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* Facade object which masks the internal <code>VirtualServer</code>
* object from the web application.
* @author Amy Roh
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
if (webListeners != null) {
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* Wrapped web module.
// ----------------------------------------------------- embedded methods
* Sets the docroot of this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
* @param docRoot the docroot of this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
* Gets the docroot of this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
return docRoot;
* Return the virtual server identifier.
return id;
* Set the virtual server identifier string.
* @param id New identifier for this virtual server
* Sets the collection of <tt>WebListener</tt> instances from which
* this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> receives requests.
* @param webListeners the collection of <tt>WebListener</tt> instances from which
* this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> receives requests.
if (webListeners != null) {
* Gets the collection of <tt>WebListener</tt> instances from which
* this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> receives requests.
* @return the collection of <tt>WebListener</tt> instances from which
* this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> receives requests.
return webListeners;
* Registers the given <tt>Context</tt> with this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>
* at the given context root.
* <p>If this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> has already been started, the
* given <tt>context</tt> will be started as well.
throws ConfigException, GlassFishException {
} else {
* Stops the given <tt>context</tt> and removes it from this
* <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
throws GlassFishException {
} else {
* Finds the <tt>Context</tt> registered at the given context root.
} else {
return null;
* Gets the collection of <tt>Context</tt> instances registered with
* this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
return vs.getContexts();
} else {
return null;
* Reconfigures this <tt>VirtualServer</tt> with the given
* configuration.
* <p>In order for the given configuration to take effect, this
* <tt>VirtualServer</tt> may be stopped and restarted.
throws ConfigException {
* Gets the current configuration of this <tt>VirtualServer</tt>.
return config;
return vs;