FreeTypes.hs revision 54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : consistency checking of free types
Copyright : (c) Mingyi Liu and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (imports Logic.Logic)
Consistency checking of free types
module CASL.CCC.FreeTypes (checkFreeType) where
import CASL.MapSentence(mapSen)
import CASL.Morphism(Morphism(mtarget), imageOfMorphism)
import CASL.Sign(OpType(..), PredType(..), Sign(..), sortOfTerm)
import CASL.SimplifySen(simplifyCASLSen)
import CASL.CCC.TermFormula
import CASL.CCC.TerminationProof(terminationProof, opSymName, predSymName)
import Common.AS_Annotation(Named, SenAttr(sentence, isAxiom))
import Common.Consistency(Conservativity(..))
import Common.DocUtils(showDoc)
import Common.Id(Token(tokStr), Id(Id), GetRange(..), genName, mkSimpleId,
import Common.Result(Result, warning)
import Common.Utils(nubOrd)
import Data.List(delete, deleteFirstsBy, intersect)
import Data.Maybe(Maybe(..), fromJust, isJust, isNothing)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
inhabited :: [SORT] -> [Constraint] -> [SORT]
inhabited sorts constrs = iterateInhabited sorts
where (_,ops,_) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
argsRes = concatMap (\ os -> case os of
Op_name _->[]
Qual_op_name _ ot _->
case ot of
Op_type _ args res _ -> [(args,res)]) ops
iterateInhabited l =
if l == newL then newL else iterateInhabited newL
where newL = foldr (\ (ags, rs) l' ->
if all (flip elem l') ags
&& notElem rs l'
then rs : l'
else l') l argsRes
getFs :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getFs = map sentence . filter isUserOrSortGen
getExAxioms :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getExAxioms = filter isExQuanti . getFs
getAxioms :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getAxioms = filter (\ f ->
not $ isSortGen f || isMembership f || isExQuanti f) . getFs
getInfoSubsort :: Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getInfoSubsort m fsn = info_subsort
fs = getFs fsn
memberships = filter isMembership fs
tsig = mtarget m
esorts = Set.toList $ emptySortSet tsig
info_subsort = concatMap (infoSubsort esorts) memberships
getAxGroup :: [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe [(Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB, [FORMULA ()])]
getAxGroup fsn = axGroup
axioms = getAxioms fsn
axioms' = map quanti axioms
ax_without_dom = filter (not . isDomain) axioms'
axGroup = groupAxioms ax_without_dom
getConstructors :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [OP_SYMB]
getConstructors osens m fsn = constructors
fs = getFs fsn
ofs = getFs osens
tsig = mtarget m
fconstrs = concatMap constraintOfAxiom (ofs ++ fs)
(_, constructors_o, _) = recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
constructors = constructorOverload tsig (opMap tsig) constructors_o
check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return proof obligation.
getOverlapQuery :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getOverlapQuery fsn = overlap_query
axGroup = getAxGroup fsn
axPairs =
case axGroup of
Just sym_fs -> concatMap (pairs . snd) sym_fs
Nothing -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<axPairs>"
olPairs = filter (\ (a, b) -> checkPatterns
(patternsOfAxiom a, patternsOfAxiom b)) axPairs
subst (f1, f2) = ((f1, reverse sb1), (f2, reverse sb2))
where (sb1, sb2) = st ((patternsOfAxiom f1, []),
(patternsOfAxiom f2, []))
st ((pa1, s1), (pa2, s2)) = case (pa1, pa2) of
(hd1 : tl1, hd2 : tl2)
| hd1 == hd2 -> st ((tl1, s1), (tl2, s2))
| isVar hd1 -> st ((tl1, (hd2, hd1) : s1), (tl2, s2))
| isVar hd2 -> st ((tl1, s1), (tl2, (hd1, hd2) : s2))
| otherwise -> st ((patternsOfTerm hd1 ++ tl1, s1),
(patternsOfTerm hd2 ++ tl2, s2))
_ -> (s1, s2)
olPairsWithS = map subst olPairs
overlap_qu = map overlapQuery olPairsWithS
overlap_query = map (\ f -> Quantification Universal (varDeclOfF f) f
nullRange) overlap_qu
