterA (zip symbs phis) [])
where filterA [] _=[]
filterA (p:ps) symb=
let fp=fst p
p'= if elem fp symb then []
else [(fp,snd $ unzip $ filter (\x->(fst x)==fp) (p:ps))]
symb'= if not $ (elem fp symb) then fp:symb
else symb
in p'++(filterA ps symb')
isOp_Pred :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isOp_Pred f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Negation f' _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Equivalence f' _ _ -> isOp_Pred f'
Definedness t _ -> case (term t) of
(Application _ _ _) -> True
_ -> False
Predication _ _ _ -> True
Existl_equation t _ _ -> case (term t) of
(Application _ _ _) -> True
_ -> False
Strong_equation t _ _ -> case (term t) of
(Application _ _ _) -> True
_-> False
_ -> False
partialAxiom :: FORMULA f -> Bool
partialAxiom f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> partialAxiom f'
Negation f' _ ->
case f' of
Definedness t _ ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ _ ->
case (partial_OpSymb opS) of
Just True -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
Implication f' _ _ _ ->
case f' of
Definedness t _ ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ _ ->
case (partial_OpSymb opS) of
Just True -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
Equivalence f' _ _ ->
case f' of
Definedness t _ ->
case (term t) of
Application opS _ _ ->
case (partial_OpSymb opS) of
Just True -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- leadingTerm is total operation : Just True
-- leadingTerm is partial operation : Just False
-- others : Nothing
opTyp_Axiom :: FORMULA f -> Maybe Bool
opTyp_Axiom f =
case (leadingSym f) of
Just (Left (Op_name _)) -> Nothing
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Total _ _ _) _)) -> Just True
Just (Left (Qual_op_name _ (Op_type Partial _ _ _) _)) -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
type Cime = String
idStr :: Id -> String
idStr (Id ts _ _) = concat $ map tokStr ts
{- transform Id to cime
because cime these symbols '[' and ']' do not know,
these symbols are replaced by '|' (idStrT)
id_cime :: Id -> Cime
id_cime _id = map (\s-> case s of
'[' -> '|'
']' -> '|'
_ -> s) $ idStr _id
{- It filters all variables of a axiom
varOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [VAR]
varOfAxiom f =
case f of
Quantification Universal v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Existential v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
Quantification Unique_existential v_d _ _ ->
concat $ map (\(Var_decl vs _ _)-> vs) v_d
_ -> []
opSymStr :: OP_SYMB -> String
opSymStr os = case os of
Op_name on -> idStr on
Qual_op_name on _ _ -> idStr on
predSymStr :: PRED_SYMB -> String
predSymStr ps = case ps of
Pred_name pn -> idStr pn
Qual_pred_name pn _ _ -> idStr pn
{- transform a term to cime (termStr)
term_cime :: TERM f -> Cime
term_cime t =
case (term t) of
Qual_var var _ _ -> tokStr var
Application (Qual_op_name opn _ _) ts _ ->
if null ts then (id_cime opn)
else ((id_cime opn) ++ "(" ++
(tail $ concat $ map (\s->","++s) $ map term_cime ts)++")")
Conditional t1 f t2 _ ->
("when_else("++(term_cime t1)++","++
(t_f_str f)++","++(term_cime t2)++")")
-- Achtung
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Term>"
where t_f_str f=case f of -- condition of term
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
("eq("++(term_cime t1)++","++(term_cime t2)++")")
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Term-Formula>"
{- transform OP_SYMB to Signature of cime (opStr)
opS_cime :: OP_SYMB -> Cime
opS_cime o_s =
case o_s of
Qual_op_name op_n (Op_type _ a_sorts _ _) _ ->
case (length a_sorts) of
0 -> (id_cime op_n) ++ " : constant"
1 -> (id_cime op_n) ++ " : unary"
2 -> (id_cime op_n) ++ " : binary"
_ -> (id_cime op_n) ++ " : " ++ (show $ length a_sorts)
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Signature_OP_SYMB: Op_name>"
{- transform PRED_SYMB to Signature of cime (predStr)
predS_cime :: PRED_SYMB -> Cime
predS_cime p_s =
case p_s of
Qual_pred_name pred_n (Pred_type sts _) _ ->
case (length sts) of
0 -> (id_cime pred_n) ++ " : constant"
1 -> (id_cime pred_n) ++ " : unary"
2 -> (id_cime pred_n) ++ " : binary"
_ -> (id_cime pred_n) ++ " : " ++ (show $ length sts)
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<predS_cime>"
{- transform Implication to cime:
i: (phi => f(t_1,...,t_m)=t)
X=e => f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
cime --> f(t_1,...,t_m) -> U(X,t_1,...t_m);
U(e,t_1,...t_m) -> t;
P.S. Bool ignore