check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return it as proof obligation
getOOps :: Morphism () () () -> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getOOps m fsn = let
sig = imageOfMorphism m
oldOpMap = opMap sig
axioms = getAxioms fsn
op_fs = filter (\ f -> case leadingSym f of
Just (Left _) -> True
_ -> False) axioms
find_ot (ident, ot) = case Map.lookup ident oldOpMap of
Nothing -> False
Just ots -> Set.member ot ots
in filter (find_ot . head . filterOp . leadingSym) op_fs
check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return it as proof obligation
getOPreds :: Morphism () () () -> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getOPreds m fsn =
let sig = imageOfMorphism m
oldPredMap = predMap sig
axioms = getAxioms fsn
pred_fs = filter (\ f -> case leadingSym f of
Just (Right _) -> True
_ -> False) axioms
find_pt (ident, pt) = case Map.lookup ident oldPredMap of
Nothing -> False
Just pts -> Set.member pt pts
in filter (find_pt . head . filterPred . leadingSym) pred_fs
getNSorts :: Sign () () -> Morphism () () () -> [Id]
getNSorts osig m = nSorts
tsig = mtarget m
oldSorts = sortSet osig
allSorts = sortSet tsig
newSorts = Set.filter (not . flip Set.member oldSorts) allSorts
nSorts = Set.toList newSorts
getNotFreeSorts :: Sign () () -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [SORT]
getNotFreeSorts osig m fsn = notFreeSorts
fs = getFs fsn
axOfS = filter (\ f -> isSortGen f || isMembership f) fs
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
notFreeSorts = filter (\ s -> isFreeGenSort s axOfS == Just False)
getNefsorts :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [SORT]
getNefsorts (osig, osens) m fsn = nefsorts
fs = getFs fsn
ofs = getFs osens
tsig = mtarget m
oldSorts = sortSet osig
oSorts = Set.toList oldSorts
esorts = Set.toList $ emptySortSet tsig
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
fconstrs = concatMap constraintOfAxiom (ofs ++ fs)
(srts, _, _) = recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
f_Inhabited = inhabited oSorts fconstrs
fsorts = filter (\ s -> notElem s esorts) $ intersect nSorts srts
nefsorts = filter (\ s -> notElem s f_Inhabited) fsorts
getDataStatus :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Conservativity
getDataStatus (osig, osens) m fsn = dataStatus
fs = getFs fsn
ofs = getFs osens
tsig = mtarget m
sR = Rel.toList $ sortRel tsig
subs = map fst sR
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
fconstrs = concatMap constraintOfAxiom (ofs ++ fs)
(srts, _, _) = recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
gens = intersect nSorts srts
dataStatus = if null nSorts then Def
else if any (\ s -> notElem s subs &&
notElem s gens) nSorts
then Cons
else Mono
getNotComplete :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [[FORMULA ()]]
getNotComplete osens m fsn = not_complete
constructors = getConstructors osens m fsn
axGroup = getAxGroup fsn
axGroups = case axGroup of
Just sym_fs -> map snd sym_fs
Nothing -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<axGroups>"
not_complete = filter (not . completePatterns constructors
. map patternsOfAxiom) axGroups
getConStatus :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Conservativity
getConStatus (osig,osens) m fsn = conStatus
dataStatus = getDataStatus (osig, osens) m fsn
ex_axioms = getExAxioms fsn
oOps = getOOps m fsn
oPreds = getOPreds m fsn
overlap_query = getOverlapQuery fsn
defStatus = if null $ oOps ++ oPreds ++ ex_axioms ++ overlap_query
then Def
else Cons
conStatus = min dataStatus defStatus
getObligations :: Morphism () () () -> [Named (FORMULA ())] -> [FORMULA ()]
getObligations m fsn = obligations
ex_axioms = getExAxioms fsn
oOps = getOOps m fsn
oPreds = getOPreds m fsn
info_subsort = getInfoSubsort m fsn
overlap_query = getOverlapQuery fsn
obligations = oOps ++ oPreds ++ ex_axioms ++ info_subsort ++
check the definitional form of the partial axioms
checkDefinitional :: Sign () () -> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkDefinitional osig fsn
| elem Nothing l_Syms =
let ax = head [ a | a<-axioms, isNothing $ leadingSym a ]
ax' = quanti ax
pos = snd $ leadingSymPos ax'
in Just $ warning Nothing ("The following " ++ prettyType ax' ++
" is not definitional:\n" ++ formatAxiom ax) pos
| not $ null un_p_axioms =
let ax = head $ filter (not . correctDef) $ filter containDef $
filter partialAxiom axioms
ax' = head un_p_axioms
pos = getRange $ take 1 un_p_axioms
in Just $ warning Nothing ("The following partial " ++ prettyType ax' ++
" is not definitional:\n" ++ formatAxiom ax) pos
| length dom_l /= length (nubOrd dom_l) =
let ax = head $ filter (\ f -> domainOs f dualOS) $
filter partialAxiom axioms
ax' = head dualDom
pos = getRange $ take 1 dualDom
dualOS = head $ filter (\ o -> elem o $ delete o dom_l) dom_l
dualDom = filter (\ f -> domainOs f dualOS) p_axioms
in Just $ warning Nothing ("The following partial " ++ prettyType ax' ++
" is not definitional:\n" ++ formatAxiom ax) pos
| not $ null pcheck =
let ax = head $ filter pcheckFunc $ filter (not . containDef) $
filter partialAxiom axioms
ax' = head pcheck
pos = getRange $ take 1 pcheck
in Just $ warning Nothing ("The following partial " ++ prettyType ax' ++
" is not definitional:\n" ++ formatAxiom ax) pos
| otherwise = Nothing
formatAxiom :: FORMULA () -> String
formatAxiom = flip showDoc "\n" . simplifyCASLSen osig
axioms = getAxioms fsn
l_Syms = map leadingSym axioms -- leading_Symbol
axioms' = map quanti axioms
p_axioms = filter partialAxiom axioms' -- all partial axioms
pax_with_def = filter containDef p_axioms
pax_without_def = filter (not . containDef) p_axioms
un_p_axioms = filter (not . correctDef) pax_with_def
dom_l = domainOpSymbs p_axioms
pcheck = filter pcheckFunc pax_without_def
pcheckFunc f = case leadingSym f of
Just (Left opS) -> elem opS dom_l
_ -> False
call the symbols in the image of the signature morphism "new"
- each new sort must be a free type,
i.e. it must occur in a sort generation constraint that is marked as free
(Sort_gen_ax constrs True)
such that the sort is in srts,
where (srts,ops,_)=recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
if not, output "don't know"
and there must be one term of that sort (inhabited)
if not, output "no"
- group the axioms according to their leading operation/predicate symbol,
i.e. the f resp. the p in
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi => f(t_1,...,t_m)=t
Implication Application Strong_equation
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
forall x_1:s_n .... x_n:s_n . phi1 => p(t_1,...,t_m)<=>phi
Implication Predication Equivalence
if there are axioms not being of this form, output "don't know"
checkSort :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkSort (osig, osens) m fsn
| null fsn && null nSorts = Just $ return (Just (Cons, []))
| not $ null notFreeSorts =
let Id ts _ pos = head notFreeSorts
sname = concatMap tokStr ts
in Just $ warning Nothing (sname ++ " is not freely generated") pos
| not $ null nefsorts =
let Id ts _ pos = head nefsorts
sname = concatMap tokStr ts
in Just $ warning (Just (Inconsistent,[]))
(sname ++ " is not inhabited") pos
| otherwise = Nothing
nSorts = getNSorts osig m
notFreeSorts = getNotFreeSorts osig m fsn
nefsorts = getNefsorts (osig,osens) m fsn
checkLeadingTerms :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkLeadingTerms osens m fsn
| not $ all (checkTerms tsig constructors) (map arguOfTerm leadingTerms) =
let (Application os _ _) = tt
tt = head $ filter (not . checkTerms tsig constructors .
arguOfTerm) leadingTerms
pos = axiomRangeforTerm axioms' tt
in Just $ warning Nothing ("a leading term of " ++ opSymName os ++
" consists of not only variables and constructors") pos
| not $ all (checkTerms tsig constructors) (map arguOfPred leadingPreds) =
let (Predication ps _ pos) = quanti pf
pf = head $ filter (not . checkTerms tsig constructors .