ii: (phi1 => p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi)
X=e => p(t_1,...,t_m) <=> f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t
cime --> X=e => p(t_1,...,t_m) => f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t -->
f(tt_1,...,tt_n) -> U1(X,p(t_1,...,t_m),tt_1,...,tt_n);
U1(e,True,tt_1,...,tt_n) -> t;
--> X=e => f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t => p(t_1,...,t_m) -->
p(t_1,...,t_m) -> U2(X,f(tt_1,...,tt_n),t_1,...,t_m);
U2(e,t,t_1,...,t_m) -> True;
impli_cime :: Int -> FORMULA f -> Cime
impli_cime index f =
case (quanti f) of
Implication (Strong_equation t1 t2 _) (Strong_equation t3 t4 _) _ _ ->
case (term t1,term t3) of
(Application _ _ _,Application _ ts _) ->
((term_cime t3)++" -> "++fk++"("++(term_cime t1)++
","++(terms_cime ts)++");"++
fk++"("++(term_cime t2)++","++(terms_cime ts)++
") -> "++(term_cime t4))
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<impli_cime>"
Implication f' (Equivalence (Predication predS1 ts1 _) f1 _) _ _ ->
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<impli_cime>"
where fk="U"++(show index)
{- transform Equivalence to cime:
(p(t_1,...,t_m) <=> phi)
p(t_1,...,t_m) <=> f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t
cime --> p(t_1,...,t_m) => f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t -->
f(tt_1,...,tt_n) -> U1(p(t_1,...,t_m),tt_1,...,tt_n);
U1(True,tt_1,...,tt_n) -> t;
--> f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t => p(t_1,...,t_m) -->
p(t_1,...,t_m) -> U2(f(tt_1,...,tt_n),t_1,...,t_m);
U2(t,t_1,...,t_m) -> True;
equiv_cime :: Int -> FORMULA f -> Cime
equiv_cime index f =
case (quanti f) of
Equivalence (Predication predS1 ts1 _) f1 _ ->
case (quanti f1) of
Conjunction _ _ -> error "not implement"
Disjunction _ _ -> error "not implement"
Negation _ _ -> error "not implement"
Predication predS2 ts2 _ ->
((predSymStr predS2) ++ "(" ++ (terms_cime ts2) ++ ") -> " ++
fk1 ++ "(" ++ (predSymStr predS1) ++ "(" ++ (terms_cime ts1) ++
")," ++ (terms_cime ts2) ++");" ++
fk1 ++ "(True," ++ (terms_cime ts2) ++ ") -> True;" ++
(predSymStr predS1) ++ "(" ++ (terms_cime ts1) ++ ") -> " ++
fk2 ++ "(" ++ (predSymStr predS2) ++ "(" ++ (terms_cime ts2) ++
")," ++ (terms_cime ts1) ++");" ++
fk2 ++ "(True," ++ (terms_cime ts1) ++ ") -> True;")
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> ""
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> ""
_ -> error "!! " --(showPretty f1 "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<equiv_cime1>")
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<equiv_cime2>"
where fk1="U"++(show index)
fk2="U"++(show $ index + 1)
{- transform Implication and Equivalence to cime:
(phi1 => p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi)
X=e => p(t_1,...,t_m) <=> f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t
cime --> X=e => p(t_1,...,t_m) => f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t -->
f(tt_1,...,tt_n) -> U1(X,p(t_1,...,t_m),tt_1,...,tt_n);
U1(e,True,tt_1,...,tt_n) -> t;
--> X=e => f(tt_1,...,tt_n)=t => p(t_1,...,t_m) -->
p(t_1,...,t_m) -> U2(X,f(tt_1,...,tt_n),t_1,...,t_m);
U2(e,t,t_1,...,t_m) -> True;
impli_equiv_cime :: Int -> FORMULA f -> Cime
impli_equiv_cime index f = " "
{- transform a axiom to cime (f_str)
axiom_cime :: FORMULA f -> Cime
axiom_cime f =
case (quanti f) of
-- Quantification _ _ f' _ -> axiom_cime f'
Conjunction _ _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_Conjunction>"
Disjunction _ _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_Disjunction>"
Implication _ _ _ _ -> impli_cime 1 f
-- case f' of
-- (Equivalence _ _ _) -> (impli_equiv_cime 1 f)
-- _ -> impli_cime 1 f
Equivalence _ _ _ -> equiv_cime 1 f
Negation _ _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_Negation>"
True_atom _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_True>"
False_atom _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_False>"
Predication p_s ts _ ->
((predSymStr p_s) ++ "(" ++ (termsStr ts) ++ ") -> True")
Definedness _ _ ->
error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms_Definedness>"
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ ->
(term_cime t1) ++ " -> " ++ (term_cime t2)
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ ->
(term_cime t1) ++ " -> " ++ (term_cime t2)
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Termination_Axioms>"
where termsStr ts = tail $ concat $ map (\s->","++s) $ map term_cime ts
terms_cime :: [TERM f] -> Cime
terms_cime ts = tail $ concat $ map (\s->","++s) $ map term_cime ts