arguOfPred) leadingPreds
in Just $
warning Nothing ("a leading predicate of " ++ predSymName ps ++
" consists of not only variables and constructors") pos
| not $ all checkVarApp leadingTerms =
let (Application os _ _) = tt
tt = head $ filter (not . checkVarApp) leadingTerms
pos = axiomRangeforTerm axioms' tt
in Just $
warning Nothing ("a variable occurs twice in a leading term of " ++
opSymName os) pos
| not $ all checkVarPred leadingPreds =
let (Predication ps _ pos) = quanti pf
pf = head $ filter (not . checkVarPred) leadingPreds
in Just $
warning Nothing ("a variable occurs twice in a leading " ++
"predicate of " ++ predSymName ps) pos
| otherwise = Nothing
tsig = mtarget m
constructors = getConstructors osens m fsn
axioms = getAxioms fsn
axioms' = map quanti axioms
ltp = map leadingTermPredication axioms' -- leadingTermPred
leadingTerms = concatMap (\ tp -> case tp of
Just (Left t)->[t]
_ -> []) ltp -- leading Term
leadingPreds = concatMap (\ tp -> case tp of
Just (Right f)->[f]
_ -> []) ltp
check the sufficient completeness
checkIncomplete :: [Named (FORMULA ())] -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkIncomplete osens m fsn
| not $ null notcomplete =
let symb_p = leadingSymPos $ head $ head notcomplete
pos = snd symb_p
sname = case (fst symb_p) of
Just (Left opS) -> opSymName opS
Just (Right pS) -> predSymName pS
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<Symb_Name>"
in Just $
warning (Just (Cons, obligations)) ("the definition of " ++
sname ++ " is not complete") pos
| otherwise = Nothing
notcomplete = getNotComplete osens m fsn
obligations = getObligations m fsn
checkTerminal :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkTerminal (osig, osens) m fsn
| not (null fs_terminalProof) && proof /= Just True =
if proof == Just False
then Just $ warning (Just (Cons, obligations))
"not terminating" nullRange
else Just $ warning (Just (Cons, obligations))
"cannot prove termination" nullRange
| not $ null obligations = Just $ return (Just (conStatus,obligations))
| otherwise = Nothing
fs = getFs fsn
fs_terminalProof = filter (\ f ->
not $ isSortGen f || isMembership f || isExQuanti f || isDomain f
) fs
domains = domainList fs
proof = terminationProof fs_terminalProof domains
obligations = getObligations m fsn
conStatus = getConStatus (osig,osens) m fsn
checkPositive :: [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Maybe (Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()])))
checkPositive fsn
| allPos = Just $ return (Just (Cons, []))
| otherwise = Nothing
allPos = all checkPos $ getFs fsn
checkPos :: FORMULA () -> Bool
checkPos f =
case quanti f of
Conjunction cs _ -> all checkPos cs
Disjunction ds _ -> any checkPos ds
Implication i1 i2 _ _ -> not (checkPos i1) || checkPos i2
Equivalence e1 e2 _ -> checkPos e1 == checkPos e2
Negation n _ -> not $ checkPos n
True_atom _ -> True
False_atom _ -> False
Predication _ _ _ -> True
Definedness _ _ -> True
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> True
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
function checkFreeType:
- check if leading symbols are new (not in the image of morphism),
if not, return them as obligations
- generated datatype is free
- if new sort is not etype or esort, it can not be empty.
- the leading terms consist of variables and constructors only,
if not, return Nothing
- split function leading_Symb into
- collect all operation symbols from recover_Sort_gen_ax fconstrs
(= constructors)
- no variable occurs twice in a leading term, if not, return Nothing
- check that patterns do not overlap, if not, return obligations
This means:
in each group of the grouped axioms:
all patterns of leading terms/formulas are disjoint
this means: either leading symbol is a variable,
and there is just one axiom
otherwise, group axioms according to leading symbol
no symbol may be a variable
check recursively the arguments of
constructor in each group
- sufficient completeness
- termination proof
-- | free datatypes and recursive equations are consistent
checkFreeType :: (Sign () (),[Named (FORMULA ())]) -> Morphism () () ()
-> [Named (FORMULA ())]
-> Result (Maybe (Conservativity, [FORMULA ()]))
checkFreeType (osig, osens) m fsn
| isJust definitional = fromJust definitional
| isJust sort = fromJust sort
| isJust leadingTerms = fromJust leadingTerms
| isJust incomplete = fromJust incomplete
| isJust terminal = fromJust terminal
| isJust positive = fromJust positive
| otherwise = return (Just (conStatus, []))
fsn' = filter isAxiom $
deleteFirstsBy (\ a b -> sentence a == sentence b) fsn $
mapNamed (mapSen (const id) m) osens
definitional = checkDefinitional osig fsn'
sort = checkSort (osig, osens) m fsn'
leadingTerms = checkLeadingTerms osens m fsn'
incomplete = checkIncomplete osens m fsn'
terminal = checkTerminal (osig, osens) m fsn'
positive = checkPositive fsn'
conStatus = getConStatus (osig, osens) m fsn'
mapNamed f xs = [ x { sentence = f $ sentence x } | x<-xs ]
prettyType :: FORMULA () -> String
prettyType fm = case fm of
Quantification _ _ _ _ -> "quantification"
Conjunction _ _ -> "conjunction"
Disjunction _ _ -> "disjunction"
Implication _ _ _ _ -> "implication"
Equivalence _ _ _ -> "equivalence"
Negation _ _ -> "negation"
True_atom _ -> "true atom"
False_atom _ -> "false atom"
Predication _ _ _ -> "predication"
Definedness _ _ -> "definedness"
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> "existantial equation"
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> "strong equation"
Membership _ _ _ -> "membership"
Mixfix_formula _ -> "mixfix formula"
Unparsed_formula _ _ -> "unparsed formula"
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> "sort_gen_ax"
QuantOp _ _ _ -> "forall op"
QuantPred _ _ _ -> "forall pred"
ExtFORMULA _ -> "extended formula"
-- | group the axioms according to their leading symbol,
-- output Nothing if there is some axiom in incorrect form
groupAxioms :: [FORMULA f] -> Maybe [(Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB,[FORMULA f])]
groupAxioms phis = do
symbs <- mapM leadingSym phis
return (filterA (zip symbs phis) [])
where filterA [] _ = []
filterA (p:ps) symb =
let fp = fst p
p'= if elem fp symb then []
else [(fp,snd $ unzip $ filter (\ x -> fst x == fp) (p:ps))]
symb'= if notElem fp symb then fp:symb else symb
in p' ++ filterA ps symb'
filterOp :: Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB) -> [(OP_NAME,OpType)]
filterOp symb = case symb of
Just (Left (Qual_op_name ident (Op_type k ags rs _) _))->
[(ident, OpType {opKind=k, opArgs=ags, opRes=rs})]
_ -> []
filterPred :: Maybe (Either OP_SYMB PRED_SYMB) -> [(OP_NAME,PredType)]
filterPred symb = case symb of
Just (Right (Qual_pred_name ident (Pred_type s _) _)) ->
[(ident, PredType {predArgs=s})]
_ -> []
-- | a leading term and a predication consist of
-- | variables and constructors only
checkTerms :: Sign f e -> [OP_SYMB] -> [TERM f] -> Bool
checkTerms sig cons ts = all checkT ts
where checkT (Sorted_term tt _ _) = checkT tt
checkT (Qual_var _ _ _) = True
checkT (Application subop subts _) =
isCons sig cons subop && all checkT subts
checkT _ = False
-- | no variable occurs twice in a leading term
checkVarApp :: Ord f => TERM f -> Bool
checkVarApp (Application _ ts _) = noDuplation $ concatMap varOfTerm ts
checkVarApp _ = error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes<checkVarApp>"
-- | no variable occurs twice in a leading predication
checkVarPred :: Ord f => FORMULA f -> Bool
checkVarPred (Predication _ ts _) = noDuplation $ concatMap varOfTerm ts
checkVarPred _ = error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes<checkVarPred>"
-- | there are no duplicate items in a list
noDuplation :: Ord a => [a] -> Bool
noDuplation l = length (nubOrd l) == length l
-- | create all possible pairs from a list
pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairs ps = case ps of
hd : tl@(_ : _) -> map (\ x -> (hd, x)) tl ++ pairs tl
_ -> []
-- | get the patterns of a term
patternsOfTerm :: TERM f -> [TERM f]
patternsOfTerm t = case t of
Qual_var _ _ _ -> [t]
Application (Qual_op_name _ _ _) ts _-> ts
Sorted_term t' _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t'
Cast t' _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t'
_ -> []
-- | get the patterns of a axiom
patternsOfAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [TERM f]
patternsOfAxiom f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Negation f' _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Equivalence f' _ _ -> patternsOfAxiom f'
Predication _ ts _ -> ts
Existl_equation t _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t
Strong_equation t _ _ -> patternsOfTerm t
_ -> []
-- | check whether two patterns are overlapped
checkPatterns :: (Eq f) => ([TERM f],[TERM f]) -> Bool
checkPatterns (ps1, ps2) = case (ps1, ps2) of
(hd1 : tl1, hd2 : tl2) ->
if isVar hd1 || isVar hd2 then checkPatterns (tl1, tl2)
else sameOpsApp hd1 hd2 && checkPatterns (patternsOfTerm hd1 ++ tl1,
patternsOfTerm hd2 ++ tl2)
_ -> True
-- | get the axiom from left hand side of a implication,
-- | if there is no implication, then return atomic formula true
conditionAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [FORMULA f]
conditionAxiom f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> conditionAxiom f'
Implication f' _ _ _ -> [f']
_ -> [True_atom nullRange]
-- | get the axiom from right hand side of a equivalence,
-- | if there is no equivalence, then return atomic formula true
resultAxiom :: FORMULA f -> [FORMULA f]
resultAxiom f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> resultAxiom f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> resultAxiom f'
Equivalence _ f' _ -> [f']
_ -> [True_atom nullRange]
-- | get the term from left hand side of a equation in a formula,
-- | if there is no equation, then return a simple id
resultTerm :: FORMULA f -> [TERM f]
resultTerm f = case f of
Quantification _ _ f' _ -> resultTerm f'
Implication _ f' _ _ -> resultTerm f'
Negation (Definedness _ _) _ ->
[varOrConst (mkSimpleId "undefined")]
Strong_equation _ t _ -> [t]
Existl_equation _ t _ -> [t]
_ -> [varOrConst (mkSimpleId "unknown")]
-- | create the proof obligation for a pair of overlapped formulas
overlapQuery :: Eq f => ((FORMULA f,[(TERM f,TERM f)]),
overlapQuery ((a1, s1), (a2, s2)) =
case leadingSym a1 of
Just (Left _)
| containNeg a1 && not (containNeg a2) ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Negation (Definedness resT2 nullRange) nullRange)
True nullRange
| containNeg a2 && not (containNeg a1) ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Negation (Definedness resT1 nullRange) nullRange)
True nullRange
| containNeg a1 && containNeg a2 -> True_atom nullRange
| otherwise ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Strong_equation resT1 resT2 nullRange)
True nullRange
Just (Right _)
| containNeg a1 && not (containNeg a2) ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Negation resA2 nullRange)
True nullRange
| containNeg a2 && not (containNeg a1) ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Negation resA1 nullRange)
True nullRange
| containNeg a1 && containNeg a2 -> True_atom nullRange
| otherwise ->
Implication (Conjunction [con1,con2] nullRange)
(Conjunction [resA1,resA2] nullRange)
True nullRange
_ -> error "CASL.CCC.FreeTypes.<overlapQuery>"
where cond = concatMap conditionAxiom [a1,a2]
resT = concatMap resultTerm [a1,a2]
resA = concatMap resultAxiom [a1,a2]
con1 = substiF s1 $ head cond
con2 = substiF s2 $ last cond
resT1 = substitute s1 $ head resT
resT2 = substitute s2 $ last resT
resA1 = substiF s1 $ head resA
resA2 = substiF s2 $ last resA
-- | check whether the patterns of a function or predicate are complete
completePatterns :: Ord f => [OP_SYMB] -> ([[TERM f]]) -> Bool
completePatterns cons pas
| all null pas = True
| all isVar $ map head pas = completePatterns cons (map tail pas)
| otherwise = elem (con_ts $ map head pas) s_cons &&
all id (map (completePatterns cons) $ pa_group pas)
where s_op_os c = case c of
Op_name _ -> []
Qual_op_name on ot _ -> [(res_OP_TYPE ot,on)]
s_sum sns = map (\ s -> (s, map snd $
filter (\ c -> fst c == s) sns)) $ nubOrd $ map fst sns
s_cons = s_sum $ concatMap s_op_os cons
s_op_t t = case t of
Application os _ _ -> s_op_os os
_ -> []
con_ts = head . s_sum . concatMap s_op_t
opN t = case t of
Application os _ _ -> opSymbName os
_ -> genName "unknown"
pa_group p = map (p_g . (\ o ->
filter (\ a -> isVar (head a) || opN (head a) == o) p))
$ snd $ head $ filter (\ sc ->
fst sc == sortOfTerm (head $ head p)) s_cons
p_g p = map (\ p' ->
if isVar $ head p'
then replicate (maximum $ map
(length . arguOfTerm . head) p) (head p') ++ tail p'
else arguOfTerm (head p') ++ tail p') p